PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH FILE_RECORDS = 720 RECORD_BYTES = 2880 ^IMAGE = "IEG025C.IMG" DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-MOLA-5-IEGDR-L3-V2.0" PRODUCT_ID = "MOLA-IEG025C.IMG" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" INSTRUMENT_ID = MOLA INSTRUMENT_NAME = MARS_ORBITER_LASER_ALTIMETER TARGET_NAME = MARS START_TIME = 1997-09-15T19:10:00.000 STOP_TIME = 2000-06-01T16:51:07.180 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 3 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 15516 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2000-07-14T12:00:00.000 PRODUCER_ID = MGS_MOLA_TEAM PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DAVID E. SMITH" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER" DESCRIPTION = "This data file accompanies the topographic and radius maps of Mars, IEG0125T.IMG and IEG0125R.IMG, at a resolution of 0.25 by 0.25 degrees. It contains the number of observations per pixel (i.e., per bin) that have been used to produce the topography and radius maps. This map of 'counts' is in the form of a binary table with one row for each 0.25-degree latitude, from 0 to 360 degrees East longitude and 90 to -90 degrees latitude. A total of approximately 333 million observations are represented. Note that MOLA uses a different orbit numbering scheme from that used by the MGS Project. The Project reset its orbit counter to 1 at the beginning of the Mapping Phase. Since MOLA had already generated products identified by orbit number prior to the Mapping Phase, it was decided to use the Project orbit number plus 10000 to identify MOLA Mapping Phase products, thereby avoiding duplicate product IDs. Subtract 10000 from a MOLA mapping phase orbit number to determine the equivalent MGS Project orbit number. Since the MOLA topographic data are cumulative over the whole mission, the orbit number range for these products spans both the Orbit Insertion and Mapping Phases." OBJECT = IMAGE NAME = COUNTS_PER_BIN DESCRIPTION = "The number of observations, or counts, in a given latitude-longitude bin." LINES = 720 LINE_SAMPLES = 1440 SAMPLE_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 16 MINIMUM = 0 MAXIMUM = 1535 END_OBJECT = IMAGE OBJECT = IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION ^DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION = "DSMAP.CAT" MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = "SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL" A_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 B_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 C_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 FIRST_STANDARD_PARALLEL = "N/A" SECOND_STANDARD_PARALLEL = "N/A" POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST" CENTER_LATITUDE = 0.0 CENTER_LONGITUDE = 180.0 REFERENCE_LATITUDE = "N/A" REFERENCE_LONGITUDE = "N/A" LINE_FIRST_PIXEL = 1 LINE_LAST_PIXEL = 720 SAMPLE_FIRST_PIXEL = 1 SAMPLE_LAST_PIXEL = 1440 MAP_PROJECTION_ROTATION = 0.0 MAP_RESOLUTION = 4.0 MAP_SCALE = 14.818 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = 90.0 MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -90.0 WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 0.0 EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 360.0 LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 360.5 SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 720.5 COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE = "BODY-FIXED ROTATING" COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = "PLANETOCENTRIC" END_OBJECT = IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION END