PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1997-11-18 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation on the archival data set and files within the data set. Each file is in ASCII, with 80 characters per line. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The files are: DOCINFO.TXT A brief description of this files within the DOCUMENT directory (this file). MGSRSSIS.TXT The Software Interface Specification (SIS) for the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Raw Dara Archive (RDA). It describes both the format and content of the archival data set. TK_FTP.TXT Instructions for obtaining NAIF Toolkit software via the Internet. Points to documentation on Toolkit organization and use. TK_DESCR.TXT Description of directory structure and contents of NAIF Toolkit delivery for Sun computers. Description of package for other platforms is similar and can be obtained using instructions in TK_FTP.TXT. TK_INSTL.TXT Instructions for installing the NAIF Toolkit on a Sun computer. Information for other platforms will be similar and can be obtained using instructions in TK_FTP.TXT. TRK_2_18.TXT SIS for the Orbit Data File (ODF), the edited version of closed-loop radio tracking data. This document has not been updated since the ODF format changed on 15 April 1997. Since each ODF is accompanied by a full PDS label, TRK_2_18.TXT will not be included with volumes containing ODFs produced solely after that date. TRK_2_21.TXT SIS for the Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) file, which contains data on rotation of the Earth. TRK_2_23.TXT SIS for Media Calibration Files -- Ionosphere Calibration files (ION) and Troposphere Calibration files (TRO). TRK_2_24.TXT SIS for DSN Weather Files (WEA). Released version of this document is not current; it will not be included with archival volumes until an update has been completed. TRK_2_25.TXT SIS for the Archival Tracking Data File (TDF or ATDF), the complete file of closed-loop radio tracking data. This document has not been updated since the ATDF format changed on 15 April 1997. Since each ATDF is accompanied by a full PDS label, TRK_2_25.TXT will not be included with volumes containing TDFs produced solely after that date.