PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Comments on the MGS Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) PEDR Archive" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001-05-24 END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON THE MGS MOLA PEDR ARCHIVE This document contains comments and errata concerning the MGS Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) Precision Experiment Data Record (PEDR) Archive. 1. MOLA PEDR File Names The PEDR binary data files on MOLA archive volumes have file names with the extension ".B", instead of the usual extension of ".DAT" for binary files. 2. Incorrect Values for SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT in AEDR and PEDR Labels (Orbit Insertion Volumes Only) MOLA volumes MGSL_0001 and MGSL_0002 contain both PEDRs and the raw data from which they were made, AEDRs (Aggregated Experiment Data Records). These two volumes contain data acquired during the Orbit Insertion phase of the mission. On these volumes, the attached PDS labels for AEDR and PEDR data files contain incorrect values for the fields SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT, due to an error in the processing software that created the files. The AEDR and PEDR index tables on these volumes were created from the data file labels, so the index tables also contain the incorrect values for these two fields. The error was corrected in data file labels on subsequent volumes. The cumulative index tables on subsequent volumes still contain the incorrect spacecraft clock values for volumes MGSL_0001 and MGSL_0002. 3. No Data for Some Orbits (Orbit Insertion Volumes Only) PEDR data products do not exist for the pre-mapping phase orbits 373, 375, 413 and 414. The AEDR data for these orbits consist entirely of noise. During these orbits MOLA observed in an off-nadir position while the MGS spacecraft was 'tilted', in order to fill in a coverage gap at the north pole. The range parameters required for these passes were not transmitted in time due to some miscommunication, and there were no planetary ranges obtained. Data covering the pole were acquired successfully on 10 other orbits. 4. No ASCII Text Version of Calibration Document The file CALIBDOC.PDF in the DOCUMENT directory is a document that describes the calibration of MOLA data. It is in Adobe PDF format. The document conveys important information in the form of complex equations, symbols and figures that cannot be represented as plain ASCII text; hence no ASCII version of this document is provided, although normally it is required for PDS compliance. 5. Some PEDR Labels from Orbit Insertion have MISSION_PHASE="MAPPING" On volume MGSL_2001, the attached PDS labels in PEDR data files AP01578G.B through AP01682G.B contain the value "MAPPING" for the MISSION_PHASE keyword, even though the data were acquired during the Orbit Insertion Phase. The MOLA instrument began acquiring mapping data at the end of aerobraking, although the Mapping Phase did not officially begin until about two weeks later. 6. No PDS Labels for Software Files Source code and executable files in the SOFTWARE directory and subdirectories are missing required PDS labels. The labels are required for information purposes only, and have no effect on the viability of the software. The software will operate as intended. 7. MOLA Spacecraft Clock Count Values Are Nonstandard Spacecraft Clock Count (SCLK) values in MOLA products are recorded differently from the MGS SPICE standard. The standard specifies that an SCLK value consists of a string of digits with an embedded decimal point. The number to the left of the decimal point represents seconds, and the number to the right of the decimal point (3 digits) represents a fraction of a second in increments of 1/256th. For example, an SCLK value of 627609638.125 means 627609638 seconds and 125/256ths of a second. The fractional number should always be less than or equal to 255. MOLA SCLK values are recorded slightly differently. The fraction of a second is the MOLA fine time in ticks divided by 256. The fine time comes from a MOLA oscillator synchronized to an 8hz interrupt. This fraction can be a number greater than 255. Since the MOLA oscillator tick counter is often in error, the fractional part of the MOLA SCLK value can be inaccurate. Therefore only the whole part of the SCLK value should be used, and then only as an approximate beginning or ending time for the observation. 8. MOLA EGDR: Only Topography Image Available at 1/32 Degree/Pixel Resolution Starting with volume MGSL_2034, the EGDR data set is included at a resolution of 1/32 degree/pixel. At this high resolution an EGDR file is almost 130 Mbytes. On previous volumes the EGDR was included at lower resolutions in the form of four images: topography, areoid radius, mean planetary radius, and counts (number of observations at each point). Because the files are so large at the 1/32 degree/pixel resolution, only the topography image is included, as it is the one most likely to be of interest. The other images are available upon request from the PDS Geosciences Node. 9. MOLA Processing Versions The processing software used to generate MOLA PEDRs is updated as better orbit information becomes available during the mission. As of this writing the PEDRs have had two major revisions, and they are likely to be updated again. After the first update, PEDRs from previous volumes were re-released using the updated software (hence volumes 2001 through 2009 were superseded by volumes 2010 through 2018). After the second update, previously released PEDRs were not re-released. The MOLA Team has plans to reprocess all PEDRs at least once more. The processing version of a given PEDR is indicated by the last character of the file name (before the period). For example, AP10146H.B is version H. (Versions increase alphabetically.) PEDRs processed with different software versions have only minor differences, but users should be aware that the multiple versions exist. The table below shows the PEDR version used for each MOLA volume produced so far. PEDR Version MOLA Volumes Orbits Acquisition Dates ------------ --------------------- ------ ----------------- H MGSL_2001 - MGSL_2009 1578-1690, 2/28/99 - 8/30/99 10012-10182 I MGSL_2010 - MGSL_2033 1578-1690, 2/28/99 - 6/1/00 10012-15507 J MGSL_2034 - MGSL_2045 16259-18591 8/1/00 - 2/8/01