
PDS_VERSION_ID                 = PDS3                                         

RECORD_TYPE                    = FIXED_LENGTH                                 

RECORD_BYTES                   = 146                                          

FILE_RECORDS                   = 22                                           

^TABLE                         = "49S232OR.TAB"                               

NOTE                           = "This table contains information             

      pertaining to the source F-BIDRs that were used to produce an           

      FMAP tile. Each FMAP image tile was created by mosaicking               

      numerous F-BIDR strips. Each FMAP image tile was produced using         

      the most current version of the F-BIDRs available at the time of        

      processing. This table corresponds to a resampled version of the FMAP   

      tile and the value at each point is equal to the revolution number      

      of the F-BIDR used in the tile at that location. F-BIDR information     

      is available for every 128th line and sample of the tile starting at    

      the first line and sample in the tile. The table is organized so that   

      the columns represent samples and the rows represent lines within the   

      tile. This table is formatted so that it may be read directly into      

      many data management systems on various host computers. All fields      

      (columns) are separated by commas. Each record consists of 146 bytes,   

      with a carriage return/line feed sequence in bytes 145 and 146. This    

      allows the table to be treated as a fixed length record file on hosts   

      that support this file type and as a normal text file on other hosts.   

      The first column in this table is one byte wider than the other         

      columns. This is to assure that the records are an even number of       

      bytes wide for those computer systems that have such a requirement."    


OBJECT                         = TABLE                                        

 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT            = ASCII                                        

 ROWS                          = 22                                           

 COLUMNS                       = 24                                           

 ROW_BYTES                     = 146                                          


 OBJECT                        = COLUMN                                       

  NAME                         = FBIDR                                        

  DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                                

  START_BYTE                   = 1                                            

  BYTES                        = 6                                            

  FORMAT                       = "I6"                                         

 END_OBJECT                    = COLUMN                                       


 OBJECT                        = CONTAINER                                    

  NAME                         = FBIDRS                                       

  START_BYTE                   = 8                                            

  BYTES                        = 139                                          

  REPETITIONS                  = 23                                           

  DESCRIPTION                  = "See note above."                            

  OBJECT                       = COLUMN                                       

   NAME                        = FBIDR                                        

   DATA_TYPE                   = ASCII_INTEGER                                

   START_BYTE                  = 1                                            

   BYTES                       = 5                                            

   FORMAT                      = "I5"                                         

  END_OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                       

 END_OBJECT                    = CONTAINER                                    


END_OBJECT                     = TABLE