PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = FIXED_LENGTH                                          
RECORD_BYTES          = 80                                                    
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 1999-11-11                                          
  NOTE                        = "Software Interface Specification for         
                                 the Spherical Harmonics Binary Data          
                                 Record (SHBDR) file.  Formatted for          
                                 display or printing at 58 lines per          
                                 page with up to 78 constant width            
                                 characters per line."                        
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
                  SOFTWARE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION                            
            SPHERICAL HARMONICS BINARY DATA RECORD (SHBDR)                    
                             prepared  by                                     
                          Richard A. Simpson                                  
                        Packard Bldg - Room 332                               
                          Stanford University                                 
                            Stanford, CA                                      
                            Version  2.0.3                                    
                           11 November 1999                                   
|                                                                    |        
|                        DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG                         |        
|                                                                    |        
|REVISION|REVISION|  SECTION   |               REMARKS               |        
| NUMBER |  DATE  |  AFFECTED  |                                     |        
|   2.0  |98/04/20|     All    |Adapted from SHADR SIS V2.0          |        
|  2.0.1 |98/12/16|    4.1.2   |Change MGS DATA_SET_ID to            |        
|        |        |            |  MGS-M-RSS-5-SDP-V1.0               |        
|  2.0.1 |98/12/16|    4.2.1   |Add optional START_TIME and STOP_TIME|        
|        |        | Table 4-2-1|                                     |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09|     2.3    |Swap first two characters in file    |        
|        |        |    4.2.1   | naming algorithm; generalize use of |        
|        |        | Fig. 4-2-1 | "nnnnvv" string in file name.       |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09| Fig. 4-2-1 |Corrected suffix typos in label      |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09|Distribution|Update list of PDS recipients.       |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09|     1.3    |Update version, date for [3].        |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09|Acr & Abbrev|Change "LPX" to "LP" for Lunar       |        
|        |        |     1.2    | Prospector.                         |        
|  2.0.2 |99/03/09|  |Substituted 7-bit ASCII characters   |        
|        |        |  | for 8-bit versions                  |        
|  2.0.3 |99/11/11|  |Removed non-printing ASCII character |        
|        |        |     B.1    |                                     |        
|  2.0.3 |99/11/11|Distribution|Add: Guinness, Joy, Huber, Wilf      |        
|        |        |            |Remove: Henderson, Oliver            |        
|        |        |            |Update: Simpson, Tyler, Twicken,     |        
|        |        |            |  Rappaport, Priest.                 |        
|  2.0.3 |99/11/11|    Cover   |Update contact information for       |        
|        |        |            | Simpson and PDS Operator            |        
|                                                                    |        
|                     ITEMS TO BE DETERMINED                         |        
|                                                                    |        
|  NUMBER  | AFFECTED |                        |                     |        
|    2.0   |     5    |Add names, contact info |                     |        
|          |          | for scientists on      |                     |        
|          |          | specific products.     |                     |        
 A.S. Konopliv............ 301-125J   ask@krait.jpl.nasa.gov                  
 N.   Rappaport............301-125L   rappapor@jpl.nasa.gov                   
 W.L. Sjogren..............301-150    wls@kamel.jpl.nasa.gov                  
 R.   Wimberly.............301-150    Ravenel.N.Wimberly@jpl.nasa.gov         
 D-N  Yuan.................301-125J   dny@krait.jpl.nasa.gov                  
JPL/Mars Global Surveyor                                                      
 P.   Priest...............264-860    trish@rodan.jpl.nasa.gov                
 T.   Thorpe...............264-214    Thomas.E.Thorpe@jpl.nasa.gov            
 J. Wilf...................171-264    joel.wilf@jpl.nasa.gov                  
Stanford University                                                           
 R.   Simpson..........Packard 332    rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu          
 J.   Twicken..........Packard 321    joe@neptune.stanford.edu                
 L.   Tyler............Packard 331    len@nova.stanford.edu                   
Washington University                                                         
 R.E. Arvidson.....Campus Box 1169    arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu               
 J.   Alexopoulos..Campus Box 1169    jim@wuzzy.wustl.edu                     
 E.   Guinness.....Campus Box 1169    guinness@wunder.wustl.edu               
Goddard Space Flight Center                                                   
 F.   Lemoine.............Code 926    flemoine@olympus.gsfc.nasa.gov          
 D.   Rowlands............Code 926    dave@usgrant.gsfc.nasa.gov              
 D.E. Smith...............Code 920    dsmith@tharsis.gsfc.nasa.gov            
Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                         
 M.   Zuber.................54-518    zuber@tharsis.gsfc.nasa.gov             
 G.   Balmino.................GRGS    balmino@pontos.cst.cnes.fr              
 S.   Joy........IGPP/6707 Geology    sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu                      
New Mexico State University                                                   
 L.   Huber.........Dept Astronomy    lhuber@nmsu.edu                         
  Document Change Log...............................................ii        
  Items to be Determined...........................................iii        
  Acronyms and Abbreviations.......................................vii        
1. General Description...............................................1        
  1.1. Overview......................................................1        
  1.2. Scope.........................................................1        
  1.3. Applicable Documents..........................................1        
  1.4. System Siting.................................................2        
    1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium.............................2        
    1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations..........2        
    1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency...........................2        
  1.5. Assumptions and Constraints...................................2        
    1.5.1. Usage Constraints.........................................2        
    1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints..............................2        
    1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints..........................2        
    1.5.4. Documentation Conventions.................................2      Data Format Descriptions..............................2      Time Standards........................................3      Coordinate Systems....................................3      Limits of This Document...............................3      Typographic Conventions...............................3        
2. Interface Characteristics.........................................4        
  2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations......................4        
    2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces...................4        
    2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements................................4        
  2.2. Volume and Size...............................................4        
  2.3. Labeling and Identification...................................4        
  2.4. Interface Medium Characteristics..............................5        
  2.5. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures........5        
  2.6. End-of-File Conventions.......................................5        
3. Access............................................................6        
  3.1. Programs Using the Interface..................................6        
  3.2. Synchronization Considerations................................6        
    3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations......................6        
    3.2.2. Effective Duration........................................6        
    3.2.3. Priority Interrupts.......................................6        
  3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences.....................6        
4. Detailed Interface Specifications.................................7        
  4.1. Structure and Organization Overview...........................7        
  4.2. Detached PDS Label............................................7        
    4.2.1. Label Header..............................................7        
    4.2.2. TABLE Object Definitions.................................10    SHBDR Header Object Definition.........................11    SHBDR Names Object Definition..........................13    SHBDR Coefficients Object Definition...................14    SHBDR Covariance Object Definition.....................15        
  4.3. Data File....................................................16        
    4.3.1. SHBDR Header Object/Block................................16        
    4.3.2. SHBDR Names Block........................................16        
    4.3.3. SHBDR Coefficients Block.................................17        
    4.3.4. SHBDR Covariances Block..................................17        
5. Support Staff and Cognizant Personnel............................18        
Appendix A.  Binary Data Format.....................................19        
  A.1. IEEE Integer Fields..........................................19        
  A.2. IEEE Floating-Point Fields...................................19        
  A.3. VAX Integer Fields...........................................20        
  A.4. VAX Floating-Point Fields....................................21        
