PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-10-22 NOTE = "Software Interface Specification for the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Archive. Data Collection of Science Data Products. Formatted for display or printing with up to 78 constant-width characters per line." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Stanford Center for Radar Astronomy Mars Global Surveyor Project Software Interface Specification RS-ADC-SDP Radio Science Archive Data Collection Science Data Products prepared by Richard A. Simpson Center for Radar Astronomy Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 650-723-3525 Version 1.0.3 22 October 1999 PREFACE |====================================================================| | | | DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG | | | |====================================================================| |REVISION|REVISION| SECTION | REMARKS | | NUMBER | DATE | AFFECTED | | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.1 |99/03/12| 1.3 |Update [5], [6], [7], [9], [10], | | | | | and [11] | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.2 |99/09/07| All |Abolish page numbers to simplify | | | | | updates; mostly affects Table of | | | | | contents. | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.2 |99/09/07| |Add TARGET.CAT to CATALOG directory | | | | 3.1.2 | | | | | Fig. 3-1 | | | | | Fig. 4-1-3 | | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| 1.1 |Updated wording describing production| | | | 1.4.3 | and content. | | | | 2.2 | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| 1.3 |Updated [4] | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| 1.3 |Added Surface Reflection SPDPs | | | | | | | | | Table 2-2 | | | | | Figure 3-1 | | | | | Table 3-1-5| | | | | 4.3.10 | | | | | 4.3.11 | | | | | 4.3.12 | | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| |Removed text specifying pagination | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| 2.3.2 |Added reference to [2] | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| 5 |Updated contact information | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/21| Appendix A |Updated INDEX_FILE_NAME values | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/22| Figure 3-1 !Add browse (BRO) directory | | | | Table 3-1-5| | | | | 4.3.13 | | |--------+--------+------------+-------------------------------------| | 1.0.3 |99/10/22| 3.3.2 |Expanded to include document objects | |====================================================================| |====================================================================| | | | ITEMS TO BE DETERMINED | | | |====================================================================| | REVISION | SECTION | ITEM DESCRIPTION | RESOLUTION | | NUMBER | AFFECTED | | | |----------+----------+------------------------+---------------------| | | | | | | | | | | |====================================================================| Distribution JPL/Mars Global Surveyor R.J. Springer..........264-214 richard.springer@jpl.nasa.gov W.L. Sjogren...........301-150G wls@kamel.jpl.nasa.gov P. Priest............264-810 trish@rodan.jpl.nasa.gov T.E. Thorpe............264-214 tom.thorpe@jpl.nasa.gov R. Woo...............238-737 richard@oberon.jpl.nasa.gov JPL/PDS V.L. Henderson.........171-264 Valerie.L.Henderson@jpl.nasa.gov M.D. Martin............171-264 mmartin@pop.jpl.nasa.gov Stanford University D.P. Hinson............Durand 232 hinson@nimbus.stanford.edu R.A. Simpson...........Durand 232 rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu J.D. Twicken...........Durand 232 joe@neptune.stanford.edu G.L. Tyler.............Durand 232 len@nova.stanford.edu Washington University R.E. Arvidson.....Campus Box 1169 arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu E.A. Guinness.....Campus Box 1169 guinness@wunder.wustl.edu New Mexico State University R. Beebe........Dept. Astronomy rbeebe@nmsu.edu L. Huber........Dept. Astronomy lhuber@nmsu.edu Goddard Space Flight Center F. Lemoine.............Code 926 flemoine@geodesy.gsfc.nasa.gov D.E. Smith...............Code 920 desmith@ltpsum.gsfc.nasa.gov CNES G. Balmino.................GRGS balmino@pontos.cst.cnes.fr Massachusetts Institute of Technology M. Zuber.................54-518 zuber@tharsis.gsfc.nasa.gov Contents Preface Document Change Log Items to be Determined Distribution Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations 1. General Description 1.1. Overview 1.2. Scope 1.3. Applicable Documents 1.4. System Siting 1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium 1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations 1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency 1.5. Assumptions and Constraints 1.5.1. Usage Constraints 1.5.2. Documentation Conventions Data Format Descriptions Limits of This Document Typographic Conventions 2. Interface Characteristics 2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations 2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces 2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements 2.2. Volume and Size 2.3. Labeling and Identification 2.3.1. External Labels 2.3.2. Internal Labels 2.4. Interface Medium Characteristics 2.5. Backup and Duplicates 3. Structure and Organization Overview 3.1. Disc Organization 3.1.1. Root Directory 3.1.2. CATALOG Directory 3.1.3. DOCUMENT Directory 3.1.4. INDEX Directory 3.1.5. Data Directories for RS Science Data Products 3.2. Formats 3.3. File Naming Conventions 3.3.1. PDS Labels 3.3.2. Document Files and Document Objects 3.3.3. Tabular Files 3.3.4. Catalog Files 4. Detailed Interface Specifications 4.1. Root Files 4.1.1. AAREADME.TXT File 4.1.2. ERRATA.TXT File 4.1.3. VOLDESC.CAT File 4.2. Static Directories 4.2.1. CATALOG Directory CATINFO.TXT File MISSION.CAT File INSTHOST.CAT File INST.CAT.File DATASET.CAT File PERSON.CAT File REF.CAT File DSMAP2.CAT File TARGET.CAT File 4.2.2. DOCUMENT Directory DOCINFO.TXT File RSADCSDP.TXT File RSTP.TXT File OCCSUM.TXT File RSIPS.TXT File LOSAPDR.TXT File SHADR.TXT File SHBDR.TXT File RSDMAP.TXT File OCCLOGxx.TAB xxxxxxxx.LBL Documents 4.2.3. INDEX Directory INDXINFO.TXT File INDEX.LBL File INDEX.TAB File CUMINDEX.LBL File CUMINDEX.TAB File 4.3. Data Directories 4.3.1. TPS Directory 4.3.2. TPH Directory 4.3.3. OCS Directory 4.3.4. OCH Directory 4.3.5. IPS Directory 4.3.6. LOS Directory 4.3.7. SHA Directory 4.3.8. SHB Directory 4.3.9. IMG Directory 5. Support Staff and Cognizant Personnel Appendix A. Example INDEX.LBL File Tables 2-2. Accumulation Rate and Volume of RS-ADC-SDP Files 3-1-5. RS-ADC-SDP Science Data Products Set Figures 3-1. Top-Level RS-ADC-SDP Directory Structure 4-1-3. Example VOLDESC.CAT File Acronyms and Abbreviations ADC Archival Data Collection ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CD Compact Disc CD-WO Compact Disc - Write Once DOS Disk Operating System DSN Deep Space Network IMG Image IPS Intensity Power Spectra ISO International Standards Organization JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory kB Kilobytes LOS Line-of-Sight LOSAPDR Line-of-Sight Acceleration Profile Data Record MB Megabytes MGS Mars Global Surveyor NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAV Navigation Subsystem/Team OCCSUM Occultation Summary (data file) OCH Occultation Summary - high resolution processing OCS Occultation Summary - standard processing PDS Planetary Data System ROM Read-Only Memory RS Radio Science RSDMAP Radio Science Digital Map (product) RSIPS Radio Science Intensity Power Spectra (product) RST Radio Science Team RSTP Radio Science Temperature Pressure (profile) SDP Science Data Product SDVT Science Data Validation Team SHA Spherical Harmonics - ASCII SHADR Spherical Harmonics ASCII Data Record SHB Spherical Harmonics - Binary SHBDR Spherical Harmonics Binary Data Record SHM Spherical Harmonics Model SIS Software Interface Specification SOPC Science Operations Planning Computer SPAE Science Planning and Analysis Element SPDP Special Data Product STDP Standard Data Product TPH Temperature Pressure (profile) - high resolution processing TPS Temperature Pressure (profile) - standard processing 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview This Software Interface Specification (SIS) describes the format and content of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Radio Science (RS) Archival Data Collection (ADC) for Science Data Products (SDPs). The RS-ADC-SDP consists of Compact-Disc Write-Once (CD-WO) media containing RS Science Data Products. Each CD-WO represents a "volume" of archival data. Each RS-ADC-SDP volume contains results from processing raw Radio Science data (the raw data are archived separately). Included in RS-ADC-SDP volumes are both Standard Data Products (STDPs), products defined in advance and produced on a regular basis, and Special Data Products (SPDPs), which will be generated as they are needed. Products included on any single volume are those generated by MGS Radio Science Team members in the preceding 3-6 months. The RS-ADC-SDP is a deliverable product to the Planetary Data System (PDS) and the scientific community that it supports. The formats of all files in the Collection are based on PDS standards. The Mars Global Surveyor Mission is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA. The Team Leader for the MGS Radio Science Team is G.L. Tyler of Stanford University. 1.2 Scope The specifications in this document apply to all Radio Science archive volumes containing Science Data Products that are produced during the Mars Global Surveyor Mission for delivery to PDS. This document provides a detailed description of the RS-ADC-SDP interface, including data flow information and a definition of all data objects that flow across the interface. 1.3 Applicable documents [1] ISO 9660-1988. Information Processing - Volume and File Structure on CD-ROM for Information Exchange, 15 April 1988. [2] Planetary Data System Standards Reference, JPL D-7669, Part 2, 24 July 1996 [3] Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, JPL D-7116, Rev. D, 15 July 1996 [4] Mars Global Surveyor Archive Generation, Validation, and Transfer Plan, 542-312, 11 February 1999; and Addendum - Updated Plan for Release of Mapping Phase Data (draft), 9 September 1999. [5] Mars Global Surveyor Project Software Interface Specification, Atmospheric Temperature-Pressure Profile Data File, Version 2.0.5, 9 March 1999. [6] Mars Global Surveyor Software Interface Specification, Occultation Summary Data File, Version 2.0.2, 9 March 1999. [7] Mars Global Surveyor Project Software Interface Specification, Intensity Power Spectrum Data File, Version 2.0, 9 March 1999. [8] Jet Propulsion Laboratory Software Interface Specification, Line-of-Sight Acceleration Profile Data Record, NAV-138 (SPAE049), Version 1.12.2, 11 June 1993. [9] Software Interface Specification, Spherical Harmonics ASCII Data Record (SHADR), Version 2.0.2, 9 March 1999. [10] Software Interface Specification, Spherical Harmonics Binary Data Record (SHBDR), Version 2.0.2, 9 March 1999. [11] Software Interface Specification, Radio Science Digital Map (RSDMAP) Products, Version 2.0.2, 9 March 1999. [12] Software Interface Specification, Surface Reflection Data Products, Version 1.0, 31 October 1999. 1.4 System Siting 1.4.1 Interface Location and Medium RS-ADC-SDP volumes are created by the MGS RST at Stanford University using the MGS RS Science Operations and Planning Computer (SOPC) and its compact disc authoring subsystem. All volumes intended for delivery to PDS will be on CD-WO media. 1.4.2 Data Sources, Destinations, and Transfer Methods Each RS-ADC-SDP volume is a collection of products derived from raw Radio Science data by members of the RST. Each CD-WO is delivered using the most appropriate means to the Planetary Data System. 1.4.3 Generation Method and Frequency RS-ADC-SDP volumes are produced approximately every three months, per the request of the MGS Project. Each volume contains at least one type of STDP and/or SPDP but usually not all types. The CD-WO is evaluated internally by the Radio Science Team and, after receipt, by the Planetary Data System. The Mars Global Surveyor Science Data Validation Team (SDVT) monitors production, validation, and delivery. Releases to PDS are scheduled every six months beginning in October 1998 and extending through October 1999, then every three months through September 2001, as specified in the MGS Archive Generation, Validation, and Transfer Plan [4]. There will be approximately ten RS-ADC-SDP volumes released, one at each scheduled delivery. 