PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-02-07 NOTE = "Description of the RS directory contents" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The RS directory contains archival radio science results from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission. Data products in this directory contain results from radio occultation and gravity investigations carried out by members of the MGS Radio Science Team (RST). The Mars gravity field was derived from radio tracking data collected through March 1999. The model derived under the direction of W.L. Sjogren at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (file JGM75B01.SHA in the SHA directory) includes coefficients to degree and order 75; it is based on Viking Orbiter 1 and 2 data as well as MGS. The model derived under the direction of D.E. Smith at Goddard Space Flight Center (file GGM0964A.SHA in the SHA directory) includes coefficients to degree and order 70; it is based solely on MGS data. The JPL group has also provided their model in binary format with covariances (SHB directory). There are several different radio science data types included on this volume including gravity determinations derived from radio tracking data and atmospheric temperature-pressure profiles from radio occultation observations. Each data type is stored in a separate subdirectory as listed below. Each data product has a detached PDS label. BRO Files in the BRO directory are snapshots of gravity products included in this volume. The BRO directory contains PostScript representations of both gridded products from the Goddard group. IMG Both gravity investigation teams have provided gridded products (IMG directory) showing gravity anomaly referenced to their model evaluated to degree and order 50. The Goddard group has also provided a grid of gravity anomaly uncertainties. The JPL group has provided a grid of geoid height above a reference ellipsoid. All grids have one degree point spacing and use a simple cylindrical projection. OCS Files in the OCS directory are occultation summary files for standard resolution. These data products contains information extracted from the temperature-pressure profile data products (TPS). SHA Files in the SHA directory contain spherical harmonic models of the gravity field in ASCII format. SHB Files in the SHA directory contain spherical harmonic models of the gravity field in binary format. TPS_xxxx Files in the TPS_1001 and TPS_1003 directory are atmospheric temperature-pressure profiles at standard resolution derived from radio occultation observations. Files in the TPS_1001 directory were taken from Radio Science volume MORS_1001, whereas files in the TPS_1003 directory were originally found on Radio Science volume MORS_1003. Radio occultation profiles of temperature and pressure derived from data collected in 1998.