PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-02-07 NOTE = "Comments on the MGS Pre-Mapping DVD-ROM volume set" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains a listing of anomalies and notes about the MGS Pre-Mapping Mission Phase DVD-ROM volume set. The first section of this file contains information and notes specific to the DVD-ROM volumes. The remaining sections are a compendium of the ERRATA.TXT files from the original CD-ROM volumes that comprise this collection. No attempt was made to edit the original errata files. I. NOTES ON THE DVD-ROM VOLUMES The MAG/ER data set on volume 2 was still undergoing peer review at the time this volume set was produced. Users should consult the PDS PPI Node for the current status of this data set. Contact the PPI Node at http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/pdsppi/. The HTML search tool in the EXTRAS directory is a prototype tool for map-based searching across multiple data sets. As such, it may contain small inaccuracies in the locations of data products plotted on maps and in the search results. Plotting inaccuracies result from the different coordinate systems used by the various data sets and from errors in the MDIM base maps. Maps of areas near the poles may contain spurious plotted lines because of the simple cylindrical map projection that was used. The intent of the search tool is to help identify data products of interest but not to locate products precisely on the planet. For example, MOC images are plotted by their center points only, and wide-angle MOC images are not plotted at all because they cover such a wide area that the center point is not especially useful. To obtain precise locations of products, use the information in the data sets and SPICE kernels. Any anomalies found after publication of this volume set will be posted on the PDS Geosciences Node MGS web site, http://wwwpds.wustl.edu/mgs/. II. ACCELEROMETER RAW DATA ARCHIVE ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This file contains a listing of errors, anomalies, and other notes regarding the raw data archive from the Mars Global Surveyor Accelerometer. ============================================================================== ERRORS, ANOMALIES, AND OTHER NOTES ============================================================================== The following errors were noted during Phase 1 of Aerobraking by the Accelerometer Team. Orbit Comment 59 numerous 4 sec dropouts 60 numerous 4 sec dropouts 81 1 - 4 sec drop out 86 numerous 4 and 1 8 sec drop out 94 numerous 4 sec dropouts 135 numerous 4,8,12... 32 sec drop outs, useless data 136 1 - 4 sec drop out 166 1 - 4 sec drop out 174 1 - 4 sec drop out 177 1 - 8 sec 189 2 - 4 sec The following errors were noted during Phase 2 of Aerobraking by the Accelerometer Team. Orbit Comment 583 2 - 4 sec dropouts 617 1 - 4 sec dropout 634 1 - 4 sec dropout 815 1 - 8 sec dropout 834 1 - 4 sec dropout 871 1 - 8 sec dropout 911-961 only 5 of 10 accelerometer channels were sent to ground none of these orbits will be processed 1001 1 - 32 sec dropout 1015 numerous 4, 8, 12 ... 32 sec dropouts, useless data 1105 1 - 4 sec dropout 1142 1 - 4 sec dropout 1151 1 - 4 sec dropout 1167 1 - 4 sec dropout 1195 2 - 4 sec dropouts 1203 1 - 8 sec dropout 1216 2 - 4 sec dropouts 1219 1 - 4 sec dropout 1224 1 - 176 sec dropout 1230 1 - 4 sec dropout 1256 2 - 8 sec dropouts 1274 1 - 4 sec dropout III. MAG/ER DATA ARCHIVE This data product currently is under construction and has not completed the PDS Peer Review process. Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the PPI Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found in either the data or documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to Steven Joy sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu 405 Hilgard Ave UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 Questions regarding data content, processing, or quality should be sent to Dr. J.E.P. Connerney jec@lepjec.gsfc.nasa.gov NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 695 Greenbelt, MD 20771 An updated version of this file is maintained online at the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System. The online errata list can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/pdsppi/Welcome.html. The list also can be obtained via anonymous FTP at pdsppi.igpp.ucla.edu. The user name is "anonymous" and the password should be your