OBJECT                            = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECT_CATALOG              
 DATA_SET_ID                      = 'MGN-V-RDRS-5-MIDR-FULL-RES-V1.0'         
 OBJECT                           = DS_MAP_PROJECT_INFO_CATALOG               
  MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE             = 'SINUSOIDAL'                              
  MAP_PROJECTION_DESC             = "F-MIDRs are presented in a               
    sinusoidal equal-area map projection.  In this projection, parallels      
    of latitude are straight lines, with constant distances between           
    equal latitude intervals.  Lines of constant longitude on either          
    side of the projection meridian are curved since longitude intervals      
    decrease with the cosine of latitude to account for their                 
    convergence toward the poles.  This projection offers a number of         
    advantages for storing and managing global digital data; in               
    particular, it is computationally simple, and data are stored in a        
    compact form.                                                             
    The sinusoidal equal-area projection is characterized by a                
    projection longitude, which is the center meridian of the                 
    projection, and a scale, which is given in units of pixels/degree.        
    The center latitude for all F-MIDRs is the equator.  An F-MIDR is         
    divided into an array of 56 framelets, each of which is 1024 lines        
    by 1024 samples.  Each framelet is projected with the same                
    projection longitude and scale so that the entire F-MIDR can be           
    reconstructed by simply concatenating the framelets.                      
    The transformation from latitude and longitude to line and sample is      
    given by the following equations.                                         
    line = SPECLINE - lat*SCALE + 1                                           
    sample = PROJSAMP + (lon - PROJ_LON)*SCALE*cos(lat) + 0.5                 
    SCALE = (2*PI*6051000)/(PIXSIZ*360)                                       
    Note that integral values of line and sample correspond to the center of  
    a pixel.  Lat and lon are the latitude and longitude of a given spot      
    on the surface.  The other parameters in these equations are the          
    names of keywords in the VICAR2 labels associated with each image.        
    These parameters can also be found in the PDS labels of the image,        
    but with different names.  The values of parameters in the VICAR2         
    and PDS labels correspond to a given framelet.  Thus, the computed        
    line and sample relate to the framelet.  The same equations,              
    however, can be used for determining line and sample within a             
    reconstructed F-MIDR by using the values of the above parameters in       
    the label of the first framelet, which is the one in the upper left       
    corner of the F-MIDR.  The definitions of the VICAR2 keywords are         
    given below.  The equivalent PDS keyword name is shown in                 
    SPECLINE (X_AXIS_PROJECTION_OFFSET) is the line number minus one on       
    which the map projection origin occurs.  The map projection origin        
    is the intersection of the equator and the projection longitude.          
    The value of SPECLINE is positive for images starting north of the        
    equator and is negative for images starting south of the equator.         
    PROJSAMP (Y_AXIS_PROJECTION_OFFSET) is the nearest sample number to       
    the left (west) of the projection longitude.  The value of PROJSAMP is    
    positive for images starting to the west of the projection longitude      
    and is negative for images starting to the east of the projection         
    PROJ_LON (CENTER_LONGITUDE) is the value of the projection                
    longitude, which is the longitude that passes through the center of       
    the projection.                                                           
    PIXSIZ (MAP_SCALE) is the pixel spacing on the planet.  The value in      
    the VICAR2 label is in units of meters/pixel.  PIXSIZ is 75               
    meters/pixel for all F-MIDRs.                                             
    There are several additional parameters in the VICAR2 and PDS labels      
    that relate to the map projections.  Those parameters that relate to      
    sinusoidal projections or the framelet numbering are discussed            
    below.  Definitions for the remaining parameters can be found in the      
    MIDR Software Interface Specification document or the PDS Data            
    There are eight VICAR2 parameters and four PDS parameters that            
    specify the latitude and longitude boundaries of an image.  LAT_UL        
    and LAT_UR (both translate to MAXIMUM_LATITUDE in the PDS label) are      
    the latitude of the center of the upper leftmost and rightmost            
    pixel, respectively.  LAT_LL and LAT_LR (both translate to                
    MINIMUM_LATITUDE in the PDS label) are the latitude of the center of      
    the lower leftmost and rightmost pixel, respectively.  LON_UR and         
    LON_LR (the larger of which translates to MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE in the        
    PDS label) are the longitude of the center of the upper and lower         
    rightmost pixel, respectively.  LON_UL and LON_LL (the smaller of         
    which translates to MINIMUM_LONGITUDE in the PDS label) are the           
    longitude of the center of the upper and lower leftmost pixel,            
    The keyword SUBF_COL (Y_AXIS_FRAMELET_OFFSET) is the column number        
    of a framelet, which can have a value of 1 to 8.  The keyword             
    SUBF_ROW (X_AXIS_FRAMELET_OFFSET) is the row number of a framelet,        
    which can have a value of 1 to 7.  The MAP_RESOLUTION keyword in the      
    PDS label is the value of SCALE given in the third equation above."       
  ROTATIONAL_ELEMENT_DESC         = "See DAVIESETAL1989."                     
  OBJECT                          = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
   REFERENCE_KEY_ID               = 'DAVIESETAL1989'                          
   OBJECT                         = REFERENCE                                 
    PUBLICATION_DATE              = 1989                                      
    REFERENCE_DESC                = "Davies, M.E., V.K. Abalakin, M.          
    Bursa, G.E. Hunt, J.H. Lieske, B. Morando, R.H. Rapp, P.K.                
    Seidelmann, A.T. Sinclair, and Y.S. Tjuflin, Report of the                
    IAU/IAG/COSPAR working group on cartographic coordinates and              
    rotational elements of the planets and satellites: 1988, Celestial        
    Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 46, 187-204, 1989."                    
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'MERTON E. DAVIES'                        
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'V. K. ABALAKIN'                          
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'M. BURSA'                                
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'G. E. HUNT'                              
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'J. H. LIESKE'                            
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'B. MORANDO'                              
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'R. H. RAPP'                              
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'P. K. SEIDELMANN'                        
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'A. T. SINCLAIR'                          
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'Y. S. TJUFLIN'                           
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
   END_OBJECT                     = REFERENCE                                 
  END_OBJECT                      = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
  OBJECT                          = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
   REFERENCE_KEY_ID               = 'SNYDER1987'                              
   OBJECT                         = REFERENCE                                 
    DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE           = 'MAP PROJECTION'                          
    JOURNAL_NAME                  = 'N/A'                                     
    PUBLICATION_DATE              = 1987                                      
    REFERENCE_DESC                = "Snyder, John P., Map projections --      
    a working manual, U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 1395, 383p., 1987."       
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'JOHN P. SNYDER'                          
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
   END_OBJECT                     = REFERENCE                                 
  END_OBJECT                      = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
  OBJECT                          = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
   REFERENCE_KEY_ID               = 'LYONS1988'                               
   OBJECT                         = REFERENCE                                 
    JOURNAL_NAME                  = 'N/A'                                     
    PUBLICATION_DATE              = 1988                                      
    REFERENCE_DESC                = "Lyons, D.T., Magellan Planetary          
    Constants and Models, JPL D-2300, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,              
    Pasadena, Calif., 1988."                                                  
    OBJECT                        = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
     AUTHOR_FULL_NAME             = 'D. T. LYONS'                             
    END_OBJECT                    = REFERENCE_AUTHORS_CATALOG                 
   END_OBJECT                     = REFERENCE                                 
  END_OBJECT                      = DS_MAP_PROJ_REF_INFO_CATALOG              
 END_OBJECT                       = DS_MAP_PROJECT_INFO_CATALOG               
END_OBJECT                        = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECT_CATALOG