PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "S. SLAVNEY, 2000-08-31" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-MOLA-5-IEGDR-L3-V2.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION_INFO MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = "SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL" MAP_PROJECTION_DESC = " In the simple cylindrical projection [SNYDER1987], parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude are straight lines that are perpendicular to one another. This map projection is centered on the equator. The map resolution is constant throughout the image. The transformation from latitude and longitude (LAT, LON) in degrees to LINE and SAMPLE is given by the following equations. Longitude increases from west to east. SAMPLE = SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET + RES * (LON - CENTER_LONGITUDE) LINE = LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET - RES * (LAT - CENTER_LATITUDE) where: LAT and LON are the latitude and longitude of a given spot on the surface in degrees. LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET is the line number on which the map projection origin occurs; i.e., the line number that corresponds to the center latitude. SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET is the sample number on which the map projection origin occurs; i.e., the sample number that corresponds to the center longitude. CENTER_LONGITUDE, CENTER_LATITUDE are the longitude and latitude chosen as the origin of the map projection. In simple cylindrical projection, the center latitude is always 0. The center longitude may vary, but is usually either 0 or 180 for a global map. RES (MAP_RESOLUTION) is the number of pixels per degree at the projection origin. Values for LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET, SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET, CENTER_LONGITUDE, CENTER_LATITUDE, and MAP_RESOLUTION are found in the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION object in an image's PDS label. In the above definitions, a pixel is assumed to cover an area, and the integral values of LINE and SAMPLE are assumed to correspond to the center of the area. The pixel in the upper left corner is line 1, sample 1. The latitude and longitude corresponding to the center of pixel (1,1) are latitude 90 - 1/(RES*2) and longitude 0 + 1/(RES*2). The top edge of pixel (1,1) has latitude 90, the maximum latitude in the image. The left edge of pixel (1,1) has longitude 0, the westernmost latitude in the image (assuming a center longitude of 180). In an image with an even number of samples per line (NS), the center longitude actually passes between samples NS/2 and NS/2+1. Similarly in an image with an even number of lines (NL), the center latitude passes between lines NL/2 and NL/2+1. For such images the LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET and SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET are defined as NL/2 + 0.5 and NS/2 + 0.5. " ROTATIONAL_ELEMENT_DESC = "See [DAVIESETAL1994B]." OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "DAVIESETAL1994B" END_OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "SNYDER1987" END_OBJECT = DS_MAP_PROJECTION_REF_INFO END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION_INFO END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION END