PDS_VERSION_ID = "PDS3" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 82 FILE_RECORDS = 6480 ^ARRAY = "TOPOGRD.DAT" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "MAGELLAN" TARGET_NAME = "VENUS" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" DATA_SET_ID = "MGN-V-RDRS-5-TOPO-L2-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "TOPOGRD-DAT" PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = 1997-08-01 DESCRIPTION = "This file contains a digital, 1 X 1 degree resolution grid of the topography of Venus. It is a 360 x 180 grid from 89.5 to -89.5 degrees latitude, and 0.5 to 359.5 degrees longitude. The topography is derived from Ford and Pettengill (Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, E8, 13103-13114, 1992) Magellan topography data. The observation is topography in kilometers at the surface referenced to a sphere of 6051.0 km radius." OBJECT = ARRAY NAME = "2-D GRID OF TOPOGRAPHY" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII AXES = 2 AXIS_ITEMS = (180,360) AXIS_NAME = ("LATITUDE","LONGITUDE") AXIS_UNIT = (DEGREES,DEGREES) AXIS_INTERVAL = (1.0,1.0) FORMAT = "F8.2" SAMPLE_BITS = 64 DESCRIPTION = "This is a 2-D grid of the topography of Venus in kilometers at the surface referenced to a sphere of 6051.0 km radius" END_OBJECT = ARRAY END