PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-02-04 NOTE = "Description of the Accelerometer data directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The MGS accelerometer data set contains raw accelerometer data. The basic data product is spacecraft velocity change as a function of time during aerobraking passes. Each accelerometer data product consists of four text files named COUNTS.TAB, ORBELEM.TAB, RATEQUAT.TAB, and THRUSTER.TAB. The detailed contents of these files are described in the data product SIS found in the accelerometer document directory and in the PDS catalog objects found in the CATALOG directory. The four files have attached PDS labels. An accelerometer data product contains data from a single aerobraking orbit. The data are organized into subdirectories based on orbit. Orbits are further collated into groups of 100 orbits. An example of the accelerometer directory and file organization is shown below. Directory/File Description ACC Top-level accelerometer data directory | |- P00XX Subdirectory for orbits 0-99 | | | |- P0040 Subdirectory for orbit 40 | | | | | |- COUNTS.TAB Accelerometer data files | | |- ORBELEM.TAB | | |- RATEQUAT.TAB | | |- THRUSTER.TAB