PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-02-02 NOTE = "Description of the BROWSE directory contents." END_OBJECT = TEXT END I. Introduction Browse files are included for several of the data product types in this collection. Most of the browse products were derived from the original CD-ROM volumes. Descriptions of the browse products taken from the original volumes are provided below. Each volume in the three volume set contains a complete set of the browse products except for the MAG/ER products, which are large. The MAG/ER browse products are only contained on the second volume of this set, which is the volume that also contains the MAG/ER archive data products. These browse products can be accessed directly or by using the user interface found in the EXTRAS directory. II. Accelerometer Browse Files The accelerometer browse products are GIF images showing plots of spacecraft velocity change as a function of time. These plots were generated from the COUNTS.TAB files of the accelerometer data set. Note that a smoothing function was applied to the original data in making the browse products in order to reduced the quantization effects in the data. There is one browse product for each orbit of accelerometer data. Browse products are divided into subdirectories containing a group of 100 orbits. The subdirectory names have the form PnnXX where nn is the 2 most-significant digits of the orbit number. The individual browse products have file names of the form ACCnnnn.GIF where nnnn is the 4-digit orbit number. III. MAG/ER Browse Files The MAGER browse directories contain PostScript files representing plots of the data. There is a browse directory for each of the original CD-ROM volumes. The subdirectories are: RMS Contains 3-panel plots of magnetic field magnitude and of RMS values of components BX and BY (in sensor coordinates). XYPLANE Contains plots of XY-plane projections (in planetocentric coordinates) of spacecraft trajectory vectors and magnetic field vectors. XZPLANE Contains plots of XZ-plane projections (in planetocentric coordinates) of spacecraft trajectory vectors and magnetic field vectors. YZPLANE Contains plots of YZ-plane projections (in planetocentric coordinates) of spacecraft trajectory vectors and magnetic field vectors. IV. MOC Browse Files The MOC browse files are JPEG-format reduced resolution versions of the original MOC images. The browse images were taken from the original CD-ROM volumes. A HTML file is included with each MOC browse image that will display a subset of the image label information. The MOC browse images are divided into subdirectories where each subdirectory contains images from a group of ten orbits. The subdirectory and browse file naming conventions are similar to the conventions used for the archive data products. V. MOLA Browse Files The MOLA browse directory contains GIF images of topography profiles generated from each of the MOLA PEDR data products. The GIF images may be displayed in a Web browser. The browse images are divided into subdirectories based on orbit number. For example, subdirectory AP002XX contains images from orbits 200-299. Each browse image is a topography profile generated from the PEDR data product. MOLA browse image file names have the form APnnnnnK.GIF, where nnnnn is the PEDR orbit number. VI. Radio Science Browse Files The radio science browse products are GIF images showing plots of atmosphere temperature and pressure as a function of height. These plots were generated from the temperature-pressure profiles (TPS) of the radio science data set. There are two browse products for each TPS file: one for the temperature profile and one for the pressure profile. Radio Science browse products are divided into two subdirectories based on the original CD-ROM volume. The subdirectory names have the form TPS_nnnn where nnnn is taken from the original radio science reduced data set CD-ROM volume_id. File names for the browse products use the first eight characters of the original data product name with a t or p appended for the temperature or pressure profile, respectively. The files have the extension of GIF.