PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = FIXED_LENGTH                                          
RECORD_BYTES          = 80                                                    
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 1999-03-09                                          
  NOTE                        = "Software Interface Specification for         
                                 the Mars Global Surveyor Radio               
                                 Science Atmospheric Temperature-             
                                 Pressure Profile (RSTP) file.                
                                 Formatted for display or printing at         
                                 58 lines per page with up to 78              
                                 constant width characters per line."         
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
                  Stanford Center for Radar Astronomy                         
                     Mars Global Surveyor Project                             
                   Software Interface Specification                           
          Atmospheric Temperature-Pressure Profile Data File                  
                              prepared by                                     
                          Richard A. Simpson                                  
                      Center for Radar Astronomy                              
                          Stanford University                                 
                       Stanford, CA  94305-9515                               
                            Version  2.0.5                                    
                             9 March 1999                                     
|                                                                    |        
|                        DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG                         |        
|                                                                    |        
|REVISION|REVISION|  SECTION   |               REMARKS               |        
| NUMBER |  DATE  |  AFFECTED  |                                     |        
|   2.0  |97/10/07|     All    |Adapted from V1.0 for Mars Observer  |        
|  2.0.1 |98/09/04|Distribution|Editorial corrections                |        
|  2.0.1 |98/09/04|Acronyms & .|Change "Degrees Kelvin" to "Kelvin"  |        
|  2.0.1 |98/09/04| Appendix A |No longer needed; omit.              |        
|  2.0.1 |98/09/04| Appendix B |Rename to Appendix A; revise contents|        
|  2.0.1 |98/09/04| Appendix C |Rename to Appendix B; revise contents|        
|  2.0.2 |98/11/10|Distribution|Omit John Armstrong; update e-mail,  |        
|        |        |            | M/S for Priest, Asmar, Martin,      |        
|        |        |            | Oliver, Sword.                      |        
|  2.0.2 |98/11/10|  |Add optional "Z" suffix to denote use|        
|        |        |            | of UTC explicitly.                  |        
|  2.0.2 |98/11/10|     2.3    |Changed file naming scheme from      |        
|        |        |    4.2.1   | ydddhhmm.TPx  to  ydddhmmC.TPx      |        
|        |        |   Fig 4-2  |                                     |        
|  2.0.2 |98/11/10| Appendix A |Update to show current format        |        
|  2.0.3 |98/11/11|Distribution|Add Mike Flasar                      |        
|  2.0.3 |98/11/12|    4.2.1   |RECORD_BYTES and ^RSTP_TABLE fixed   |        
|  2.0.4 |98/12/15|    4.2.1   |Change DATA_SET_ID to                |        
|        |        |  Fig. 4-2  | MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-Vn.m                |        
|        |        |     A.1    |                                     |        
|  2.0.4 |98/12/15|Distribution|Add Henderson; omit Oliver, Sword    |        
|  2.0.4 |98/12/22| Appendix A |Removed ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES from label  |        
|  2.0.5 |99/03/09|  |Substituted 7-bit ASCII characters   |        
|        |        |  | for 8-bit versions.                 |        
|                                                                    |        
|                     ITEMS TO BE DETERMINED                         |        
|                                                                    |        
|  NUMBER  | AFFECTED |                        |                     |        
|    2.0   |   Dist   |Missing addresses       |Found.               |        
|    2.0   |    1.3   |Update Constants Doc    |                     |        
 V.   Henderson..........171-264   Valerie.L.Henderson@jpl.nasa.gov           
 M.   Martin.............171-264   michael.d.martin@jpl.nasa.gov              
PDS/Washington University                                                     
 E.   Guinness......Dept E&P Sci   guinness@wunder.wustl.edu                  
 R.E. Arvidson......Dept E&P Sci   arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu                  
 R.   Beebe......Dept. Astronomy   rbeebe@nmsu.edu                            
 L.   Huber......Dept. Astronomy   lhuber@nmsu.edu                            
Stanford University                                                           
 R.   Simpson.........Durand 232   rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu             
 L.   Tyler...........Durand 232   len@nova.stanford.edu                      
 D.P. Hinson..........Durand 232   hinson@nimbus.stanford.edu                 
 J.D. Twicken.........Durand 232   joe@neptune.stanford.edu                   
Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                     
 S.W. Asmar...........MS 264-860   sami.w.asmar@jpl.nasa.gov                  
 P.   Priest..........MS 264-860   trish@rodan.jpl.nasa.gov                   
 W.L. Sjogren.........MS 301-150   wls@kamel.jpl.nasa.gov                     
 R.   Springer........MS 264-214   richard.j.springer@jpl.nasa.gov            
 R.   Woo.............MS 238-725   richard@oberon.jpl.nasa.gov                
Goddard Space Flight Center                                                   
 D.E. Smith.............Code 920   dsmith@tharsis.gsfc.nasa.gov               
 F.   Lemoine...........Code 926   flemoine@olympus.gsfc.nasa.gov             
 F.M. Flasar............Code 693   mike@leprss.gsfc.nasa.gov                  
Centre Nationales d'Etudes Spatiales                                          
 G.   Balmino...............GRGS   balmino@pontos.cnes.fr                     
California Institute of Technology                                            
 A.   Ingersoll..............GPS   api@helene.gps.caltech.edu                 
University of Colorado                                                        
 B.   Jakosky............CU/LASP   jakosky@argyre.colorado.edu                
NASA Ames Research Center                                                     
 R.   Haberle...........MS 245-3   bhaberle@mail.arc.nasa.gov                 
  Document Change Log...............................................ii        
  Items to be Determined...........................................iii        
  Acronyms and Abbreviations.......................................vii        
1. General Description...............................................1        
  1.1. Overview......................................................1        
  1.2. Scope.........................................................1        
  1.3. Applicable Documents..........................................1        
  1.4. System Siting.................................................1        
    1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium.............................1        
    1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations..........1        
    1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency...........................1        
  1.5. Assumptions and Constraints...................................2        
    1.5.1. Usage Constraints.........................................2        
    1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints..............................2        
    1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints..........................2        
    1.5.4. Documentation Conventions.................................2      Data Format Descriptions..............................2      Time Standards........................................2      Coordinate Systems....................................3      Limits of This Document...............................3      Typographic Conventions...............................3        
2. Interface Characteristics.........................................4        
  2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations......................4        
    2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces...................4        
    2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements................................4        
  2.2. Volume and Size...............................................4        
  2.3. Labeling and Identification...................................4        
  2.4. Interface Medium Characteristics..............................5        
  2.5. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures........5        
  2.6. End-of-File Conventions.......................................5        
3. Access............................................................6        
  3.1. Programs Using the Interface..................................6        
  3.2. Synchronization Considerations................................6        
