/********************** * standard C includes * **********************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #define SEEK_SET 0 #define SEEK_CUR 1 /************************** * subroutine declarations * **************************/ void check_host(); void rpdslabs(); void grdmax(); void order(); void status(); void hist(); void wpdslabs(); long int swap_long(); /******************* * global variables * *******************/ unsigned char *inarray; unsigned char *ouarray; unsigned char *inbuf; unsigned char *oubuf; unsigned char *iloc; unsigned char *oloc; char *ipdslab; char *opdslab; char inname[80]; char outname[80]; char prtname[80]; FILE *printptr; FILE *infile; FILE *outfile; char proj[5]="SINU"; char tech[3]="NN"; short int host; float minlon,maxlon; long int hstrec; struct { long int rec_bytes; long int file_rec; long int lab_rec[2]; long int hstptr; long int imgptr; char img_id[9]; long int lines[2]; long int samps[2]; long int samp_bit; long int chksum; long int hist[256]; char map_proj[5]; float map_scale; float max_lat[2]; float min_lat[2]; float east_lon[2]; float west_lon[2]; float line_poff[2]; float samp_poff[2]; float ctr_lat[2]; float ctr_lon[2]; } k; main(argc,argv) long int argc; char **argv; { short int inum=3; /* command line argument counter */ long int i,j,inull,isos,isoe,inl,ilim1; long int is,ilnxti,icnt,i1,i2,iline,isamp; short int iflag,sflag; float rlat,rval1,rval2,rval3,p1,p2,b1,b2,b3,b4; float xmini,ymini,rval4,rval5,cosclato,xmino,ymino; float y1,y2,x,y,plat,plon,coslat,sample,clonin,clonou; char *version="22-JUL-94"; /* version date of program */ unsigned char blank=32; time_t lt; /* used to obtain the date and time that this program */ struct tm *ptr; /* was executed and the print file was created */ /***************************************************************** * if the user has not input parameters through the command line, * * then give an example of the command line format and exit * *****************************************************************/ if (argc <= 2) { printf("\nNEWMAP Image Processing Program. Command line format:\n\n"); printf("NEWMAP from to -p -r -n null -c clon -f prtf\n\n"); printf("from - Name of the input image file.\n"); printf("to - Name of the output image file.\n"); printf("-p - Specifies that the map projection of the output "); printf("image file is to be\n Simple Cylindrical (the "); printf("default is to create an output image file\n in "); printf("the Sinusoidal Equal-Area map projection).\n"); printf("-r - Specifies that the Bilinear resampling technique "); printf("be used for\n reprojection and scale changes (the "); printf("default is to use the Nearest\n Neighbor "); printf("resampling technique).\n"); printf("-n null - The null value to use in the Bilinear resampling "); printf("technique. Pixels\n with this density value will be "); printf("ignored in calculations performed\n during Bilinear "); printf("resampling. The null value must fall in the range 0\n"); printf(" to 255 (the default null value is 0).\n"); printf("-c clon - The center longitude of the output image file (the "); printf("default is to use\n the same center longitude as "); printf("the input image file).\n"); printf("-f prtf - The location and name of the output log file. This "); printf("file is used to\n store information relevant to the "); printf("input and output images. If you\n wish to run the "); printf("software directly from the CD, you must specify a\n"); printf(" location other than the CD for the location of "); printf("this file (the\n default is to create a file called "); printf("print.prt in the same directory\n as the software).\n"); exit(0); } /*********************************************************************** * change the name and location of the output log file if user requests * ***********************************************************************/ strcpy(inname,argv[1]); strcpy(outname,argv[2]); strcpy(prtname,"print.prt"); while (inum < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[inum],"-f") == 0) { if (inum < argc) strcpy(prtname,argv[++inum]); } inum++; } /******************** * open the log file * ********************/ lt = time(NULL); ptr = localtime(<); if ((printptr = fopen(prtname,"a")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Can't open the output log file: %s\n",prtname); exit(0); } else { fprintf(printptr,"\n*** NEWMAP *** Version: %s Date: %s\n", version,asctime(ptr)); printf("\n*** NEWMAP *** Version: %s Date: %s\n",version, asctime(ptr)); fprintf(printptr,"Input image file: %s\n",inname); printf("Input image file: %s\n",inname); } /************************************************************ * determine what kind of computer the program is running on * ************************************************************/ check_host(); /*********************************************************** * read the pds label information from the input image file * ***********************************************************/ rpdslabs(); /******************************************* * read in remaining command line arguments * *******************************************/ inum = 3; k.ctr_lon[1] = k.ctr_lon[0]; inull = 0; while (inum < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[inum],"-p") == 0) strncpy(proj,"SIMP",4); else if (strcmp(argv[inum],"-r") == 0) strncpy(tech,"BI",2); else if (strcmp(argv[inum],"-n") == 0) { if (inum < argc) { inull = atoi(argv[++inum]); if (inull < 0 || inull > 255) { printf("*** ERROR *** Invalid null value specified on command "); printf("line.\n The null value must fall in the "); printf("range 0 to 255.\n"); exit(0); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[inum],"-c") == 0) { if (inum < argc) { k.ctr_lon[1] = atof(argv[++inum]); while (k.ctr_lon[1] < 0.) k.ctr_lon[1]+=360.; k.ctr_lon[1] = fmod(k.ctr_lon[1],360.); } } inum++; } /********************************************** * initialize some input image file parameters * **********************************************/ xmini = k.line_poff[0]+.5; ymini = k.samp_poff[0]+.5; /*********************************************** * initialize some output image file parameters * ***********************************************/ k.min_lat[1] = k.min_lat[0]; k.max_lat[1] = k.max_lat[0]; k.west_lon[1] = k.west_lon[0]; k.east_lon[1] = k.east_lon[0]; if (strncmp(proj,"SIMP",4) == 0) k.ctr_lon[1] = (k.east_lon[1] + k.west_lon[1])/2.; k.ctr_lat[1] = 0.; /*************************************************** * find rectangular boundaries of output projection * ***************************************************/ grdmax(); /************************************************** * record output image file parameters in log file * **************************************************/ fprintf(printptr,"\nOutput image file: %s\n",outname); printf("\nOutput image file: %s\n",outname); fprintf(printptr,"\n** OUTPUT IMAGE FILE PARAMETERS **\n\n"); printf("\n** OUTPUT IMAGE FILE PARAMETERS **\n\n"); fprintf(printptr,"IMAGE_ID = %s\n",k.img_id); printf("IMAGE_ID = %s\n",k.img_id); fprintf(printptr,"NUMBER OF LINES = %d\n",k.lines[1]); printf("NUMBER OF LINES = %d\n",k.lines[1]); fprintf(printptr,"NUMBER OF SAMPLES = %d\n",k.samps[1]); printf("NUMBER OF SAMPLES = %d\n",k.samps[1]); fprintf(printptr,"BIT TYPE = %d\n",k.samp_bit); printf("BIT TYPE = %d\n",k.samp_bit); if (strncmp(proj,"SINU",4) == 0) { fprintf(printptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SINUSOIDAL\n"); printf("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SINUSOIDAL\n"); } else { fprintf(printptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL\n"); printf("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL\n"); } fprintf(printptr,"MAP_SCALE = %f <DEG/PIX>\n",k.map_scale); printf("MAP_SCALE = %f <DEG/PIX>\n",k.map_scale); fprintf(printptr,"MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.max_lat[1]); printf("MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.max_lat[1]); fprintf(printptr,"MINIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.min_lat[1]); printf("MINIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.min_lat[1]); fprintf(printptr,"EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.east_lon[1]); printf("EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.east_lon[1]); fprintf(printptr,"WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.west_lon[1]); printf("WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.west_lon[1]); fprintf(printptr,"CENTER_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lat[1]); printf("CENTER_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lat[1]); fprintf(printptr,"CENTER_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lon[1]); printf("CENTER_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lon[1]); fprintf(printptr,"LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.line_poff[1]-1); printf("LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.line_poff[1]-1); fprintf(printptr,"SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.samp_poff[1]-1); printf("SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.samp_poff[1]-1); if (strncmp(tech,"NN",2) == 0) { fprintf(printptr,"\nResampling technique used: NEAREST NEIGHBOR\n"); printf("\nResampling technique used: NEAREST NEIGHBOR\n"); } else { fprintf(printptr,"\nResampling technique used: BI-LINEAR\n"); fprintf(printptr,"Null value: %d\n",inull); printf("\nResampling technique used: BI-LINEAR\n"); printf("Null value: %d\n",inull); } /********************************************** * initialize some output image file parameters * **********************************************/ xmino = k.line_poff[1] - .5; ymino = k.samp_poff[1] - .5; k.line_poff[1] = k.line_poff[1] - 1; k.samp_poff[1] = k.samp_poff[1] - 1; if (strncmp(proj,"SIMP",4) == 0) { cosclato = cos(k.ctr_lat[1]*.0174533); rval1 = k.map_scale/cosclato; y1 = -ymino + (k.west_lon[1]/k.map_scale)*cosclato; y2 = -ymino + (k.east_lon[1]/k.map_scale)*cosclato; order(&y1,&y2); p1 = y1 + .5; isos = p1; p1 = isos; if ((y1 - p1) > 0.) isos = isos + 1; p1 = y2 + .5; isoe = p1; p1 = isoe; if ((y2 - p1) < 0.) isoe = isoe - 1; } if (k.lines[0] != k.lines[1]) { rlat = -(1. + xmino)*k.map_scale; ilnxti = -rlat/k.map_scale - xmini + .5; if (ilnxti < 1) ilnxti = 1; if (ilnxti > k.lines[0]) ilnxti = k.lines[0]; } else ilnxti = 1; minlon = k.west_lon[0]; maxlon = k.east_lon[0]; if (minlon > maxlon) minlon-=360.; /*********************** * main processing loop * ***********************/ if (k.samps[0] > k.samps[1]) inl = 60000/k.samps[0]; else inl = 60000/k.samps[1]; i = inl*k.samps[0]; if ((inbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(60416)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for processing\n"); exit(0); } if ((inarray = (unsigned char *) malloc(i)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for processing\n"); exit(0); } if ((infile = fopen(inname,"rb")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Can't open the input image file: %s\n", inname); exit(0); } setvbuf(infile,inbuf,_IOFBF,60416); i = inl*k.samps[1]; if ((oubuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(60416)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for processing\n"); exit(0); } if ((ouarray = (unsigned char *) malloc(i)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for processing\n"); exit(0); } if ((outfile = fopen(outname,"wb")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Can't open the output image file: %s\n", outname); exit(0); } setvbuf(outfile,oubuf,_IOFBF,60416); printf(" \n"); i = 0; status(i,k.lines[1]); i = (k.imgptr+ilnxti-2)*k.samps[0]; if ((j = fseek(infile,i,SEEK_SET)) != 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to read image data from "); printf("input image file\n"); exit(0); } i = strlen(ipdslab); k.lab_rec[1] = (i+k.samps[1]-1)/k.samps[1]; hstrec = (1023 + k.samps[1])/k.samps[1]; oloc = ouarray; for (j=0; j<k.samps[1]; j++) oloc[j] = 0; i = k.lab_rec[1] + hstrec; for (icnt=0; icnt<i; icnt++) { if (fwrite(oloc,k.samps[1],1,outfile) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to write to the output image file\n"); exit(0); } } fflush(outfile); for (icnt=0; icnt<256; icnt++) k.hist[i] = 0; if (strncmp(tech,"NN",2) == 0) sflag = 1; else sflag = 3; if (strncmp(proj,"SINU",4) == 0) iflag = 0; else iflag = 1; clonou = -k.ctr_lon[1]; clonin = -k.ctr_lon[0]; ilim1 = k.lines[0] - ilnxti + 1; if (ilim1 > k.lines[1]) ilim1 = k.lines[1]; plat = -(ilnxti - 1 + xmini)*k.map_scale; rval4 = minlon - k.ctr_lon[1]; rval5 = maxlon - k.ctr_lon[1]; inum = 0; for (icnt=1; icnt<=ilim1; icnt++) { /************************************************** * read a line from the input image file into iloc * **************************************************/ if (inum == 0) { if (icnt > 1) { fflush(outfile); i = (inl-1)*k.samps[1]; if (fwrite(ouarray,i,1,outfile) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem writing to the output image file\n"); exit(0); } fflush(outfile); } i = ilim1 - icnt + 1; if (inl > i) { inl = i; i = inl*k.samps[0]; if ((fread(inarray,i,1,infile)) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the image data from "); printf("the input image file\n"); exit(0); } fflush(infile); iloc = inarray + i; j = i - k.samps[0]; for (i=0; i<k.samps[0]; i++) { iloc[i] = inarray[j]; j++; } inum = inl; } else { i = inl*k.samps[0]; if ((fread(inarray,i,1,infile)) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the image data from "); printf("the input image file\n"); exit(0); } fflush(infile); if ((fseek(infile,-k.samps[0],SEEK_CUR)) != 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the image data from "); printf("the input image file\n"); exit(0); } fflush(infile); inum = inl - 1; } iloc = inarray; oloc = ouarray; } inum--; plat = plat - k.map_scale; coslat = cos(plat*.0174533); rval2 = coslat/k.map_scale; if (coslat != 0.) rval3 = k.map_scale/coslat; else rval3 = 0.; if (strncmp(proj,"SINU",4) == 0) { y1 = rval4*rval2 - ymino; y2 = rval5*rval2 - ymino; order(&y1,&y2); p1 = y1 + .5; isos = p1; p1 = isos; if ((y1 - p1) > 0.) isos = isos + 1; p1 = y2 + .5; isoe = p1; p1 = isoe; if ((y2 - p1) < 0.) isoe = isoe - 1; } strncpy(oloc,iloc,k.samps[0]); if (k.samps[1] > k.samps[0]) { for (i=k.samps[0]; i<k.samps[1]; i++) oloc[i] = 0; } for (j=isos; j<=isoe; j++) { y = j + ymino; if (iflag == 0) plon = clonou - y*rval3; else plon = -y*rval1; y = (clonin - plon)*rval2; sample = y - ymini; is = sample + .5; if (is > 0) { if (sflag == 1) oloc[j-1] = iloc[is-1]; else { x = (k.max_lat[0] - plat)/k.map_scale; i1 = is - 1; if (is > sample) { i2 = is - 2; if (i2 < 0) i2 = 0; } else { i2 = is; if (i2 >= k.samps[0]) i2 = i1; } b1 = iloc[i1]; b2 = iloc[i2]; b3 = iloc[i1+k.samps[0]]; b4 = iloc[i2+k.samps[0]]; iline = x; isamp = y; p1 = x - iline; p2 = y - isamp; if (b1 != inull) { if (b2 == inull) b2 = b1; if (b3 == inull) b3 = b1; if (b4 == inull) b4 = b1; } else if (b2 != inull) { b1 = b2; if (b3 == inull) b3 = b2; if (b4 == inull) b4 = b2; } else if (b3 != inull) { b1 = b3; b2 = b3; if (b4 == inull) b4 = b3; } else if (b4 != inull) { b1 = b4; b2 = b4; b3 = b4; } oloc[j-1] = (b3 - b1)*p1 + (b2 - b1)*p2 + b1 + (b1 - b2 - b3 + b4)*p1*p2; } } } hist(); iloc+=k.samps[0]; oloc+=k.samps[1]; status(icnt,ilim1); } i = inl*k.samps[1]; if ((fwrite(ouarray,i,1,outfile)) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem writing to the output image file\n"); exit(0); } fflush(outfile); /**************************************************** * free the memory taken up by the image data arrays * ****************************************************/ free(inarray); free(ouarray); /************************************************************** * update the checksum and histogram information in the labels * **************************************************************/ if (fseek(outfile,0,SEEK_SET) != 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem updating the output file labels\n"); exit(0); } k.chksum = 0; for (i=0; i<256; i++) k.chksum = k.chksum + k.hist[i]*i; if (host == 2 || host == 4) { for (i=0; i<256; i++) k.hist[i] = swap_long(k.hist[i]); } wpdslabs(); fwrite((char *)k.hist,1024,1,outfile); i = hstrec*k.samps[1] - 1024; for (icnt=0; icnt<i; icnt++) fputc(blank,outfile); fflush(outfile); free(ipdslab); free(opdslab); fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); free(inbuf); free(oubuf); fprintf(printptr,"\n*** END OF NEWMAP ***\n"); printf("\n*** END OF NEWMAP ***\n"); fclose(printptr); } /************************************************************************* * check_host - determine what kind of computer the program is running on * *************************************************************************/ void check_host() { int swap,bits; union { char ichar[2]; short int ilen; } onion; if (sizeof(swap) == 4) bits = 32; else bits = 16; onion.ichar[0] = 1; onion.ichar[1] = 0; if (onion.ilen == 1) swap = 1; else swap = 0; if (bits == 16 && swap == 1) host = 1; else if (bits == 16 && swap == 0) host = 2; else if (bits == 32 && swap == 1) host = 3; else if (bits == 32 && swap == 0) host = 4; } /************************************************************ * rpdslabs - read in the pds labels of the input image file * ************************************************************/ void rpdslabs() { char *bufr; char *ptr,*ptr2; long int i,j; if ((infile = fopen(inname,"rb")) == 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Can't open the input image file: %s\n",inname); exit(0); } if ((bufr = malloc(800)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for input image "); printf("labels\n"); exit(0); } if ((i = fread(bufr,1,800,infile)) != 800) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the input file labels\n"); exit(0); } if (strstr(bufr,"= FIXED_LENGTH") == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** The input file has not been decompressed\n"); exit(0); } if ((ptr = strstr(bufr,"RECORD_BYTES")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** RECORD_BYTES keyword is missing\n"); exit(0); } else k.rec_bytes = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); if ((ptr = strstr(bufr,"FILE_RECORDS")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** FILE_RECORDS keyword is missing\n"); exit(0); } else k.file_rec = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); if ((ptr = strstr(bufr,"LABEL_RECORDS")) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** LABEL_RECORDS keyword is missing\n"); exit(0); } else k.lab_rec[0] = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); free(bufr); i = k.lab_rec[0]*k.rec_bytes; if ((ipdslab = malloc(i)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for labels\n"); exit(0); } if (fseek(infile,0,SEEK_SET) != 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the input file labels\n"); exit(0); } j = 0; for (i=0; i<k.lab_rec[0]; i++) { if ((fread(&(ipdslab[j]),1,k.rec_bytes,infile)) != k.rec_bytes) { printf("*** ERROR *** Problem reading the input file labels\n"); exit(0); } j+=k.rec_bytes; } fprintf(printptr,"\n** INPUT IMAGE FILE PARAMETERS **\n\n"); printf("\n** INPUT IMAGE FILE PARAMETERS **\n\n"); if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM")) != NULL) k.hstptr = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); if (ptr == NULL || k.hstptr < 0) k.hstptr = 0; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"^IMAGE ")) != NULL) k.imgptr = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); else { printf("*** ERROR *** ^IMAGE keyword is missing\n"); exit(0); } if (k.imgptr <= 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Invalid image pointer value in labels\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(k.img_id,""); if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"IMAGE_ID")) != NULL) { ptr2 = strchr((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),13); strncpy(k.img_id,ptr,(i=ptr2-ptr)); } fprintf(printptr,"IMAGE_ID = %s\n",k.img_id); printf("IMAGE_ID = %s\n",k.img_id); k.lines[0] = 0; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"LINES")) != NULL) k.lines[0] = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); fprintf(printptr,"NUMBER OF LINES = %d\n",k.lines[0]); printf("NUMBER OF LINES = %d\n",k.lines[0]); k.samps[0] = 0; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"LINE_SAMPLES")) != NULL) k.samps[0] = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); fprintf(printptr,"NUMBER OF SAMPLES = %d\n",k.samps[0]); printf("NUMBER OF SAMPLES = %d\n",k.samps[0]); k.samp_bit = 0; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"SAMPLE_BITS")) != NULL) k.samp_bit = atoi((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2)); fprintf(printptr,"BIT TYPE = %d\n",k.samp_bit); printf("BIT TYPE = %d\n",k.samp_bit); strcpy(k.map_proj,""); if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE")) != NULL) { ptr2 = strchr((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),13); strncpy(k.map_proj,ptr,4); } if (strncmp(k.map_proj,"STER",4) == 0) { fprintf(printptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = STEREOGRAPHIC\n"); printf("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = STEREOGRAPHIC\n"); } else if (strncmp(k.map_proj,"SIMP",4) == 0) { fprintf(printptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL\n"); printf("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL\n"); } else if (strncmp(k.map_proj,"SINU",4) == 0) { fprintf(printptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SINUSOIDAL\n"); printf("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = SINUSOIDAL\n"); } k.map_scale = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"MAP_SCALE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f",&k.map_scale); k.map_scale = k.map_scale/6051./.0174533; fprintf(printptr,"MAP_SCALE = %f <DEG/PIX>\n",k.map_scale); printf("MAP_SCALE = %f <DEG/PIX>\n",k.map_scale); k.max_lat[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"MAXIMUM_LATITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.max_lat[0]); fprintf(printptr,"MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.max_lat[0]); printf("MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.max_lat[0]); k.min_lat[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"MINIMUM_LATITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.min_lat[0]); fprintf(printptr,"MINIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.min_lat[0]); printf("MINIMUM_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.min_lat[0]); k.east_lon[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.east_lon[0]); fprintf(printptr,"EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.east_lon[0]); printf("EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.east_lon[0]); k.west_lon[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.west_lon[0]); fprintf(printptr,"WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.west_lon[0]); printf("WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.west_lon[0]); k.ctr_lat[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"CENTER_LATITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.ctr_lat[0]); fprintf(printptr,"CENTER_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lat[0]); printf("CENTER_LATITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lat[0]); k.ctr_lon[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"CENTER_LONGITUDE")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.5",&k.ctr_lon[0]); fprintf(printptr,"CENTER_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lon[0]); printf("CENTER_LONGITUDE = %f\n",k.ctr_lon[0]); k.line_poff[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.4",&k.line_poff[0]); fprintf(printptr,"LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.line_poff[0]); printf("LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.line_poff[0]); k.samp_poff[0] = 0.; if ((ptr = strstr(ipdslab,"SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET")) != NULL) sscanf((ptr=strchr(ptr,'=')+2),"%f.4",&k.samp_poff[0]); fprintf(printptr,"SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.samp_poff[0]); printf("SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = %f\n",k.samp_poff[0]); if (k.samp_bit != 8) { printf("*** ERROR *** Input image must be 8 bit\n"); exit(0); } if (strncmp(k.map_proj,"SINU",4) != 0) { printf("*** ERROR *** Input image file must be in SINUSOIDAL "); printf("projection.\n"); exit(0); } fclose(infile); } /**************************************************** * order - order the input arguments from min to max * ****************************************************/ void order(in1,in2) float *in1,*in2; { float rtmp; if (*in1 > *in2) { rtmp = *in1; *in1 = *in2; *in2 = rtmp; } } /************************************************************ * grdmax - find rectangular boundaries of output projection * ************************************************************/ void grdmax() { float lat,lon,diflat,diflon,d1; float x,y,rmax1,rmax2,rlat,rlon; void projec(); diflat = k.max_lat[1] - k.min_lat[1]; diflon = k.east_lon[1] - k.west_lon[1]; for (lat=k.min_lat[1]; lat<=k.max_lat[1]; lat+=diflat) { for (lon=k.west_lon[1]; lon<=k.east_lon[1]; lon+=diflon) { projec(&lat,&lon,&x,&y,&d1); if (d1 == 0.) { if (lat == k.min_lat[1] && lon == k.west_lon[1]) { k.line_poff[1] = x; k.samp_poff[1] = y; rmax1 = x; rmax2 = y; } else { if (x < k.line_poff[1]) k.line_poff[1] = x; if (y < k.samp_poff[1]) k.samp_poff[1] = y; if (x > rmax1) rmax1 = x; if (y > rmax2) rmax2 = y; } } } } if (strncmp(proj,"SINU",4) == 0) { for (lat=k.min_lat[1]; lat<=k.max_lat[1]; lat+=diflat) { for (lon=k.west_lon[1]; lon<=k.east_lon[1]+1.; lon+=1.) { rlon = lon; rlat = lat; if (rlon > k.east_lon[1]) rlon = k.east_lon[1]; if (rlat > k.max_lat[1]) rlat = k.max_lat[1]; projec(&rlat,&rlon,&x,&y,&d1); if (d1 == 0) { if (x < k.line_poff[1]) k.line_poff[1] = x; if (y < k.samp_poff[1]) k.samp_poff[1] = y; if (x > rmax1) rmax1 = x; if (y > rmax2) rmax2 = y; } } } for (lon=k.west_lon[1]; lon<=k.east_lon[1]; lon+=diflon) { for (lat=k.min_lat[1]; lat<=k.max_lat[1]+1.; lat+=1.) { rlon = lon; rlat = lat; if (rlon > k.east_lon[1]) rlon = k.east_lon[1]; if (rlat > k.max_lat[1]) rlat = k.max_lat[1]; projec(&rlat,&rlon,&x,&y,&d1); if (d1 == 0) { if (x < k.line_poff[1]) k.line_poff[1] = x; if (y < k.samp_poff[1]) k.samp_poff[1] = y; if (x > rmax1) rmax1 = x; if (y > rmax2) rmax2 = y; } } } } k.lines[1] = rmax1 - k.line_poff[1] + .5; k.samps[1] = rmax2 - k.samp_poff[1] + .5; } /************************************************************* * projec - finds map coordinates (x,y) in km given (lat,lon) * *************************************************************/ void projec(rlat,rlon,x,y,valid) float *rlat,*rlon; float *x,*y,*valid; { float lon,lat,cclat; lon = *rlon; lat = *rlat; if (lat > 89.9999) lat = 89.9999; if (lat < -89.9999) lat = -89.9999; *valid = 0.; if (strncmp(proj,"SIMP",4) == 0) { cclat = cos(k.ctr_lat[1]*.0174533); *x = -lat/k.map_scale; *y = lon/k.map_scale*cclat; } else { cclat = cos(lat*.0174533); *x = -lat/k.map_scale; *y = ((-k.ctr_lon[1] + lon)/k.map_scale)*cclat; } } /************************************************** * status - report status of a function's progress * **************************************************/ void status(curval,endval) long int curval,endval; { static long int oldsts=0; static long int newsts; static float pct; pct = ((float) curval/(float) endval)*100.; newsts = (int) pct; if (newsts >= oldsts) { printf("%d %% done\r",newsts); fflush(stdout); oldsts = oldsts + 5; } } /*********************************************************** * wpdslabs - write the pds labels to the output image file * ***********************************************************/ void wpdslabs() { char crr[2],lff[2]; char *ptr=""; char *ptr1=""; char *ptr2=""; long int itot,i,ilen; long int filrec,hstpnt,imgpnt; long int idec; unsigned char cr=13,lf=10,blank=32; void intupd(); void fltupd(); strcpy(crr,""); strcpy(lff,""); strncat(crr,&cr,1); strncat(lff,&lf,1); filrec = k.lab_rec[1] + hstrec + k.lines[1]; hstpnt = k.lab_rec[1] + 1; imgpnt = hstpnt + hstrec; i = k.lab_rec[1]*k.samps[1]; if ((opdslab = malloc(i)) == NULL) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to allocate memory for output labels\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(&(opdslab[0]),""); itot = 0; intupd("RECORD_BYTES",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.samps[1]); intupd("FILE_RECORDS",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&filrec); intupd("LABEL_RECORDS",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.lab_rec[1]); intupd("^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&hstpnt); intupd("^IMAGE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&imgpnt); intupd("LINES",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.lines[1]); intupd("LINE_SAMPLES",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.samps[1]); intupd("CHECKSUM",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.chksum); ptr = ptr2; ptr1 = strstr(ptr,"MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE"); ptr2 = strchr((ptr1=strchr(ptr1,'=')+2),13) + 2; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),ptr,(ilen=ptr1-ptr)); itot = itot + ilen; if (strncmp(proj,"SIMP",4) == 0) { ilen = 18; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),"SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL",ilen); } else { ilen = 10; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),"SINUSOIDAL",ilen); } itot = itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),crr,1); itot = itot + 1; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),lff,1); itot = itot + 1; idec = 5; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),"",1); fltupd("MAXIMUM_LATITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.max_lat[1]); fltupd("MINIMUM_LATITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.min_lat[1]); fltupd("EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.east_lon[1]); fltupd("WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.west_lon[1]); idec = 4; fltupd("LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.line_poff[1]); fltupd("SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.samp_poff[1]); idec = 5; fltupd("CENTER_LATITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.ctr_lat[1]); fltupd("CENTER_LONGITUDE",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,&idec,crr,lff, &k.ctr_lon[1]); intupd("LINE_LAST_PIXEL",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.lines[1]); intupd("SAMPLE_LAST_PIXEL",&ptr,&ptr1,&ptr2,&itot,crr,lff,&k.samps[1]); strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),ptr2,(ilen=strlen(ptr2))); itot = itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[itot]),"",1); ilen = k.lab_rec[1]*k.samps[1]; if (itot < ilen) { for (i=itot; i<ilen; i++) strncat(&(opdslab[i]),&blank,1); } if (fwrite(opdslab,ilen,1,outfile) != 1) { printf("*** ERROR *** Unable to write labels to the output image "); printf("file\n"); exit(0); } } /****************************************************************** * hist - generate histogram information for the output image file * ******************************************************************/ void hist() { long int i; for (i=0; i<k.samps[1]; i++) k.hist[oloc[i]]++; } /********************************************************* * inttoasc - convert an integer to its string equivalent * *********************************************************/ void inttoasc(inum,bufr) long int *inum; char *bufr; { char *numbers="0123456789"; long int i,j,tmpnum,iset,ival; ival = *inum; iset = 0; strcpy(bufr,""); j = 1000000000; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { tmpnum = ival/j; if (tmpnum > 0 || iset == 1) { iset = 1; ival = ival - tmpnum*j; strncat(bufr,&numbers[tmpnum],1); } j = j/10; } } /****************************************************** * flttoasc - convert a float to its string equivalent * ******************************************************/ void flttoasc(rnum,idec,bufr) float *rnum; long int *idec; char *bufr; { char *numbers="0123456789"; long int i,j,m,tmpnum,iset,ival; float rval; rval = *rnum; ival = rval; rval = rval - ival; for (i=0; i<*idec; i++) rval = rval*10; ival = rval; rval = *rnum; iset = 0; strcpy(bufr,""); j = 1000000000; if (rval < 0.) { strncat(bufr,"-",1); rval = -rval; ival = -ival; } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { tmpnum = rval/j; if (tmpnum > 0 || iset == 1) { iset = 1; rval = rval - tmpnum*j; strncat(bufr,&numbers[tmpnum],1); } j = j/10; } if (iset == 0) strncat(bufr,"0",1); strncat(bufr,".",1); j = 1; for (m=1; m<*idec; m++) j = j*10; for (i=1; i<=*idec; i++) { tmpnum = ival/j; ival = ival - tmpnum*j; strncat(bufr,&numbers[tmpnum],1); j = j/10; } } /********************************** * swap_long - swap a long integer * **********************************/ long int swap_long(inval) long int inval; { union { char ichar[4]; short int slen; long int llen; } onion; char temp; onion.llen = inval; temp = onion.ichar[0]; onion.ichar[0] = onion.ichar[3]; onion.ichar[3] = temp; temp = onion.ichar[1]; onion.ichar[1] = onion.ichar[2]; onion.ichar[2] = temp; return (onion.llen); } /***************************************************** * intupd - update an integer value in the pds labels * *****************************************************/ void intupd(search,ptr,ptr1,ptr2,itot,crr,lff,ival) char *search; char **ptr,**ptr1,**ptr2; long int *itot; char *crr,*lff; long int *ival; { char bufr[12]; long int ilen; void inttoasc(); if (*itot == 0) *ptr = ipdslab; else *ptr = *ptr2; *ptr1 = strstr(*ptr,search); *ptr2 = strchr((*ptr1=strchr(*ptr1,'=')+2),13) + 2; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),*ptr,(ilen=(*ptr1)-(*ptr))); inttoasc(ival,bufr); *itot = *itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),bufr,(ilen=strlen(bufr))); *itot = *itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),crr,1); *itot = *itot + 1; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),lff,1); *itot = *itot + 1; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),"",1); } /************************************************* * fltupd - update a real value in the pds labels * *************************************************/ void fltupd(search,ptr,ptr1,ptr2,itot,idec,crr,lff,rval) char *search; char **ptr,**ptr1,**ptr2; long int *itot,*idec; char *crr,*lff; float *rval; { char bufr[15]; long int ilen; void flttoasc(); if (*itot == 0) *ptr = ipdslab; else *ptr = *ptr2; *ptr1 = strstr(*ptr,search); *ptr2 = strchr((*ptr1=strchr(*ptr1,'=')+2),13) + 2; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),*ptr,(ilen=(*ptr1)-(*ptr))); flttoasc(rval,idec,bufr); *itot = *itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),bufr,(ilen=strlen(bufr))); *itot = *itot + ilen; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),crr,1); *itot = *itot + 1; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),lff,1); *itot = *itot + 1; strncpy(&(opdslab[*itot]),"",1); }