PDS_VERSION = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1997-01-06 NOTE = "MGS RST Instrument Health Report HEA7006A.TXT" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Miscellaneous ============= So far as we can tell, Stanford is no longer under contract to MGS. Engineering Data ================ Engineering Data Statistical Summary from CSV2STAT: First SCET: 1997-01-03T00:01:44.955 Last SCET: 1997-01-03T18:35:40.452 Data Volume from NERT Query: 90 MB CHANNL channel name DN-LO smallest data number DN-MD median data number DN-HI largest data number EU-LO smallest engineering value EU-MEDIAN median engineering value EU-HIGH largest engineering value EU AVG/STDDEV engineering value mean and standard deviation RECDS records contributing to statistics CHANNL DN-LO DN-MD DN-HI EU-LO EU-MEDIAN EU-HIGH EU AVG/STDEV RECDS ------ ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- ----- L-0200 203 204 205 4.06E+00 4.08E+00 4.10E+00 4.08E+00/5.80E-05 9800 L-0201 129 131 132 2.58E+00 2.62E+00 2.64E+00 2.61E+00/9.31E-05 9800 T-0315 132 135 137 2.26E+01 2.32E+01 2.41E+01 2.32E+01/7.82E-03 2448 Engineering Data Statistical Summary from CSV2STAT: First SCET: 1997-01-04T22:29:16.949 Last SCET: 1997-01-04T23:59:59.948 Data Volume from NERT Query: 12 MB CHANNL DN-LO DN-MD DN-HI EU-LO EU-MEDIAN EU-HIGH EU AVG/STDEV RECDS ------ ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- ----- L-0200 203 204 205 4.06E+00 4.08E+00 4.10E+00 4.08E+00/1.54E-04 1318 L-0201 129 131 132 2.58E+00 2.62E+00 2.64E+00 2.61E+00/2.74E-04 1318 T-0315 133 135 138 2.23E+01 2.32E+01 2.38E+01 2.31E+01/2.10E-02 330 Engineering Data Statistical Summary from CSV2STAT: First SCET: 1997-01-05T00:00:00.448 Last SCET: 1997-01-05T18:44:24.446 Data Volume from NERT Query: 117 MB CHANNL DN-LO DN-MD DN-HI EU-LO EU-MEDIAN EU-HIGH EU AVG/STDEV RECDS ------ ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- ----- L-0200 203 204 205 4.06E+00 4.08E+00 4.10E+00 4.08E+00/5.08E-05 12673 L-0201 129 131 132 2.58E+00 2.62E+00 2.64E+00 2.61E+00/9.14E-05 12673 T-0315 133 135 139 2.20E+01 2.32E+01 2.38E+01 2.31E+01/6.96E-03 3168 Values for the past three days have been nominal. USO temperature (T-0315) continues its slow downward drift as the spacecraft moves away from and changes its attitude with respect to the Sun. Open Loop Data ============== Data Collection --------------- No new data. Data Anomalies -------------- Note POCA problems in paragraph 3 of the next section. Frequency Analyses ------------------ Joe Twicken reports on processing of open loop data from 96/348. In addition to the holiday interruption, this work was delayed while we obtained an estimate of the ground antenna location. These are the first data we have seen from one of the new Beam Waveguide (BWG) systems. DSS 25 coordinates were obtained from Bob Sniffin (via Trish Priest) of JPL. The ODS was acquired at 200 samples per second from 08:44:54 to 14:45:55 -- slightly more than 6 hours. This was the longest duration ODS that we have examined thus far for MGS. We obtained the data from John Armstrong via ftp; John obtained them from Trish Priest who got them (on a tape) from Sal Abbate. The ODS file contained 43323 566-byte records. There were no missing or duplicate records. The POCA file was fixed with Joe's "salvagePoca" program. It was first necessary to modify the frequency rate by 10 microHertz/second for one second at time tag 33353 in order to match the POCA readback frequencies. It was also necessary to do this for one of the recent GLL occultations. Joe is puzzled as to how this small erro creeps into the POCA readback frequencies. SPK file spk_c_961111-970228 was used to steer the data; this file was generated post-TCM1. Nearly four complete 100-minute spacecraft spin cycles are clearly evident in both the carrier power and frequency estimates. The amplitude modulation in particular is very complex, but consistent over the four spin cycles. Frequency estimates at the two "short" integration times were corrupted by noise bursts for the first half but not the last half of the recording period. The resulting Allan deviation was therefore poor at short integration times. Joe estimates the USO frequency to be 8423152907.52 Hz, consistent with an almost-linear rate of change of USO frequency since 96/323. There is a very slight negative drift in estimated frequency over the 6 hours on 96/348, consistent with a pattern we saw during Mars Observer and suggesting that there may yet be improvements we can make in our analysis software. The Allan deviation for 96/348 is shown below. SNR during data acquisition was approximately 41 dB/Hz. Joe did not compensate for the spacecraft spin cycle. Integration Time (sec) Allan Deviation ---------------------- --------------- 1.28 2.1039e-12 5.12 4.2988e-13 20.48 2.2203e-13 81.92 1.7634e-13 327.68 5.5751e-13 Closed Loop Data ================ No new data.