PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-07-28 NOTE = "MGS RST Instrument Health Report HEA0210A.TXT" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Errata ====== There was a mistake in yesterday's health report regarding the ODF entry. The correct file name can be found below under the Closed Loop Data heading. Engineering Data ================ Engineering Data Statistical Summary from CSV2STAT: First SCET: 2000-07-26T00:00:03.905 Last SCET: 2000-07-26T23:59:59.893 CHANNL CHANNEL TITLE DN-LO DN-HI EU-LO EU-HI EU-AVG/STDEV RECDS ------ ------------- ----- ----- --------- --------- ---------/-------- ----- F-0190 HGA_AZ_ANG 6424 11519 1.57E+00 2.81E+00 2.64E+00/7.85E-03 2506 F-0195 HGA_EL_ANG -11233 11089 -2.74E+00 2.71E+00 -6.60E-01/3.32E-02 2506 L-0034 MOT1_RANGING 0 0 5016 L-0036 MOT1_TLM_MOD 0 0 5014 L-0037 MOT1_USO_ENA 0 0 5016 L-0044 MOT2_RANGING 1 1 5016 L-0046 MOT2_TLM_MOD 0 1 5014 L-0047 MOT2_USO_ENA 1 1 5016 L-0053 RF_SW_OSC 2 2 5014 L-0060 TWTA1_FILMNT 0 0 5016 L-0061 TWTA1_HV 0 0 5018 L-0070 TWTA2_FILMNT 0 1 5018 L-0071 TWTA2_HV 0 1 5016 L-0080 USO_PWR 0 0 5016 L-0090 KaBLE_STAT 0 0 5016 L-0091 KaBLE_ENABLE 1 1 5018 L-0111 MOT1_RCV_AGC 255 255 -1.53E+02 -1.53E+02 -1.53E+02/7.47E-07 5016 L-0121 MOT2_RCV_AGC 164 255 -1.53E+02 -1.28E+02 -1.50E+02/1.11E-01 5016 L-0131 TWTA1_HLX_I 0 1 -3.84E-02 -1.85E-02 -3.82E-02/2.61E-05 5016 L-0132 TWTA1_ANOD_V 0 1 -1.00E+03 -1.00E+03 -1.00E+03/1.34E-02 626 L-0141 TWTA2_HLX_I 17 42 2.86E-01 7.85E-01 4.75E-01/2.68E-03 5016 L-0142 TWTA2_ANOD_V 61 229 -8.66E+02 -5.30E+02 -6.42E+02/6.18E+00 626 L-0200 USO_REG_V 203 205 4.06E+00 4.10E+00 4.08E+00/2.07E-04 627 L-0201 USO_OVEN_V 126 129 2.52E+00 2.58E+00 2.56E+00/3.39E-04 627 T-0302 EPC1_T 188 197 -4.65E+00 -7.38E-01 -2.65E+00/3.58E-02 626 T-0303 EPC2_T 182 192 -2.43E+00 1.71E+00 -7.83E-01/4.84E-02 626 T-0310 RF_ISOLTR1_T 229 233 -6.05E+00 -1.15E+00 -3.33E+00/8.85E-03 5014 T-0311 RF_ISOLTR2_T 224 233 -6.05E+00 4.11E+00 -1.12E+00/2.76E-02 5014 T-0312 TWT1_T 228 232 -4.77E+00 -2.48E-02 -2.52E+00/3.52E-02 626 T-0313 TWT2_T 219 233 -6.05E+00 8.56E+00 -9.42E-02/1.79E-01 626 T-0315 USO_T 152 156 1.71E+01 1.83E+01 1.78E+01/9.23E-03 626 T-0316 KA_AMP_T 215 220 7.73E+00 1.16E+01 9.89E+00/2.60E-02 627 L-0200, L-0201, and T-0315 are nominal. Open Loop Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have transferred the following open loop data to Stanford: YYYY/DDD DSS DSP SAMP BW DSP BIT REC RECS RECS MAX START STOP RATE MODE RESN LEN MSSG SNR -------- --- -------- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- 2000/209 25 15:27:00 15:34:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 45.9 2000/209 25 17:25:00 17:32:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 45.9 2000/209 25 19:23:00 19:30:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 45.6 2000/209 25 21:20:00 21:27:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 45.8 2000/209 45 23:18:00 23:25:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 46.9 2000/210 45 01:15:00 01:22:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 47.3 2000/210 45 03:13:00 03:20:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 46.9 2000/210 45 05:11:00 05:18:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 45.6 2000/210 65 07:09:00 07:16:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 46.8 2000/210 65 09:06:00 09:13:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 47.4 2000/210 65 11:04:00 11:11:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 47.4 2000/210 65 13:01:00 13:08:00 5000 2000 2 12 1666 2101 0 46.2 Anomalies --------- Data from occultation 6200i (DSS 25, start time 2000/209-15:27:00) have a 0.7 dB drop in carrier level about 50 seconds before ingress. The level change is similar to those we have seen occasionally in the past; but in the past the level changes have always appeared AFTER ingress. Here the drop occurs over about 4 seconds, starting about 15:31:59. In the SOE, this is two minutes after entry into the atmosphere and there are no ground or spacecraft activities shown. The noise levels at the beginning and end of this recording appear to be identical (to an accuracy of perhaps 0.1 dB). We will ask the RSST to check the LMC log for an explanation. Closed Loop Data ================ Data Collection --------------- We have obtained the following files from OSCAR: Original File Name Name on SOPC -------------------------------- ------------ ODF: 002070208_10S.SJO;1 0207208A.ODF ODF: 002080209_10S.SJO;1 0208209A.ODF 0207208A.ODF was collected yesterday but erroneously recorded in yesterday's health report. Ancillary Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have obtained the following files from the FIS: Original File Name Name on SOPC -------------------------------- ------------ AMD: amdgen.00-209.out 0207208A.AMD OPT: optg_m_000727_OD6199-6201_6456_V1 0209230A.OPT SAK: mgs_solar_array_2000-208.ck 0208208A.SAK SPK: spk_m_000727_OD6199-6201_6456_V1 0209230A.SPK TCK: mgs_spice_c_kernel_2000-208.ck 0208208A.TCK SOE: mm059a.03.tsoe 0218223B.SOE SOE: mm059a.04.tsoe 0218223C.SOE We have obtained the following files from NAIF: Original File Name Name on SOPC -------------------------------- ------------ AGK: mgs_hga_ck_2000-07-18.bc 0200200A.AGK