PDS_VERSION_ID       = PDS3                                                   
RECORD_TYPE          = STREAM                                                 
START_TIME           = 1997-09-12T00:00:00                                    
STOP_TIME            = 1999-03-27T23:59:59                                    
DATA_SET_ID          = "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0"                                 
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR"                                 
TARGET_NAME          = MARS                                                   
^LATEX_DOCUMENT      = "AAS99328.TEX"                                         
^PS_DOCUMENT         = "AAS99328.PS"                                          
DESCRIPTION          = "                                                      
     This PDS document is a description of the methods used and results       
     obtained in analyzing radio tracking data from the Mars Global Surveyor  
     spacecraft while it orbited Mars during selected periods from 1997 to    
     The paper was presented to the Astrodynamics Specialist Conference,      
     Girdwood, Alaska, 16-19 August 1999.  Authors: F.G. Lemoine,             
     D.D. Rowlands, D.E. Smith, D.S. Chinn, D.E. Pavlis, S.B. Luthcke,        
     G.A. Neumann, and M.T. Zuber.  Title: Orbit Determination for Mars       
     Global Surveyor During Mapping.                                          
     The abstract reads:                                                      
       The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft reached its designated       
       low-altitude, and near-circular orbit about Mars after termination     
       of aerobraking on February 4, 1999.  The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter  
       (MOLA) returned its first data from this low-altitude orbit on         
       March 1, 1999.  The Doppler data acquired from the Deep Space Network  
       were used to determine the orbit of the MGS spacecraft, so that the    
       altimeter data could be used to map the topography of Mars.  A         
       detailed nonconservative force model was implemented for MGS that      
       included articulation of the solar arrays.  The tracking data in       
       February and March 1999 were used to improve the knowledge of the      
       Mars geopotential by developing MGM0964C20, a solution to 70x70 in     
       spherical harmonics.  When the improved nonconservative force model    
       and the improved Mars gravity model, MGM0964C20, are applied in the    
       MGS orbit determination during the mapping orbit, the overlaps of      
       adjacent arcs in March 1999 show a consistency of 0.6 m in the radial  
       direction, and 2 meters in total position.  We demonstrate that        
       altimeter crossovers from MOLA can be used to further improve the      
       orbit determination for these arcs resulting in an orbit overlap       
       consistency of 0.3 meters in the radial direction and 1.7 meters in    
       total position.                                                        
     The document is presented in two formats: a PostScript file with         
     figures and a LaTeX file of text only.                                   
     LaTeX is a document preparation system developed by Leslie Lamport;      
     it is a collection of TeX modules.  TeX is a document preparation        
     system developed by Donald Knuth.  For further information, see books    
     such as 'LaTeX Line By Line' by Antoni Diller (John Wiley and Sons,      
     1993, 291 p.).                                                           
     'PostScript' is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated."              
OBJECT              = LATEX_DOCUMENT                                          
 PUBLICATION_DATE    = 1999-08-16                                             
 DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "GRAVITY FIELD DERIVATION"                             
 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT  = ASCII                                                  
 DOCUMENT_FORMAT     = TEXT                                                   
 FILES               = 1                                                      
 DESCRIPTION         = "                                                      
     LaTeX version of a paper describing analysis of radio tracking and       
     altimetry data from Mars Global Surveyor in 1997-1999.  This is a        
     single file with name AAS99328.TEX containing text only (no figures)     
     for the paper presented at the Astrodynamics Specialists Conference.     
     On some systems the characters in the extension will have to             
     be converted to lower case before the LaTeX software will work.          
     If the programs latex and dvips are available, the user should type      
     the following commands:                                                  
                   latex AAS99328                                             
                   dvips -o AAS99328.ps AAS99328.dvi                          
                   lpr AAS99328.ps                                            
     Users without these programs should consult a system administrator for   
     advice on converting the LaTeX files.                                    
     The LaTeX file contains an unknown number of variable-length lines of    
     readable and printable ASCII characters.  Lines are delimited by the     
     ASCII carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair."             
END_OBJECT          = LATEX_DOCUMENT                                          
OBJECT              = PS_DOCUMENT                                             
 PUBLICATION_DATE    = 1999-08-16                                             
 DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "GRAVITY FIELD DERIVATION"                             
 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT  = BINARY                                                 
 DOCUMENT_FORMAT     = "POSTSCRIPT"                                           
 FILES               = 1                                                      
 DESCRIPTION         = "                                                      
     PostScript version of a paper describing analysis of radio tracking and  
     altimetry data from Mars Global Surveyor in 1997-1999.  This is a        
     single file with name AAS99328.PS containing both text and figures       
     for the paper presented at the Astrodynamics Specialists Conference.     
     The PostScript file contains an unknown number of variable-length        
     lines of readable and printable ASCII characters.  Lines are             
     delimited by the ASCII carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10)   
     pair.  Pagination is from front to back."                                
END_OBJECT          = PS_DOCUMENT