e-mail address (it's polite to leave an audit trail). Locate yourself in the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/MGSM_1xxx), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT). Cumulative errata for the MGSM_1xxx volume series: Volume Error/Variance Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGSM_1xxx The files in the DOCUMENT directory contain a draft copy of the VOLSIS document. The text version of the document (VOLSIS.TXT), which is included for completeness, is not optimally formatted; in particular, the tables are not displayed properly. Please refer to the HTML version of the document (VOLSIS.HTM) for the tables. The REFERENCE_KEY_ID values listed in the files in the CATALOG directory may not be correct. (The references themselves are believed to be correct.) The headers of *.STS files contain null characters (ASCII 0). Some software will display these non-printing characters as small squares. The MANAGE directory occurs on all disks produced by the PPI Node. Its files contain inventory information for internal PDS use. The requirements of the PDS inventory software make it necessary to keep this directory under the root directory instead of placing it under an EXTRAS directory. The files in MANAGE are not of any use to end users of the data. The URL for the PPI Errata Web page was not yet finalized at the time of the preliminary release of this disk. Hence the URL of the PPI home page was given instead. (This URL is found in files AAREADME.TXT and ERRATA.TXT, and as links in AAREADME.HTM.) The URL of the Errata page will be included on future releases as soon as it becomes available. MGSM_1002 The ORBFACTS.TAB file in the GEOMETRY directory does not cover the day of the earliest data on the disk (DOY 147). MGSM_1006 The ORBFACTS.TAB file in the GEOMETRY directory provides and orbit periapsis and apoapsis information referenced to Mars MGSM_1007 rather than to Phobos. This file does not cover the day of the earliest data on the disk (DOY 147). IV. MOC DATA ARCHIVE MGSC_0001: Image AB-1-018/03 was only partially contained in the packets archived on CD-ROM by the MGS Project. A version based on data retrieved on 10/10/1997 from the JPL telemetry system contained nearly a megabyte of additional image data. We have archived the image derived from these additional packets as well as the packets that are on the CD. We suspect a bug in the JPL "besting" algorithm or in the process which archived the packets. The affected CD file is for year 1997, day 284, hour 12. Four images on this volume (AB-1-004/01, AB-1-004/02, AB-1-005/06, and AB-1-016/03) have incorrectly computed values for the NORTH_AZIMUTH and SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH fields in the IMGINDX.TAB file, which are displayed as "NaN" (Not a Number, indicating IEEE floating point error handling of conditions such as divide by zero.) These fields should have the NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT of 0.00 as they could not be computed from available information. These errors are corrected in the CUMINDX.TAB file starting on volume MGSC_0004. MGSC_0002: Images AB-1-069/01 and AB-1-072/01 did not have all C-kernel (pointing) information available and were assumed to be nadir-pointed. Images AB-1-069/07 and AB-1-075/06 have complex geometry with respect to the south pole which exposed a bug in the calculation of the USAGE_NOTE; in both cases the flag should be "N". MGSC_0003: Images AB-1-109/01, AB-1-109/02, AB-1-109/03, AB-1-109/04, AB-1-109/05, AB-1-135/01, AB-1-135/02, AB-1-135/03, AB-1-135/04, AB-1-135/05, and AB-1-135/06 did not have all C-kernel (pointing) information available and were assumed to be nadir-pointed and +X forward. For these orbits the spacecraft was oriented +X backward (with its +X axis against rather than with the velocity vector), so the USAGE_NOTEs should be inverted in all cases and the corner coordinates similarly flipped left-to-right. Image AB-1-103/05 has complex geometry with respect to the south pole which exposed a bug in the calculation of the USAGE_NOTE; the flag should be "N". MGSC_0001, MGSC_0002, MGSC_0003: The imgindx.lbl and cumindx.lbl files on these three volumes have errors in the START_BYTE field caused by an incorrect data type for the EDIT_MODE_ID field and an incorrect byte count for the NORTH_AZIMUTH field. These files are corrected on subsequent volumes, and the cumindx.lbl file on those volumes