PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-11-24 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team Raw Data Archive Cruise Phase (MGS-M-RSS-1-CRU-V1.0) ERRATA.TXT 24 November 1998 R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== MORS_0101 AAREADME.TXT: Coverage dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD are one day thru too early. The YY/DDD dates are correct. MORS_0109 VOLDESC.CAT: The same is true for dates associated with the keyword VOLUME_NAME in the VOLDESC.CAT file. The AAREADME.TXT file and the VOLUME_NAME value were both corrected on MORS_0110. MORS_0101 CALINFO.TXT was omitted from the CALIB directory on all original thru volumes. It should be present on MORS_0156, Version 2. MORS_0156 MORS_0106 HEA/HEA6331A.TXT has no PDS label. MORS_0107 CUMINDEX.TAB and INDEX.TAB have some incorrect entries in the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME column (column 7). These are short, so the records do not have the required 142 characters. MORS_0109 CALIB directory is missing; get CALIB files from MORS_0156, Version 2. MORS_0127 AAREADME.TXT: Added list of acronyms and abbreviations. Removed references to RSC11_11.TXT. INDEX/INDEX.LBL: DATA_SET_ID moved from object to label section. INDEX/CUMINDEX.LBL: DATA_SET_ID moved from object to label section. CATALOG: Editorial improvements to DATASET.CAT, INST.CAT, INSTHOST.CAT, MISSION.CAT, and REF.CAT. DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT: Removed section on RSC11_11.TXT. Editorial corrections. DOCUMENT/MGSRSSIS.TXT: Editorial changes; now version 1.0.2. MORS_0128 HEA/HEA7092A.PS1 and HEA/HEA7093A.PS1 do not have PDS labels. MORS_0130 HEA/HEA7105B.PS1 does not have a PDS label. MORS_0131 This volume was originally prepared as though the data came from the Orbit Insertion phase of the mission rather than Cruise. Labels had incorrect DATA_SET_ID values; wrong AAREADME.TXT, ERRATA.TXT, and VOLDESC.CAT files were included; and the files in the INDEX directory were wrong. Ignore Version 1 of this CD; use Version 2 instead. MORS_0132 INDEX/CUMINDEX.TAB: Listings from MORS_0131 are missing. Get thru correct index for entire data set from MORS_0156, Version 2. MORS_0156 MORS_0146 HEA/HEA7199A.PS1 does not have a PDS label. MORS_0150 All spacecraft CK files created since Launch are in the TCK directory on this CD. MORS_0152 HEA/HEA7227A.PS1 does not have a PDS label. MORS_0156 File 7145260A.SPK omitted from this volume; it appears on MORS_0201. File HEA7245A.TXT appears on both this volume and MORS_0201. Last volume in this volume set (MORS_0101 through MORS_0156) and data set (MGS-M-RSS-1-CRU-V1.0). Next volume (MORS_0201) picks up immediately as the first in data set MGS-M-RSS-1-MOI-V1.0. ECS/7125244A.ECS appears on volume MORS_0288 in the next data set (MGS-M-RSS-1-MOI-V1.0).