1.5 Assumptions and Constraints 1.5.1 Usage Constraints Access to RS-ADC-SDP volumes will be determined by PDS. 1.5.2 Documentation Conventions Data Format Descriptions The reference data unit is the 8-bit byte. Data are stored in fields with various sizes and formats: one-, two-, and four-byte binary integers; four- and eight-byte floating-point numbers; and character strings. The formats vary among files; users should consult the appropriate STDP or SPDP SIS for details [5-12]. If a field is described as containing n bytes of ASCII character string data, this implies that the leftmost (lowest numbered) byte contains the first character, the next lowest byte contains the next character, and so forth. Character strings are written to CD-WO with lower numbered bytes preceding higher numbered bytes. Limits of This Document This document applies only to the MGS RS-ADC-SDP. Typographic Conventions This document has been formatted for simple electronic file transfer and display. Line lengths are limited to no more than 80 ASCII characters, including line delimiters. No special fonts or structures are included within the file. Constant width characters are assumed for display. 2. Interface Characteristics 2.1 Hardware Characteristics and Limitations 2.1.1 Special Equipment and Device Interfaces RS-ADC-SDP volumes conform to ISO 9660 standards for CD-ROM [1]. Users of the volumes must have access to systems which can read those media. 2.1.2 Special Set-Up Requirements None. 2.2 Volume and size Each RS-ADC-SDP volume contains the accumulation of approximately 3-6 months of RS science data products -- at most, 650 Mbytes of data. The rate at which component files accumulate and their estimated volumes are shown in Table 2-2. |====================================================================| | | | Table 2-2. Accumulation Rate and Volume of RS-ADC-SDP Files | | | |====================================================================| | Data Type | Frequency | Volume (each) | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Temperature Pressure Profile | | | | (standard resolution) | up to 24 per day | 7 kB | | (high resolution) | up to 24 per day | 100 kB | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Occultation Summary | 1 per 3 months | 30 kB | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Intensity Power Spectra | TBD | 16 kB | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Line-of-Sight Acceleration | up to 12 per day | 50 kB | |Profiles | | | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Spherical Harmonics | | | |Coefficients (ASCII) | 2 per 3 months | 350 kB | | (binary) | 1 per 3 months | 135 MB | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Digital Maps | 4 per 3 months | 500 kB | |------------------------------+--------------------+----------------| |Surface Reflection Tables ! up to 24 per day | 40 kB | | Images | up to 24 per day | 300 kB | | Geometry | up to 24 per day | 10 kB | |====================================================================| 2.3 Labeling and Identification 2.3.1 External Labels Each RS-ADC-SDP volume delivered to PDS for archive bears a label using the following format: ACRONYM_SEQUENCE;VERSION where ACRONYM = MORS SEQUENCE = vxxx where v = 1 for RS-ADC-SDP volumes xxx is a three digit number indicating the order in which the CD-WO volumes were produced. VERSION = A single digit determining version number of the CD-WO volume. "1" is the original version. Example = MORS_1003;5 is the fifth version of the third volume in the RS- ADC-SDP. 2.3.2 Internal Labels The contents of each RS-ADC-SDP volume will be labeled in accordance with PDS standards [2]. Labeling is described further in subsequent sections. 2.4 Interface Medium Characteristics Each RS-ADC-SDP volume conforms to ISO 9660 standards [1]. The quantity of data stored is no more than 650 MB per disc. 2.5 Backup and Duplicates The entire contents of each RS-ADC-SDP volume produced by the RST will be backed up onto 8 mm tapes which will be maintained by the RST for the duration of the MGS Project. At least five copies of each RS-ADC-SDP volume will be created. Three copies will be delivered to PDS, one copy will be delivered to NSSDC (via PDS), and one copy will be retained by the MGS RST at Stanford. 3. Structure and Organization Overview 3.1 Disc Organization Each RS-ADC-SDP volume contains a CATALOG directory, a DOCUMENT directory, an INDEX directory, and one or more data directories (Figure 3-1) 3.1.1 Root Directory The root directory contains the following files: AAREADME.TXT terse description of volume contents ERRATA.TXT overview of anomalies and errors VOLDESC.CAT volume object definition 3.1.2 CATALOG Directory The CATALOG directory contains the following files: CATINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents MISSION.CAT PDS catalog object for Mission INSTHOST.CAT PDS catalog object for instrument host INST.CAT PDS catalog object for RS instrument DATASET.CAT PDS catalog object for data set PERSON.CAT PDS catalog object for archive personnel REF.CAT PDS catalog object for references DSMAP2.CAT PDS catalog object for map projection TARGET.CAT PDS catalog object for target(s) 3.1.3 DOCUMENT Directory The DOCUMENT directory contains some or all of the following files. If the data type has not been produced, the corresponding document(s) will not be included in the DOCUMENT directory. For example, no RSIPS files had been generated as of October 1999, so RSIPS.TXT does not appear on RS-ADC-SDP volumes produced through October 1999. xxxxxxxx.LBL is a detached label which defines an (optional) document with special relevance to files on a single volume. For example, AAS99147.LBL defines a document which explains the processing involved in generating the MGM0890 gravity model; AAS99328.LBL defines a document which explains the steps followed in creating model MGM0964C18. Each of these labels points to a PostScript and a TeX version of the document. AAS99147.LBL and its associated files appear on volume