Help on Using the Search Page

You may use these Web pages to find MGS data products based on their latitude/longitude location. The Search Page is the first step.

A JavaScript-compatible browser is required to use these pages. They have been tested with Netscape Navigator 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0. The tests showed that performance is noticeably slower in the Navigator browser.

How to Begin a Search

Begin by choosing the general area for your search. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Click on the map. Notice that the map has a latitude-longitude grid with lines every 30 degrees. When you click on the map, you're selecting one of the 30 by 30 degree areas.

  2. If you have a particular location in mind, then instead of clicking on the map you may enter a latitude and longitude in the boxes above the map. After the longitude coordinate, specify east or west for the longitude direction. (The map is labeled with longitude increasing to the east, but you may enter a west longitude coordinate if you want to.) Now click the button labeled Go to this lat/lon. You're really selecting the 30 by 30 degree area that surrounds the location you entered.

When you have selected a location by clicking either the map or the Go to this lat/lon button, a new page will appear showing an enlargement of the 30 by 30 degree area around the point you selected. This map will also show locations of the MGS products that occur in the area, either as points or ground tracks.

To complete your search you may then select a 5 by 5 degree sub-area, which will result in a page listing all the products for that sub-area with links to the data files. You may also further constrain your search by limiting it to certain instruments or orbits. Use the Help button on the new page for more information.


The global map on the search page is from the MOLA gridded topography data set, with a grid size of 1 degree. It is labeled with east longitude coordinates from -180 to 180. The enlarged 30 by 30 degree maps that appear on subsequent pages are labeled with west longitude coordinates from 0 to 360.

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