Appendix B.  Example Data Products..................................22        
  B.1. Example Label................................................22        
  B.2. Example Data Object..........................................26        
  4-3-1. SHBDR Header Block.........................................16        
  4-3-2. SHBDR Names Block..........................................16        
  4-3-3. SHBDR Coefficients Block...................................17        
  4-3-4. SHBDR Covariance Block.....................................17        
  4-2-1. SHBDR Label Header..........................................8        
                      Acronyms and Abbreviations                              
      ANSI      American National Standards Institute                         
      ARC       Ames Research Center                                          
      ARCDR     Altimetry and Radiometry Composite Data Record                
      ASCII     American Standard Code for Information Interchange            
      CCSDS     Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems                 
      CD-WO     Compact-disc write-once                                       
      CNES      Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales                            
      CR        Carriage Return                                               
      dB        Decibel                                                       
      DEC       Digital Equipment Corporation                                 
      DSN       Deep Space Network                                            
      FEA       Front End Assembly                                            
      GSFC      Goddard Space Flight Center                                   
      IEEE      Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers              
      IAU       International Astronomical Union                              
      JPL       Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                     
      J2000     IAU Official Time Epoch                                       
      K         Degrees Kelvin                                                
      kB        Kilobytes                                                     
      km        Kilometers                                                    
      LF        Line Feed                                                     
      LP        Lunar Prospector (mission or spacecraft)                      
      MB        Megabytes                                                     
      MGN       Magellan                                                      
      MGS       Mars Global Surveyor                                          
      MO        Mars Observer                                                 
      NAIF      Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility                 
      NASA      National Aeronautics and Space Administration                 
      NAV       Navigation Subsystem/Team                                     
      ODL       Object Definition Language (PDS)                              
      PDB       Project Data Base                                             
      PDS       Planetary Data System                                         
      RS        Radio Science                                                 
      RSS       Radio Science Subsystem                                       
      RST       Radio Science Team                                            
      SCET      Space Craft Event Time                                        
      SFDU      Standard Formatted Data Unit                                  
      SHADR     Spherical Harmonics ASCII Data Record                         
      SHBDR     Spherical Harmonics Binary Data Record                        
      SHM       Spherical Harmonics Model                                     
      SIS       Software Interface Specification                              
      SOPC      Science Operations Planning Computer                          
      SPARC     Sun Scaleable Processor Architecture                          
      SPK       Spacecraft and Planet Kernel Format, from NAIF                
      TBD       To Be Determined                                              
      TDB       Temps Dynamique Barycentrique - IAU Standard Ephemeris        
      UTC       Universal Time Coordinated                                    
1.  General Description                                                       
1.1. Overview                                                                 
      This Software Interface Specification (SIS) describes Spherical         
Harmonics Binary Data Record (SHBDR) files.  The SHBDR is intended to         
be general and may contain coefficients for spherical harmonic                
expansions of gravity, topography, magnetic, and other fields.                
1.2. Scope                                                                    
      The format and content specifications in this SIS apply to all          
phases of the project for which a SHBDR is produced.                          
      The SHBDR was defined initially for gravity models derived from         
Magellan (MGN) and Mars Observer (MO) radio tracking data [1], but the        
format is more generally useful; this document includes updates for           
the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Lunar Prospector (LP) missions.            
Specifics of the various models are included in [2], which will be            
updated as data for new spherical harmonic models are incorporated            
within the SHBDR definition.  A Spherical Harmonic ASCII Data Record          
is also defined [3], which may be more suitable for large models or           
when all covariances will be included in the final product.                   
      The Mars Global Surveyor Mission is managed by the Jet                  
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the National Aeronautics and Space            
Administration.  The Lunar Prospector Mission is managed by the Ames          
Research Center (ARC) for NASA.                                               
1.3. Applicable Documents                                                     
[1]  Tyler, G.L., G. Balmino, D.P. Hinson, W.L. Sjogren, D.E. Smith,          
R. Woo, S.W. Asmar, M.J. Connally, C.L. Hamilton, and R.A. Simpson,           
Radio Science Investigations with Mars Observer, J. Geophys. Res.,            
97, 7759-7779, 1992.                                                          
[2]  Simpson, R.A., Interpretation and Use of Spherical Harmonics             
ASCII Data Record (SHADR) and Spherical Harmonics Binary Data Record          
(SHBDR), Version 1.0, 1993.                                                   
[3]  Simpson, R.A., Software Interface Specification: Spherical               
Harmonics ASCII Data Record (SHADR), Version 2.0.2, 9 March 1999.             
[4]  MGN 630-7, Rev. D, Magellan Planetary Constants and Models, D.T.         
Lyons, Mission Design, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 9 January 1991.             
[5]  MO 642-321, Mars Observer Planetary Constants and Models, JPL D-         
3444, November 1990.                                                          
[6] D-7116, Rev. D, Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document,               
     Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 15 June 1996.                                 
[7] D-7669 Part 2, Planetary Data System Standards Reference, PDS             
     Version 3.2, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 24 July 1995.                    
1.4. System Siting                                                            
1.4.1. Interface Location and Medium                                          
      SHBDR files are created at the institution conducting the               
science analysis.  SHBDR files can be electronic files or can be              
stored on compact-disc write-once (CD-WO) media.                              
1.4.2. Data Sources, Transfer Methods, and Destinations                       
      SHBDR files are created from radio tracking, vertical sounding,         
in situ, and/or other measurements at the institution conducting the          
scientific data analysis.  They are transferred to and deposited in a         
data system specified by the managing institution.                            
1.4.3. Generation Method and Frequency                                        
      Spherical Harmonic Models are developed separately at each              
institution conducting scientific analyses on raw data; each model            
meets criteria specified by the investigators conducting the analysis.        
Each model requires data from a large number of latitudes and                 
longitudes, so that SHBDR files will be issued infrequently and on            
schedules which cannot be predicted at this time.                             
1.5. Assumptions and Constraints                                              
1.5.1. Usage Constraints                                                      
1.5.2. Priority Phasing Constraints                                           
1.5.3. Explicit and Derived Constraints                                       
1.5.4. Documentation Conventions                                              
                                                                      Data Format Descriptions                                             
      The reference data unit is the byte.  Data may be stored in             
fields with various sizes and formats, viz. one-, two-, and four-byte         
binary integers, four- and eight-byte binary floating-point numbers,          
and character strings.  Data are identified throughout this document          
            char         8 bits    character                                  
            uchar        8 bits    integer                                    
            short       16 bits    integer                                    
            long        32 bits    integer                                    
            float       32 bits    floating point (sign, exponent, and        
            double      64 bits    floating point (sign, exponent, and        
            u (prefix)             unsigned (as with ulong  for               
                                        unsigned 32-bit integer)              
            other                  special data structures such as            
                                        time, date, etc. which are            
                                        described within this document        
      If a field is described as containing  n  bytes of ASCII                
character string data, this implies that the leftmost (lowest                 
numbered) byte contains the first character, the next lowest byte             
contains the second character, and so forth.                                  