MORS_1002; AAS99328.LBL and associated files appear on MORS_1003. DOCINFO.TXT in this directory and AAREADME.TXT in the root should contain specific information on files appearing on any single volume. DOCINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents RSADCSDP.TXT this Software Interface Specification RSTP.TXT SIS for RSTP products (TPS and TPH data) OCCSUM.TXT SIS for OCCSUM products (OCS and OCH data) RSIPS.TXT SIS for RSIPS products (IPS data) LOSAPDR.TXT SIS for LOSAPDR products (LOS data) SHADR.TXT SIS for SHM (ASCII) products (SHA data) SHBDR.TXT SIS for SHM (binary) products (SHB data) RSDMAP.TXT SIS for RSDMAP products (IMG data) OCCLOGxx.TAB table of data acquisition parameters (optional) OCCLOGxx.LBL detached label for OCCLOGxx.TAB (optional) xxxxxxxx.LBL PDS label for (optional) special document xxxxxxxx.PS PostScript version of (optional) special document xxxxxxxx.TEX TeX version of (optional) special document 3.1.4 INDEX Directory The INDEX directory contains the following files: INDXINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents INDEX.LBL PDS label for the volume index (INDEX.TAB); identifies the volume index and describes structure of the index table. INDEX.TAB volume index in tabular form CUMINDEX.LBL PDS label for the cumulative volume index (CUMINDEX.TAB). CUMINDEX.TAB index in tabular form for all volumes in the RS-ADC-SDP |====================================================================| | | | Figure 3-1. Top-Level RS-ADC-SDP Directory Structure | | | |====================================================================| root | |- AAREADME.TXT |- ERRATA.TXT |- VOLDESC.CAT | |- CATALOG | | | |- CATINFO.TXT | |- MISSION.CAT | |- INSTHOST.CAT | |- INST.CAT | |- DATASET.CAT | |- PERSON.CAT | |- REF.CAT | |- TARGET.CAT | `- DSMAP2.CAT | |- DOCUMENT* | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT | |- RSADCSDP.TXT | |- RSTP.TXT | |- OCCSUM.TXT | |- RSIPS.TXT | |- LOSAPDR.TXT | |- SHADR.TXT | |- SHBDR.TXT | |- RSDMAP.TXT | |- OCCLOGxx.TAB | |- OCCLOGxx.LBL | |- xxxxxxxx.LBL | |- xxxxxxxx.PS | `- xxxxxxxx.TEX | |- INDEX | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT | |- INDEX.LBL | |- INDEX.TAB | |- CUMINDEX.LBL | `- CUMINDEX.TAB | |- TPS (see 4.3.1) |- TPH (see 4.3.2) |- OCS (see 4.3.3) |- OCH (see 4.3.4) |- IPS (see 4.3.5) |- LOS (see 4.3.6) |- SHA (see 4.3.7) Data Directories* |- SHB (see 4.3.8) |- IMG (see 4.3.9) |- SRT (see 4.3.10) |- SRI (see 4.3.11) |- SRG (see 4.3.12) `- BRO (see 4.3.13) *Files and directories may vary among volumes depending on data available 3.1.5 Data Directories for RS Science Data Products Each RS-ADC-SDP volume contains directories for each of the data types shown in Table 3-1-5. |===========================================================================| | | | Table 3-1-5. RS-ADC-SDP Science Data Products | | | |===========================================================================| | Data Description | Data Type | SIS | | | (Directory) | | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Standard Temperature-Pressure Profiles | TPS | [5] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |High-Resolution Temperature-Pressure Profiles | TPH | [5] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |TPS Occultation Summary | OCS | [6] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |TPH Occultation Summary | OCH | [6] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Intensity Power Spectra | IPS | [7] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Line-of-Sight Acceleration Profiles | LOS | [8] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |ASCII Spherical Harmonic Models | SHA | [9] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Binary Spherical Harmonic Models | SHB | [10] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Radio Science Digital Maps | IMG | [11] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Surface Reflection Table | SRT | [12] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Surface Reflection Image | SRI | [12] | |----------------------------------------------+----------------+-----------| |Surface Reflection Geometry | SRG | [12] | |===========================================================================| 3.2 Formats RS-ADC-SDP volumes conform to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard CD-WO format [1]. This format is compatible with common computer systems including MS-DOS, Macintosh, SunOS, and VMS. Data that comprise the RS-ADC-SDP volumes are formatted in accordance with Planetary Data System specifications [2-3]. 3.3 File Naming Conventions In this document and on the discs themselves, file and directory names are in uppercase characters. This ensures compatibility with operating systems in which these names are case insensitive (e.g., VMS and DOS) and operating systems in which names are automatically translated into one case or the other (e.g., Unix and MacOS). Within disc directories the characters ";1" are appended to all file names. VMS excepted, most operating systems will hide these suffixes from users. 3.3.1 PDS Labels All files contained on Radio Science archive volumes are accompanied by PDS labels [2-3]. The label can either be prepended to the associated primary file or "detached", in which case the label becomes a file in its own right with the same name as the primary file except for the suffix ".LBL". Detached label files are in the same directory as the primary data file. PDS labels, whether prepended to or detached from their primary file provide descriptive information about the associated file. The PDS label is an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of "keyword=value" declarations. The object to which the label refers (e.g. IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates where to find the object. In a prepended label, the location is an integer representing the starting record or byte number of the object, where counting starts from record or byte number 1. In a detached label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number if there is more than one object. For example: ^HEADER = ("F01.IMG",1) ^IMAGE = ("F01.IMG",1025 <BYTES>) indicates that the IMAGE object begins at byte 1025 of the file