PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = FIXED_LENGTH                                          
RECORD_BYTES          = 80                                                    
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 1999-11-11                                          
  NOTE                        = "Software Interface Specification for         
                                 the Line of Sight Acceleration Profile       
                                 Data Record (LOSAPDR).  Formatted for        
                                 display or printing at 58 lines per          
                                 page with up to 78 constant width            
                                 characters per line."                        
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
                       SOFTWARE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION                       
                                 prepared  by                                 
                              Richard A. Simpson                              
                           Packard Bldg -- Room 332                           
                             Stanford  University                             
                                 Stanford, CA                                 
                                Version  2.0.1                                
                               11 November 1999                               
|                                                                            |
|                            DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG                             |
|                                                                            |
|REVISION|REVISION|  SECTION   |                   REMARKS                   |
| NUMBER |  DATE  |  AFFECTED  |                                             |
|   2.0  |99/06/11|     All    |Adapted from LOSAPDR SIS V1.13.2, which was  |
|        |        |            | written for Magellan and Mars Observer.     |
|        |        |            | V2.0 focuses on Mars Global Surveyor and    |
|        |        |            | Lunar Prospector.  The document itself is   |
|        |        |            | significantly streamlined; details of the   |
|        |        |            | product definition are in the PDS label.    |
|        |        |            | The LOSAPDR itself has not changed much.    |
|        |        |            | There is a new file naming convention, there|
|        |        |            | are detached rather than attached labels,   |
|        |        |            | and keywords FILE_NAME and LABEL_RECORDS    |
|        |        |            | have been dropped from the label.  The      |
|        |        |            | structure of the data file is identical to  |
|        |        |            | the structure used for Magellan data.       |
|  2.0.1 |99/11/11|    1.4.5   |Removed non-printing ASCII character         |
|  2.0.1 |99/11/11|    Cover   |Updated address for Simpson                  |
|  2.0.1 |99/11/11|Distribution|Added: D.-N. Yuan, J. Wilf, S. Joy, L. Huber,|
|        |        |            | and E.Guinness                              |
|        |        |            |Removed: V. Henderson, R.J. Phillips         |
|        |        |            |Update: Arvidson, Rappaport                  |
|                                                                            |
|                         ITEMS TO BE DETERMINED                             |
|                                                                            |
|  NUMBER  | AFFECTED |                                |                     |
|          |          |                                |                     |
 W. Sjogren..............301-150G       wls@kamel.jpl.nasa.gov                
 A. Konopliv.............301-130G       ask@krait.jpl.nasa.gov                
 T.C. Wang...............301-275R       tcw@zeus.jpl.nasa.gov                 
 R. Wimberly.............301-155N       wimberly@pop.jpl.nasa.gov             
 N. Rappaport............301-280        rappapor@pop.jpl.nasa.gov             
 D.-N. Yuan..............301-125J       dny@krait.jpl.nasa.gov                
JPL/Mars Global Surveyor                                                      
 T. Thorpe............JPL 264-214       tthorpe@jpl.nasa.gov                  
 R. Springer..........JPL 264-214       rspringe@pop.jpl.nasa.gov             
Washington University                                                         
 R.E. Arvidson.....Earth/Plan Sci       arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu             
 E. Guinness.......Earth/Plan Sci       guinness@wunder.wustl.edu             
 J. Alexopoulos....Earth/Plan Sci       jim@wuzzy.wustl.edu                   
Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science                                            
 G.L. Tyler..............Stanford       len@nova.stanford.edu                 
 D.E. Smith.........GSFC Code 920       dsmith@tharsis.gsfc.nasa.gov          
 G. Balmino..................CNES       gbalmino@pontos.cnes.fr               
 P. Priest............JPL 264-860       trish@rodan.jpl.nasa.gov              
New Mexico State University                                                   
 L. Huber..........Dept Astronomy       lhuber@nmsu.edu                       
 S. Joy.........IGPP/6707 Geology       sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu                    
 J. Wilf..............JPL 171-264       joel.wilf@jpl.nasa.gov                
  Document Change Log                                                         
  Items to be Determined                                                      
  Acronyms and Abbreviations                                                  
1. General Description                                                        
  1.1. Overview                                                               
  1.2. Scope                                                                  
  1.3. Applicable Documents                                                   
  1.4. Functional Description                                                 
    1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium                                      
    1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations                   
    1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency                                    
    1.4.4. Pertinent Relationships with Other Interfaces                      
    1.4.5. Labeling and Identification                                        
  1.5. Assumptions and Constraints                                            
    1.5.1. Usage Constraints                                                  
    1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints                                       
    1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints                                   
    1.5.4. Documentation Conventions                                        Data Format Descriptions                                     Time Standards                                               Coordinate Systems                                           Limits of This Document                                      Typographic Conventions                                        
2. Interface Characteristics                                                  
  2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations                               
    2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces                            
    2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements                                         
  2.2. Volume and Size                                                        
  2.3. Interface Medium Characteristics                                       
  2.4. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures                 
  2.5. End-of-File Conventions                                                
  2.6. End-of-Volume Conventions                                              
3. Access                                                                     
  3.1. Programs Using the Interface                                           
  3.2. Synchronization Considerations                                         
    3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations                               
    3.2.2. Effective Duration                                                 
    3.2.3. Priority Interrupts                                                
  3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences                              
4. Detailed Interface Specifications                                          
  4.1. Structure and Organization Overview                                    
  4.2. PDS Label                                                              
    4.2.1. Keyword-Value Pairs                                                
    4.2.2. Object Definitions                                                 
  4.3. Data File                                                              
    4.3.1. Header Object                                                      
    4.3.2. Times Object                                                       
    4.3.3. Results Object                                                     
Appendix A. LOSAPDR Processing Summary                                        
Appendix B. Example Label and Data Object                                     
  B.1. Example Label                                                          
  B.2. Example Data File                                                      
  A-1. Definition of Terms for Processing                                     
  4-2. PDS Label Structure                                                    
  4-3. Keyword-Value Pairs                                                    
  A-1. Spacecraft and Target Geometry                                         
  A-2. Spline Fit                                                             
                          ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS                          
      ASCII       American Standard Code for Information Interchange          
      CR          Carriage Return                                             
      FTP         File Transfer Protocol                                      
      hr          hour                                                        
      Hz          Hertz                                                       
      int         integer                                                     
      JPL         Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                   
      km          Kilometers                                                  
      LF          Line Feed                                                   
      LOSAPDR     Line of Sight Acceleration Profile Data Record              
      LUNRES      Gravity analysis program                                    
      MGS         Mars Global Surveyor                                        
      min         minutes                                                     
      mm          millimeters                                                 
      PDS         Planetary Data System                                       
      RS          Radio Science                                               
      SCET        Space Craft Event Time                                      
      sec         seconds                                                     
      SIS         Software Interface Specification                            
      TBD         To Be Determined                                            
      z.f.r.j.    zero-filled, right-justified                                
1.  General Description                                                       
1.1. Overview                                                                 
      This Software Interface Specification (SIS) describes the Gravity       
Science Line of Sight Acceleration Profile Data Record (LOSAPDR) produced     
for flight projects such as Lunar Prospector (LP) and Mars Global Surveyor    
(MGS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and delivered to the Planetary   
Data System (PDS).                                                            
      LOSAPDR files contain results from processing radio tracking data       
using program LUNRES.  Splines are fitted to Doppler residual values          
resulting from spacecraft orbit solutions.  The spline results are then       
interpreted as local accelerations, from which the size and location of       
mass anomalies within the target body can be inferred.  A summary of the      
processing which leads to the LOSAPDR is given in Appendix A.                 
      Each LOSAPDR is accompanied by a full PDS label which completely        
describes its content and format.  LOSAPDR files adhere to standards set      
by the PDS [1,2].                                                             
1.2. Scope                                                                    
      The format and content specifications in this SIS apply to all phases   
of the project for which the LOSAPDR is produced.                             
1.3. Applicable Documents                                                     
[1] Planetary Data System Standards Reference, Jet Propulsion Laboratory      
    Document D-7669, Part 2, Version 3.2, Pasadena, CA, 24 July 1995.         
[2] Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, Pasadena: Jet Propulsion      
    Laboratory Document D-7116, Rev. D, Pasadena, CA, 15 July 1996.           
1.4. Subsystem Siting                                                         
1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium                                          
      The LOSAPDR product is an electronic file on computer systems at        
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.                                                
1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations                       
      LOSAPDR files are created by program LUNRES running on a computer       
system at JPL.  Input data include Orbit Data Files containing radio          
tracking data from the Deep Space Network.  LOSAPDR files are delivered       
electronically to work stations of the parent flight project and/or to        
workstations of the Planetary Data System (PDS).                              
      Although the LOSAPDR is an ASCII file, machine to machine electronic    
transfers using the FTP utility should be carried out using FTP in binary     
mode.  This will preserve the carriage-return line-feed record delimiters     
and ensure that file lengths are preserved.  Note that some machines may      
need to modify the carriage-return line-feed structure after receiving the    
files and before using local utilities or application programs.               
1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency                                        
      LOSAPDR files are created by program LUNRES.  Each LOSAPDR contains     
data from one spacecraft orbit.  LOSAPDRs are generated when the data for     
the appropriate orbits become available.                                      
1.4.4. Pertinent Relationships with Other Interfaces                          
1.4.5. Labeling and Identification                                            
      Names for LOSAPDR files have the form                                   
where "M" indicates the mission                                               
                  "L" for Lunar Prospector or                                 
                  "M" for Mars Global Surveyor;                               
      "P" denotes the mission phase                                           
                  "N" for Lunar Prospector nominal mission,                   
                  "X" for Lunar Prospector extended mission,                  
                  "O" for MGS orbit insertion, or                             
                  "M" for MGS mapping;                                        
      "nnnnn" is a five-digit zero-filled, right-justified (z.f.r.j.) orbit   
                      number; and                                             
      "V" is the target body gravity field model identifier (e.g., "J" for    
                      many Lunar Prospector extended mission orbits).         
It is assumed that there will be only one LOSAPDR file for each gravity model,
though improvements in the computational algorithm may result in a newer      
version of the file occasionally superseding an older one.                    
      Internal labeling of LOSAPDR files is accomplished with keywords        
and values as described in Section 4.2.1.                                     
1.5. Assumptions and Constraints                                              
1.5.1. Usage Constraints                                                      
1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints                                           
1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints                                       
1.5.4. Documentation Conventions                                              
                                                                      Data Format Descriptions                                             
      The LOSAPDR is a text file using ASCII character definitions.           
      All double precision numbers (real) are represented using FORTRAN       
1P1E23.16 format statements.  Integers (int) are represented using FORTRAN    
I2 and I10 format statements.                                                 
      If a field is described as containing  n  bytes of ASCII character      
string data, this implies that the leftmost (lowest numbered) byte contains   
the first character, the next lowest byte contains the second character, and  
so forth.                                                                     
                                                                      Time Standards                                                       
      Within LOSAPDR files, times are expressed as a string of 23 ASCII       
where "-", "T", ":", and "." are fixed delimiters; "YYYY" is the year "19nn"  
or "20nn"; "MM" is a two-digit month of year; "DD" is a two-digit day of      
month; "T" separates the date and time segments of the string; "hh" is hour   
of day; "mm" is the minutes of hour (00-59); "ss" is the seconds of minute    
(00-59); and "fff" is in milliseconds.  The data type "TIME" is assigned to   
this format.                                                                  
      When only the date is required the 10-character string                  
may be substituted.  The data type "DATE" is assigned to this format.         