    3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations......................6        
    3.2.2. Effective Duration........................................6        
    3.2.3. Priority Interrupts.......................................6        
  3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences.....................6        
4. Detailed Interface Specifications.................................7        
  4.1. Structure and Organization Overview...........................7        
  4.2. Detached PDS Label............................................7        
    4.2.1. Label Header..............................................7        
    4.2.2. Label Body................................................9        
  4.3. Data File.....................................................9        
Appendix A.  Example Data Products..................................10        
  A.1. Example Label................................................10        
  A.2. Example Data Object..........................................20        
Appendix B.  RSTP Processing Program Definitions ...................23        
  4-2. RSTP Label Header.............................................7        
  B-1. Time variation of Signal Power...............................23        
  B-2. Definition of Raypath Direction..............................24        
  B-3. Definition of Angle from Diametric...........................24        
                      Acronyms and Abbreviations                              
      ANSI      American National Standards Institute                         
      ARCDR     Altimetry and Radiometry Composite Data Record                
      ASCII     American Standard Code for Information Interchange            
      CCSDS     Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems                 
      CD        Compact Disc                                                  
      CNES      Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales                            
      dB        Decibel                                                       
      DSN       Deep Space Network                                            
      FEA       Front End Assembly                                            
      GSFC      Goddard Space Flight Center                                   
      IEEE      Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers              
      IAU       International Astronomical Union                              
      JPL       Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                     
      J2000     IAU Official Time Epoch                                       
      K         Degrees Kelvin                                                
      kB        Kilobytes                                                     
      km        Kilometers                                                    
      MB        Megabytes                                                     
      MGS       Mars Global Surveyor                                          
      MO        Mars Observer                                                 
      NAIF      Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility                 
      NASA      National Aeronautics and Space Administration                 
      NAV       Navigation Subsystem/Team                                     
      PDB       Project Data Base                                             
      PDS       Planetary Data System                                         
      RS        Radio Science                                                 
      RSS       Radio Science Subsystem                                       
      RST       Radio Science Team                                            
      RSTP      Radio Science Temperature Pressure (profile)                  
      SCET      Space Craft Event Time                                        
      SIS       Software Interface Specification                              
      SOPC      Science Operations Planning Computer                          
      SPARC     Sun Scaleable Processor Architecture                          
      TBD       To Be Determined                                              
      TDB       Temps Dynamique Barycentrique - IAU Standard Ephemeris        
      UTC       Coordinated Universal Time                                    
      WO        Write Once                                                    
1.  General Description                                                       
1.1. Overview                                                                 
      This Software Interface Specification (SIS) describes Radio             
Science Atmospheric Temperature-Pressure Profile (RSTP) data files            
from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mission.  RSTP files are created          
at Stanford University and contain results of processing MGS radio            
occultation data to obtain the structure of Mars' atmosphere [1].             
The Mars Global Surveyor Mission is managed by the Jet Propulsion             
Laboratory (JPL) for the National Aeronautics and Space                       
Administration (NASA).                                                        
1.2. Scope                                                                    
      The format and content specifications in this SIS apply to all          
phases of the Mars Global Surveyor Mission for which the RSTP is              
produced.  RSTP products covered by this SIS include those at both            
standard (approximately 200 m vertical) and high (approximately 20 m          
vertical) resolution.                                                         
1.3. Applicable Documents                                                     
[1] Tyler, G.L., G. Balmino, D.P. Hinson, W.L. Sjogren, D.E. Smith,           
R. Woo, S.W. Asmar, M.J. Connally, C.L. Hamilton, and R.A. Simpson,           
Radio Science Investigations with Mars Observer, J. Geophys. Res.,            
97, 7759-7779, 1992.                                                          
[2] MO 642-321, Mars Global Surveyor Planetary Constants and Models,          
JPL D-3444, November 1990.                                                    
[3]  Planetary Science Data Dictionary, JPL D-7116, Rev. D, 15 July 1996.     
[4]  Planetary Data System Standards Reference, JPL D-7669, part 2,           
24 July 1995.                                                                 
1.4. System Siting                                                            
1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium                                          
      RSTP files are created by the Stanford MGS RS processing                
system, which consists of Sun SPARC-2, SPARC-10, and Ultra                    
workstations; other computers; and associated peripherals.                    
1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations                       
      RSTP files are created on the Stanford MGS RS processing                
system.  They are distributed electronically by the MGS RS server and are     
written to compact disc write-once (CD-WO) volumes for archive with the       
Planetary Data System (PDS).                                                  
1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency                                        
      RSTP products are generated by reformatting and manipulating            
output files from Stanford programs.  Each RSTP contains data from            
one occultation event.  RSTPs are generated when the data for the             
appropriate orbits become available.                                          
1.5. Assumptions and Constraints                                              
1.5.1. Usage Constraints                                                      
1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints                                           
1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints                                       
1.5.4. Documentation Conventions                                              
                                                                      Data Format Descriptions                                             
      The reference data unit is the byte.  Data may be stored in             
fields with various sizes and formats, viz. one-, two-, and four-byte         
binary integers, four- and eight-byte binary floating-point numbers,          
and character strings.  Data are identified throughout this document          
            char         8 bits    character                                  
            uchar        8 bits    integer                                    
            short       16 bits    integer                                    
            long        32 bits    integer                                    
            float       32 bits    floating point (sign, exponent, and        
            double      64 bits    floating point (sign, exponent, and        
            u (prefix)             unsigned (as with ulong  for               
                                        unsigned 32-bit integer)              
            other                  special data structures such as            
                                        time, date, etc. which are            
                                        described within this document        
The detailed formats of the numeric fields are defined in Appendix A.         
