PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-07-13 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team Raw Data Archive Mars Mapping Phase (MGS-M-RSS-1-MAP-V1.0) ERRATA.TXT 13 July 1999 R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== MORS_0402 This volume contains 9066071A.TDF in the TDF directory. The file spans the boundary between the Orbit Insertion and Mapping phases of the mission. MORS_0405 90890705.ODR in the ODR contains Ka-Band data from HGA calibration activities. The following files in the ODR directory have incorrect two-digit years in the DSP headers. Labels have been corrected manually. 90870932.ODR 90871129.ODR 90871244.ODR 90871327.ODR MORS_0411 The high-gain antenna (HGA) azimuth gimbal became stuck late on 1999/105 or early on 1999/106. A full set of spacecraft engineering data for 1999/106 was not obtained until several days later. The original engineering data are in ECH/9106106A.ECH while the later version is in ECH/9106106B.ECH. There are corresponding versions of the CSV files. No additional data was found for either days 105 or 107. For several days following the HGA anomaly, radio occultations and tracking were spotty. Typically the spacecraft low-gain antennas were used, the transponder was in 2-way mode, and telemetry was on. MORS_0413 First CD containing Antenna Gimbal Kernel (AGK) files; files covering 1999-03-29 through 1999-04-28 were included on this volume. First CD containing Antenna SPK (ASP), Hinge CK (HCK), and Text Frame Kernel (TFK) files -- all in the CALIB directory. SIS changes covering the ASP, HCK, and TFK files were not completed in time to be included with this volume; see MORS_0414. MORS_0416 File AMD/9126127A.AMD (ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = amdgen.99-127_2.out) has an incorrect STOP_TIME in the label. Stop time should have been 10:13:12.000. The error was corrected and a revised file (with the same ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID) became AMD/9126127B.AMD on MORS_0417. MORS_0418 File ERRATA.TXT in the root has two lines with 81 characters.