      An array of  n  elements is written as  array[n];  the first            
element is  array[0],  and the last is  array[n-1].  Array[n][m]              
describes an  n x m  element array, with first element  array[0][0],          
second element  array[0][1],  and so forth.                                   
      Floating point (real) numbers are represented as double                 
precision character strings in the FORTRAN 1P1E23.16 format.  Fixed           
point (integer) numbers are represented using the FORTRAN I5 format.          
                                                                      Time Standards                                                       
      SHBDR files use the January 1.5, 2000 epoch as the standard             
time.  Within the data files, all times are reported in Universal             
Coordinated Time (UTC) as strings of 23 ASCII characters.  The time           
format is  "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff", where "-", "T", ":", and "." are        
fixed delimiters; "YYYY" is the year "19nn" or "20nn"; "MM" is a two-         
digit month of year; "DD" is a two-digit day of month; "T" separates          
the date and time segments of the string; "hh" is hour of day; "mm" is        
the minutes of hour (00-59); "ss" is the seconds of minute (00-59);           
and "fff" is fractional seconds in milliseconds.                              
      The date format is "YYYY-MM-DD", where the components are               
defined as above.                                                             
                                                                      Coordinate Systems                                                   
      The SHBDR uses the appropriate planetocentric fixed body                
coordinate system [4, 5].                                                     
                                                                      Limits of This Document                                              
      This document applies only to SHBDR data files.                         
                                                                      Typographic Conventions                                              
      This document has been formatted for simple electronic file             
transfer and display.  Line lengths are limited to 80 ASCII                   
characters, including line delimiters.  No special fonts or structures        
are included within the file.  Constant width characters are assumed          
for display.                                                                  
2.  Interface Characteristics                                                 
2.1. Hardware Characteristics and Limitations                                 
2.1.1. Special Equipment and Device Interfaces                                
      Users of the SHBDR product must have access to the data system          
(or to media) on which SHBDR files are stored.                                
2.1.2. Special Setup Requirements                                             
2.2. Volume and Size                                                          
      SHBDR products have variable length, depending on the degree and        
order of the model, the number of coefficients used, the number of            
other parameters included, and the number of tables included.  A              
gravity model of degree and order  N  will have approximately  N**2           
coefficients and approximately  N**4  covariances; for 8-byte binary          
storage and  N=50,  the total SHBDR volume will be about 30 MB.               
      Vector quantities (e.g., magnetic field) may be described by a          
single SHBDR (in which all components are represented) or by a                
separate SHBDR for each field component.  If the single SHBDR                 
includes covariances, the file size will be approximately 27 times            
larger than the combined volumes of the three component files because         
of the inter-component covariance terms.                                      
      In general, the SHBDR is recommended over the SHADR [3] when            
the data include covariances because of the smaller data volume               
associated with binary formats.                                               
2.3. Labeling and Identification                                              
      Each file has a name which describes its contents.  The name            
includes the following structure which uniquely identifies it among           
SHBDR products:                                                               
      "G"      denotes the generating institution                             
                      "J"   for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory                 
                      "G"   for Goddard Space Flight Center                   
                      "C"   for Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales            
      "T"      indicates the type of data represented                         
                      "G"   for gravity field                                 
                      "T"   for topography                                    
                      "M"   for magnetic field                                
      "nnnnvv" is a 6-character modifier specified by the data                
                 producer.  Among other things, this modifier may be          
                 used to indicate the target body, whether the SHBDR          
                 contains primary data values as specified by "T" or          
                 uncertainties/errors, and/or the version number.             
      "SHB"    denotes that this is an binary file of Spherical               
                 Harmonic coefficients                                        
      Each SHBDR file is accompanied by a detached PDS label; that            
label is a file in its own right, having the name  GTnnnnvv.LBL.              
2.4. Interface Medium Characteristics                                         
      SHBDR products are electronic files.                                    
2.5. Failure Protection, Detection, and Recovery Procedures                   
2.6. End-of-File Conventions                                                  
      End of file labeling complies with standards for the medium on          
which the files are stored.                                                   
3. Access                                                                     
3.1. Programs Using the Interface                                             
      Data contained in SHBDR files will be accessed by programs at           
the home institutions of science investigators.  Those programs cannot        
be identified here.                                                           
3.2. Synchronization Considerations                                           
3.2.1. Timing and Sequencing Considerations                                   
3.2.2. Effective Duration                                                     
3.2.3. Priority Interrupts                                                    
3.3. Input/Output Protocols, Calling Sequences                                
4. Detailed Interface Specifications                                          
4.1.  Structure and Organization Overview                                     
      The SHBDR is a file generated by software at the institution            
conducting scientific data analysis.  Each SHBDR file is accompanied          
by a detached PDS label.                                                      
4.2. Detached PDS Label                                                       
      The detached PDS label is a file with two parts -- a header,            
and a set of one to four PDS TABLE object definitions.  The                   
header contains information about the origin of the file and its              
general characteristics such as record type and size.  The TABLE              
object definitions describe the format and content of the tables              
that make up the SHBDR data file.  The SHBDR Header Table Object              
definition is required.  The SHBDR Names Object Definition is                 
required if there is an SHBDR Names Object in the file.  The SHBDR            
Coefficients Table Object definition is required if there is a                
SHBDR Coefficients Table in the file; the SHBDR Covariance Table              
Object definition is required if there is a SHBDR Covariance Table.           
      Each detached PDS label is constructed of ASCII records;                
each record in the label contains exactly 80 characters.  The last            
two characters in each record are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and          
line-feed (ASCII 10) characters.                                              
      An example of a complete label is given in Appendix B.                  
4.2.1 Label Header                                                            
      The structure of the label header is illustrated in                     
Figure 4-2-1.  Keyword definitions are given below.                           
PDS_VERSION_ID =           The version of the Planetary Data System           
                           for which these data have been prepared;           
                           set to PDS3 by agreement between the Mars          
                           Global Surveyor Project and PDS.                   
RECORD_TYPE =              The type of record.  Set to  "FIXED_LENGTH"        
                           to indicate that all logical records have          
                           the same length.                                   
RECORD_BYTES =             The number of bytes per (fixed-length)             
FILE_RECORDS =             The number of records in the SHBDR file;           
                           instance dependent.                                
^SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE=       File name and record number at which               
                           SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE  begins.  Set to                
                           ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",1) where "GTnnnnvv.SHB" is         
                           the file name as described in Section 2.3,         
                           and 1 is the record number since this is           
                           the first record in the SHBDR file.                
|                                                                    |        
|                 Figure 4-2-1   SHBDR Label Header                  |        
|                                                                    |        
|                                                                    |        
|  PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                             |        
|  RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH                                        |        
|  RECORD_BYTES = nnn                                                |        
|  FILE_RECORDS = nnn                                                |        
|  ^SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE = ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",1)                          |        
|  ^SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE = ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",1)                           |        
|  ^SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE = ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",nn)                   |        
|  ^SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE = ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",nnn)                    |        
|  INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "cccccccccccccccccccc"                     |        
|  TARGET_NAME = "cccc"                                              |        
|  INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ccccccccccccccccccccccc"                       |        
|  DATA_SET_ID = "ccccccccccccccccccccccc"                           |        
|  OBSERVATION_TYPE = "ccccccccccccc"                                |        
|  ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = "cccccccccccc"                              |        
|  PRODUCT_ID = "GTnnnnvv.SHB"                                       |        
|  PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = YYYY-MM-DD                                 |        
|  DESCRIPTION = "cccccccccccccccccc"                                |        
|  START_ORBIT_NUMBER = nnnn                                         |        
|  STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = nnnn                                          |        
|  START_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss                                  |        
|  STOP_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss                                   |        
|  PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff                   |        
|  PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "cccccccccccc"                               |        
|  PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "ccccccccccc"                         |        
|  PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = "cccccccccccc"                             |        
|  PRODUCER_ID = "ccccccc"                                           |        
|  SOFTWARE_NAME = "ccccccc;Vn.m"                                    |        
|                                                                    |        
^SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE=        File name and record number at which               
                           SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE  begins.  The Names Table        
                           is required if the Coefficients Table is           
                           included in the file.  This pointer will           
                           not appear in the SHBDR label if there is          
                           no Coefficients Table.  Set to                     
                           ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",nn) where "GTnnnnvv.SHB"           
                           is the file name as described in Section           
                           2.3, and "nn" is the record number in the          
                           file where the Names Table begins.                 
^SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE= File name and record number at which               
                           SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE  begins.  The             
                           Coefficients Table is optional; this               
                           pointer will not appear in the SHBDR               
                           label if there is no Coefficients Table.           
                           Set to ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",nn) where                   
                           "GTnnnnvv.SHB" is the file name as                 
                           described in Section 2.3, and "nn" is the          
                           record number in the file where the                
                           Coefficients Table begins.                         
^SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE=   File name and record number at which               
                           SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE  begins.  The               
                           Covariance Table is optional; this                 
                           pointer will not appear in the SHBDR               
                           label if there is no Covariance Table.             
                           Set to ("GTnnnnvv.SHB",nn) where                   
                           "GTnnnnvv.SHB" is the file name as                 
                           described in Section 2.3, and  "nn" is             
                           the record number in the file where the            
                           Covariance Table begins.                           
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME =     Name of the spacecraft; acceptable names           
                           include "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" and "LUNAR          
TARGET_NAME =              A character string which identifies the            
                           target body.  For MGS SHBDR files, the             
                           character string "MARS".  For Lunar                
                           Prospector SHBDR files, the character              
                           string "MOON".                                     
INSTRUMENT_NAME =          Name of the instrument; set to "RADIO              
                           SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" for products generated          
                           from radio science data, or set to other           
                           instrument names as appropriate.                   
DATA_SET_ID =              Identifier for the data set of which this          
                           SHBDR product is a member.  Set to "MGS-M-         
                           RSS-5-SDP-Vn.m" for Mars Global Surveyor           
                           SHBDR products, where "Vn.m" indicates the         
                           version number of the data set.  Set to            
                           other data set identifiers as appropriate.         
OBSERVATION_TYPE=          A character string which identifies the            
                           data in the product.  For the spherical            
                           harmonic model of a gravity field, the             
                           character string "GRAVITY FIELD".  For a           
                           model of planet topography, the character          
                           string "TOPOGRAPHY".                               
ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID =      Optional.  An identifier for the product           
                           provided by the producer.  Generally a             
                           file name, different from PRODUCT_ID, which        
                           would be recognized at the producer's              
PRODUCT_ID =               A unique identifier for the product within         
                           the collection identified by DATA_SET_ID.          
                           Generally, the file name used in pointers          
                           such as ^SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE.  The naming           
                           convention is defined in Section 2.3.              
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE =     The date on which the product was released         
                           to the Planetary Data System; entered in           
                           the format "YYYY-MM-DD", where components          
                           are defined in Section                    
DESCRIPTION =              A short description of the SHBDR product.          
START_ORBIT_NUMBER =       Optional.  The first orbit represented in          
                           the SHBDR product.  An integer.                    
STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER =        Optional.  The last orbit represented in           
                           the SHBDR product.  An integer.                    
START_TIME =               Optional.  The date/time of the first data         
                           included in the model, expressed in the            
                           format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss" where the             
                           components are defined in section         
STOP_TIME =                Optional.  The date/time of the last data          
                           included in the model, expressed in the            
                           format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss" where the             
                           components are defined in section         
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =    The time at which this SHBDR was created;          
                           expressed in the format "YYYY-MM-                  
                           DDThh:mm:ss.fff"  where the components are         
                           defined in Section                        
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME=        The name of the person primarily                   
                           responsible for production of this SHBDR           
                           file.  Expressed as a character string, for        
                           example "LESLIE R. JONES".                         
PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME= The name of the institution primarily              
                           responsible for production of this SHBDR.          
                           Standard values include                            
                                 "STANFORD UNIVERSITY"                        
                                 "GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER"                
                                 "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY"                  
                                 "CENTRE NATIONAL D'ETUDES SPATIALES"         
PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE=      The version of this SHBDR.  Standard values        
                           include "PREDICT", "PRELIMINARY", and              
PRODUCER_ID =              The entity responsible for creation of the         
                           SHBDR product; for products generated by           
                           the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science             
                           Team set to "MGS RST".                             
SOFTWARE_NAME =            The name and version number of the program         
                           creating this SHBDR file; expressed as a           
                           character string in the format                     
                           "PROGRAM_NAME;n.mm" where "PROGRAM_NAME" is        
                           the name of the software and "n.mm" is the         
                           version number.                                    
4.2.2 TABLE Object Definitions                                                
      TABLE object definitions completely define the TABLE objects for        
each SHBDR file.  Minor tailoring of the definitions for different            
OBSERVATION_TYPES precludes specification of exact definitions here.          
DESCRIPTION values, for example, will likely be tailored for each             
product type.  In no case should there be a need to change the                
structure of the file, however.  Entries  "*"  are provided by the            
label generating program based on information supplied elsewhere.             
                                                                      SHBDR Header Object Definition                                        
      Each SHBDR Header Object is completely defined by the Header            
Object Definition in its Label.  The Definition which follows gives           
the structure of the Header Object; some of the DESCRIPTION values            
may vary from product to product.  The SHBDR Header Object Definition         
is a required part of the SHBDR label file.  It immediately follows           
the label header.                                                             
OBJECT               = SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE                                     
ROWS                       = 1                                                
COLUMNS                    = 9                                                
ROW_BYTES                  = 56                                               
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT         = BINARY                                           
DESCRIPTION                = "The SHBDR Header includes                       
 descriptive information about the spherical harmonic                         
 coefficients which follow in SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.                       