F01.IMG, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats for the ^object definition. ^object = n ^object = n<BYTES> ^object = "filename.ext" ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n) ^object = ("filename.ext",n<BYTES>) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n<BYTES>) where n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from the beginning of the file (record 1 or byte 1), <BYTES> indicates that the number given is in units of bytes; default is RECORDS filename is the (up to) 8 character, alphanumeric upper-case file name, ext is the 3 character upper-case file extension, dirlist is a period-delimited path-list of parent directories, in upper case, that specifies the object file directory (used only when the object is not in the same directory as the label file). The list begins at the directory level below the root directory of the CD-WO volume. '[dirlist]' may be omitted when the object being described is located either in the same directory as the detached label, or in the subdirectory LABEL that is located in a higher level of the directory tree, typically the CD-WO volume root itself. All detached labels contain 80-byte fixed-length records, with a carriage return character (ASCII 13) in the 79th byte and a line feed character (ASCII 10) in the 80th byte. This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, OS2, and VMS operating systems. 3.3.2 Document Files and Document Objects Document files (.TXT suffix) may exist in the root, CATALOG, DOCUMENT, and INDEX directories. These files are ASCII files with prepended PDS labels which employ the TEXT object. All document files contain 80-byte fixed- length records, with a carriage return character (ASCII 13) in the 79th byte and a line feed character (ASCII 10) in the 80th byte. This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, OS2, and VMS operating systems. Document objects are defined by a detached PDS label (.LBL suffix). They may exist in the DOCUMENT and BRO directories. The label is an ASCII file with 80-byte fixed-length records having a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair in the last two bytes. The label points to PostScript and/or TeX files having the same name but with suffixes .PS or .PS1 for PostScript or .TEX for TeX. Files with .PS and .TEX suffixes appear in pairs in the DOCUMENT directory; the PostScript version may be more readily displayed or printed on some systems, while the TeX file, despite its 'markups', meets the PDS requirement for a readable ASCII version of each archived document. The .PS1 suffix is used for files in the BRO directory; these are alternative ('snapshot') representations of data and are provided for ease of viewing. The PostScript and TeX files contain ASCII characters in variable length records; each record is delimited by a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. 3.3.3 Tabular Files ASCII tabular files (.TAB suffix) exist in the INDEX and DOCUMENT directories. They are formatted for direct reading into many data base management systems and consist of data "fields" separated by commas. Character fields are also enclosed in double quotation marks (") and are padded with spaces to keep quotation marks in the same columns of successive records. Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The "start byte" and "bytes" values listed in the labels do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding character fields. The records in tabular files have fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows a table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a text file with embedded line delimiters on those that don't. All tabular files are accompanied by descriptive detached PDS labels. The PDS label has the same name as the data file it describes, with the extension .LBL; for example, the file INDEX.TAB is accompanied by the detached label file INDEX.LBL in the same directory. ASCII tabular files also appear in some of the data directories. Their characteristics are the same, except that the file name ends with an extension characteristic of the data type (e.g., .SHA) rather than with .TAB. Binary data files appear in the SHB and (possibly) in the IMG data directories. File names end with *.SHB and *.IMG, respectively. Binary files have fixed length records; a detailed description of the format of each file is given in its associated .LBL file. 3.3.4 Catalog files Catalog files (suffix .CAT) exist in the root and CATALOG directories. They are formatted in an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of "keyword=value" declarations. VOLDESC.CAT provides an overview of the contents of the volume in the form of a completed PDS template. The files in the CATALOG directory provide a top-level understanding of the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science instrument and each of the Science Data Products included within the volume. They are presented in the form of completed PDS templates. 4. Detailed Interface Specifications 4.1 Root Files 4.1.1 AAREADME.TXT File The AAREADME.TXT file contains terse volume content and format information. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. |================================================================| | | | Figure 4-1-1 Example Label for RS-ADC-SDP TXT Files | | | |================================================================| | | | PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 | | RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH | | RECORD_BYTES = 80 | | OBJECT = TEXT | | PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-01-25 | | NOTE = "Pre-launch description of science | | investigations, instruments, and | | experimental methods planned by | | the MGS Radio Science Team." | | END_OBJECT = TEXT | |================================================================| Labeling requirements applicable to Figure 4-1-1 are described in [2]; keywords are defined in [3]. For this application, the only keywords that change are PUBLICATION_DATE the date in YYYY-MM-DD format on which the document was published or released (see Section 1.5.3). NOTE a brief description of the document, including a title if available. 