KPL/SCLK Status ----------------------------------------------- This file is a SPICE spacecraft clock (SCLK) kernel containing information required for Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft on-board clock to ET conversion. This file also contains definitions of MGS reference frames. Production/History of this SCLK files ----------------------------------------------- This file was generated by the NAIF utility program MAKCLK, version 3.3, from the most recent Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft SCLK SCET file. Usage ----------------------------------------------- This file must be loaded into the user's program by a call to the LDPOOL subroutine CALL LDPOOL( 'this_file_name' ) in order to use the SPICELIB SCLK family of subroutines to convert MGS spacecraft on-board clock to ET and vice versa and to use MGS frames defined below as reference frames for geometric quantities being returned by high-level SPK and CK subroutines. References ----------------------------------------------- 1. SCLK Required Reading file, NAIF document number 222 2. MAKCLK User's Guide, NAIF document number 267 Inquiries ----------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact MGS Spacecraft Operations Team (SCOPS) Lockheed/Martin, Denver Boris Semenov - NAIF/JPL (818) 354-8136 SCLK DATA ----------------------------------------------- \begindata SCLK_KERNEL_ID = ( @1998-06-08/20:06:17.00 ) SCLK_DATA_TYPE_94 = ( 1 ) SCLK01_TIME_SYSTEM_94 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_N_FIELDS_94 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_MODULI_94 = ( 4294967296 256 ) SCLK01_OFFSETS_94 = ( 0 0 ) SCLK01_OUTPUT_DELIM_94 = ( 1 ) SCLK_PARTITION_START_94 = ( 1.3611133440000E+11 ) SCLK_PARTITION_END_94 = ( 1.0995116277750E+12 ) SCLK01_COEFFICIENTS_94 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 -9.9510252675000E+07 9.9999996301748E-01 8.3066265600000E+08 -9.6265476795000E+07 9.9999994844682E-01 1.9330583040000E+09 -9.1959244017000E+07 9.9999994927604E-01 2.7708477440000E+09 -8.8686629183000E+07 9.9999994213351E-01 4.0538009600000E+09 -8.3675093473000E+07 9.9999993609973E-01 4.7829370880000E+09 -8.0826905655000E+07 9.9999993275158E-01 5.2473643520000E+09 -7.9012736777000E+07 9.9999993064539E-01 5.4909818880000E+09 -7.8061105843000E+07 9.9999992770059E-01 6.7515176960000E+09 -7.3137138199000E+07 9.9999992410889E-01 7.9017973760000E+09 -6.8643858540000E+07 9.9999992038548E-01 8.9854187520000E+09 -6.4410962877000E+07 9.9999991689249E-01 9.9588085760000E+09 -6.0608659193000E+07 9.9999991330346E-01 1.1222619136000E+10 -5.5671899621000E+07 9.9999990916047E-01 1.2448517120000E+10 -5.0883236056000E+07 9.9999990500000E-01 )