should be consulted. After production, errors were found in the GAIN_MODE_ID and OFFSET_MODE_ID fields for the following images: AB-1-005/06 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "2A" AB-1-023/05 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "22" AB-1-029/08 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "20" AB-1-034/04 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "1A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "1" AB-1-037/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "0A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "72" AB-1-040/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "0A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "69" AB-1-044/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "2A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "55" AB-1-047/06 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "2A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "84" AB-1-050/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "76" AB-1-055/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "71" AB-1-063/04 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "4A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "56" AB-1-063/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "4A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "56" AB-1-065/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "58" AB-1-065/05 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "48" AB-1-072/04 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "EA", OFFSET_MODE_ID "14" AB-1-074/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "56" AB-1-074/05 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "60" AB-1-088/04 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "4A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "82" AB-1-095/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "CA", OFFSET_MODE_ID "31" AB-1-096/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "65" AB-1-104/08 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "8A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "32" AB-1-108/04 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "20" AB-1-108/05 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "6A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "40" AB-1-110/03 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "44" AB-1-111/03 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "2A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "57" AB-1-112/03 -- OFFSET_MODE_ID "32" AB-1-113/03 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "8A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "14" AB-1-114/03 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "8A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "13" AB-1-118/03 -- GAIN_MODE_ID "4A", OFFSET_MODE_ID "44" In addition, the LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION for AB-1-003/03 was actually 71.68 milliseconds. These errors are corrected in the CUMINDX.TAB file starting on volume MGSC_0004. In addition, the image files themselves, with corrected image headers, are in the directory "ab1fixes" on MGSC_0005. MGSC_0004: Images 211/02, 211/03, 211/05, 227/01, 227/02, 227/04, 245/05, 246/01, 246/02, 246/03, and 246/04 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. The packets archived by the MGS Project on CD-ROM are ordered incorrectly for orbit 216. This results is incorrect processing by our telemetry tools. We have archived an intermediate product based on data retrieved during operations until this problem is resolved. The file affected is for year 1998, day 93, hour 6. Image 214/02 on MGSC_0004 was not processed correctly. A corrected version is included on MGSC_0010. The USAGE_NOTES for image 222/03 on MGSC_0004 was incorrectly computed and should be 'F'. MGSC_0005: Images 263/01, 263/02, 263/03, 265/01, 265/02, and 265/04 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. MGSC_0006: Images 372/01 and 372/02 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. The clocking rates for images 373/04 and 384/04 on MGSC_0006 were incorrectly recorded. The correct value is 6.9 msec in both cases. Corrected parameters and image files appear in the tables on MGSC_0010. The USAGE_NOTES for image 351/02 on MGSC_0006 was incorrectly computed and should be 'F'. Image 347/04 on MGSC_0006 was not processed correctly. A corrected version is included on MGSC_0010. All images from orbit 338 were omitted from MGSC_0006 and are included on MGSC_0010. MGSC_0008: Images 465/01, 465/02, 467/02, 467/03, 471/01, and 471/02 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. MGSC_0009: Images 498/01, 498/02, 498/03, 498/99, 504/01, 504/02, 504/03, 504/04, 504/99, 506/99, 508/01, 508/99, 510/99, 517/01, 517/02, 517/06, 525/01, 525/02, 525/03, 525/04, and 525/99 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. Note that the "99" images are filler images, usually of space, and are included for archival completeness. MGSC_0010: All images from the Phobos orbits (476, 501, 526, and 551) were processed with Phobos position information from the NAIF SP kernel file mar033-5.bsp. Owing to limitations in our processing software, coordinate information is relative to the IAU triaxial ellipsoid model of Phobos in some instances, and relative to a spheroid with equatorial radius 13.4 km and polar radius 9.2 km in other instances, and should be treated with some caution. C-kernel information was not available for Phobos images 526/01, 526/02, and 526/03, and in these cases the ancillary values are grossly in error. Images 533/05, 533/99, 537/01, 537/02, 537/03, 537/04, 537/05, 537/06, 537/99, 541/99, 544/01, 544/02, 544/04, 544/05, 547/01, 547/02, 547/04, 547/05, 547/06, 548/04, 548/05, 548/06, and 548/07 did not have pointing information and were assumed nadir-pointed. Note that the "99" images are filler images, usually of space, and are included for archival completeness. This volume also contains the following images from previous volumes: All images from orbit 338 was omitted from MGSC_0006 and are included on MGSC_0010. Images 443/06 and 445/03 on MGSC_0008 had incorrect image parameters in their headers. Correct versions are included on MGSC_0010. Images 214/02 on MGSC_0004 and 347/04 on MGSC_0006 were not processed correctly. Corrected versions are included on MGSC_0010. The clocking rates for images 373/04 and 384/04 on MGSC_0006 were incorrectly recorded. They were 6.9 msec in both cases. Corrected parameters and image files appear in the tables on MGSC_0010. The USAGE_NOTES for images 222/03 on MGSC_0004 and 351/02 on MGSC_0006 were incorrectly computed and should be 'F' in both cases. General: As of the production of this volume, there were no known general errata. As a point of clarification, if an image is to be flipped left-right because its USAGE_NOTE has a value of 'F', it may still have to be rotated into a north-up orientation as indicated by the NORTH_AZIMUTH parameter. Further, a roughly-north-up orientation may still require a rotation of 180 degrees after flipping. ===================================================================== April 23, 1999 Results of validation on the archive of MGS/MOC image data products performed by the Planetary Data System. Updated files for the anomalies noted below are available at the PDS Imaging Node web site (see below for more details). MGSC_0008: File SP2443/SP244306.IMG has incorrect values for the FILE_NAME and PRODUCT_ID keywords located in the PDS labels of the file. Additionally, the records in the IMGINDX.TAB and CUMINDX.TAB files corresponding to this image file have incorrect entries: FILE_NAME = "SP243306.IMG" PRODUCT_ID = "SPO-2-433/06" should be: FILE_NAME = "SP244306.IMG" PRODUCT_ID = "SPO-2-443/06" File SP2445/SP244503.IMG has incorrect values for the FILE_NAME and PRODUCT_ID keywords located in the PDS labels of the file. Additionally, the IMGINDX.TAB and CUMINDX.TAB files have incorrect entries: FILE_NAME = "SP245503.IMG" PRODUCT_ID = "SPO-2-455/03" should be: FILE_NAME = "SP244503.IMG" PRODUCT_ID = "SPO-2-445/03" ALL VOLUMES: IMGINDX.LBL and CUMINDX.LBL: The IMGINDX.LBL and CUMINDX.LBL files have a syntax error in the description field for the SOLAR_LONGITUDE (48th column). The description field has embedded double quote marks in the string field causing the label parser to report a syntax error. MGSC_0004: IMGINDX.TAB and CUMINDX.TAB The 81st record of the IMGINDX.TAB on MGSC_0004 has a record length incompatible with the rest of the records in the file. As a result, the CUMINDX.TAB on this volume and subsequent volumes have this problem in record 714 (this is the same record as the 81-st record of the IMGINDX.TAB file on volume MGSC_0004). Counter to previous comments in the ERRATA.TXT file, the following image observations, indicated by the product id, do not have updated FILE_NAME, VOLUME_ID, LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION, GAIN_MODE_ID, and OFFSET_MODE_ID values in the IMGINDX.TAB and CUMINDX.TAB. The proper values are indicated below. These corrections could not be applied to the table files because the file name is too long for the field length provided. These corrected images (incorrect on previous volumes) were not added to the IMGINDX.TAB and CUMINDX.TAB files. CORRECT CORRECT PRODUCT_ID VOLUME_ID FILE_NAME --------------------------------------------------------------------- AB-1-003/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1003/ab100303.img EXPOSURE=71.68 AB-1-005/06 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1005/ab100506.img GAIN =2A AB-1-023/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1023/ab102305.img OFFSET=22 AB-1-029/08 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1029/ab102908.img OFFSET=20 AB-1-034/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1034/ab103404.img GAIN=1A OFFSET=1 AB-1-037/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1037/ab103705.img GAIN=0A OFFSET=72 AB-1-040/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1040/ab104005.img GAIN=0A OFFSET=69 AB-1-044/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1044/ab104405.img GAIN=2A OFFSET=55 AB-1-047/06 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1047/ab104706.img GAIN=2A OFFSET=84 AB-1-050/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1050/ab105004.img OFFSET=76 AB-1-055/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1055/ab105504.img OFFSET=71 AB-1-063/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1063/ab106304.img GAIN=4A OFFSET=56 AB-1-063/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1063/ab106305.img GAIN=4A OFFSET=56 AB-1-065/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1065/ab106504.img OFFSET=58 AB-1-065/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1065/ab106505.img qOFFSET=48 AB-1-072/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1072/ab107204.img GAIN=EA OFFSET=14 AB-1-074/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1074/ab107404.img OFFSET=56 AB-1-074/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1074/ab107405.img OFFSET=60 AB-1-088/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1088/ab108804.img GAIN=4A OFFSET=82 AB-1-095/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1095/ab109505.img GAIN=CA OFFSET=31 AB-1-096/04 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1096/ab109604.img OFFSET=65 AB-1-104/08 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1104/ab110408.img OFFSET=32 AB-1-108/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1108/ab110804.img OFFSET=20 AB-1-108/05 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1108/ab110805.img GAIN=6A OFFSET=40 AB-1-110/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1110/ab111003.img OFFSET=44 AB-1-111/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1111/ab111103.img GAIN=2A OFFSET=57 AB-1-112/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1112/ab111203.img OFFSET=32 AB-1-113/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1113/ab111303.img GAIN=8A OFFSET=14 AB-1-114/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1114/ab111403.img GAIN=8A OFFSET=13 AB-1-118/03 MGSC_0005 ab1fixes/ab1118/ab111803.img GAIN=4A OFFSET=44 NasaView 1.2(beta) - The Microsoft Windows version of NasaView, used to display PDS labeled image files, is unable to read a number of MGS/MOC image products due to a label handling problem. Whenever the NOTE keyword value exceeds 80 bytes in length, the label handling routine within NasaView is unable to parse the labels. Images with this problem can not be displayed. Newer versions of NASAView correcting this problem can be obtained via the PDS home page at URL: http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov. The PDS standards require files to be labeled. The files INDEX.HTM, other html documents, MGS-LOGO.GIF, MSSS.GIF, and other jpeg images that make up the image browser have no PDS labels associated with the products. At the time of production of the MOC decompressed data products the most current version of the MISSION.CAT and INSTHOST.CAT files were used. These files have been subsequently updated. The LABEL_REVISION_NOTE keyword is missing in some catalog files. The AAREADME.TXT file contains a few errors as noted below: The directory tree lists /CATALOG/DSMAP.CAT but does