 The header consists of a single record of nine data                          
 columns requiring 56 bytes.  The Header is followed by                       
 a pad of binary integer zeroes to ensure alignment                           
 with RECORD_BYTES."                                                          
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE RADIUS"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The assumed reference                     
    radius of the spherical planet."                                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "CONSTANT"                                 
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 9                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "For a gravity field model                 
    the gravitational constant GM in kilometers cubed per seconds             
    squared for the planet.  For a topography model, set to 1"                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "UNCERTAINTY IN CONSTANT"                  
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 17                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "For a gravity field model                 
    the uncertainty in the gravitational constant GM in kilometers            
    cubed per seconds squared for the planet.  For a topography               
    model, set to 0."                                                         
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DEGREE OF FIELD"                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 25                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Degree of the model field."               
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORDER OF FIELD"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 29                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Order of the model field."                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NORMALIZATION STATE"                      
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 33                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The normalization indicator.              
    For gravity field:                                                        
        0   coefficients are unnormalized                                     
        1   coefficients are normalized                                       
        2   other."                                                           
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NUMBER OF NAMES"                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 37                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Number of valid names in                  
    the SHBDR Names Table.  Also, the number of valid                         
    coefficients in the SHBDR Coefficients Table."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE LONGITUDE"                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = *                                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 41                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The reference longitude for               
    the spherical harmonic expansion; normally 0."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE LATITUDE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 49                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The reference latitude for                
    the spherical harmonic expansion; normally 0."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE                                     
                                                                      SHBDR Names Object Definition                                         
      The SHBDR Names Object is completely defined by the Names               
Object Definition in the label.  The definition below                         
illustrates general structural form.  The SHBDR Names Object is an            
optional part of the SHBDR file.  If the Names Object is not                  
included, either the Names Object Definition will be omitted or the           
number of rows will be set to zero (ROWS = 0).  If the Names Object           
is not included, the pointer ^SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE will not appear in            
the Standard Keywords and Values.  If the Coefficients Object is              
included in the SHBDR file, the Names Object is required.                     
OBJECT               = SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE                                      
  ROWS                     = *                                                
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Names Table                           
  contains names for the solution parameters (including                       
  gravity field coefficients) which will follow in                            
  SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.  The order of the names                           
  in SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE corresponds identically to the                         
  order of the parameters in SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.                        
  Each coefficient  name is of the form  Cij  or  Sij                         
  where  i  is the degree of the coefficient and  j  is                       
  the order of the coefficient.  Both indices are three-                      
  digit zero-filled right-justified ASCII character strings                   
  (for example,  C010005  for the 10th degree 5th order C                     
  coefficient, or  S002001  for the 2nd degree 1st order                      
  S  coefficient).  The eighth byte in the table is an                        
  ASCII blank used to ensure that the row length                              
  is equal to RECORD_BYTES.  Names of other solution                          
  parameters are limited to 8 ASCII characters; if less                       
  than 8, they will be left-justified and padded with                         
  ASCII blanks.  The Names Table itself will be padded                        
  with ASCII blanks, if necessary, so that its length is                      
  an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES."                                      
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PARAMETER NAME"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = CHARACTER                                  
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The name of the                           
    coefficient or other solution parameter, left-                            
    justified and padded with ASCII blanks (if needed)                        
    to 8 characters."                                                         
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE                                      
                                                                      SHBDR Coefficients Object Definition                                  
      The SHBDR Coefficients Object is completely defined by the              
Coefficients Object Definition in the label.  Small differences in            
DESCRIPTION values should be expected from product to product.  The           
structure outlined in the Definition below should not vary, however.          
      The SHBDR Coefficients Object is an optional part of the                
SHBDR data file.  This allows the SHBDR to be used for targets which          
are too small or too remote to have easily discerned coefficients,            
but for which estimates of mass have been obtained (e.g., satellites          
Phobos and Deimos).  If the Covariance Object is included in the              
SHBDR, the Coefficients Object is required.                                   
      If the Coefficients Object is not included in the SHBDR                 
file, either the SHBDR Coefficients Object Definition will be                 
omitted or the number of rows will be set to zero (ROWS = 0).                 
If the SHBDR Coefficients Object is not included, the pointer                 
^SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE will not appear in the label header.                
If the SHBDR Coefficients Object Definition is included in the                
label, it immediately follows the SHBDR Names Object Definition.              
      The order in which coefficients appear in the Coefficients              
Object is defined by the Names Object [2].                                    
OBJECT               = SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE                               
  ROWS                     = *                                                
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Coefficients Table                    
  contains the coefficients and other solution parameters                     
  for the spherical harmonic model.  The order of the                         
  coefficients in this table corresponds exactly to the                       
  order of the coefficient and parameter names in                             
  SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE.  The SHBDR Coefficients Table will be                    
  padded with double precision DATA_TYPE zeroes so that                       
  its total length is an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES."                  
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "COEFFICIENT VALUE"                        
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "A coefficient Cij or                      
    Sij or other solution parameter as specified in the                       
    SHBDR Names Table."                                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE                               
                                                                      SHBDR Covariance Object Definition                                    
      The SHBDR Covariance Object is completely defined by the                
Covariance Object Definition in the label.  Small differences in              
DESCRIPTION values should be expected from product to product.  The           
structure established by the Definition below should not change,              
      The SHBDR Covariance Object is an optional part of the SHBDR            
data file.  If the Covariance Object is not included, either the              
Covariance Object Definition will be omitted or the number of rows            
will be set to zero (ROWS = 0).  If the SHBDR Covariance Object is not        
included, the pointer ^SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE will not appear in the          
label header.  If the SHBDR Covariance Object Definition is included          
in the label, it immediately follows the SHBDR Coefficients Object            
      The order in which covariance terms appear in the Covariance            
Object is defined by the Names Object [2].                                    
OBJECT               = SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE                                 
  ROWS                     = *                                                
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Covariance Table                      
  contains the covariances for the spherical harmonic model                   
  coefficients and other solution parameters.  The order of                   
  the covariances in this table is defined by the product                     
  of the SHBDR Names Table with its transpose, except that                    
  redundant terms are omitted on their second occurrence.                     
  The SHBDR Covariance Table will be padded with double                       
  precision DATA_TYPE zeroes so that its total length is                      
  an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES.                                       
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "COVARIANCE VALUE"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = *                                          
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The covariance value                      
    for the coefficients and other solution parameters                        
    specified by the product of SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE with                        
    its transpose, after omitting redundant terms."                           
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE                                 
4.3. Data File                                                                
      Each SHBDR data file comprises one or more data blocks.  The            
data objects were defined in Section 4.2.  The data blocks are                
illustrated below.                                                            
      The Header Object is required in each SHBDR file; the Names             
Object, the Coefficients Object, and the Covariance Object are                
optional.  If the Covariance Object is included, both the Coefficients        
Object and the Names Object are required; if the Coefficients Object          
is included, the Names Object is required.                                    
