PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-02-18 NOTE = "Description of PEDR2TAB software provided with the MGS MOLA archive volumes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY ----------------------- PEDR2TAB.F - Fortran source code for PC/Windows platforms. Variants for other architectures are available on the MOLA website, http://ltpwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/tharsis/software.html. PEDR2TAB.PRM - Preferences file read by PEDR2TAB, to be edited by user PEDR2TAB.EXE - Executable program, compiled under MS-DOS/Windows 95 MOLA.LBL - Example of a PDS label for a file produced by PEDR2TAB PEDR2TAB SOFTWARE FOR MGS MOLA ARCHIVE VOLUMES ---------------------------------------------- PEDR2TAB is a program that reads MOLA PEDR files and produces an ASCII table of selected fields, one line for each altimetry shot detected. The user may choose to see all ranges, or only those that are/are not ground hits, in a selected region. The user may output any of eight groups of MOLA instrument values. By default, topography, range, planetary radius, and flags are output. The program is written in Fortran 77 with MIL-STD-1753 and other extensions. The user should modify the preferences file, PEDR2TAB.PRM, to select the groups of values to be written to the output file. A group is selected by placing a T (for True) at the beginning of the line that describes the desired group. Lines that begin with F (False) will not be selected for output. By default, the program writes an ASCII table to a file named MOLA.TAB. The file MOLA.LBL can be used as the basis for a PDS label that describes MOLA.TAB. MOLA.LBL describes all possible fields that can be output. In order for MOLA.LBL to be valid for a particular output file, it must be edited to reflect the user's selections in PEDR2TAB.PRM. To run the program, use the command PEDR2TAB pedr-file where "pedr-file" is the name of a binary PEDR data file, e.g. ap00213k.b. If the file name is omitted, the program will prompt for it. Alternatively, the program can search several PEDR files for frames in the selected region, generating either a single output file or separate files by the same name with a suffix ".TAB". To do this, use the command PEDR2TAB pedr-file-list or when prompted, enter the name of a file that contains a list of the PEDRs to be searched, one PEDR name per line. The names must terminate with the extension ".b" or ".B" to be recognized. The output file extension ".TAB" may be customized in PEDR2TAB.PRM. PEDR2TAB was written by Gregory Neumann, MOLA Science Team, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Although the software contained herein has been tested, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), or the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), as to the accuracy and functioning of the software and related materials, and no responsibility is assumed by NASA, JPL, or GSFC. This software is not supported by the MOLA Instrument and Science Teams. The PEDR Software Interface Specification 2.7 is the authoritative document, and should be consulted if questions arise. If you have any comments, improvements, or bug reports, please send email to Gregory.Neumann@gsfc.nasa.gov.