      Spacecraft times given in the form above are Spacecraft Event Times     
(SCET) in ephemeris time.  Ground times, such as local processing time,       
indicate local time (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as       
                                                                      Coordinate Systems                                                   
      Each LOSAPDR uses a single ad hoc inertial coordinate system, defined   
uniquely for that set of observations.  At the reference time CALENDAR EPOCH  
(CEPOCH; see Appendix A and Appendix B.1) an inertial frame is defined by the 
instantaneous target-fixed frame [1,2].  All positions and velocities are     
then expressed with reference to that frame.  Latitudes and longitudes, for   
example, are effectively specified with respect to the meridian and equator   
of the target-fixed frame at CEPOCH (see Appendix A).                         
                                                                      Limits of This Document                                              
      This document applies only to the LOSAPDR product.                      
                                                                      Typographic Conventions                                              
      This document has been formatted for simple electronic file transfer    
and display.  Line lengths are limited to 80 ASCII characters, including      
line length delimiters.  No special fonts or structures are included within   
the file.  Constant width characters are assumed for display.                 
2.  Interface Characteristics                                                 
2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations                                 
2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces                                
      The LOSAPDR ASCII files are created on a JPL computer system and are    
delivered over networks to destination workstations and databases, as         
appropriate.  Users of the LOSAPDR must have access to these destination      
facilities or to backup or archival media on which these files have been      
2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements                                             
2.2. Volume and Size                                                          
      The LOSAPDR data for each spacecraft orbit consist of one file, as      
detailed in Section 4.  File sizes vary, but a typical file contains 150      
2.3. Interface Medium Characteristics                                         
      LOSAPDR files are electronic files.                                     
2.4. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures                   
2.5. End-of-File Conventions                                                  
      End of file labeling complies with destination workstation or database  
2.6. End-of-Volume Conventions                                                
      End of volume labeling complies with destination workstation or         
database standards.                                                           
3. Access                                                                     
3.1. Programs Using the Interface                                             
      Data contained in an LOSAPDR will be accessed by programs at the home   
institutions of science and other investigators.  Those programs cannot be    
identified here.                                                              
3.2. Synchronization Considerations                                           
3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations                                   
3.2.2. Effective Duration                                                     
3.2.3. Priority Interrupts                                                    
3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences                                
4. Detailed Interface Specifications                                          
4.1. Structure and Organization Overview                                      
      The LOSAPDR is an ASCII file generated by the LUNRES Gravity Science    
software.  It has a file name of the form described in Section 1.4.5.  Each   
LOSADPR comprises three tables: a Header Table, a Times Table, and a Results  
Table.  Each file is accompanied by a PDS label which fully describes both    
the content and format of the LOSAPDR [1].  The label is an ASCII file in     
its own right with the same name as the data file except for the extension    
4.2. PDS Label                                                                
      The PDS Label includes two components: a section of standard            
keyword=value entries, and a section of object definitions.  The general      
structure is shown in Figure 4-2.  An example label is shown in Appendix B.1. 
      Although not shown here and in Appendix B.1, each line in the Standard  
Keyword and Value section and each line in the Object Definition sections is  
terminated by both the ASCII carriage return (hex 0D) and the ASCII line feed 
(hex 0A) characters.                                                          
    |                                                                    |    
    |                  Figure 4-2.   PDS Label Structure                 |    
    |                                                                    |    
    | PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                               |              |    
    | RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                          |   Standard   |    
    | FILE_RECORDS = nnn                                  |   Keywords   |    
    | RECORD_BYTES = nnn                                  |     and      |    
    |           ...                                       |    Labels    |    
    | PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = YYYY-MM-DD                   |              |    
    |                                                     |              |    
    | OBJECT = LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE                       |    Header    |    
    |           ...                                       |    Object    |    
    | END_OBJECT = LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE                   |  Definition  |    
    |                                                     |              |    
    | OBJECT = LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE                        |    Times     |    
    |           ...                                       |    Object    |    
    | END_OBJECT = LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE                    |  Definition  |    
    |                                                     |              |    
    | OBJECT = LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE                      |   Results    |    
    |           ...                                       |    Object    |    
    | END_OBJECT = LOSAPDR_TABLE                          |  Definition  |    
4.2.1. Keyword-Value Pairs                                                    
      Keywords-value pairs are shown in Figure 4-3 and are defined in the text
which follows [2].  Note that entries beginning with "^" are pointers to data 
objects (tables) in the LOSAPDR data file.  Each line in Figure 4-3 ends with 
an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair, which is not shown.                  
|                                                                    |        
|                  Figure 4-3.  Keyword-Value Pairs                  |        
|                                                                    |        
|     PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                             |            |        
|     RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                        |            |        
|     RECORD_BYTES = 202                                |            |        
|     FILE_RECORDS = nnn                                |            |        
|     ^LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE = ("MPnnnnnV.LOS",nnn)      |            |        
|     ^LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE = ("MPnnnnnV.LOS",nnn)       |            |        
|     ^LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE = ("MPnnnnnV.LOS",nnn)     |            |        
|     INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ccccccc"                  |            |        
|     TARGET_NAME = "cccccccc"                          |  Standard  |        
|     INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM"       |  Keywords  |        
|     DATA_SET_ID = "ccccccccccccccc"                   |     and    |        
|     PRODUCT_ID = "MPnnnnnV.LOS"                       |   Values   |        
|     DESCRIPTION = "ccccc"                             |            |        
|     SOFTWARE_NAME = "LUNRES;n.mm"                     |            |        
|     START_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff              |            |        
|     STOP_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff               |            |        
|     SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A"              |            |        
|     SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A"               |            |        
|     PRODUCER_ID = "cccccccccc"                        |            |        
|     PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff   |            |        
|     PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = YYYY-MM-DD                 |            |        
PDS_VERSION_ID          The version of the Planetary Data System for which    
                        these data have been prepared (by agreement between   
                        the flight project and PDS, set to PDS3).             
RECORD_TYPE             The record format for the file (set to                
RECORD_BYTES            An integer number  nnn  giving the number of bytes    
                        per logical record throughout the file.  The product  
                        of the number of records (FILE_RECORDS) and the number
                        of bytes per record (RECORD_BYTES) is the size of the 
                        file in bytes.  For the LOSAPDR, set to 202, which is 
                        the intrinsic length of records in the Results Object.
FILE_RECORDS            An integer number  nnn  giving the total number of    
                        records in the file.  The multiplicative product of   
                        the number of records (FILE_RECORDS) and the number   
                        of bytes per record (RECORD_BYTES) is the size of the 
                        file in bytes.                                        
^LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE   Pointer to the start of the LOSAPDR Header Object.    
                        "MPnnnnnV.LOS" is the PRODUCT_ID, described below.    
                        The integer  nnn  gives the starting record number for
                        the Header Object in the data file.  Record numbering 
                        within the file starts from record 1, incrementing    
                        once for each subsequent record of length             
                        RECORD_BYTES.  This pointer is set to "1".            
^LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE    Pointer to the start of the LOSAPDR Times Object.     
                        "MPnnnnnV.LOS" is the PRODUCT_ID, described below.    
                        The integer  nnn  gives the starting record number    
                        for the (spline interval) Times Object in the LOSAPDR 
                        data file.  Record numbering within the file starts   
                        from record 1, incrementing once for each subsequent  
                        record of length RECORD_BYTES.  This pointer is set   
                        to "7".                                               
^LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE  Pointer to the start of the LOSAPDR Results Object.   
                        "MPnnnnnV.LOS" is the PRODUCT_ID, described below.    
                        The integer  nnn  gives the starting record number    
                        for the Results Object in the data file.  Record      
                        numbering within the file starts from record 1,       
                        incrementing once for each subsequent record of       
                        length RECORD_BYTES.                                  
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME    A character string which identifies the spacecraft.   
                        Acceptable values include "LUNAR PROSPECTOR" and      
                        "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR".                               
TARGET_NAME             A character string which identifies the target body.  
                        Acceptable values include "MOON" and "MARS".          
INSTRUMENT_NAME         The character string "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM".       
DATA_SET_ID             The data set identification as defined by the         
                        Planetary Data System.  Acceptable values include     
                        "LP-L-RSS-5-LOS-V1.0" for Lunar Prospector            
                        and "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0" for Mars Global            
PRODUCT_ID              A character string of the form "MPnnnnnV.LOS"         
                        where the components are defined in Section 1.4.5.    
DESCRIPTION             A character string  "cccc"  containing a brief        
                        description of the data product.                      
SOFTWARE_NAME           The character string  "LUNRES;n.mm"  where            
                        "LUNRES"  is the generating program and               
                        "n.mm"  denotes the version of that program           
                        used to create the data file.                         
START_TIME              A character string indicating the SCET of the         
                        first tracking data point, in the format YYYY-        
                        MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff (see Section              
STOP_TIME               A character string indicating the SCET of the         
                        last tracking data point, in the format YYYY-         
                        MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff (see Section              
                        The character string "N/A"                            
                        The character string "N/A"                            
PRODUCER_ID             A character string which identifies the group         
                        producing the file.  For Lunar Prospector, the        
                        character string "LP GRAVSCI TEAM"; for Mars          
                        Global Surveyor, the character string "MGS            
                        GRAVSCI TEAM".                                        
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME   A character string indicating the date and time at    
                        which the file was created [in the format YYYY-MM-    
                        DDThh:mm:ss.fff (see Section]                
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE    A character string indicating the date at which the   
                        file was released to the Planetary Data System [in    
                        the format YYYY-MM-DD (see Section]          
4.2.2. Object Definitions                                                     
      Object Definitions are series of statement groups of the form           
            OBJECT = OBJECT_NAME                                              
                  ATTRIBUTE_1 = ATTRIBUTE_1_VALUE                             
                  ATTRIBUTE_2 = ATTRIBUTE_2_VALUE                             
                  ATTRIBUTE_N = ATTRIBUTE_N_VALUE                             
            END_OBJECT = OBJECT_NAME                                          
where each indented line specifies an attribute of the object (its size, line 
length, etc.).  Attributes can themselves be object definitions, allowing     
nesting within the definition statement.  For example, a primary Object       
Definition may specify a table; nested Object Definitions can be used to      
specify each of the columns within the table.                                 
      Data Objects within the LOSAPDR are the Header Object, the Times Object,
and the Results Object.  Each contains data in tabular form.  Each Object     
Definition first defines the table itself; nested subsidiary Object           
Definitions are used to define each of the table columns.                     
4.3. Data File                                                                
      The data file includes three objects, each defined in part of the       
accompanying PDS label.                                                       
4.3.1. Header Object                                                          
      The Header Object is a single-row multi-column table containing         
information on initial values, control parameters, and simple calculations    
required by the generating program LUNRES.  The Header Object is completely   
defined by the Header Object Definition in the PDS label.                     
      Column entries in the table are separated by ASCII commas (hex 2D).     
The total length of the header table must be an integral multiple of 202 bytes
(the record length for the data blocks).  A pad of 180 ASCII blank characters 
fills out the last record.  An ASCII carriage return (hex 0D) and an ASCII    
line feed (hex 0A) follow the pad.  The total length of the header table is   
thus 1212 characters -- exactly six times the value of RECORD_BYTES.          
4.3.2. Times Object                                                           
      The Times Object is a table containing exact times bounding spline      
intervals.  Each row in the table has RECORD_BYTES=202 bytes; the number of   
rows is given by NBKS (in the Header Object) and may be variable.  Although   
not shown here, each line in the Times Object Definition is terminated by     
both the ASCII carriage return (hex 0D) and the ASCII line feed (hex 0A)      
      The table is a single column containing 23-character ASCII              
representations of double precision numbers.  It is described completely by   
the Times Object Definition in the PDS label.  Each row in the table is padded
with 177 ASCII blanks followed by an ASCII carriage return (hex 0D) and an    
ASCII line feed (hex 0A) -- a total of RECORD_BYTES=202 characters.           
4.3.3. Results Object                                                         
      The Results Object is a table containing results from spline fits       
to Doppler tracking residuals.  It is completely described by the Results     
Object Definition below.  Although not shown here, each line in the Results   
Object Definition is terminated by both the ASCII carriage return (hex 0D)    
and the ASCII line feed (hex 0A) characters.                                  
      The table has eleven columns; its length is variable -- that is,        
it has a variable number of rows.  Column entries are separated by ASCII      
commas (hex 2D).                                                              
Appendix A - LOSAPDR Processing Summary                                       
      Tracking data (Orbit Data Files) are used to obtain an orbit solution   
for the spacecraft expressed in Keplerian elements and derived quantities     
|                                                                            |
|               Table A-1   Definition of Terms for Processing               |
|                                                                            |
|     LISTED QUANTITY     | PROGRAM |             DESCRIPTION                |
|                         | MNEMONIC|                                        |
|ORBITAL SEMIMAJOR AXIS   |   SMA   |Semi-major axis of spacecraft orbit (km)|
|ORBITAL ECCENTRICITY     |   ECC   |Eccentricity of spacecraft orbit        |
|ORBITAL INCLINATION      |   INC   |Inclination of spacecraft orbit (deg)   |
|ASCENDING NODE LONGITUDE |   NODE  |Ascending node of spacecraft orbit (deg)|
|PERIAPSIS ARGUMENT ANGLE |   ARG   |Argument of periapsis for spacecraft    |
|                         |         |                             orbit (deg)|
|TRUE ANOMALY ANGLE       |    F    |True anomaly of spacecraft orbit (deg)  |
|MEAN ANOMALY ANGLE       |    M    |Mean anomaly of spacecraft orbit (deg)  |
|ECCENTRIC ANOMALY ANGLE  |    E    |Eccentric anomaly of spacecraft orbit   |
|                         |         |                                   (deg)|
|ORBITAL PERIOD           |    P    |Period of spacecraft orbit (hrs)        |
|PERIAPSIS LATITUDE       |  LATPER |Latitude of periapsis from target       |
|                         |         |                                 (deg N)|
|PERIAPSIS LONGITUDE      |  LONPER |Longitude of periapsis from target (deg)|
|PERIAPSIS RADIUS         |   RPER  |Spacecraft distance from C/M at         |
|                         |         |                          periapsis (km)|
|PERIAPSIS VELOCITY       |   VPER  |Spacecraft velocity at periapsis (km/s) |
|PERIAPSIS ALTITUDE       |   APER  |Altitude of S/C over reference surface  |
|                         |         |                       at periapsis (km)|
|APOAPSIS RADIUS          |   RAPO  |Spacecraft distance from C/M at apoapsis|
|                         |         |                                    (km)|
|APOAPSIS VELOCITY        |   VAPO  |Spacecraft velocity at apoapsis (km/s)  |
|APOAPSIS ALTITUDE        |   AAPO  |Altitude of S/C over referenced surface |
|                         |         |                        at apoapsis (km)|
           TADD                .    .                                         
               \                                      .                       
         .                                                  .                 
      .                                                        /              
    .                                              P, V, CEPOCH  .            
   .   ooooooo      target                                        .           
  .  ooooooooooo  /                                                .          
  . ooooooooooooo                                                  .          
  . ooooooooooooo                                                  ^          
  . ooooooooooooo                                                  .          
  .  ooooooooooo                                                   .          
   .   ooooooo                                                    .           
    .                                                            .            
      .                                                        .              
         .                                                  .                 
               /                                      .                       
           TFIT                .    .                                         
      Figure A-1.  Schematic of spacecraft and target system, illustrating    
relationships among CEPOCH, TADD, and TFIT.  Dots indicate orbit; spacecraft  
moves counterclockwise from CEPOCH through the fitted part of the orbit from  
CEPOCH+TADD to CEPOCH+TADD+TFIT.                                              
      Doppler residuals  DATA_RESID  with respect to the solution are then    
calculated, and splines are fitted to the residuals.  The fitted curves, after
differentiation, can be interpreted as spacecraft accelerations relative to a 
simple Keplerian orbit about a homogeneous spherical target characterized by  
radius  RADIUS  and gravitational constant  GM.  The accelerations, in turn,  
may be used to infer anomalous mass concentrations within the otherwise       
homogeneous target.                                                           
      The initial state for the calculation is position  P  and velocity  V   
at time CEPOCH.  The position and velocity vectors are given in an inertial   
coordinate system which is identical to the target-fixed (rotating) frame at  
CEPOCH (and only at CEPOCH). CEPOCH  is in spacecraft ephemeris time (E.T.).  