      If a field is described as containing  n  bytes of ASCII                
character string data, this implies that the leftmost (lowest                 
numbered) byte contains the first character, the next lowest byte             
contains the second character, and so forth.                                  
      An array of  n  elements is written as  array[n];  the first            
element is  array[0],  and the last is  array[n-1].  Array[n][m]              
describes an  n x m  element array, with first element  array[0][0],          
second element  array[0][1],  and so forth.                                   
                                                                      Time Standards                                                       
      RSTP calculations use the January 1.5, 2000 epoch as the                
standard time.  Within the data files, all times are reported in              
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) as strings of 23 ASCII characters.           
The time format is  "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff", where "-", "T", ":",           
and "." are fixed delimiters; "YYYY" is the year "19nn" or "20nn";            
"MM" is a two-digit month of year; "DD" is a two-digit day of month;          
"T" separates the date and time segments of the string; "hh" is hour          
of day; "mm" is the minutes of hour (00-59); "ss" is the seconds of           
hour (00-59); and "fff" is in milliseconds.  Optional suffix "Z"              
explicitly indicates use of the UTC reference.                                
      The date format is "YYYY-MM-DD", where the components are               
defined as above.                                                             
                                                                      Coordinate Systems                                                   
      The RSTP uses the Areocentric fixed body coordinate system [2].         
                                                                      Limits of This Document                                              
      This document applies only to the RSTP standard- and high-              
resolution products.                                                          
                                                                      Typographic Conventions                                              
      This document has been formatted for simple electronic file             
transfer and display.  Line lengths are limited to 72 ASCII                   
characters, including line delimiters.  No special fonts or structures        
are included within the file.  Constant width characters are assumed          
for display.                                                                  
2.  Interface Characteristics                                                 
2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations                                 
2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces                                
      RSTP files are created on the Stanford MGS Science Operations           
Planning Computer (SOPC) using IEEE formats and are stored in                 
electronic form on the MGS PDB.                                               
2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements                                             
2.2. Volume and Size                                                          
      RSTP products for each occultation consist of one or more files,        
as detailed in Section 4.  A standard resolution RSTP, covering 70 km         
of altitude at 200 m resolution, will require about 15 kB for the             
label and 12 kB for the data -- or 27 kB total.  A high-resolution            
profile, covering 200 km in altitude at 10 m resolution, will require         
15 kB for the label and about 640 kB for the data -- or 665 kB total.         
2.3. Labeling and Identification                                              
      Each file has a name which describes its contents. The name             
includes the following structure which uniquely identifies it among           
Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science products:                                  
      y        is the least significant digit of the year                     
      ddd      is the day of year                                             
      h        is a one character representation of the hour on which         
                data acquisition began (A = 00, B = 01, ... X = 23)           
      mm       is the minute on which the occultation data                    
                acquisition began (see note below for convention              
                when two acquisition systems began at the same                
      C        is a single character denoting the version of the file         
                (first version is "A", second is "B", etc.)                   
     "TP"      identifies the file as containing a Radio Science              
                  temperature pressure profile,                               
     "x"       indicates resolution                                           
                  "S"   standard resolution                                   
                  "H"   high resolution                                       
     Note: Some occultations may be captured by more than one ground          
           station with recording beginning at the same time.  In             
           those cases the least significant digit of  mm  will be            
           modified as follows.                                               
               Least Significant Digit of "mm" for Coincident Files           
               First Data File     Second Data File    Third Data File        
               ---------------     ----------------    ---------------        
                       0                    A                  K              
                       1                    B                  L              
                       2                    C                  M              
                       3                    D                  N              
                       4                    E                  O              
                       5                    F                  P              
                       6                    G                  Q              
                       7                    H                  R              
                       8                    I                  S              
                       9                    J                  T              
2.4. Interface Medium Characteristics                                         
      RSTP products are electronic files.                                     
2.5. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures                   
2.6. End-of-File Conventions                                                  
      End of file labeling complies with standards                            
3. Access                                                                     
3.1. Programs Using the Interface                                             
      Data contained in RSTP files will be accessed by programs at the        
home institutions of Mars Global Surveyor and other investigators.            
Those programs cannot be identified here.                                     
3.2. Synchronization Considerations                                           
3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations                                   
3.2.2. Effective Duration                                                     
3.2.3. Priority Interrupts                                                    
3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences                                
4. Detailed Interface Specifications                                          
4.1. Structure and Organization Overview                                      
      The RSTP is a file generated by Radio Science data reduction            
and analysis software at Stanford University.  Each RSTP file is              
accompanied by a detached PDS label.                                          
4.2. Detached PDS Label                                                       
      The detached PDS label has two parts -- a header and body.              
The header contains information about the origin of the file and              
its general characteristics such as record type and size.  The                
body is a complete bit-level definition of the RSTP file; it                  
includes object definitions for each component of the RSTP file.              