not exist because there is no map projection information needed for raw image data. The directory tree lists /DOCUMENT/VOLINFO.LBL as an entry on the volume but does not exist (and is not required) for this volume. The directory tree does not list the existing file /INDEX/CUMINDEX.LBL. The files MGS_LOG.GIF, MSSS.GIF, and IMAP.GIF exists on the volume but do not show up in the directory tree. The VOLDESC.CAT file contains the keyword line "MEDIUM_TYPE=CD". CD is not a valid value. At the time of the production of the volume set it was not yet decided whether the media was to be CD-ROM or CD-WO (write once). So the generic term "CD" was used in spite of its non-valid value. The required keyword DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION is missing in the DATASET.CAT file. In the label object PERSONNEL_INFORMATION of the PERSON.CAT file the required keywords INSTITUTION_NAME and PDS_ADDRESS_BOOK_FLAG are missing. PERSON_INSTITUTION_NAME should be changed to INSTITUTION_NAME. The required NOTE keyword is missing in labels for the ERRATA.TXT and MOCSIS.TXT files. The LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION units value "MILLISECOND" should have had the designation . The MOCINST.CAT and REFS.CAT files contain tab characters (not allowed in PDS documentation files) located in the text. ================================================================= UPDATES FOR VOLUMES: The following corrections were made for the anomalies reported and can be obtained through the PDS Imaging Node web services at the URL: http://www-pdsimage.jpl.nasa.gov File: SP244306.IMG has been corrected to fix the label values for the PRODUCT_ID and FILE_NAME File: SP244503.IMG has been corrected to have the correct label values for the PRODUCT_ID and FILE_NAME Files: IMGINDX.LBL and CUMINDX.LBL have been corrected to remove the the double quotes in the SOLAR_LONGITUDE description field. File: CUMINDX.TAB for volume MGSC_0010 has been corrected for the incorrect entries for image files SP244306.IMG and SP244503.IMG, and the 714-th record has been modified to have the correct record length. The CUMINDX.TAB file is the cumulative index for all images in the 10 volume collection, so only this file was corrected. By downloading this file you will have an up-to-date index file for all images. Files: DATASET.CAT, INSTHOST.CAT MISSION.CAT, MOCINST.CAT, PERSON.CAT, REFS.CAT - Minor syntactical revisions have been made to these files to correct for the problems noted above. File: ERRATA.TXT - look for the most up-to-date ERRATA.TXT file on our web site for additional anamolies that are discovered. File: AAREADME.TXT - minor revisions made to this file to correct for the problems noted above. V. MOLA DATA ARCHIVE COMMENTS ON MGS MOLA ARCHIVE VOLUME MGSL_0001 This document contains comments and errata concerning the MGS Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) Archive Volume MGSL_0001. 1. MOLA AEDR and PEDR File Names The AEDR and PEDR binary data files on MOLA archive volumes have file names with the extension ".B", instead of the usual extension of ".DAT" for binary files. 2. Incorrect Values for SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT in AEDR and PEDR Labels The attached PDS labels for AEDR and PEDR data files contain incorrect values for the fields SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT, due to an error in the processing software that created the files. This error will be corrected in future products. The AEDR and PEDR index tables were created from the data file labels, so the index tables also contain the incorrect values for these two fields. 3. Incorrect and Missing Values for INTERCHANGE_FORMAT in AEDR Labels In the attached PDS labels for AEDR data files, the value for INTERCHANGE_FORMAT in the MOLA_SCIENCE_MODE_TABLE object is incorrectly given as ASCII. It should be BINARY. Also in the AEDR labels, the MOLA_MAINTENANCE_MODE_TABLE object is missing the INTERCHANGE_FORMAT keyword and value. It should have INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY. 4. Incorrect Value for ROW_BYTES in AEDR Labels The attached PDS labels for AEDR data files have incorrect values for ROW_BYTES in the MOLA_SCIENCE_MODE_TABLE object and in the MOLA_MAINTENANCE_MODE_TABLE object. In both objects the value for ROW_BYTES should be 1230. 