Time from the reference  CEPOCH  to the first tracking data point is  TADD    
(minutes); time from the first data point to the last data point is  TFIT     
      The spline is a cubic polynomial having continuous second derivatives   
at the end points, producing smooth accelerations when differentiated.  The   
window, or interval, for which each polynomial applies has length  DFIT       
(approximately 1-2 minutes). When  DOBKS=-1, the windows have constant size   
throughout the entire profile.  When  DOBKS  is positive the window size can  
vary -- as a function of spacecraft altitude, for example.  The actual window 
or spline boundaries are tabulated in  BKTIMX  in units of minutes from       
  D |                                                                         
  O |                 X                                                       
  P |                   X                                                     
  P |                                                                         
  L |                      X                                                  
  E |                        X      spline                                    
  R |                              /                                          
    |                           X /                                           
  R |                            \                                            
  E |                             X     X-X                X                  
  S |                              \   /   \             X                    
  I |                               X-X     X                                 
  D |                                         X X   X                         
  U |                                             X                           
  A |                                                                         
  L |                                                                         
  S |     BKTIMX                |<--DFIT-->|                                  
    |           \                                                             
    |           (1)            (2)        (3)               (NBKS+1)          
    +----+-------+------+-------+----------+---------/ /---+---+------        
        /              /                                  /                   
    CEPOCH      CEPOCH+TADD                    CEPOCH+TADD+TFIT               
      Figure A-2.  Spline fit and times used in defining it.  Spline fit      
interval boundaries BKTIMX(n) are indicated above the horizontal axis; the    
number of intervals is NBKS.  Interval length DFIT is specified only when     
it is a constant.                                                             
      The time  TDSS   (in UTC) at which a tracking data point is received    
at a ground station is:                                                       
TDSS = TSC + TRANSA - DUTSEC                                                  
      TSC         = ephemeris time at the spacecraft (HH:MM:SS; see           
                    Results Table)                                            
      TRANSA      = one way light time in seconds                             
      DUTSEC      = accumulated leap seconds (difference between ET           
                    and UTC)                                                  
Appendix B - Example Label and Data Object                                    
B.1  Example Label                                                            
      The label which follows has been designed for the Lunar Prospector      
Line of Sight Acceleration Data Records.  In the next section, an edited      
representative data object is shown                                           
PDS_VERSION_ID               = "PDS3"                                         
RECORD_TYPE                  = FIXED_LENGTH                                   
RECORD_BYTES                 = 202                                            
FILE_RECORDS                 = 1152                                           
^LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE        = ("LX00002J.LOS",1)                             
^LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE         = ("LX00002J.LOS",7)                             
^LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE       = ("LX00002J.LOS",113)                           
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME         = "LUNAR PROSPECTOR"                             
TARGET_NAME                  = "MOON"                                         
INSTRUMENT_NAME              = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM"                      
DATA_SET_ID                  = "LP-L-RSS-5-LOS-V1.0"                          
PRODUCT_ID                   = "LX00002J.LOS"                                 
DESCRIPTION                  = "The LOSAPDR (Line of Sight                    
  Acceleration Profile Data Record) is a set of three tables                  
  represented in ASCII character format which summarize the                   
  analysis of radio tracking data of orbiting planetary                       
  spacecraft (specifically, Lunar Prospector).  The                           
  first table identifies input parameters and conditions;                     
  the second table gives times between which spline fits to                   
  data points are valid; and the third table gives times,                     
  Doppler residuals, spline fit residuals, and inferred                       
  values of spacecraft acceleration with respect to the                       
  nominal gravity field (LP100J) and orbit.  The LOSAPDR                      
  is produced at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under the                      
  supervision of A.S. Konopliv."                                              
SOFTWARE_NAME                = "LOSRES.1999.4.6  "                            
START_TIME                   =  1998-12-19T19:56:57.362                       
STOP_TIME                    =  1998-12-19T21:49:50.362                       
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A"                                          
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT  = "N/A"                                          
PRODUCER_ID                  = "LP GRAVSCI TEAM"                              
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        =  1999-04-06T16:11:25.000                       
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE         =  1999-02-10                                    
OBJECT               = LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE                                   
ROWS                       = 1                                                
COLUMNS                    = 42                                               
ROW_BYTES                  = 1030                                             
ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES           = 182                                              
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT         = ASCII                                            
DESCRIPTION                = "The LOSAPDR header includes                     
  input data and summary results from initial ODP and                         
  LUNRES calculations.  It is a single-row table with 42                      
  columns, two of which have three elements each.  The                        
  data are represented as ASCII characters; entries are                       
  delimited by commas.  The total of the data plus                            
  delimiters is 1030 characters, followed by 180                              
  padding characters and a carriage-return line-feed pair.                    
  The row thus has 1212 characters, which is exactly six                      
  times the value of  RECORD_BYTES."                                          
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PLANETARY RADIUS"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The assumed radius of                     
    the spherical planet (program mnemonic RADIUS)."                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "GM"                                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 25                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETERS CUBED PER                      
    SECOND SQUARED"                                                           
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The assumed gravitational                 
    constant for the planet."                                                 
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "CALENDAR EPOCH"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = TIME                                       
    START_BYTE                   = 49                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The calendar epoch in                     
    ephemeris time of the initial state vector at the                         
    spacecraft.  The initial state vector is given by                         
    SPACECRAFT POSITION and SPACECRAFT VELOCITY below.                        
    (program mnemonic CEPOCH)."                                               
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "JULIAN EPHEMERIS DAYS"                    
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 73                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DAY"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The Julian date                           
    corresponding to CEPOCH (ephemeris time at the space-                     
    craft) (program mnemonic JED)."                                           
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT POSITION"                      
    ITEMS                        = 3                                          
    ITEM_BYTES                   = 23                                         
    ITEM_OFFSET                  = 24                                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 97                                         
    BYTES                        = 71                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The spacecraft position                   
    vector at CEPOCH, calculated in program ODP (program                      
    mnemonics XS, YS, and ZS)."                                               
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT VELOCITY"                      
    ITEMS                        = 3                                          
    ITEM_BYTES                   = 23                                         
    ITEM_OFFSET                  = 24                                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 169                                        
    BYTES                        = 71                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER PER SECOND"                     
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The spacecraft velocity                   
    vector at CEPOCH, calculated in program ODP (program                      
    mnemonics DXS, DYS, and DZS)."                                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT LONGITUDE"                     
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 241                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Planetocentric                            
    longitude of the spacecraft corresponding to SPACECRAFT                   
    POSITION at CEPOCH (program mnemonic LONEP)."                             
