PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-04-22 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team Science Data Products Archive (MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0) ERRATA.TXT 22 April 1999 R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This file contains a listing of errors, anomalies, and other notes regarding the Science Data Product archive from the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team. ============================================================================== ERRORS, ANOMALIES, AND OTHER NOTES ============================================================================== MORS_1001 The following files were omitted from the DOCUMENT directory. None of the affected product formats had been finalized, and none of the products were included in the volume. The documents themselves were incomplete. LOSAPDR.TXT RSIPS.TXT SHBDR.TXT File JGM50C01.SHA in the SHA directory has no uncertainties for coefficient values. Uncertainties were included when the file was archived on the MGS Sampler CD (MGS_0001). Users needing the uncertainties are referred to the Sampler.