5. Invalid Values for START_TIME in AA00025F.B and AP00025F.B The attached PDS labels in the AEDR file AA00025F.B and in the corresponding PEDR file AP00025F.B have invalid values for START_TIME. In both labels the value for START_TIME should be 1997-294T22:14:00.000. 6. Error in PDS Label for AA00036F.B The attached PDS label in the AEDR file AA00036F.B is missing the required END statement at the end of the label. COMMENTS ON MGS MOLA ARCHIVE VOLUME MGSL_0002 This document contains comments and errata concerning the MGS Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) Archive Volume MGSL_0002. 1. MOLA AEDR and PEDR File Names The AEDR and PEDR binary data files on MOLA archive volumes have file names with the extension ".B", instead of the usual extension of ".DAT" for binary files. 2. Incorrect Values for SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT in AEDR and PEDR Labels The attached PDS labels for AEDR and PEDR data files contain incorrect values for the fields SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT, due to an error in the processing software that created the files. This error will be corrected in future products. The AEDR and PEDR index tables were created from the data file labels, so the index tables also contain the incorrect values for these two fields. 3. Incorrect and Missing Values for INTERCHANGE_FORMAT in AEDR Labels In the attached PDS labels for AEDR data files, the value for INTERCHANGE_FORMAT in the MOLA_SCIENCE_MODE_TABLE object is incorrectly given as ASCII. It should be BINARY. Also in the AEDR labels, the MOLA_MAINTENANCE_MODE_TABLE object is missing the INTERCHANGE_FORMAT keyword and value. It should have INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY. 4. Incorrect Value for ROW_BYTES in AEDR Labels The attached PDS labels for AEDR data files have incorrect values for ROW_BYTES in the MOLA_SCIENCE_MODE_TABLE object and in the MOLA_MAINTENANCE_MODE_TABLE object. In both objects the value for ROW_BYTES should be 1230. 5. No Data for Some Orbits PEDR data products do not exist for orbits 373, 375, 413 and 414. The AEDR data for these orbits consist entirely of noise. During these orbits MOLA observed in an off-nadir position while the MGS spacecraft was 'tilted', in order to fill in a coverage gap at the north pole. The range parameters required for these passes were not transmitted in time due to some miscommunication, and there were no planetary ranges obtained. Data covering the pole were acquired successfully on 10 other orbits. VI. RADIO SCIENCE DATA ARCHIVE ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This file contains a listing of errors, anomalies, and other notes regarding the Science Data Product archive from the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team. ============================================================================== ERRORS, ANOMALIES, AND OTHER NOTES ============================================================================== MORS_1001 The following files were omitted from the DOCUMENT directory. None of the affected product formats had been finalized, and none of the products were included in the volume. The documents themselves were incomplete. LOSAPDR.TXT RSIPS.TXT SHBDR.TXT File JGM50C01.SHA in the SHA directory has no uncertainties for coefficient values. Uncertainties were included when the file was archived on the MGS Sampler CD (MGS_0001). Users needing the uncertainties are referred to the Sampler. Versions 1-3 have a spurious "END" at or near line 105 in the CATALOG/REF.CAT file (after DAVIESETAL1995). MORS_1002 Version 1 had back-to-front pagination in DOCUMENT/AAS99147.PS; front-to back pagination was used starting in Version 2. Version 1 DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT listed RSIPS.TXT as being present in the DOCUMENT directory; it was not. The same file failed to mention that AAS9147.* files were present. These errors were corrected in Version 2. Version 1 DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT listed OCCLOGxx.TAB as being present, but the file was missing. On Version 2 OCCLOGA2.TAB was present, but DOCINFO.TXT failed to mention it. These errors were corrected on Version 3. Version 1 SHA/GGM0890A.LBL claims REFERENCE_RADIUS is in KM, but the data file has the value in meters. Corrected in Version 2. Version 1 SHA/GGM0890A.SHA has columns 4 and 5 swapped compared with how they are specified in GGM0890A.LBL. Fixed in Version 2. Minor formatting and spelling errors corrected in going from Version 1 to Version 2. Versions 1-2 have a spurious "END" at or near line 105 in the CATALOG/REF.CAT file (after DAVIESETAL1995). MORS_1003 Version 1 has a spurious "END" at or near line 105 in the CATALOG/REF.CAT file (after DAVIESETAL1995). Version 1 SHA/GGM0964A.SHA has columns 4 and 5 swapped compared with how they are specified in GGM0890A.LBL. Fixed in Version 2. VII. TES DATA ARCHIVE COMMENTS ON MGS TES ARCHIVE VOLUMES MGST_0021 THROUGH MGST_0016 This document contains comments and errata concerning the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer Archive Volumes MGST_0021 through MGST_0016. 