      Each detached PDS label is constructed of ASCII records;                
each record contains exactly 80 characters.  The last two characters          
in each record are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and line-feed               
(ASCII 10) characters.                                                        
4.2.1 Label Header                                                            
      The structure of the label file header is illustrated in                
Figure 4-2.  Keyword definitions are given below.  An example of a            
complete label file is given in Appendix B.                                   
|                                                                    |        
|                   Figure 4-2.  RSTP Label Header                   |        
|                                                                    |        
|                                                                    |        
|  PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                             |        
|  RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                                        |        
|  RECORD_BYTES = 100                                                |        
|  FILE_RECORDS = nnn                                                |        
|  ^RSTP_HDR_TABLE = ("ydddhmmC.TPx",1)                              |        
|  ^RSTP_TABLE = ("ydddhmmC.TPx",4)                                  |        
|  INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR"                     |        
|  TARGET_NAME = "MARS"                                              |        
|  INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM"                       |        
|  DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-Vn.m"                              |        
|  PRODUCT_ID = "ydddhmmC.TPx"                                       |        
|  PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = YYYY-MM-DD                                 |        
|  DESCRIPTION = "cccccccccccccccccc"                                |        
|  START_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ                             |        
|  STOP_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ                              |        
|  SOFTWARE_NAME = "ccccccc;Vn.m"                                    |        
|  PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ                  |        
|  PRODUCER_ID = "MGS RST"                                           |        
|                                                                    |        
PDS_VERSION_ID =          The version of the Planetary Data System for        
                          which these data have been prepared (set to         
                          PDS3 by agreement between the Mars Global           
                          Surveyor Project and PDS).                          
RECORD_TYPE =             The type of record.  Set to  "FIXED_LENGTH"         
                          to indicate that all logical records have           
                          the same length.                                    
RECORD_BYTES =            The number of bytes per (fixed-length)              
                          record.  Set to "100" for the RSTP.                 
FILE_RECORDS =            The number of records in the RSTP file;             
                          instance dependent.                                 
^RSTP_HDR_TABLE =         File name and record number at which                
                          RSTP_HDR_TABLE begins.  The file naming             
                          convention is defined in Section 2.3;               
                          record number is 1.                                 
^RSTP_TABLE =             File name and record number at which                
                          RSTP_TABLE begins.  The file naming                 
                          convention is defined in Section 2.3;               
                          record number is 4.                                 
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME =    Name of the spacecraft; set to                      
                          "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR".                             
TARGET_NAME =             A character string which identifies the             
                          target body.  For MGS RSTP files, the               
                          character string "MARS".                            
INSTRUMENT_NAME =         Name of the instrument; set to "RADIO               
                          SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM".                                 
DATA_SET_ID =             Identifier for the data set of which this           
                          RSTP product is a member.  Set to "MGS-M-           
                          RSS-5-SDP-Vn.m" for the RSTP, where "Vn.m"          
                          indicates the version number of the data            
PRODUCT_ID =              A unique identifier for the product within          
                          the MGS RST collection of data sets.  The           
                          naming convention is defined in Section 2.3.        
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE =    The date at which the product may be                
                          released by the Mars Global Surveyor Project        
                          to the Planetary Data System; entered in the        
                          format "YYYY-MM-DD", where components are           
                          defined in Section                         
DESCRIPTION =             A short description of the RSTP product.            
START_TIME =              The Earth Receive Time at which the first           
                          sample was acquired expressed in the format         
                          "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff"  where the                
                          components are defined in Section          
STOP_TIME =               The Earth Receive Time at which the last            
                          sample was acquired expressed in the format         
                          "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff"  where the                
                          components are defined in Section          
SOFTWARE_NAME =           The name and version number of the program          
                          creating this RSTP file; expressed as a             
                          character string in the format                      
                          "PROGRAM_NAME;n.mm" where "PROGRAM_NAME" is         
                          the name of the software and "n.mm" is the          
                          version number.                                     
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =   The time at which this RSTP was created;            
                          expressed in the format "YYYY-MM-                   
                          DDThh:mm:ss.fff"  where the components are          
                          defined in Section                         
PRODUCER_ID =             The entity responsible for creation of the          
                          RSTP product; set to "MGS RST".                     
4.2.2 Label Body                                                              
      The body of the PDS label completely defines both the format and        
the content of the RSTP file.  It is written as a pair of OBJECT              
definitions -- one for the RSTP header table and one for the RSTP data        
table.  An example of a complete label is given in Appendix B.  Since         
the format and content of the RSTP file may vary over the course of the       
MGS mission, users should always refer to the accompanying label for          
current specifications of the RSTP file.                                      
4.3. Data File                                                                
      The RSTP data file contains atmospheric profile measurements            
from one occultation event.  It comprises two PDS TABLE objects --            
one containing summary information for an occultation and the                 
other containing the temperature-pressure profile itself.  The                
structure and content of each RSTP file is defined by the accompanying        
detached PDS label (see Section 4.2 and Appendix B).  Note that the           
format and content of the RSTP file may evolve over the course of the         
MGS mission; users should always refer to the accompanying PDS label          
for current format and content specifications.                                
Appendix A. Example RSTP Label                                                
A.1  Example Label                                                            
      The following is an example label for a Radio Science                   
Temperature Pressure (RSTP) file.  In the next section, an example            
data object is shown.                                                         
PDS_VERSION_ID               = PDS                                            
RECORD_TYPE                  = FIXED_LENGTH                                   
RECORD_BYTES                 = 100                                            
FILE_RECORDS                 = 77                                             
^RSTP_HDR_TABLE              = ("8028D38A.TPS",1)                             
^RSTP_TABLE                  = ("8028D38A.TPS",4)                             
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME         = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR"                         
TARGET_NAME                  = "MARS"                                         
INSTRUMENT_NAME              = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM"                      
DATA_SET_ID                  = "MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0"                         
PRODUCT_ID                   = "8028D38A.TPS"                                 
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE         = 1998-10-15                                     
DESCRIPTION                  = "This file contains an atmospheric             
temperature-pressure profile derived from MGS radio occultation               
data.  Raw samples of DSN receiver output were corrected for                  
observing conditions and converted to bending angle as a function             
of impact parameter. These results were then inverted to refractive           
index as a function of radius via an Abel transform.  Number density          
was obtained from refractive index using a conversion formula                 
appropriate to the composition of the atmosphere, which is known              
from Viking measurements (T. Owen, The Composition and Early History          
of the Atmosphere of Mars, in MARS, edited by H.H. Kieffer, B.M.              
Jakosky, C.W. Snyder, and M.S. Matthews, pp. 818-834, Univ. of                
Arizona Press, 1992).  Pressure and temperature profiles were                 
derived by assuming hydrostatic balance and using the ideal gas               
law.  See Tyler et al. (J. Geophys Res., 97, 7759-7779, 1992) for             
more details."                                                                
START_TIME                   = 1998-01-28T03:38:00Z                           
STOP_TIME                    = 1998-01-28T03:51:00Z                           
SOFTWARE_NAME                = "TPS; V1.1"                                    
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = 1998-10-06T00:52:24Z                           
PRODUCER_ID                  = "MGS RST"                                      
OBJECT            = RSTP_HDR_TABLE                                            
  ROWS                  = 1                                                   
  COLUMNS               = 29                                                  
  ROW_BYTES             = 300                                                 
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = ASCII                                               
  DESCRIPTION           = "The RSTP header contains ancillary data            
  associated with atmospheric temperature-pressure profiles.  Each            
  header includes a single row of 29 data columns (293 total bytes),          
  5 ASCII blank characters to pad out the record, and an ASCII                
  carriage-return line-feed pair at the end."                                 
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "START TIME"                                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 1                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 1                                             
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "The Earth Receive Time at which              
    the first radio occultation data sample was acquired."                    
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "STOP TIME"                                   
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 2                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 25                                            
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "The Earth Receive Time at which              
    the last radio occultation data sample was acquired."                     
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "OCCULTATION TIME"                            
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 3                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = TIME                                          
    START_BYTE                = 49                                            
    BYTES                     = 23                                            
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "The time at Mars when the                    
    geometrical ray path grazed the limb.  This is computed                   
    by subtracting the limb-to-Earth light time from the                      
    appropriate Earth Receive Time."                                          
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "ORBIT NUMBER"                                
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 4                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 73                                            
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    FORMAT                    = "I5"                                          
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "Orbit number from which the data             
    were acquired; set to zero if not known."                                 
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "DSN ANTENNA NUMBER"                          
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 5                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_INTEGER                                 
    START_BYTE                = 79                                            
    BYTES                     = 2                                             
    FORMAT                    = "I2"                                          
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "Number of the DSN antenna used               
    to collect the data (e.g., 14, 43, 65, ...)."                             
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "RAY PATH DIRECTION"                          
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 6                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 82                                            
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.1"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "The angle between local north                
    and the tangent to the ray path at the occultation point,                 
    measured positive from local north toward local east.  The                
    tangent to the ray path indicates the direction of signal                 
    propagation.  A signal traveling from west toward east as                 
    it grazed the surface would have a ray-path-direction of                  
    90 degrees."                                                              
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "ANGLE FROM DIAMETRIC"                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 7                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 89                                            
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.1"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Angle at which the spacecraft                
    rises or sets behind the planet limb, measured clockwise from             
    the planet radial direction as viewed from Earth.  An angle-              
    from-diametric equal to zero indicates a diametric occultation            
    with motion of the ray away from the surface (e.g., occultation           
    egress).  A value near 180 degrees is a nearly diametric ingress          
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "LATITUDE AT SURFACE"                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 8                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 96                                            
    BYTES                     = 7                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F7.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric (north) latitude of              
    the occultation point"                                                    
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA LATITUDE"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 9                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 104                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in LATITUDE AT SURFACE.  This value also serves as an estimate            
    of the uncertainty in LATITUDE in RSTP_TABLE.  Set to -9.999 if           
    not known."                                                               
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "LONGITUDE AT SURFACE"                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 10                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 111                                           
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F8.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric east longitude of the            
    occultation point in body fixed coordinates."                             
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA LONGITUDE"                             
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 11                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 120                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in LONGITUDE AT SURFACE.  This value also serves as an estimate           
    of the uncertainty in LONGITUDE in RSTP_TABLE.  Set to -9.999 if          
    not known."                                                               
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SUB-SOLAR LATITUDE"                          
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 12                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 127                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric (north) latitude of              
    the sun at OCCULTATION TIME."                                             
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SUB-SOLAR LONGITUDE"                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 13                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 134                                           
    BYTES                     = 7                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F7.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric east longitude of the            
    sun in body fixed coordinates at OCCULTATION TIME."                       
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SOLAR LONGITUDE"                             
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 14                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 142                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Value of the angle between the               
    Mars-Sun line at the time of geometric occultation and the                
    Mars-Sun line at the Mars vernal equinox.  Measured positive              
    with increasing time following the vernal equinox.  Sometimes             
    denoted L-sub-s."                                                         
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "RADIUS AT SURFACE"                           
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 15                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 149                                           
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F8.0"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER"                                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "Radius of Mars at the occultation            
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA RADIUS"                                
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 16                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 158                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.0"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER"                                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in RADIUS AT SURFACE.  This value also serves as an estimate of           
    the uncertainty in RADIUS in RSTP_TABLE.  Set to -9999. if not            
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SURFACE PRESSURE"                            
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 17                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 165                                           
    BYTES                     = 7                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F7.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "PASCAL"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Atmospheric pressure at the                  
    occultation point -- i.e., at the point defined by RADIUS AT              
    Obtained by extrapolating from the lowest sample in the retrieved         
    atmospheric profile to the estimated RADIUS AT SURFACE."                  
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA SURFACE PRESSURE"                      
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 18                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 173                                           
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F5.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "PASCAL"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in SURFACE PRESSURE.  Set to -9.99 if not known."                         
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SPACECRAFT TO LIMB DISTANCE"                 
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 19                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 179                                           
    BYTES                     = 9                                             
    FORMAT                    = "E9.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER"                                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "Distance from spacecraft to                  
    occultation point at time when ray path grazed planetary                  
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SPACECRAFT TO DSN DISTANCE"                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 20                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 189                                           
    BYTES                     = 9                                             
    FORMAT                    = "E9.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER"                                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "Distance from spacecraft to DSN              
    receiving antenna at time when ray path grazed planetary                  
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "LOCAL TRUE SOLAR TIME OF OCCULTATION"        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 21                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 199                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "HOUR"                                        
    DESCRIPTION               = "Local true solar time (LTST) at the          
    time and location of the occultation measurement.  LTST at the            
    sub-solar longitude is defined as 12 solar hours.  LTST on other          
    meridians changes by one solar hour for each 15 degree increment          
    in longitude.  Thus, LTST for the occultation measurement is              
    given by  12 + (LONGITUDE_AT_SURFACE - SUB-SOLAR_LONGITUDE)/15."          
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE"                          
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 22                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 206                                           
    BYTES                     = 6                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F6.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Angle between the direction to Sun           
    and local vertical direction on Mars at time and location of the          
    occultation measurement."                                                 
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SUN-EARTH-SPACECRAFT ANGLE"                  
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 23                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 213                                           
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F5.1"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Approximate angle between Sun and            
    spacecraft as viewed from Earth during experiment."                       
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "DSN ELEVATION ANGLE"                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 24                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 219                                           
    BYTES                     = 5                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F5.1"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Approximate angle between                    
    direction to spacecraft and local horizon at DSN receiving                
    antenna during experiment."                                               
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "GRAVITY FIELD MODEL"                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 25                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 226                                           
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    FORMAT                    = "A12"                                         
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "File name of gravity field spherical         
    harmonic model used in profile retrieval and calculation of               
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "GEOPOTENTIAL REFERENCE"                      
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 26                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 240                                           
    BYTES                     = 9                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F9.0"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER SQUARED PER SECOND SQUARED"            
    DESCRIPTION               = "Reference value for geopotential.            
    Reference geoid has mean equatorial radius of 3396 kilometers."           
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "PCK FILE NAME"                               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 27                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 251                                           
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    FORMAT                    = "A12"                                         
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "File name of the NAIF Planetary              
    Constants File used in this retrieval and calculation (name               
    of the PCK file as stored in the MGS RST data system)."                   
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "TRAJECTORY FILE NAME"                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 28                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 266                                           
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    FORMAT                    = "A12"                                         
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "File name of the spacecraft and              
    planetary ephemeris file used in this retrieval and calculation           
    (name of the file as stored in the MGS RST data system)."                 
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SPACECRAFT ATTITUDE FILE NAME"               
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 29                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = CHARACTER                                     
    START_BYTE                = 281                                           
    BYTES                     = 12                                            
    FORMAT                    = "A12"                                         
    UNIT                      = "N/A"                                         
    DESCRIPTION               = "File name of the spacecraft                  
    attitude file used in this retrieval and calculation (name                
    of the file as stored in the MGS RST data system).  Left                  
    blank if not known or no attitude file was used."                         
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
END_OBJECT        = RSTP_HDR_TABLE                                            
OBJECT            = RSTP_TABLE                                                
  ROWS                  = 74                                                  
  COLUMNS               = 10                                                  
  ROW_BYTES             = 100                                                 
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = ASCII                                               
  DESCRIPTION           = "Table contains radio science atmospheric           
  temperature-pressure profile.  Each row in the table contains               
  data for 10 columns, delimited by ASCII commas (98 bytes total);            
  the final two positions are occupied by an ASCII carriage-return            
  and an ASCII line-feed."                                                    
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "RADIUS"                                      
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 1                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 1                                             
    BYTES                     = 9                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F9.1"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER"                                       
    DESCRIPTION               = "Measurement radius."                         
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "LATITUDE"                                    
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 2                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 11                                            
    BYTES                     = 7                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F7.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric (north) latitude of              
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "LONGITUDE"                                   
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 3                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 19                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F8.3"                                        
    UNIT                      = "DEGREE"                                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DESCRIPTION               = "Areocentric (east) longitude of              
    measurement in body fixed coordinates."                                   
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "GEOPOTENTIAL"                                
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 4                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 28                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "F8.0"                                        
    UNIT                      = "METER SQUARED PER SECOND SQUARED"            
    DESCRIPTION               = "Geopotential at measurement location         
    (RADIUS, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE).  A reference value (GEOPOTENTIAL           
    REFERENCE in RSTP_HEADER_TABLE) has been subtracted."                     
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "PRESSURE"                                    
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 5                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 37                                            
    BYTES                     = 11                                            
    FORMAT                    = "E11.5"                                       
    UNIT                      = "PASCAL"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Atmospheric pressure at RADIUS."             
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA PRESSURE"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 6                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 49                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "E8.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "PASCAL"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in PRESSURE."                                                             
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "TEMPERATURE"                                 
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 7                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 58                                            
    BYTES                     = 11                                            
    FORMAT                    = "E11.5"                                       
    UNIT                      = "KELVIN"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "Atmospheric temperature at RADIUS."          
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA TEMPERATURE"                           
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 8                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 70                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "E8.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "KELVIN"                                      
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in TEMPERATURE."                                                          
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "NUMBER DENSITY"                              
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 9                                             
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 79                                            
    BYTES                     = 11                                            
    FORMAT                    = "E11.5"                                       
    UNIT                      = "1 PER CUBIC METER"                           
    DESCRIPTION               = "Molecular number density of the              
    atmosphere at RADIUS."                                                    
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
  OBJECT                = COLUMN                                              
    NAME                      = "SIGMA NUMBER DENSITY"                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER             = 10                                            
    DATA_TYPE                 = ASCII_REAL                                    
    START_BYTE                = 91                                            
    BYTES                     = 8                                             
    FORMAT                    = "E8.2"                                        
    UNIT                      = "1 PER CUBIC METER"                           
    DESCRIPTION               = "One standard deviation uncertainty           
    in NUMBER DENSITY."                                                       
  END_OBJECT            = COLUMN                                              
END_OBJECT        = RSTP_TABLE                                                
A.2      Example Data Object                                                  
      An example RSTP data object corresponding to the label example          
in Section A.1 is shown below.  Lines are wrapped after column 69; that       
is, the RSTP_TABLE has columns 1-7 on the first line and columns 8-10         
on the second.                                                                
24,    0,43, 117.7, 103.7, 29.213,-9.999,  56.774,-9.999,-25.05, 150.         
