OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION DATA_SET_ID = "MR9/VO1/VO2-M-RSS-5-SHGADR-L2-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION_INFO MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = "SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL" MAP_PROJECTION_DESC = " In the simple cylindrical projection, parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude are straight lines that intersect one another at right angles. Images in this projection are centered on the equator. Map resolution is constant throughout the image, thus increasing distortion away from the poles. The transformation from latitude and longitude (LAT, LON) in degrees to LINE and SAMPLE is given by the following equations. SCALE = MAP_RESOLUTION SAMPLE = SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET+SCALE*(LON-CENTER_LONGITUDE)+1 LINE = LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET-SCALE*(LAT-CENTER_LATITUDE)+1 In the above definitions, integral values of LINE and SAMPLE correspond to the center of a pixel, and the top left image pixel has LINE=1 and SAMPLE=1. LAT and LON are the latitude and longitude of a given spot on the surface in degrees. LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET is the image line number minus one on which the map projection origin occurs. The map projection origin is the intersection of the equator and the projection longitude CENTER_LONGITUDE. SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET is the sample number minus one on which the map projection origin occurs. CENTER_LONGITUDE is the value of the projection longitude in degrees, which is typically the longitude that passes through the center of the projection. MAP_RESOLUTION number of pixels per degree at the projection origin." ROTATIONAL_ELEMENT_DESC = "See DAVIESETAL1995." OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "DAVIESETAL1989" END_OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "SNYDER1987" END_OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION_INFO END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION END