OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RANGE_GATE_TRACKER_ARRAY DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 509 BYTES = 12 ITEMS = 6 ITEM_BYTES = 2 MINIMUM = 0 MAXIMUM = 255 DESCRIPTION = "The range gate tracker array information is actually 48 bytes of data. These 28 bytes represent bytes 37-48 (counting from 1) in the array. Previous bytes appear in Frame 3 and 4 engineering data. 73.728 km, 48 HISTOGRAM bins starting at HSTART. 48 sequential bins of the ranging histogram, stored after the sixth shot is collected, but before the ranging algorithm is executed on that frame's data. HSTART, from PARAM_TABLE, with the LSB cleared is the number of the first bin stored. Bins are represented as bytes, but they are stored as words. Therefore, the bytes are swapped. HSTART correction: HSTART =HSTART + 0xFFFE. The following denotes the range of each bin for each data byte (B[x]). C = 1.536km. B[ 0] : (HSTART + 1) * C; B[ 1] : (HSTART + 0) * C; B[ 2] : (HSTART + 3) * C; B[ 3] : (HSTART + 2) * C; B[ 4] : (HSTART + 5) * C; B[ 5] : (HSTART + 4) * C; B[ 6] : (HSTART + 7) * C; B[ 7] : (HSTART + 6) * C; B[ 8] : (HSTART + 9) * C; B[ 9] : (HSTART + 8) * C; B[10] : (HSTART + 11) * C; B[11] : (HSTART + 10) * C; B[12] : (HSTART + 13) * C; B[13] : (HSTART + 12) * C; B[14] : (HSTART + 15) * C; B[15] : (HSTART + 14) * C; B[16] : (HSTART + 17) * C; B[17] : (HSTART + 16) * C; B[18] : (HSTART + 19) * C; B[19] : (HSTART + 18) * C; B[20] : (HSTART + 21) * C; B[21] : (HSTART + 20) * C; B[22] : (HSTART + 23) * C; B[23] : (HSTART + 22) * C; B[24] : (HSTART + 25) * C; B[25] : (HSTART + 24) * C; B[26] : (HSTART + 27) * C; B[27] : (HSTART + 26) * C; B[28] : (HSTART + 29) * C; B[29] : (HSTART + 28) * C; B[30] : (HSTART + 31) * C; B[31] : (HSTART + 30) * C; B[32] : (HSTART + 33) * C; B[33] : (HSTART + 32) * C; B[34] : (HSTART + 35) * C; B[35] : (HSTART + 34) * C; B[36] : (HSTART + 37) * C; B[37] : (HSTART + 36) * C; B[38] : (HSTART + 39) * C; B[39] : (HSTART + 38) * C; B[40] : (HSTART + 41) * C; B[41] : (HSTART + 40) * C; B[42] : (HSTART + 43) * C; B[43] : (HSTART + 42) * C; B[44] : (HSTART + 45) * C; B[45] : (HSTART + 44) * C; B[46] : (HSTART + 47) * C; B[47] : (HSTART + 46) * C" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = HSTART_VALUE_HISTOGRAM_DUMP DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 521 BYTES = 4 MINIMUM = 0 MAXIMUM = 100663296 UNIT = CENTIMETERS DESCRIPTION = "Value of HSTART from Parameter table, stored at packet completion. Stored at the end of the packet collection cycle. HSTART is used to store the Histogram dump bins on the previous frame (2 seconds earlier)." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPARE DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 525 BYTES = 4 ITEMS = 2 ITEM_BYTES = 2 DESCRIPTION = "Four unused bytes." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = VALID_COMMANDS_RECEIVED_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 529 BYTES = 2 MINIMUM = 0 MAXIMUM = 65535 DESCRIPTION = "Number of Time broadcast and Parameter update and channel on/off commands executed, never cleared, init. = 0. This is a 16 bit counter that starts at 0 after a CPU reset and rolls over from 0FFFFh to 0. Valid MOLA specific commands are defined as Channel ON/OFF commands and Parameter Update command All other MOLA specific commands are either flagged as errors or cause a mode change or CPU reset. B[0] = MSByte and B[1] = LSByte of valid command counter" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MEMORY_DUMP_SEGMENT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 531 BYTES = 6 ITEMS = 3 ITEM_BYTES = 2 MINIMUM = 0 MAXIMUM = 255 DESCRIPTION = "The memory dump segment is 16 bytes in length. This portion represents the first 6 bytes. The next 10 bytes are located in the Frame 6 engineering data. 16 bytes read from memory space starting at ((SEQUENCE & 0x3FFh)*16), dumps 0 - 3FFFh then starts again at 0. Using the lower 11 bits of the SEQUENCE count, stored in this packet, multiplied by 16 as the starting byte address, 8 words are read from RAM and stored in the packet. The following denotes the memory address at each data byte (B[x]). C =((SEQUENCE & 0x3FFF) *16). B[ 0] : C+ 1; B[ 1] : C+ 0; B[ 2] : C+ 3; B[ 3] : C+ 2; B[ 4] : C+ 5; B[ 5] : C+ 4; B[ 6] : C+ 7; B[ 7] : C+ 6; B[ 8] : C+ 9; B[ 9] : C+ 8; B[10] : C+ 11; B[11] : C+ 10; B[12] : C+ 13; B[13] : C+ 12; B[14] : C+ 15; B[15] : C+ 14" END_OBJECT = COLUMN