87,264.08,3392207.,-9999., 594.23, 7.25,6.129E+06,3.325E+11, 5.727,10         
5.35, 24.2, 66.4,"GGM50A02.SHA",12652778.,"PCK3223A.TPC","8027036A.SP         
K","            "                                                             
3392456.6, 29.189,  56.764,   1285.,5.79820E+02,7.16E+00,1.98138E+02,         
3392762.0, 29.161,  56.751,   2392.,5.63307E+02,7.11E+00,2.02402E+02,         
3393162.8, 29.133,  56.738,   3852.,5.42529E+02,7.04E+00,2.04364E+02,         
3393567.2, 29.104,  56.725,   5326.,5.22518E+02,6.97E+00,2.05746E+02,         
3394004.7, 29.076,  56.711,   6922.,5.01769E+02,6.90E+00,2.06440E+02,         
3394431.7, 29.048,  56.698,   8479.,4.82426E+02,6.83E+00,2.07600E+02,         
3394854.9, 29.020,  56.684,  10021.,4.64079E+02,6.75E+00,2.08697E+02,         
3395282.5, 28.991,  56.671,  11579.,4.46327E+02,6.68E+00,2.09212E+02,         
3395735.6, 28.963,  56.658,  13232.,4.28259E+02,6.60E+00,2.09082E+02,         
3396182.8, 28.935,  56.644,  14862.,4.11155E+02,6.53E+00,2.09550E+02,         
3396620.2, 28.907,  56.631,  16455.,3.95160E+02,6.45E+00,2.10335E+02,         
3397062.3, 28.879,  56.618,  18065.,3.79657E+02,6.38E+00,2.10731E+02,         
3397512.3, 28.851,  56.605,  19705.,3.64529E+02,6.30E+00,2.10766E+02,         
3397963.9, 28.823,  56.591,  21349.,3.49945E+02,6.22E+00,2.10639E+02,         
3398423.2, 28.795,  56.578,  23022.,3.35691E+02,6.15E+00,2.10387E+02,         
3398874.3, 28.767,  56.565,  24664.,3.22261E+02,6.07E+00,2.10305E+02,         
3399340.7, 28.738,  56.551,  26363.,3.08915E+02,5.99E+00,2.09748E+02,         
3399801.6, 28.710,  56.538,  28040.,2.96259E+02,5.91E+00,2.09771E+02,         
3400255.5, 28.682,  56.525,  29691.,2.84311E+02,5.84E+00,2.09832E+02,         
3400725.1, 28.654,  56.511,  31400.,2.72445E+02,5.76E+00,2.09241E+02,         
3401190.4, 28.626,  56.498,  33092.,2.61159E+02,5.68E+00,2.09068E+02,         
3401655.9, 28.598,  56.485,  34785.,2.50326E+02,5.60E+00,2.08884E+02,         
3402126.8, 28.570,  56.471,  36497.,2.39814E+02,5.52E+00,2.08690E+02,         
3402589.9, 28.542,  56.458,  38180.,2.29911E+02,5.45E+00,2.08727E+02,         
3403066.0, 28.514,  56.445,  39910.,2.20142E+02,5.37E+00,2.07998E+02,         
3403550.2, 28.486,  56.432,  41670.,2.10611E+02,5.29E+00,2.07897E+02,         
3404016.8, 28.458,  56.419,  43365.,2.01858E+02,5.21E+00,2.09666E+02,         
3404474.1, 28.430,  56.406,  45024.,1.93703E+02,5.13E+00,2.11517E+02,         
3404941.0, 28.402,  56.392,  46719.,1.85760E+02,5.06E+00,2.11831E+02,         
3405420.9, 28.374,  56.379,  48461.,1.77928E+02,4.98E+00,2.10968E+02,         
3405903.3, 28.346,  56.366,  50212.,1.70356E+02,4.90E+00,2.10230E+02,         
3406383.3, 28.318,  56.353,  51953.,1.63129E+02,4.83E+00,2.10029E+02,         
3406860.2, 28.290,  56.340,  53683.,1.56249E+02,4.75E+00,2.09952E+02,         
3407340.0, 28.262,  56.327,  55423.,1.49613E+02,4.67E+00,2.09201E+02,         
3407828.4, 28.234,  56.313,  57194.,1.43114E+02,4.59E+00,2.07859E+02,         
3408310.6, 28.206,  56.300,  58941.,1.36944E+02,4.52E+00,2.06824E+02,         
3408806.2, 28.178,  56.287,  60738.,1.30839E+02,4.44E+00,2.05176E+02,         
3409291.4, 28.151,  56.274,  62496.,1.25106E+02,4.36E+00,2.05160E+02,         
3409772.7, 28.123,  56.261,  64239.,1.19666E+02,4.29E+00,2.04886E+02,         
3410266.2, 28.095,  56.248,  66026.,1.14309E+02,4.21E+00,2.03308E+02,         
3410756.5, 28.067,  56.235,  67801.,1.09194E+02,4.13E+00,2.02272E+02,         
3411248.8, 28.039,  56.222,  69583.,1.04262E+02,4.06E+00,2.00931E+02,         
3411748.1, 28.011,  56.209,  71390.,9.94598E+01,3.98E+00,1.99796E+02,         
3412235.9, 27.983,  56.196,  73154.,9.49744E+01,3.90E+00,2.00283E+02,         
3412726.3, 27.955,  56.183,  74928.,9.06730E+01,3.83E+00,1.99791E+02,         
3413225.8, 27.927,  56.170,  76734.,8.64727E+01,3.75E+00,1.98357E+02,         
3413722.2, 27.899,  56.157,  78528.,8.24734E+01,3.68E+00,1.97893E+02,         
3414215.6, 27.872,  56.144,  80311.,7.86738E+01,3.60E+00,1.97511E+02,         
3414713.0, 27.844,  56.131,  82108.,7.50019E+01,3.53E+00,1.95742E+02,         
3415222.0, 27.816,  56.118,  83947.,7.13862E+01,3.45E+00,1.93459E+02,         
3415719.4, 27.788,  56.105,  85743.,6.80042E+01,3.38E+00,1.93571E+02,         
3416223.5, 27.760,  56.092,  87563.,6.47411E+01,3.31E+00,1.93411E+02,         
3416722.1, 27.733,  56.079,  89363.,6.16766E+01,3.23E+00,1.94964E+02,         
3417216.0, 27.705,  56.066,  91145.,5.88082E+01,3.16E+00,1.96153E+02,         
3417723.8, 27.677,  56.054,  92976.,5.59953E+01,3.09E+00,1.94772E+02,         
3418224.0, 27.649,  56.041,  94780.,5.33470E+01,3.02E+00,1.94507E+02,         
3418733.1, 27.621,  56.028,  96616.,5.07640E+01,2.94E+00,1.92441E+02,         
3419240.9, 27.593,  56.015,  98446.,4.82969E+01,2.87E+00,1.91781E+02,         
3419742.2, 27.566,  56.002, 100252.,4.59730E+01,2.80E+00,1.91323E+02,         
3420256.1, 27.538,  55.989, 102104.,4.36860E+01,2.73E+00,1.88137E+02,         
3420764.5, 27.510,  55.977, 103935.,4.15100E+01,2.66E+00,1.86524E+02,         
3421277.1, 27.482,  55.964, 105781.,3.94039E+01,2.59E+00,1.84099E+02,         
3421786.2, 27.455,  55.951, 107614.,3.73907E+01,2.52E+00,1.81448E+02,         
3422309.9, 27.427,  55.938, 109499.,3.53931E+01,2.45E+00,1.77442E+02,         
3422820.7, 27.399,  55.925, 111336.,3.35341E+01,2.39E+00,1.78832E+02,         
3423331.3, 27.371,  55.913, 113173.,3.17895E+01,2.32E+00,1.80672E+02,         
3423839.4, 27.344,  55.900, 115000.,3.01554E+01,2.25E+00,1.81390E+02,         