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT HOUR ANGLE"                    
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 265                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The hour angle of the                     
    spacecraft corresponding to SPACECRAFT POSITION at                        
    CEPOCH (program mnemonic HANG)."                                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DOBKS"                                    
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 289                                        
    BYTES                        = 2                                          
    FORMAT                       = "I2"                                       
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Flag for constant (-1)                    
    or variable (+1) time spacing in spline fits.  If                         
    DOBKS=+1, the time intervals in BKTIMX will be unequal."                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "RECORD SPACING"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 292                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Time spacing of the                       
    output records in the RESULTS_TABLE (program mnemonic                     
    DTACC).  Large values may mean that spacing defaults                      
    to the spacing of the data points (no interpolated                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "MINBKS"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 316                                        
    BYTES                        = 10                                         
    FORMAT                       = "I10"                                      
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Minimum number of data                    
    points in each spline interval (used only if DOBKS=+1)."                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "MAXBKS"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 327                                        
    BYTES                        = 10                                         
    FORMAT                       = "I10"                                      
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Maximum number of data                    
    points in each spline interval (used only if DOBKS=+1)."                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "BAND"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 338                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MILLIMETER PER SECOND"                    
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Conversion factor from                    
    Doppler to acceleration.  Nominally 0.2955 for X-band                     
    data and 1.0833 for S-band data."                                         
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "TADD"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 362                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Time from CEPOCH to first                 
    data point (at the spacecraft)."                                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "TFIT"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 386                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Time from TADD to last                    
    data point (at the spacecraft)."                                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DFIT"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 410                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Length of each spline                     
    interval (used only when DOBKS=-1)."                                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REJECT"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 434                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "HERTZ"                                    
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Threshold for rejection                   
    of bad data points."                                                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "EARTH LONGITUDE"                          
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 458                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Planetocentric                            
    longitude of Earth at CEPOCH (program mnemonic LNE)."                     
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "EARTH LATITUDE"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 482                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Planetocentric north                      
    latitude of Earth at CEPOCH (program mnemonic LTE)."                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "TRANSA"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 506                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "SECOND"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "One-way downlink light-                   
    time for a photon leaving the spacecraft at CEPOCH."                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "TRANSB"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 530                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "SECOND PER SECOND"                        
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Rate of change of TRANSA"                 
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DUTSEC"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 554                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "SECOND"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Difference between                        
    ephemeris time (ET) and universal time (UT)."                             
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFEP"                                    
    DATA_TYPE                    = TIME                                       
    START_BYTE                   = 578                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Reference epoch for                       
    TRANSA and TRANSB at the spacecraft (same time system,                    
    and often the same value, as CEPOCH)."                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORBITAL SEMIMAJOR AXIS"                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 602                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Semi-major axis of                        
    spacecraft orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of                      
    program ODP (program mnemonic SMA)"                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORBITAL ECCENTRICITY"                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 626                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DIMENSIONLESS"                            
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Eccentricity of spacecraft                
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic ECC)."                                                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORBITAL INCLINATION"                      
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 650                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Inclination of spacecraft                 
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic INC)."                                                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ASCENDING NODE LONGITUDE"                 
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 674                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Ascending node of spacecraft              
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic NODE)."                                                 
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS ARGUMENT ANGLE"                 
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 698                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Argument of periapsis for                 
    spacecraft orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of                      
    program ODP  (program mnemonic ARG)."                                     
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "TRUE ANOMALY ANGLE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 722                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "True anomaly of spacecraft                
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic F)."                                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "MEAN ANOMALY ANGLE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 746                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Mean anomaly of spacecraft                
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic M)."                                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ECCENTRIC ANOMALY ANGLE"                  
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 770                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Eccentric anomaly of                      
    spacecraft orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of                      
    program ODP  (program mnemonic E)."                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORBITAL PERIOD"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 794                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "HOUR"                                     
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Period of spacecraft                      
    orbit.  Obtained in the orbit solution of program ODP                     
    (program mnemonic P)."                                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS LATITUDE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 818                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Planetocentric north                      
    latitude at periapsis for spacecraft orbit (program                       
    mnemonic LATPER)."                                                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS LONGITUDE"                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 842                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Planetocentric longitude                  
    of periapsis for spacecraft orbit (program mnemonic                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS RADIUS"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 866                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft distance from                  
    target center of mass at periapsis (program mnemonic                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS VELOCITY"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 890                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER PER SECOND"                     
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft velocity at                    
    periapsis (program mnemonic VPER)."                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PERIAPSIS ALTITUDE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 914                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft altitude over                  
    reference surface at periapsis (program mnemonic APER)."                  
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "APOAPSIS RADIUS"                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 938                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft distance from                  
    target center of mass at apoapsis (program mnemonic RAPO)."               
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "APOAPSIS VELOCITY"                        
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 962                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER PER SECOND"                     
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft velocity at                    
    apoapsis (program mnemonic VAPO)."                                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "APOAPSIS ALTITUDE"                        
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 986                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft altitude over                  
    reference surface at apoapsis (program mnemonic AAPO)."                   
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NBKS"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 1010                                       
    BYTES                        = 10                                         
    FORMAT                       = "I10"                                      
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Number of times in the                    
    Times Table defining spline intervals."                                   