4.1.2 ERRATA.TXT File ERRATA.TXT contains a cumulative listing of comments and updates concerning the CD-WO volumes in the data set as of the publication date. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. 4.1.3 VOLDESC.CAT File VOLDESC.CAT contains a description of the contents of the logical volume in a PDS format readable by both humans and computers. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage- return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. An example VOLDESC.CAT file is shown in Figure 4-1-3. Keywords are defined below. |============================================================================| | | | Figure 4-1-3 Example VOLDESC.CAT File | | | |============================================================================| |PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 | |RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH | |RECORD_BYTES = 80 | |OBJECT = VOLUME | | VOLUME_SERIES_NAME = "MISSION TO MARS" | | VOLUME_SET_NAME = "MGS RADIO SCIENCE - SCIENCE DATA PRODUCTS" | | VOLUME_SET_ID = USA_NASA_JPL_MORS_1xxx | | VOLUMES = "UNK" | | MEDIUM_TYPE = "CD-WO" | | VOLUME_FORMAT = "ISO-9660" | | VOLUME_NAME = "JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 1998" | | VOLUME_ID = MORS_1001 | | VOLUME_VERSION_ID = "VERSION 1" | | PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-11-15 | | DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0" | | DESCRIPTION = "This volume contains Mars Global Surveyor | | standard and special Science Data Products | | from the Radio Science Team." | | MISSION_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" | | INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" | | INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = MGS | | OBJECT = DATA_PRODUCER | | INSTITUTION_NAME = "STANFORD UNIVERSITY" | | FACILITY_NAME = "MGS RST REMOTE MISSION SUPPORT AREA" | | FULL_NAME = "RICHARD A. SIMPSON" | | ADDRESS_TEXT = "DURAND BUILDING - ROOM 232 | | STANFORD UNIVERSITY | | STANFORD, CA 94305-9515" | | END_OBJECT = DATA_PRODUCER | | OBJECT = CATALOG | | ^MISSION_CATALOG = "MISSION.CAT" | | ^INSTRUMENT_HOST_CATALOG = "INSTHOST.CAT" | | ^INSTRUMENT_CATALOG = "INST.CAT" | | ^DATA_SET_CATALOG = "DATASET.CAT" | | ^PERSONNEL_CATALOG = "PERSON.CAT" | | ^REFERENCE_CATALOG = "REF.CAT" | | ^TARGET_CATALOG = "TARGET.CAT" | | ^MAP_PROJECTION_CATALOG = "DSMAP2.CAT" | | END_OBJECT = CATALOG | |END_OBJECT = VOLUME | |END | |============================================================================| 4.2 Static Directories Static directories are those which do not change (or change very little) from one volume to another. They appear on all volumes. 4.2.1 CATALOG Directory CATINFO.TXT File The CATINFO.TXT file contains a brief description of the contents of the CATALOG directory. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. MISSION.CAT File The MISSION.CAT file contains a brief description of the MGS mission, its phases, and its objectives. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. INSTHOST.CAT File The INSTHOST.CAT file contains a brief description of the spacecraft; it also includes a brief description of the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) as it supports the MGS Radio Science investigations. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. INST.CAT File The INST.CAT file contains a description of the spacecraft and DSN radio systems. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. DATASET.CAT File The DATASET.CAT file contains a brief description of the reduced radio science data within the MGS RS-ADC-SDP. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. PERSON.CAT File The PERSON.CAT file contains a brief description of the key individuals involved in producing both the data and the archival volumes of the MGS RS- ADC-SDP. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. REF.CAT File The REF.CAT file contains full literature citations for publications referenced in other files in the CATALOG directory. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage- return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. DSMAP2.CAT File The DSMAP2.CAT file contains a brief description of the simple cylindrical projection used by products in the IMG directory. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. TARGET.CAT File The TARGET.CAT file contains a brief description of the bodies which were the object of this scientific investigation (Mars, Phobos, and Deimos) This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 72 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file follows the format for 'streamlined' catalog files as described in [2]. 4.2.2 DOCUMENT Directory The DOCUMENT directory contains ASCII files which describe in more detail the format and content of the data products in this archival volume. If the data type has not been generated, the document will not appear on the volume. For example, as of October 1999 no RSIPS files had been created so the RSIPS.TXT document did not appear on volumes written through October 1999. DOCINFO.TXT File The DOCINFO.TXT file contains a brief description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. RSADCSDP.TXT File The RSADCSDP.TXT file (this document) is the Software Interface Specification for the MGS RS-ADC-SDP. It describes both the format and content of this archival volume. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. RSTP.TXT File The RSTP.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Atmospheric Temperature-Pressure Profiles (data types TPS and TPH). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. OCCSUM.TXT File The OCCSUM.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Occultation Summary files (data types OCS and OCH). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. RSIPS.TXT File The RSIPS.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Intensity Power Spectra (data type IPS). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. LOSAPDR.TXT File The LOSAPDR.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Line-of-Sight Acceleration Profiles (data type LOS). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. SHADR.TXT File The SHADR.