OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RANGE_TO_SURFACE_TIU_CNTS DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 2 DESCRIPTION = "The laser shot surface ranging measurement in Timing Interval Unit (TIU) counts. The least significant 16 bits of TIU (LSTIU), stored for every shot. B[0] = Bits 15-8 of TIU reading; B[1] = Bits 7-0 of TIU reading." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FIRST_CH_RCVD_PULSE_ENRGY DATA_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 3 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The level of return, reflected energy as received by the first channel and matched filter to trigger. Lowest numbered non-zero energy reading for each shot." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CHANNEL_NUMBER_PULSE_WIDTH DATA_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 4 BYTES = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The number of the first channel to trigger and the pulse width of the returned energy. Bits 8-7 : channel number - 1; bits 6-1: pulse width" END_OBJECT = COLUMN