PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = FIXED_LENGTH                                          
RECORD_BYTES          = 80                                                    
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE    = 1994-08-01                                            
  NOTE                = "Description of contents in the CATALOG               
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
           Content Description of the CATALOG Subdirectory                    
    The CATALOG subdirectory on this CD-ROM volume contains the completed     
catalog objects associated with the FMAP data set.  These objects contain     
a high-level description about the data set and are coded in the Object       
Description Language (ODL).  Following is a list of the catalog objects       
contained in this subdirectory and a description of each:                     
FILE               DESCRIPTION                                                
DSMAP.CAT          Contains map projection information for the FMAP data      
FMAPDS.CAT         Contains data set information on the FMAP data set.        
INSTHOST.CAT       Contains instrument host information.                      
MISSION.CAT        Contains mission information.                              
PERS.CAT           Contains information on the personnel involved in the      
                   creation of the FMAP data set.                             
RDRSINST.CAT       Contains instrument information.                           
REFS.CAT           Contains reference information.