PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-10-14 NOTE = "Description of contents of CATALOG directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CALIB directory contains leap second, planetary constants, clock conversion, decommutation, decalibration, and similar files. The files may be ASCII or binary; some files appear in both formats. Some files evolved as the mission progressed (e.g., the leap second and clock conversion files); users should refer to the files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the most up-to-date information. If a file was not used during collection of the data in this volume or if there was no expectation that the file would be needed during processing of the data, the file is not included in the CALIB directory. For example, if spacecraft engineering data is collected in channelized form (rather than as packets), then the decommutation maps would not be included in the CALIB directory. The files are: CLOCK CONVERSION (SCK) FILES Clock conversion files allow time measured by the spacecraft clock to be converted to other time systems (e.g., ephemeris time or UTC). These are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs. File names are of the form ydddeeeC.SCK where y is the one-digit year of the first time covered in the file; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the first time covered in the file; eee is the three-digit day of year of the last time covered in the file (not necessarily in year y); and C is a character, starting with "A", to distinguish among multiple files that have the same ydddeee. Each file ydddeeeC.SCK is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name ydddeeeC.LBL. LEAPSECOND KERNEL (LSK) FILES Leapsecond kernel files are a record of leap seconds (past and predicted) that allow proper conversion between ephemeris time and UTC. These are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs. File names are of the form LSKydddC.TLS where y is the one-digit year of the file creation date; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the file creation date; and C is a character, starting with "A", to distinguish among multiple files that have the same ydddeee. Each file LSKydddC.TLS is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name LSKydddC.LBL. PLANETARY CONSTANTS (PCK) FILES Planetary Constants files contain dimensions, orientations, spin rates and other data about objects in the solar system. These are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs. File names are of the form PCKydddC.TPC where y is the one-digit year of the file creation date; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the file creation date; and C is a character, starting with "A", to distinguish among multiple files that have the same ydddeee. Each file PCKydddC.TPC is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name PCKydddC.LBL. CHANNEL CONVERSION LANGUAGE (CCL) FILES Channel conversion files are used by Project-provided software to interpret files of spacecraft and other data. They are provided as binary, dependency, and source files. Source files are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs; these delimiters may need to be converted for local use (to a simple line-feed on most Unix systems, for example). File names are of the form CCLydddX.xxx where y is the one-digit year of the file creation date; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the file creation date; and "X.xxx" gives the CCL file type: File Type X.xxx ---------- ----- binary B.BIN dependency D.BIN source S.SRC Each file CCLydddX.xxx is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name CCLydddX.xxx. DECOMMUTATION MAP FILES Decommutation map files are used by Project-provided software to interpret files of spacecraft and other data. They are provided as binary and source files. Source files are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs; these delimiters may need to be converted for local use (to a simple line-feed on most Unix systems, for example). File names are of the form DCOxxxxx.BIN or DCSxxxxx.SRC for binary and source files, respectively. In the file name "xxxxx" is a five-character string indicating the version of the map and the data type to which it would be applied. Each DCO* and DCS* file is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with the same name except for suffix *.LBL. CHANNEL PARAMETERS TABLE (CPT) FILES Channel Parameter Table files are used by Project-provided software to interpret files of spacecraft and other data. They are provided as binary and source files. Source files are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs; these delimiters may need to be converted for local use (to a simple line-feed on most Unix systems, for example). File names are of the form CPTydddX.xxx where y is the one-digit year of the file creation date; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the file creation date; and "X.xxx" gives the CPT file type: File Type X.xxx ---------- ----- binary B.BIN source S.SRC Each file CPTydddX.xxx is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name CPTydddX.xxx. TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (TDL) FILES Template Description Language files are used by Project-provided software to interpret files of spacecraft and other data. They are provided as binary and source files. Source files are ASCII files with variable length records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs; these delimiters may need to be converted for local use (to a simple line-feed on most Unix systems, for example). File names are of the form TDLydddX.xxx where y is the one-digit year of the file creation date; ddd is the three-digit day of year of the file creation date; and "X.xxx" gives the TDL file type: File Type X.xxx ---------- ----- binary B.BIN source S.SRC Each file TDLydddX.xxx is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal label with name TDLydddX.xxx.