PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-12-06 NOTE = "Description of SPLITORB software provided with the MGS MOLA archive volumes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY ----------------------- SPLTINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. SPLITORB.PRO - IDL script to separate MOLA PEDR files into individual orbits SPLITORB SOFTWARE FOR MGS MOLA ARCHIVE VOLUMES ----------------------------------------------- SPLITORB is a script written in IDL to read a MOLA PEDR data file containing data from several orbits, and generate from it a set of files each containing data from one orbit. To use this script, the user must already have IDL installed. IDL is commercial software produced by Research Systems, 2995 Wilderness Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301, phone 303-786-9900, email info@rsinc.com. The Research Systems World-Wide Web site is http://www.rsinc.com. At the beginning of the Mapping Phase of the MGS mission, PEDRs began to be aggregated by day instead of by orbit as they had been in the Cruise and Orbit Insertion phases. Thus one Mapping Phase PEDR contains data from a variable number of orbits. SPLITORB is intended to accompany the IDL script MPROF, also included on this volume. MPROF was written to operate on PEDR files that contain only one orbit's worth of data. A Mapping Phase PEDR must first be broken down into separate orbits with SPLITORB before MPROF can be used to plot the data. SPLITORB works by reading each PEDR record, looking for the orbit number field, and writing the record to an output file. The procedure will append the record to the output file for that orbit, if one already exists, or start a new file for that orbit. The user should make sure that input and output files are in different directories, or SPLITORB may try to append records to an input file. SPLITORB modifies the attached PDS label to make it valid for the single-orbit file. Inputs: INPUT_FILE -- The full path of the multiple-orbit MOLA PEDR input file. OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -- The full path of the directory in which the procedure will write single-orbit PEDR files. End the path with the appropriate character for your operating system. Example on a PC: 'C:\temp\pedrs\single\' Example on a UNIX computer: '/home/user/pedrs/single/' VERBOSE -- (Optional) Set this keyword to have the procedure display its progress in the standard log window as it executes. LOWERCASE -- (Optional) Set this keyword to force the output file name to lower case letters. Otherwise, the output file name will have the case indicated in the header of the input file. This keyword is superceded by the UPPERCASE keyword. UPPERCASE -- (Optional) Set this keyword to force the output file name to upper case letters. Otherwise, the output file name will have the case indicated in the header of the input file. This keyword supercedes the LOWERCASE keyword. Examples: splitorb, '/data/pedr/ap10942g.b', '/output/' splitorb, '/data/pedr/ap11015g.b', '/output/', /verbose, /lowercase SPLITORB was adapted from a program called SPLITPEDR written in C for Sun/UNIX systems by C. David Brown, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, email dbrown@geoid.wustl.edu. It was written in IDL for this PDS archive volume by Judd Bowman, PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, geosci@wunder.wustl.edu.