PDS_VERSION = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-01-30 NOTE = "MGS RST Instrument Health Report HEA8030A.TXT" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Miscellaneous ============= The query for channelized engineering data from 98/029 failed after collecting data from only about 00-02h SCET. We filed ISA Z45123 and resubmitted the query. When that also failed, we called Data Control, learned that there were bad SCET values, and submitted a new query starting at 03:35. Those data will not be available until late today, so are not included in this health report. The query for 98/028 engineering data was successfully resubmitted and results are included below. Data from occultation #5 may have been lost (see below). Data from occultation #7 were not obtained (see below). Engineering Data ================ Engineering Data Statistical Summary from CSV2STAT: First SCET: 1998-01-28T00:00:00.138 Last SCET: 1998-01-28T23:59:59.631 CHANNL CHANNEL TITLE DN-LO DN-HI EU-LO EU-HI EU-AVG/STDEV RECDS ------ ------------- ----- ----- --------- --------- ---------/-------- ----- F-0190 HGA_AZ_ANG 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00/0.00E+00 1676 F-0195 HGA_EL_ANG 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00/0.00E+00 1676 L-0034 MOT1_RANGING 0 0 26824 L-0036 MOT1_TLM_MOD 0 0 26824 L-0037 MOT1_USO_ENA 0 0 26824 L-0044 MOT2_RANGING 1 1 26824 L-0046 MOT2_TLM_MOD 0 1 26824 L-0047 MOT2_USO_ENA 1 1 26824 L-0053 RF_SW_OSC 1 2 26824 L-0060 TWTA1_FILMNT 0 0 26824 L-0061 TWTA1_HV 0 0 26824 L-0070 TWTA2_FILMNT 0 1 26824 L-0071 TWTA2_HV 0 1 26824 L-0080 USO_PWR 0 0 26824 L-0090 KaBLE_STAT 0 0 26824 L-0091 KaBLE_ENABLE 0 0 26824 L-0111 MOT1_RCV_AGC 255 255 -1.53E+02 -1.53E+02 -1.53E+02/0.00E+00 13412 L-0121 MOT2_RCV_AGC 164 255 -1.53E+02 -1.28E+02 -1.39E+02/7.22E-02 13412 L-0131 TWTA1_HLX_I 0 1 -3.84E-02 -1.85E-02 -3.83E-02/6.61E-06 13412 L-0132 TWTA1_ANOD_V 0 1 -1.00E+03 -1.00E+03 -1.00E+03/2.33E-03 13412 L-0141 TWTA2_HLX_I 17 42 2.86E-01 7.85E-01 6.97E-01/1.12E-03 13412 L-0142 TWTA2_ANOD_V 0 234 -9.88E+02 -5.20E+02 -8.24E+02/9.55E-01 13412 L-0200 USO_REG_V 203 205 4.06E+00 4.10E+00 4.08E+00/7.01E-05 13412 L-0201 USO_OVEN_V 122 125 2.44E+00 2.50E+00 2.47E+00/8.66E-05 13412 T-0302 EPC1_T 150 178 3.30E+00 1.47E+01 1.30E+01/4.23E-02 3355 T-0303 EPC2_T 152 177 3.70E+00 1.38E+01 1.19E+01/4.10E-02 3355 T-0310 RF_ISOLTR1_T 214 227 1.06E+00 1.23E+01 1.03E+01/1.47E-02 13412 T-0311 RF_ISOLTR2_T 201 223 5.07E+00 1.98E+01 1.80E+01/2.67E-02 13412 T-0312 TWT1_T 214 227 1.06E+00 1.23E+01 1.02E+01/3.89E-02 3355 T-0313 TWT2_T 195 226 2.12E+00 2.25E+01 2.00E+01/8.28E-02 3355 T-0315 USO_T 180 185 8.30E+00 9.93E+00 9.06E+00/3.41E-03 3355 T-0316 KA_AMP_T 203 216 1.09E+01 1.88E+01 1.70E+01/1.60E-02 6707 L-0200, L-0201, and T-0315 are nominal. Open Loop Data ============== Data Collection --------------- The following is based on a report from Trish Priest: We were not able to collect data for occultation #7 (98/030 5 AM PST) using DSS 54. The DSP was not functioning properly. When we asked the station to reboot, they only rebooted part of the DSP -- the RSCP but not the SPA-R (the SPA-R controls the POCA; a request for the station to reboot the DSP usually includes both). We had no indication that the SPA-R had not been rebooted until we went into run mode. Since the SPA-R, and thus the POCA, was not working properly, we only saw the signal on the edge of the bandpass, then it disappeared. We could not enter a frequency offset because we could not communicate with the SPA-R. Stanford obtained partial data from observations early on 1998/028. The occultation was at 03:49:47. Data Control is looking into what happened to the remainder of the data. In hopes of acquiring the full pass (~90 minutes) we have carried out only quick-look processing on the data in hand. Accounting for +6 dB gain over the HEF and -15 dB from telemetry (mod index 80 deg), our SNR is about right when compared to 50 dB SNRs observed during occultations 1 and 4 at DSS 15 and DSS 45. YYYY/DDD DSS DSP SAMP BW DSP BIT TRK REC RECS RECS SNR START STOP RATE MODE RESN MODE LEN MSSG -------- --- -------- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- 1998/028 43 02:32:00 03:01:19 5000 2000 2 12 1-W 1666 8796 0 42. Anomalies --------- Data from the 1998/028 de facto USO Test and occultation were partially delivered and analyzed (see above). We have been expecting to see the remainder transferred from the CDR (Complex Data Recorder). But Trish says the CDR Web page (a table of contents) no longer shows our data. We have submitted ISA Z45128. Data from the 1998/030 5 AM occultation (occultation #7) were lost when the DSP was not rebooted properly (see above). DR L01779 was opened. Angus McMechen (LMA telecon) notes that stormy weather in the SPC 60 area during occultation #3 accounted for 10 dB in signal loss. Sal Abbate is investigating an additional 6 dB that are missing from both occultations 2 and 3 at DSS 65. Closed Loop Data ================ Data Collection --------------- We have obtained the following files from OSCAR and EPIC: Original File Name Name on SOPC ------------------------------ ------------ ODF: 98029O2000.DAT;1 8029029C.ODF 98029O2359.DAT;1 8029029D.ODF 98030O030_B.DAT;1 8030030A.ODF 98030O1709.DAT;1 8030030B.ODF 98030O1910.DAT;1 8030030C.ODF 98029O030.DAT;1 8029030A.ODF Ancillary Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have obtained the following files from the CDB: Original File Name Name on SOPC ------------------------------ ------------ AMD: amdgen.P110.out 8029029B.AMD AMD: amdgen.P111.out 8030030A.AMD LIT: ltm_i_980130-980201_top_short 8030032A.LIT OPT: optg_i_980129_OD110_120_V1 8029038A.OPT SFO: p111a.00.sfos 8030032B.SFO SFO: p111a.01.sfos 8030032A.SFO SOE: p111a.00.soe 8030032A.SOE SOE: p111a.01.soe 8030032B.SOE SPK: spk_i_980129_OD110_120_V1 8029038A.SPK