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Spherical Harmonic (ASCII) Data Records (data type SHA). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. SHBDR.TXT File The SHBDR.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Spherical Harmonic (Binary) Data Records (data type SHB). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. RSDMAP.TXT File The RSDMAP.TXT file is the Software Interface Specification for Radio Science Digital Maps (data type IMG). This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. OCCLOGxx.TAB File The OCCLOGxx.TAB file gives parameters from data acquisition that may be useful in judging quality of radio occultation data. 'xx' denotes the version of the file, with new versions being defined for each 'occultation season'. This is an ASCII file with fixed length records. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has a detached label with the name OCCLOGxx.LBL which completely describes its format and content. This file (and label) do not appear on volumes for which there are no radio occultation data. xxxxxxxx.LBL Documents Special PDS document objects may be included in the DOCUMENT directory if they would be useful in understanding the data. These documents are defined by a detached PDS label with file name xxxxxxxx.LBL where xxxxxxxx can be any set of upper case ASCII characters, digits, or the ASCII underscore. The label is an ASCII file with 80-byte fixed-length records having a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair in the last two bytes. The label points to and describes PostScript and/or TeX files having the same name (but with suffixes .PS and .TEX, respectively). The PostScript and TeX files contain ASCII characters in variable length records; each record is delimited by a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The TeX file meets the PDS requirement that a readable ASCII version of each document be included in the volume. 4.2.3 INDEX Directory INDXINFO.TXT File The INDXINFO.TXT file contains a brief description of the contents of the INDEX directory. This is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The file has an attached PDS label of the form shown in Figure 4-1-1. INDEX.LBL File INDEX.LBL is a detached label that describes INDEX.TAB; it is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. For an example, see Appendix A. INDEX.TAB File INDEX.TAB is a PDS TABLE listing all data files included in this volume. It is an ASCII file with fixed length records. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The format and content of INDEX.TAB are described in detail by INDEX.LBL. CUMINDEX.LBL File CUMINDEX.LBL is a detached label that describes CUMINDEX.TAB; it is an ASCII file with record lengths of 80 bytes. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. CUMINDEX.TAB File CUMINDEX.TAB is a cumulative listing of all data files included in this set of volumes to date. It is an ASCII file with fixed length records. Each line is terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The format and content of INDEX.TAB are described in detail by INDEX.LBL. 4.3 Data Directories RS-ADC-SDP volumes include data from atmospheric radio occultation, gravity, and participating scientist investigations -- data set MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0. Standard Data Products (STDPs) include Atmospheric Temperature-Pressure Profiles, Occultation Summary Files, Intensity Power Spectra, Line-of-Sight Acceleration Profiles, Spherical Harmonics Models, and Radio Science Digital Map Products. Special Data Products (SPDPs) include Surface Reflection Tables, Images, and Geometry files. Directories are identified in the following sections. The number of files in directories is highly variable, but no volume will have "empty" directories; if the directory would contain no files, the directory itself is omitted from the volume. All files in data directories are accompanied by detached PDS labels. The directory structure is shown in Figure 3-1 and the contents are summarized in Table 3-1-5. 4.3.1 TPS Directory The TPS directory contains atmospheric temperature-pressure profiles derived from radio occultation data using standard processing techniques. Each TPS file is an ASCII table with fixed-length records giving results from a single occultation. File names, formats, and contents are described in [5]. 4.3.2 TPH Directory The TPH directory contains atmospheric temperature-pressure profiles derived from radio occultation data using high-resolution processing techniques. Each TPH file is an ASCII table with fixed-length records giving results from a single occultation. File names, formats, and contents are described in [5]. 4.3.3 OCS Directory The OCS directory contains summaries of TPS results. Each OCS file is an ASCII table with fixed-length records. Each file typically contains summaries from a month of TPS data; each record in an OCS file summarizes one temperature-pressure profile. File names, formats, and contents are described in [6]. 4.3.4 OCH Directory The OCH directory contains summaries of TPH results. Each OCH file is an ASCII table with fixed-length records. Each file typically contains summaries from a month of TPH data; each record in an OCH file summarizes one temperature-pressure profile. File names, formats, and contents are described in [6]. 4.3.5 IPS Directory The IPS directory contains intensity power spectra derived from radio occultation data. Each IPS file is an ASCII table with fixed-length records giving results from a single occultation. File names, formats, and contents are described in [7]. 4.3.6 LOS Directory The LOS directory contains line of sight acceleration profile data records (LOSAPDRs) from analysis of radio tracking data. Each LOSAPDR file contains three ASCII tables with fixed-length records giving results from a single arc of tracking data. File names, formats, and contents are described in [8]. 4.3.7 SHA Directory The SHA directory contains Radio Science spherical harmonic models of gravity and other fields in ASCII formats. Each SHA file contains up to four ASCII tables with fixed-length records giving coefficients and/or covariances for a single spherical harmonic model. Generally the SHA format is used for small models or for models without covariances; the SHB (binary) format is used to reduce volume when the file is large (see next section). File names, formats, and contents are described in [9]. 