3424358.9, 27.316,  55.887, 116867.,2.85623E+01,2.19E+00,1.78534E+02,         
3424876.5, 27.288,  55.875, 118727.,2.70458E+01,2.12E+00,1.77794E+02,         
3425392.9, 27.261,  55.862, 120583.,2.56089E+01,2.06E+00,1.77747E+02,         
3425911.9, 27.233,  55.849, 122447.,2.42433E+01,2.00E+00,1.78016E+02,         
3426427.6, 27.205,  55.837, 124299.,2.29650E+01,1.94E+00,1.79529E+02,         
3426947.8, 27.177,  55.824, 126166.,2.17498E+01,1.87E+00,1.79600E+02,         
3427466.4, 27.150,  55.811, 128028.,2.06034E+01,1.81E+00,1.80000E+02,         
Appendix B.  RSTP Processing Program Definitions                              
      Signal power varies continuously from the free-space level              
to zero during a radio occultation (Figure B-1).  The raw signature           
may include diffraction effects (e.g., D in Figure B-1), which can            
be removed using knowledge of the observation geometry.                       
      We define the Occultation Time to be the time (at Mars) when            
the geometrical ray path grazes the limb.  This is computed by                
subtracting the light-time between the limb and the Earth receiving           
station from the Earth Receive Time at which the received signal              
voltage is 50 percent of its free space value (after adjustment for           
refractive defocusing by Mars' atmosphere).  Signal power is 25               
percent of its free space value at the Occultation Time (T in Figure          
      The Occultation Point is the point on Mars' surface where the           
grazing ray path is tangent at the Occultation Time.  It has                  
coordinates of areocentric fixed-body latitude and (east) longitude           
and a height above a 3393.4 km reference sphere.                              
      |    signal plus noise                                                  
    O |       ( free space)       D                                           
    U |_________________________/\                                            
  R T |                           \                                           
  E P |                            \                                          
  C U |                             \                                         
  E T |                              \                                        
  I   |                               \                                       
  V P |                                \                                      
  E O |                                 \  T                                  
  R W |                                  \/                                   
    E |                                   \                                   
    R |                                    \    noise level                   
      |                                     \____________________             
   Figure B-1.  Time variation of signal power during an ingress              
                        radio occultation.                                    
      A plan view of the region where the occultation occurs is shown         
in Figure B-2.  The ray path at the Occultation Time is indicated by          
the dashed line.  Raypath Direction is the angle measured from local          
north through east to the outgoing ray vector.                                
                              ^  local                                        
                              |  north                                        
                occultation   | .                                             
                      point   |    .                                          
                            \ |     .                                         
                             \|      .              from spacecraft           
to Earth                ^     |      .                                        
                        .     |     .                                         
                         .    |    . raypath                                  
                            . | .      direction                              
    Figure B-2.  Definition of Raypath Direction (angle). Plan view.          
      As viewed from Earth, the ray path appears to move away from            
the Occultation Point during an egress occultation; it moves inward           
during an ingress occultation.  If the direction of motion is                 
indicated by a "ray path motion" vector, the angle between this               
vector and the position vector of the Occultation Point can be                
defined as the Angle from Diametric (A in Figure B-3).                        
          .          /                                                        
              .     /  A                                                      
                   / _ _ _ _ _ _ _>  raypath motion                           
                   | .                                                        
                   |   .                                                      
         occultation    .                                                     
               point     .                                                    
                        /  .                                                  
                surface ___.                                                  
        Figure B-3. Definition of Angle from Diametric (A).                   
                            View from Earth