4.3.1. SHBDR Header Object/Block                                              
      The SHBDR Header Object contains the parameters necessary to            
interpret the data in the SHBDR file.  The structure and content of           
the SHBDR Header Object are defined in Section  The SHBDR            
Header Object is a one-row table; hence the Header Object and the             
Header Block are logically synonymous.  The structure of the Header           
Block is shown in Table 4-3-1.                                                
|                                                                    |        
|                  Table 4-3-1.  SHBDR Header Block                  |        
|                                                                    |        
| Col No | Offset | Length | Format |          Column Name           |        
|    1   |    +0  |    8   | double |Planetary Radius                |        
|    2   |     8  |    8   | double |Constant                        |        
|    3   |    16  |    8   | double |Uncertainty in Constant         |        
|    4   |    24  |    4   |  long  |Degree of Field                 |        
|    5   |    28  |    4   |  long  |Order of Field                  |        
|    6   |    32  |    4   |  long  |Normalization State             |        
|    7   |    36  |    4   |  long  |Number of Names                 |        
|    8   |    40  |    8   | double |Reference Longitude             |        
|    9   |    48  |    8   | double |Reference Latitude              |        
|        |   +56  |                                                  |        
|                                                                    |        
|                   Table 4-3-2. SHBDR Names Block                   |        
|                                                                    |        
| Col No | Offset | Length | Format |          Column Name           |        
|    1   |    +0  |    8   |   A8   |Coefficient or Solution         |        
|        |        |        |        |Parameter Name                  |        
|        |    +8  |                                                  |        
4.3.2. SHBDR Names Block                                                      
      The SHBDR Names Object is comprised of one or more SHBDR Names          
Blocks.  Each block contains the name of one coefficient or solution          
parameter in the Spherical Harmonic Model.  The structure and content         
of the SHBDR Names Object are defined in Section  The                
structure of an individual block is shown in Table 4-3-2.                     
4.3.3. SHBDR Coefficients Block                                               
      The SHBDR Coefficients Object comprises one or more SHBDR               
Coefficients Blocks.   Each block contains the value of one                   
coefficient or other solution parameter for the overall model defined         
by the SHBDR product.  The structure and content of the SHBDR                 
Coefficients Object are defined in Section  The structure            
of an individual block is shown in Table 4-3-3.                               
|                                                                    |        
|               Table 4-3-3.  SHBDR Coefficients Block               |        
|                                                                    |        
| Col No | Offset | Length | Format |          Column Name           |        
|    1   |    +0  |    8   | double |Coefficient Cij or Sij or       |        
|        |        |        |        |other solution parameter        |        
|        |    +8  |                                                  |        
4.3.4. SHBDR Covariance Block                                                 
      The SHBDR Covariance Object comprises one or more SHBDR                 
Covariance Blocks.   Each SHBDR Covariance Block contains one                 
covariance for the overall model defined by the SHBDR product.  The           
structure and content of the SHBDR Covariance Object are defined in           
Section  The structure of an individual block is shown in            
Table 4-3-4.  The SHBDR Covariance Object is an optional component of         
the SHBDR file.                                                               
|                                                                    |        
|                Table 4-3-4.  SHBDR Covariance Block                |        
|                                                                    |        
| Col No | Offset | Length | Format |          Column Name           |        
|    1   |    +0  |    8   | double |Covariance Value                |        
|        |    +8  |                                                  |        
5. Support Staff and Cognizant Personnel                                      
      The following persons may be contacted for information.                 
      Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team:                                
            Richard A. Simpson                                                
            Packard Building - Room 332                                       
            Center for Radar Astronomy                                        
            Stanford University                                               
            Stanford, CA  94305-9515                                          
            Phone:  650-723-3525                                              
            FAX:    650-723-9251                                              
            Electronic mail:  rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu                  
      Planetary Data System:                                                  
            PDS Operator                                                      
            Planetary Data System                                             
            MS 171-264                                                        
            Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                         
            4800 Oak Grove Drive                                              
            Pasadena, CA  91109-8099                                          
            Phone:  626-744-5414                                              
            Electronic Mail:  pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov                       
Appendix A. Binary Data Format                                                
A.1. IEEE Integer Fields                                                      
 0       7                                      1-byte (char; uchar)          
|   [0]   |                                                                   
 0                15                            2-byte (short; ushort)        
 --------- ---------                                                          
|   [0]   |   [1]   |                                                         
 --------- ---------                                                          
 0                                    31        4-byte (long; ulong)          
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
|   [0]   |   [1]   |   [2]   |   [3]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
IEEE binary integers are stored in one, two, or four consecutive 8-bit        
bytes. Unsigned integers uchar, ushort, ulong, which always represent         
positive values, contain 8, 16, or 32 binary bits, respectively. As           
illustrated above, the significance increases from the rightmost bit          
to the leftmost (bit 0). Signed integers (char, short, long) are              
stored in the same way, except that negative values are formed by             
taking the corresponding positive value, complementing each bit, then         
adding unity -- known as "two's complement" format. As a consequence,         
a negative value always has bit 0 set "on". Integers are written              
externally in increasing byte-number order, i.e. [0], [1], etc., so           
that more significant bits always precede less significant ones. For          
example, the short value -2 is stored as a pair of bytes valued  0xff,        
A.2. IEEE Floating-Point Fields                                               
 0 1       8 9                        31               4-byte (float)         
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
| |  [0]  | |  [1]  |   [2]   |   [3]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
 0 1       8 9                        31               8-byte (double)        
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
| |  [0]  | |  [1]  |   [2]   |   [3]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
           32                                   63                            
           --------- --------- --------- ---------                            
          |   [4]   |   [5]   |   [6]   |   [7]   |                           
           --------- --------- --------- ---------                            
IEEE single- (double-) precision floating point numbers (known to IEEE        
enthusiasts as E-type floating-point formats, respectively) are stored        
in four (eight) consecutive bytes. Bit number 0 contains a sign               
indicator, S. Bits 1 through 8 (11) contain a binary exponent, E. The         
significance increases from bit 8 (11) through bit 1. Bits 9 (12)             
through 31 (63) contain a mantissa M, a 23-bit (52-bit) binary                
fraction whose binary point lies immediately to the left of bit 9             
(12). The significance increases from bit 31 (63) through bit 9 (11).         
The value of the  single-precision field is given by                          
                             S  E-127                                         
                         (-1) *2     *(1+M)                                   
The value of the  double-precision field is given by                          
                             S  E-1023                                        
                         (-1) *2      *(1+M)                                  
The numbers are stored externally in increasing byte-number order,            
i.e. [0], [1], etc. For example, the maximum single-precision float           
value +3.40282347E+38 is stored as four bytes valued 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff,        
Special single-precision float values are represented as +Infinity            
(0x7f800000), -Infinity (0xff800000), quiet NaN (not a number)                
(0xffffffff), and signaling NaN (0x7f800001).                                 
A.3. VAX Integer Fields                                                       
 0       7                                      1-byte (char; uchar)          
|   [0]   |                                                                   
 0                15                            2-byte (short; ushort)        
 --------- ---------                                                          
|   [1]   |   [0]   |                                                         
 --------- ---------                                                          
 0                                    31        4-byte (long; ulong)          
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
|   [3]   |   [2]   |   [1]   |   [0]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
      VAX binary integers are stored in one, two, or four consecutive         
8-bit bytes. Unsigned integers uchar, ushort, and ulong (which always         
represent positive values) contain 8, 16, or 32 binary bits,                  
respectively.  As illustrated above, the significance increases from          
the rightmost bit to the leftmost (bit 0).  Signed integers (char,            
short, long) are stored in the same way, except that negative values          
are formed by taking the corresponding positive value, complementing          
each bit, then adding unity -- known as "two's complement" format. As         
a consequence, a negative value always has bit 0 set or "on."                 
Integers are written externally in increasing byte-number order, i.e.         
[0], [1], etc., so that less significant bits always precede more             
significant ones.  For example, the short value -2 is stored as a pair        
of bytes valued 0xfe, 0xff.  (This section has been adapted from a            
description by P.G. Ford in the Magellan ARCDR SIS).                          
A.4. VAX Floating-Point Fields                                                
 0 1       8 9                        31               4-byte (float)         
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
| |  [1]  | |  [0]  |   [3]   |   [2]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
 0 1       8 9                        31               8-byte (double)        
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
| |  [1]  | |  [0]  |   [3]   |   [2]   |                                     
 --------- --------- --------- ---------                                      
           32                                   63                            
           --------- --------- --------- ---------                            
          |   [5]   |   [4]   |   [7]   |   [6]   |                           
           --------- --------- --------- ---------                            
      VAX single- (double-) precision floating point numbers (known to        
VAX enthusiasts as F-type and D-type floating-point formats,                  
respectively) are stored in four (eight) consecutive bytes.  Bit              
number 0 contains a sign indicator, S.  Bits 1 through 8 contain a            
binary exponent, E.  The significance increases from bit 8 through bit        
1.  Bits 9 through 31 (63) contain a mantissa M, a 23-bit (55-bit)            
binary fraction whose binary point lies immediately to the left of bit        
9.  The significance increases from bit 31 (63) through bit 9.  The           
value of the field is given by                                                
                              S  E-129                                        
                          (-1) *2     *(1+M)                                  
The numbers are stored externally in increasing byte-number order,            
i.e. [0], [1], etc.  For example, the float value +1.0 is stored as           
four bytes valued 0x80, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00.  (This section has been             
adapted from a description by P.G. Ford in the Magellan ARCDR SIS).           
Appendix B. Example SHBDR Label and Data Object                               
B.1  Example Label                                                            
      The following is an example Label for a Spherical Harmonic              
Model (SHBDR) Coefficients File.  In the next section, an example             
data object is shown                                                          
PDS_VERSION_ID               = PDS3                                           
FILE_NAME                    = "JGNNNN01.SHB"                                 
RECORD_TYPE                  = FIXED_LENGTH                                   
RECORD_BYTES                 = 512                                            
FILE_RECORDS                 = 5                                              
^SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE          = ("JGNNNN01.SHB",1)                             
^SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE           = ("JGNNNN01.SHB",2)                             
^SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE    = ("JGNNNN01.SHB",3)                             
^SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE      = ("JGNNNN01.SHB",4)                             
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME         = "MAGELLAN"                                     
TARGET_NAME                  = "VENUS"                                        
INSTRUMENT_NAME              = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM"                      
DATA_SET_ID                  = "MGN-V-RSS-5-SHGBDR-L2-V1.0"                   
OBSERVATION_TYPE             = "GRAVITY FIELD"                                
PRODUCT_ID                   = "JGNNNN01.SHB""                                
PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE         = 1993-05-15                                     
DESCRIPTION                  = "This file contains coefficients               
 and related data for a spherical harmonic model of the Venus                 
 gravity field.  Input data are from radio tracking of the                    
 Magellan spacecraft.  This product is a set of binary tables:                
 a header table, a names table, a coefficients table, and an                  
 optional covariance table.  Definitions of the tables follow.                
 This Magellan Venus gravity model is in the form of a Spherical              
 Harmonics Binary Data Record (SHBDR).  It has been produced by               
 the Magellan Gravity Science Team at JPL under the direction of              
 W.L. Sjogren."                                                               
START_ORBIT_NUMBER           = 4830                                           
STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER            = 4831                                           
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = 1993-01-15T12:43:55.129                        
PRODUCER_FULL_NAME           = "JODY MARSHALL"                                
PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE         = "PRELIMINARY"                                  
PRODUCER_ID                  = "MGN GRAVSCI TEAM"                             
SOFTWARE_NAME                = "SHGJ;V4.57"                                   
OBJECT               = SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE                                     
ROWS                       = 1                                                
COLUMNS                    = 9                                                
ROW_BYTES                  = 56                                               
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT         = BINARY                                           
DESCRIPTION                = "The SHBDR Header includes                       
 descriptive information about the spherical harmonic                         
 coefficients which follow in SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.                       
 The header consists of a single record of nine data                          
 columns requiring 56 bytes.  The Header is followed by                       
 a pad of binary integer zeroes to ensure alignment                           
 with RECORD_BYTES."                                                          
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE RADIUS"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "KILOMETER"                                
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The assumed reference                     
    radius of the spherical planet."                                          
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "CONSTANT"                                 
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 9                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "For a gravity field model                 
    the gravitational constant GM in kilometers cubed per seconds             
    squared for the planet.  For a topography model, set to 1"                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "UNCERTAINTY IN CONSTANT"                  
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 17                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "For a gravity field model                 
    the uncertainty in the gravitational constant GM in kilometers            
    cubed per seconds squared for the planet.  For a topography               
    model, set to 0."                                                         
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "DEGREE OF FIELD"                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_INTEGER                               
    START_BYTE                   = 25                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Degree of the model field."               
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "ORDER OF FIELD"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_INTEGER                               
    START_BYTE                   = 29                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Order of the model field."                
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NORMALIZATION STATE"                      
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_INTEGER                               
    START_BYTE                   = 33                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The normalization indicator.              
    For gravity field:                                                        
        0   coefficients are unnormalized                                     
        1   coefficients are normalized                                       
        2   other."                                                           
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "NUMBER OF NAMES"                          
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_INTEGER                               
    START_BYTE                   = 37                                         
    BYTES                        = 4                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "Number of valid names in                  
    the SHBDR Names Table.  Also, the number of valid                         
    coefficients in the SHBDR Coefficients Table."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE LONGITUDE"                      
    POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST"                                     
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 41                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The reference longitude for               
    the spherical harmonic expansion; normally 0."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "REFERENCE LATITUDE"                       
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 49                                         
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "DEGREE"                                   
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The reference latitude for                
    the spherical harmonic expansion; normally 0."                            
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_HEADER_TABLE                                     
OBJECT               = SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE                                      
  ROWS                     = 13                                               
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Names Table                           
  contains names for the solution parameters (including                       
  gravity field coefficients) which will follow in                            
  SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.  The order of the names                           
  in SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE corresponds identically to the                         
  order of the parameters in SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE.                        
  Each coefficient  name is of the form  Cij  or  Sij                         
  where  i  is the degree of the coefficient and  j  is                       
  the order of the coefficient.  Both indices are three-                      
  digit zero-filled right-justified ASCII character strings                   
  (for example,  C010005  for the 10th degree 5th order C                     
  coefficient, or  S002001  for the 2nd degree 1st order                      
  S  coefficient).  The eighth byte in the table is an                        
  ASCII blank used to ensure that the row length                              
  is equal to RECORD_BYTES.  Names of other solution                          
  parameters are limited to 8 ASCII characters; if less                       
  than 8, they will be left-justified and padded with                         
  ASCII blanks.  The Names Table itself will be padded                        
  with ASCII blanks, if necessary, so that its length is                      
  an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES."                                      
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "PARAMETER NAME"                           
    DATA_TYPE                    = CHARACTER                                  
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The name of the                           
    coefficient or other solution parameter, left-                            
    justified and padded with ASCII blanks (if needed)                        
    to 8 characters."                                                         
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE                                      
OBJECT               = SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE                               
  ROWS                     = 13                                               
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Coefficients Table                    
  contains the coefficients and other solution parameters                     
  for the spherical harmonic model.  The order of the                         
  coefficients in this table corresponds exactly to the                       
  order of the coefficient and parameter names in                             
  SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE.  The SHBDR Coefficients Table will be                    
  padded with double precision DATA_TYPE zeroes so that                       
  its total length is an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES."                  
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "COEFFICIENT VALUE"                        
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "A coefficient Cij or                      
    Sij or other solution parameter as specified in the                       
    SHBDR Names Table."                                                       
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_COEFFICIENTS_TABLE                               
OBJECT               = SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE                                 
  ROWS                     = 91                                               
  COLUMNS                  = 1                                                
  ROW_BYTES                = 8                                                
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT       = BINARY                                           
  DESCRIPTION              = "The SHBDR Covariance Table                      
  contains the covariances for the spherical harmonic model                   
  coefficients and other solution parameters.  The order of                   
  the covariances in this table is defined by the product                     
  of the SHBDR Names Table with its transpose, except that                    
  redundant terms are omitted on their second occurrence.                     
  The SHBDR Covariance Table will be padded with double                       
  precision DATA_TYPE zeroes so that its total length is                      
  an integral multiple of RECORD_BYTES.                                       
  OBJECT                   = COLUMN                                           
    NAME                         = "COVARIANCE VALUE"                         
    DATA_TYPE                    = IEEE_DOUBLE                                
    START_BYTE                   = 1                                          
    BYTES                        = 8                                          
    UNIT                         = "N/A"                                      
    DESCRIPTION                  = "The covariance value                      
    for the coefficients and other solution parameters                        
    specified by the product of SHBDR_NAMES_TABLE with                        
    its transpose, after omitting redundant terms."                           
  END_OBJECT               = COLUMN                                           
END_OBJECT           = SHBDR_COVARIANCE_TABLE                                 
B.2      Example Data Object                                                  
      An example SHBDR data object corresponding to the label example         
in Section B.1 is shown in hexadecimal format below.  Binary floating-        
point and integer values are represented using IEEE conventions.              
0000000  40b7 a300 0000 0000 4113 d3ea 6666 6666                              
0000020  3ff0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0003 0000 0003                              
0000040  0000 0000 0000 000d 4066 8000 0000 0000                              
0000060  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                              
0001000  4330 3032 3030 3020 4330 3032 3030 3120                              
0001020  4330 3032 3030 3220 4330 3033 3030 3020                              
0001040  4330 3033 3030 3120 4330 3033 3030 3220                              
0001060  4330 3033 3030 3320 5330 3032 3030 3120                              
0001100  5330 3032 3030 3220 5330 3033 3030 3120                              
0001120  5330 3033 3030 3220 5330 3033 3030 3320                              
0001140  474d 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020                              
0001160  2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020                              
0002000  3ff0 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000                              
0002020  4008 0000 0000 0000 4010 0000 0000 0000                              
0002040  4014 0000 0000 0000 4018 0000 0000 0000                              
0002060  401c 0000 0000 0000 4020 0000 0000 0000                              
0002100  4022 0000 0000 0000 4024 0000 0000 0000                              
0002120  4026 0000 0000 0000 4028 0000 0000 0000                              
0002140  402a 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                              
0002160  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                              
0003000  3ff0 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000                              
0003020  4008 0000 0000 0000 4010 0000 0000 0000                              
0003040  4014 0000 0000 0000 4018 0000 0000 0000                              
0003060  401c 0000 0000 0000 4020 0000 0000 0000                              
0003100  4022 0000 0000 0000 4024 0000 0000 0000                              
0003120  4026 0000 0000 0000 4028 0000 0000 0000                              
0003140  402a 0000 0000 0000 402c 0000 0000 0000                              
0003160  402e 0000 0000 0000 4030 0000 0000 0000                              
0003200  4031 0000 0000 0000 4032 0000 0000 0000                              
0003220  4033 0000 0000 0000 4034 0000 0000 0000                              
0003240  4035 0000 0000 0000 4036 0000 0000 0000                              
0003260  4037 0000 0000 0000 4038 0000 0000 0000                              
0003300  4039 0000 0000 0000 403a 0000 0000 0000                              
0003320  403b 0000 0000 0000 403c 0000 0000 0000                              
0003340  403d 0000 0000 0000 403e 0000 0000 0000                              
0003360  403f 0000 0000 0000 4040 0000 0000 0000                              
0003400  4040 8000 0000 0000 4041 0000 0000 0000                              
0003420  4041 8000 0000 0000 4042 0000 0000 0000                              
0003440  4042 8000 0000 0000 4043 0000 0000 0000                              
0003460  4043 8000 0000 0000 4044 0000 0000 0000                              
0003500  4044 8000 0000 0000 4045 0000 0000 0000                              
0003520  4045 8000 0000 0000 4046 0000 0000 0000                              
0003540  4046 8000 0000 0000 4047 0000 0000 0000                              
0003560  4047 8000 0000 0000 4048 0000 0000 0000                              
0003600  4048 8000 0000 0000 4049 0000 0000 0000                              
0003620  4049 8000 0000 0000 404a 0000 0000 0000                              
0003640  404a 8000 0000 0000 404b 0000 0000 0000                              
0003660  404b 8000 0000 0000 404c 0000 0000 0000                              
0003700  404c 8000 0000 0000 404d 0000 0000 0000                              
0003720  404d 8000 0000 0000 404e 0000 0000 0000                              
0003740  404e 8000 0000 0000 404f 0000 0000 0000                              
0003760  404f 8000 0000 0000 4050 0000 0000 0000                              
0004000  4050 4000 0000 0000 4050 8000 0000 0000                              
0004020  4050 c000 0000 0000 4051 0000 0000 0000                              
0004040  4051 4000 0000 0000 4051 8000 0000 0000                              
0004060  4051 c000 0000 0000 4052 0000 0000 0000                              
0004100  4052 4000 0000 0000 4052 8000 0000 0000                              
0004120  4052 c000 0000 0000 4053 0000 0000 0000                              
0004140  4053 4000 0000 0000 4053 8000 0000 0000                              
0004160  4053 c000 0000 0000 4054 0000 0000 0000                              
0004200  4054 4000 0000 0000 4054 8000 0000 0000                              
0004220  4054 c000 0000 0000 4055 0000 0000 0000                              
0004240  4055 4000 0000 0000 4055 8000 0000 0000                              
0004260  4055 c000 0000 0000 4056 0000 0000 0000                              
0004300  4056 4000 0000 0000 4056 8000 0000 0000                              
0004320  4056 c000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                              
0004340  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                              