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NPOINT"                                   
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 1021                                       
    BYTES                        = 10                                         
    FORMAT                       = "I10"                                      
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Number of data points used                
    to make this file."                                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = LOSAPDR_HEADER_TABLE                                   
OBJECT               = LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE                                    
  ROWS                     = 106                                              
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 23                                               
  ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES         = 179                                              
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = ASCII                                            
  DESCRIPTION              = "The LOSAPDR times table contains                
  exact times bounding each spline interval. Each row contains                
  one 23-digit number, 177  spaces, and a carriage-return                     
  line-feed pair."                                                            
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPLINE BREAK TIMES"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The exact times of spline                 
    interval boundaries measured from midnight at the                         
    spacecraft (program mnemonic BKTIMX)."                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = LOSAPDR_TIMES_TABLE                                    
OBJECT               = LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE                                  
  ROWS                     = 1040                                             
  COLUMNS                  = 11                                               
  ROW_BYTES                = 202                                              
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = ASCII                                            
  DESCRIPTION              = "The LOSAPDR Results Table                       
  contains the results from spline fits to Doppler                            
  tracking residuals.  Each row in the table contains                         
  times, Doppler residuals, spacecraft position information,                  
  residuals to spline fits, and inferred spacecraft                           
  acceleration with respect to the nominal orbit.                             
  Each row has length 202 bytes; the first 200 are column                     
  data delimited by commas; the last two are a carriage-                      
  return line-feed pair."                                                     
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "HH"                                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 2                                          
    FORMAT                       = "I2.2"                                     
    UNIT                         = "HOUR"                                     
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The hour of a Doppler                     
    residual data point at the spacecraft."                                   
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "MM"                                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 4                                          
    BYTES                        = 2                                          
    FORMAT                       = "I2.2"                                     
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The minute of a Doppler                   
    residual data point at the spacecraft."                                   
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SS"                                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_INTEGER                              
    START_BYTE                   = 7                                          
    BYTES                        = 2                                          
    FORMAT                       = "I2.2"                                     
    UNIT                         = "SECOND"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The whole seconds of a                    
    Doppler residual data point at the spacecraft.                            
    Note that there are generally fractional seconds; for                     
    full time accuracy use OFFSET TIME."                                      
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "OFFSET TIME"                              
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 10                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MINUTE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Offset from CEPOCH to                     
    the time of the Doppler residual data point or inter-                     
    polation (program mnemonic DMIN)."                                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DOPPLER RESIDUAL"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 34                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "HERTZ"                                    
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Doppler residual from                     
    input data (program mnemonic DATA_RESID)."                                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT ALTITUDE"                      
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 58                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft altitude                       
    over reference surface (program mnemonic SC_ALT)."                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT LATITUDE"                      
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 82                                         
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft planetocentric                 
    north latitude (program mnemonic SC_LAT)."                                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "SPACECRAFT LONGITUDE"                     
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 106                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Spacecraft planetocentric                 
    longitude (program mnemonic SC_LON)."                                     
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "FIT RESIDUAL"                             
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 130                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "HERTZ"                                    
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Doppler residual from                     
    fitted spline at HHMMSS (program mnemonic FIT_RESID)."                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ACCELERATION"                             
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 154                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MILLIMETER PER SECOND                     
    PER SECOND"                                                               
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Acceleration from                         
    fitted Doppler residual (program mnemonic ACCEL)."                        
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "HARMONIC ACCELERATION"                    
    DATA_TYPE                    = ASCII_REAL                                 
    START_BYTE                   = 178                                        
    BYTES                        = 23                                         
    FORMAT                       = "E23.16"                                   
    UNIT                         = "MILLIMETER PER SECOND                     
    PER SECOND"                                                               
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The acceleration in the                   
    line-of-sight direction due to the spherical harmonic                     
    gravity field (LP100J). This acceleration is to be added                  
    to the acceleration from the Doppler residual to obtain                   
    the total line-of-sight acceleration."                                    
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = LOSAPDR_RESULTS_TABLE                                  
B.2      Example Data File                                                    
      The listing below shows an example Header Table, Times Table, and       
Results Table from an example Data Object.  Long lines wrap after each 70     
characters; blanks padding lines have been omitted.                           
  .1738000000000000E+04,  .4902800476015460E+04,1998-12-19T19:56:57.362,      
  .2451167331219468E+07,  .3741758852846081E+01, -.7318498199275959E+03,      
  .1620164965425043E+04,  .2977674198918101E-01, -.1507576585405230E+01,      
 -.6962231168914452E+00, -.8970706405005299E+02,  .1039548114945077E+03,      
 1,  .1000000000000000E+21,         4,      1000,  .1083300000000000E+01      
,  .0000000000000000E+00,  .1128833333699033E+03,  .8333333333333334E+00      
  .1538508877196222E+02, -.4190051958576807E+01, -.4787442125265000E+01,      
  .1321500914263461E+01,  .0000000000000000E+00,  .5618357258662581E+02,      
1998-12-19T19:56:57.362,  .1778181746793010E+04,  .8322610191421140E-02,      
  .8920288160027347E+02, -.1641476817768940E+03,  .2035837284048299E+03,      
 -.8897665715273091E+02, -.8802322568293904E+02, -.8849991269768408E+02,      
  .1869043802729941E+01, -.2328399111109770E+02, -.8887831375123606E+02,      
  .1763382633264952E+04,  .1674359008116209E+01,  .2538263326495166E+02,      
  .1792980860321069E+04,  .1646718970683348E+01,  .5498086032106880E+02,      
       106,      1040                                                         
19,56,57,  .0000000000000000E+00, -.1502572267922315E+00,  .397943286213      
1125E+02,  .6569039926461633E+02, -.8970706405005299E+02, -.130077035951      
3750E+00,  .9956235464222281E-01, -.1338888862673443E+00                      
19,57,02,  .8333333339542151E-01, -.8306550361760215E-01,  .397252560348      
7293E+02,  .6542278856077859E+02, -.8969927626810956E+02, -.122067789525      
3115E+00,  .1082277614529738E+00, -.1279473508098096E+00                      
19,57,07,  .1666666667287548E+00, -.1237559812890394E+00,  .396562171326      
6478E+02,  .6515515651416189E+02, -.8969166040049306E+02, -.113494390629      
8949E+00,  .1142298676792334E+00, -.1210989161461684E+00                      