1. Nonstandard file names in SOFTWARE directory A few files in the SOFTWARE/SRC directory do not conform to the ISO 9660 8.3 filename standard. Specifically, the file MAKEFILE does not have an extension, and the files IO_LABLIB3.C and IO_LABLIB3.H have more than 8 characters in the filename. 2. Nonstandard file sizes in DATA/MARS/ directory on Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0008 The following TES Standard Data Products contain only one orbit of size 130 to 250 Mb; this is significantly larger than the documented 100 Mb per product (see DOCUMENT/ARCHSIS.ASC section 3.2): MGST_0001: TES000101, TES000102 MGST_0002: TES000201, TES000202 MGST_0003: TES000301, TES000302 MGST_0004: TES000401, TES000402, TES000403 MGST_0005: TES000501, TES000502, TES000503 MGST_0006: TES000601, TES000602 MGST_0007: TES000701, TES000702, TES000703 MGST_0008: TES000801, TES000802, TES000803 3. Errors in DOCUMENT/PROCESS.ASC and PROCESS.PDF on Volumes MGST_0061 through MGST_0016 While converting the document text files PROCESS.ASC and PROCESS.PDF, superscript and subscript formats were lost and could potentially lead to confusion. The documents should be read with the understanding that 10-6 indicates 10, or another value, raised to the -6 power; cm-1 indicates cm, or another unit, raised to the -1 power; d2?/d?2 indicates the second derivative is taken; the equation on line 476 should read dIRF/dT = 3*af*(detector_temp)^2 + 2*bf*detector_temp + cf; and the equation on line 493 should read Corr_IRF = IRF + dIRF/dT *deltaT + d2IRF/dT2 * deltaT^2 / 2! . 4. Errors in DOCUMENT directory on Volumes MGST_0061 through MGST_0044 On Volumes MGST_0061 and MGST_0041 through MGST_0044, the files SDPSIS.PDF and SDPSIS.ASC, section 3.1 lists a sample label with the nested PDS object "PRIMARY_KEYS". It should be "PRIMARY_KEY". 5. Nonstandard keyword in DATA/MARS/*.FMT files and associated software On Volume MGST_0021, the DATA/MARS/*.FMT files contain the keyword PRIMARY_KEYS; on subsequent volumes, this keyword was modified to PRIMARY_KEY and the associated software was adjusted to accommodate the change. Therefore, the software on MGST_0021 is incompatible with the DATA/MARS/*.FMT files on any volume produced later. The revised software and corresponding *.FMT files can be used to manipulate the MGST_0021 data located in the DATA/MARS/*.TAB or DATA/MARS/*.VAR files. 6. Errors in CATALOG directory on Volume MGST_0021 On Volume MGST_0021, some files in the CATALOG directory do not conform to the PDS standard for names of catalog object files. Specifically, HOST.CAT should be INSTHOST.CAT, TESINST.CAT should be INST.CAT, TSDRDS.CAT should be DATASET.CAT, PERSONEL.CAT should be PERSON.CAT, and REFS.CAT should be REF.CAT. Also on Volume MGST_0021, the file TARGET.CAT is missing from the CATALOG directory. Also on Volume MGST_0021, the file REFS.CAT is missing the following reference: OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ASMAR&RENZETTI1993" REFERENCE_DESC = "Asmar, S.W., and N.A. Renzetti, The Deep Space Network as an Instrument for Radio Science Research, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication 80-93, Rev. 1, 15 April 1993." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE 7. Errors in DOCUMENT directory on Volume MGST_0021 On Volume MGST_0021, the files SDPSIS.PDF and SDPSIS.ASC, section 3.1 lists a sample label with the statement TABLE = "xxx". It should be ^TABLE = "xxx". On Volume MGST_0021, the PDS label files ARCHSIS.LBL, PROCESS.LBL, and SDPSIS.LBL in the DOCUMENT directory all have the keyword DESCRIPTION. It should be called NOTE to conform to PDS standards for text object labels. On Volume MGST_0021, the files ARCHSIS.ASC, PROCESS.ASC, and SDPSIS.ASC in the DOCUMENT directory are not PDS-compliant because they contain TAB characters and have some lines longer than 80 characters.