4.3.8 SHB Directory The SHB directory contains Radio Science spherical harmonic models of gravity and other fields in binary formats. Each SHB file contains up to four binary tables with fixed-length records giving coefficients and/or covariances for a single spherical harmonic model. Generally the SHA (ASCII) format is used for small models or for models without covariances (see previous section); the SHB format is used to reduce volume when the file is large. File names, formats, and contents are described in [10]. 4.3.9 IMG Directory The IMG directory contains Radio Science Digital Map (RSDMAP) files. Each RSDMAP file contains a PDS IMAGE object which can be used to display Radio Science data. File names, formats, and contents are described in [11]. 4.3.10 SRT Directory The SRT directory contains tabular data from the surface reflection investigation conducted by Participating Scientist Richard Simpson. Each SRT file is a table containing measurements of echo position and strength, carrier position and strength, time tags, and other parameters. Each SRT file is an ASCII file with fixed length records. The format and content of each SRT file are completely described in the accompanying detached PDS label. For more information, see the Software Interface Specification for Surface Reflection products [12]. 4.3.11 SRI Directory The SRI directory contains image data from the surface reflection investigation conducted by Participating Scientist Richard Simpson. Each SRI file is a PDS image constructed from a time sequence of power spectra showing both the carrier and surface echo near the occultation time. Each SRI file is a binary file with fixed length records. The format and content of each SRI file are completely described in the accompanying detached PDS label. For more information, see the Software Interface Specification for Surface Reflection products [12]. 4.3.12 SRG Directory The SRG directory contains tabular geometrical data for the surface reflection investigation conducted by Participating Scientist Richard Simpson. Each SRG file is a table containing calculated position and velocity of the spacecraft and receiver, ground coordinates and angles for the specular point, time tags, and other parameters. Each SRG file is an ASCII file with fixed length records. The format and content of each SRG file are completely described in the accompanying detached PDS label. For more information, see the Software Interface Specification for Surface Reflection products [12]. 4.3.13 BRO (Browse) Directory The BRO directory contains labeled PostScript files in the form of PDS document objects which provide 'snapshots' of new data products. Each PDS label comprises 80-byte records, the last two bytes being the carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) delimiter pair. The label points toward a file with the same name (except for the .PS1 extension) which can be displayed or printed using a PostScript interpreter. 5. Support Staff and Cognizant Personnel The following persons may be contacted for information. Radio Science Team Richard A. Simpson, MGS Radio Science Team Experiment Engineer and PDS Radio Science Advisor Packard Building - Room 332 350 Serra Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Phone: 650-723-3525 FAX: 650-723-9251 Electronic mail: rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu G. Leonard Tyler, MGS Radio Science Team Leader Packard Building - Room 331 350 Serra Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Phone: 650-723-3535 FAX: 650-723-9251 Electronic mail: len@nova.stanford.edu Appendix A - Example INDEX.LBL File The following is an example INDEX.LBL file. It describes the format and content of the volume index, INDEX.TAB. The label for the cumulative index is identical except for FILE_RECORDS, ^INDEX_TABLE, and INDEX_TYPE; the first is instance dependent, the second is "CUMINDEX.TAB", and the third is :CUMULATIVE". PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 142 FILE_RECORDS = 93 DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0" ^INDEX_TABLE = "INDEX.TAB" OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROWS = 93 ROW_BYTES = 142 COLUMNS = 7 INDEX_TYPE = SINGLE INDEXED_FILE_NAME = {"IMG/*.LBL","IPS/*.LBL","LOS/*.LBL","OCH/*.LBL", "OCS/*.LBL","SHA/*.LBL","SHB/*.LBL","TPH/*.LBL", "TPS/*.LBL","SRT/*.LBL","SRI/*.LBL","SRG/*.LBL", "BRO/*.LBL"} DESCRIPTION = "INDEX.TAB lists all data files in this volume. Rows in this table contain 140 bytes of table data followed by one <CR><LF> pair." OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = VOLUME_ID DATA_TYPE = "CHARACTER" START_BYTE = 2 BYTES = 9 COLUMN_NUMBER = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The volume containing this data file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME DATA_TYPE = "CHARACTER" START_BYTE = 14 BYTES = 16 COLUMN_NUMBER = 2 DESCRIPTION = "Pathname to the detached label which identifies this data file. Or path name to text file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_ID DATA_TYPE = "CHARACTER" START_BYTE = 33 BYTES = 12 COLUMN_NUMBER = 3 DESCRIPTION = "The name of the data file, which is unique within this data set." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID DATA_TYPE = "CHARACTER" START_BYTE = 48 BYTES = 32 COLUMN_NUMBER = 4 DESCRIPTION = "The original name of the data file, if from another source; or ASCII blanks." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = START_TIME DATA_TYPE = "TIME" START_BYTE = 82 BYTES = 19 COLUMN_NUMBER = 5 DESCRIPTION = "Earliest valid time within the data file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = STOP_TIME DATA_TYPE = "TIME" START_BYTE = 102 BYTES = 19 COLUMN_NUMBER = 6 DESCRIPTION = "Latest valid time within the data file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME DATA_TYPE = "TIME" START_BYTE = 122 BYTES = 19 COLUMN_NUMBER = 7 DESCRIPTION = "Time at which the data file was created." END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE END