PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" TARGET_NAME = "MARS" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-01-15 NOTE = "MOC DSDP ARCHIVE" END_OBJECT = TEXT END MOC DECOMPRESSED STANDARD DATA PRODUCT (DSDP) ARCHIVE Table of Contents 1. - INTRODUCTION 2. - DISK FORMAT 3. - FILE FORMATS 4. - CD CONTENTS, DIRECTORY, AND FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS 5. - CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION 1. INTRODUCTION This compact disk (CD) contains part of the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Decompressed Standard Data Product (DSDP) archive. This CD contains ancillary data files that support the MOC DSDP archive. These files include browse images stored in a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format, an index file ('imgindx.tab') that tabulates the contents of the CD and gives useful ancillary information, and documentation files. For more information on the contents and organization of the CD volume set refer to the "CD Contents, Directory, and File naming conventions" section of this document. The MOC DSDP archive was compiled for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) by Malin Space Science Systems personnel under the direction of Dr. Michael C. Malin, MOC Principal Investigator. Dr. Michael Caplinger was responsible for its compilation. The image files are organized according to NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) standards. An image file is organized as a PDS labeled file containing an "image object". 2. DISK FORMAT This disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems (e.g. IBM/PC compatible, Macintosh, Sun) may access the data. Specifically, it is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard Document: Reference Number ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988. The extended attribute records (XAR) supported by the ISO are not used in this volume series. The lack of XARs on a file only affects the VAX/VMS user community. It will be necessary for VAX/VMS users to use the VMS CONVERT utility to convert document and text files before they can be satisfactorily accessed. VAX/VMS users can contact the PDS Imaging Node for support of this CD. 3. FILE FORMATS All document files and tables are stored as ASCII stream-record files. In a stream-record file, records (lines of text) are separated by a carriage-return <cr> and line-feed <lf> character sequence. The <cr>/<lf> sequence marks the end-of-record and the start of a new record. This organization works well for the Microsoft-DOS systems because the <cr>/<lf> sequence is identically used on these systems. On Macintosh systems, an end-of-record mark is simply a <cr> character. Macintosh text editors can read and access these files, but a special-character indicator (usually a "square box" character) will mark the "extraneous" <lf> character at the beginning of each line. On UNIX systems, an end-of-record mark is simply a <lf> character. UNIX text editors can read and access these files, but a special-character (usually a ^M sequence) indicator will mark the "extraneous" <cr> character at the end of each line. File names with extension "TAB", "LBL", "LAB", "TXT", and "CAT" are formatted as ASCII stream-record files. Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems of various computers. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The "start byte" and "bytes" values listed in the labels that describe the tabular files do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII <cr>/<lf> characters. This scheme allows a table to be treated as a fixed- length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers. PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label refers (IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the carat character (^) indicates that the object starts at the given location. In an embedded label, the MOC DSDP archive uses the form: ^object = n <BYTES> where "n" points to the starting byte location of the object. (The first byte in a file is designated as byte location 1.) For detached labels (labels existing in their own file) the object location is signified as: ^object = "file.nam" In this form, the object of the label description exists in the file named "file.nam". For a description of the PDS object label specifications, consult JPL document D-7669. 4. CD CONTENTS, DIRECTORY, AND FILENAMING CONVENTION The files on this CD are organized starting at the root or 'parent' directory. Below the parent directory is a directory tree containing data, documentation, and index files. In the table below directory names are indicated by brackets (<...>), upper-case letters indicate an actual directory or file name, and lower-case letters indicate the general form of a set of directory or file names. DIRECTORY/FILE CONTENTS ------------------- ------------------------------------------ <root> | |-INDEX.HTM Starting point for web-browsing CD contents. | |-AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading (ASCII Text). | |-ERRATA.TXT Description of known anomalies and errors | present on the volume set (optional file). | |-VOLDESC.CAT A description of the contents of this | CD volume in a format readable by | both humans and computers. | |-<CATALOG> Catalog Directory | | | |-CATINFO.TXT Describes Contents of the Catalog directory | | | |-DATASET.CAT Dataset description. | | | |-DSMAP.CAT Map Projection description. | | | |-INSTHOST.CAT Spacecraft description. | | | |-MISSION.CAT Mission description. | | | |-PERSON.CAT Contributors to this dataset. | | | |-REFS.CAT References | | | |-MOCINST.CAT MOC instrument description. | |-<DOCUMENT> Documentation Directory. The files in this | | directory provide detailed information | | regarding the MOC DSDP archive. | | | |-DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in the DOCUMENT | | directory. | | | |-VOLINFO.TXT Documentation regarding the | | contents of this CD Volume Set. | | | |-VOLINFO.LBL PDS Label file describing the VOLINFO | | documents. | | | |-MOCSIS.TXT Mars Orbiter Camera Software Interface | Specification document. | |-<INDEX> Directory for the image index files. | | | |-INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in <INDEX> directory. | | | |-IMGINDX.TAB Image Index table. | | | |-CUMINDX.TAB Cumulative Image Index table for all volumes. | | | |-IMGINDX.LBL PDS label for IMGINDX.TAB. | | | |-<data directories> Data directory names indicating the mission | phase (first three characters) and a | unique-within-phase index (last three | characters). For pre-mapping data, this has | the form MMMNNN, where NNN is the orbit number. | | Files within each directory have the form | MMMNNNOO.IMG, where MMM and NNN are as above | and OO is a unique index within that orbit. | |-<BROWSE> Browse directory. The files in this | | directory provide HTML browsing of the files | | contained on this volume. | | | |-MAP.HTM Map-based browser page. | | | |-TAB.HTM Table-based browser page. 5. CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION For details regarding generation of the MOC DSDP archive: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Michael C. Malin Malin Space Science Systems PO Box 910148 San Diego CA 92191 info@msss.com For overall content, design, and archive of the MOC DSDP archive as presented on this CD volume set: ---------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Michael Caplinger Malin Space Science Systems PO Box 910148 San Diego CA 92191 info@msss.com 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the following people at MSSS for their invaluable contributions to the production and review of these volumes: Jeff Warren, Rick Adair, Elsa Jensen, Scott Davis, Kim Supulver, and Bill Gross.