DESCRIPTION = "This file describes the format of the TABLE in the GVGEO.TAB file. See the GVGEO.LBL file for the full PDS label. Some of the DESCRIPTION fields in this label have been copied verbatim from the Magellan project GEO.TAB file provided on the MIDR CD-ROM volumes." OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FEATURE_TYPE DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 2 BYTES = 20 DESCRIPTION = "Official IAU designation for type of feature. Examples are (with plurals in parentheses): ARACHNOID FLOW PLANUM (PLANA) CALDERA FOSSA (FOSSAE) REGIO (REGIONES) CHASMA (CHASMATA) LINEA RUPES COLLIS (COLLES) LINEAMENT TERRA (TERRAE) CORONA (CORONAE) MONS (MONTES) TESSERA (TESSERAE) CRATER OVOID THOLUS (THOLI) DOME PATERA (PATERAE) DORSUM (DORSA) PLANITIA (PLANITIAE)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SEARCH_FEATURE_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 25 BYTES = 40 DESCRIPTION = "The geographical feature name with all diacritical marks and punctuation stripped off. This name uses only uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters and can be used for sorting and searching since it is unique within this table. When printing the name, the diacritic_feature_name should be used instead." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DIACRITIC_FEATURE_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 68 BYTES = 40 DESCRIPTION = "The geographical feature name containing standard diacritical information. Contains upper and lower case letters. The name with the diacritical marks should be used when printing the feature name. DIACRITICALS USED IN THE TABLE The word diacritic comes from a Greek word meaning to separate. It refers to the accent marks employed to separate, or distinguish, one form of pronunciation of a vowel or consonant from another. This note is included to familiarize the user with the codes used to represent diacriticals found in the table, and the values usually associated with them. In the table, the code for a diacritical is preceded by a backslash and is followed, without a space, by the letter it is modifying. This note is organized as follows: the code is listed first, followed by the name of the accent mark, if applicable, a brief description of the appearance of the diacritical and a short narrative on its usage. \% acute accent; a straight diagonal line extending from upper right to lower left. The acute accent is used in most languages to lengthen a vowel; in some, such as Oscan, to denote an open vowel. The acute is also often used to indicate the stressed syllable; in some transcriptions it indicates a palatalized consonant. \: diaeresis or umlaut; two dots surmounting the letter. In Romance languages and English, the diaeresis is used to indicate that consecutive vowels do not form a diphthong (see below); in modern German and Scandinavian languages, it denotes palatalization of vowels. \^ circumflex; a chevron or inverted 'v' shape, with the apex at the top. Used most often in modern languages to indicate lengthening of a vowel. \~ tilde; a curving or waving line above the letter. The tilde is a form of circumflex. The tilde is used most often in Spanish to form a palatalized n as in the word 'ano', pronounced 'anyo'. It is also used occasionally to indicate nasalized vowels. \- macron; a straight line above the letter. The macron is used almost universally to lengthen a vowel. \u breve; a concave semicircle or 'u' shape surmounting the letter. Originally used in Greek, the breve indicates a short vowel. \o a small circle or 'o' above the letter. Frequently used in Scandinavian languages to indicate a broad 'o'. \ae diphthong or ligature; transcribed as two letters in contact with each other. The diphthong is a combination of vowels that are pronounced together. \, cedilla; a curved line surmounted by a vertical line, placed at the bottom of the letter. The cedilla is used in Spanish and French to denote a dental, or soft, 'c'. In the new Turkish transcription, 'c' cedilla has the value of English 'ch'. In Semitic languages, the cedilla under a consonant indicates that it is emphatic. \v check or inverted circumflex; a 'v' shape above the letter. This accent is used widely in Slavic languages to indicate a palatal articulation, like the consonant sounds in the English words chapter and shoe and the 'zh' sound in pleasure. \. a single dot above the letter. This diacritical denotes various things; in Lithuanian, it indicates a close long vowel. In Sanskrit, when used with 'n', it is a velar sound, as in the English 'sink'; in Irish orthography, it indicates a fricative consonant (see below). \' accent grave; a diagonal line (above the letter) extending from upper left to lower right. The grave accent is used in French, Spanish and Italian to denote open vowels. \_ fricative; a horizontal line through a consonant. A fricative consonant is characterized by a frictional rustling of the breath as it is emitted. Sources: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, G.& C. Merriam Co. Springfield, Mass., and Collier's Encyclopedia, P.F. Collier, Inc., London and New York " END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FEATURE_STATUS_TYPE DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 111 BYTES = 15 DESCRIPTION = "The IAU approval status of the named feature. Permitted values are 'PROPOSED', 'PROVISIONAL', 'IAU-APPROVED', and 'DROPPED'. This table contains only 'IAU-APPROVED' and 'PROVISIONAL' names." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 128 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -180 VALID_MAXIMUM = 360 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The longitude of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 135 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -90 VALID_MAXIMUM = 90 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The latitude of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_IMAGE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 142 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_IMAGE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 149 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_TILE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 156 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65 DESCRIPTION = "The tile x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_TILE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 161 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The tile y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_PIXEL_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 166 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel x-coordinate (within a tile) of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_LEFT_PIXEL_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 171 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel y-coordinate (within a tile) of the top-left corner of the feature bounding box. The top-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 176 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -180 VALID_MAXIMUM = 360 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The longitude of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 183 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -90 VALID_MAXIMUM = 90 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The latitude of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_IMAGE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 190 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel x-coordinate of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_IMAGE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 197 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel y-coordinate of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_TILE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 204 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65 DESCRIPTION = "The tile x-coordinate of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_TILE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 209 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The tile y-coordinate of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_PIXEL_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 214 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel x-coordinate (within a tile) of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOP_RIGHT_PIXEL_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 219 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel y-coordinate (within a tile) of the top-right corner of the feature bounding box. The top-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the maximum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 224 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -180 VALID_MAXIMUM = 360 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The longitude of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 231 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -90 VALID_MAXIMUM = 90 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The latitude of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_IMAGE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 238 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel x-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_IMAGE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 245 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel y-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_TILE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 252 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65 DESCRIPTION = "The tile x-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_TILE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 257 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The tile y-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_PIXEL_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 262 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel x-coordinate (within a tile) of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_LEFT_PIXEL_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 267 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel y-coordinate (within a tile) of the bottom-left corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-left corner has the minimum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 272 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -180 VALID_MAXIMUM = 360 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The longitude of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 279 BYTES = 6 VALID_MINIMUM = -90 VALID_MAXIMUM = 90 UNIT = DEGREE DESCRIPTION = "The latitude of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_IMAGE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 286 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_IMAGE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 293 BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "The image pixel y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_TILE_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 300 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65 DESCRIPTION = "The tile x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_TILE_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 305 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The tile y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the tile that contains this image pixel; an additional pixel coordinate within the tile is needed to specify the pixel completely. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_PIXEL_COORD_X DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 310 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel x-coordinate (within a tile) of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = BOTTOM_RIGHT_PIXEL_COORD_Y DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 315 BYTES = 4 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 31 DESCRIPTION = "The pixel y-coordinate (within a tile) of the bottom-right corner of the feature bounding box. The bottom-right corner has the maximum longitude value and the minimum latitude value. This column gives the coordinate of the pixel within the tile that contains this image pixel. The tile/pixel coordinates are related to the image pixel coordinates by the tiling information in the GVHDR file. The image pixel coordinates are related to geographic coordinates by the map projection defined by IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION in the IMPxxxxx.LBL file. If the image coordinates do not lie within the extents of the GVDR image, this column will contain the value -1." END_OBJECT = COLUMN