PDS_VERSION_ID          = PDS3
RECORD_TYPE             = STREAM

OBJECT                  = TEXT
   PUBLICATION_DATE     = 2000-01-04 
   NOTE                 = "Explanation of labels for MGS SPICE data files"
END_OBJECT              = TEXT


Example label

PDS_VERSION_ID               = PDS3
RECORD_TYPE                  = FIXED_LENGTH
RECORD_BYTES                 = 1024
^SPICE_KERNEL                = "MGS_SC_SPO1.BC"
DATA_SET_ID                  = "MGS-M-SPICE-6-V1.0"
KERNEL_TYPE_ID               = CK
PRODUCT_ID                   = "MGS_SC_SPO1.BC"
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME        = 2000-01-04T12:00:00
PRODUCER_ID                  = "SCOPS/LMA"
START_TIME                   = 1998-03-26T00:00:00.070
STOP_TIME                    = 1998-05-27T23:59:55.575
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT  = "1/0580780814.220"
TARGET_NAME                  = MARS
NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID           = -94000
SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID            = "N/A"
NOTE                         = "See comments in the file for details"
OBJECT                       = SPICE_KERNEL
  KERNEL_TYPE                = POINTING
  DESCRIPTION                = "MGS Spacecraft (Nadir Deck) Orientation SPICE
C-Kernel file for the whole Science Phasing Orbit 1 Phase of the Mission.
This file contains orientation data partially corrected for the time bias
introduced by on-board filter."
END_OBJECT                   = SPICE_KERNEL

General notes regarding label
   * Strings appear in quotes.
   * Integers and PDS Times do not take quotes. 
   * Lists are enclosed within {} type brackets. 
   * If a field is unknown, "UNK" may be entered. 
   * If this field is not applicable to this file, "N/A" can be used. 
   * Fields can spill freely, with or without white space, onto
     following lines.

Definition of Keywords/Values for SPICE Kernels:

   PDS_VERSION_ID                The version of the present PDS standards
                                 document PDS3
   RECORD_TYPE                   Record format of the file, For files with
                                 fixed-length records, FIXED_LENGTH, for text
                                 files, STREAM
   RECORD_BYTES                  Record length in the case of fixed-length
                                 records, an integer (no quotation marks)
                                 If records have variable length, "N/A"
   ^SPICE_KERNEL                 Actual file name to which this label
                                 applies, "MGS_SC_SPO1.BC"
   MISSION_NAME                  "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" for MGS project
   SPACECRAFT_NAME               "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" for MGS spacecraft
   DATA_SET_ID                   Has form: "MGS-M-SPICE-6-CK-V1.0" where
                                 'MGS' is for data for MGS spacecraft;
                                 'M' is for Mars, the mission target; 
                                 'SPICE' is SPICE data identifier; '6' is the 
                                 CODMAC processing level; V1.0 is the data
                                 set version number.
   KERNEL_TYPE_ID                Type of SPICE kernel, one of CK, EK,
                                 FK, IK, LSK, PCK, SCLK, or SPK
   PRODUCT_ID                    Actual file name. Example: 
   PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME         Time file was created. This follows
                                 PDS time structure: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
                                 No quotes are needed.
   PRODUCER_ID                   Team and/or individual who made the file.
   MISSION_PHASE_NAME            The name of the mission phase.
   PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE          Description of file version: PREDICT or 
   PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME     Name of platform an instrument is 
                                 mounted on. "N/A" for some kernels.  
   START_TIME                    Data start time. This follows the PDS
                                 Time format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ttt.
                                 No quotes are needed. For files not
                                 covering a specific time interval, "N/A"
   STOP_TIME                     Data stop time. This follows the PDS
                                 Time format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ttt.
   SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT  Spacecraft clock data start time.
                                 This is treated as a string, and
                                 should be contained in quotes. Format
                                 is "n/ssssssssss.###", where
                                 "n" is the partition. For files not
                                 covering a specific time, "N/A"
   SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT   Spacecraft clock data stop time.
                                 This is treated as a string, and
                                 should be contained in quotes. Format
                                 is "n/ssssssssss.###", where
                                 "n" is the partition. For files not
                                 covering a specific time, "N/A"
   TARGET_NAME                   MARS or "N/A" for generic kernel files.
   INSTRUMENT_NAME               an instrument name (when applicable)
                                 otherwise "N/A"
   NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID            instrument NAIF ID code (when
                                 applicable), otherwise "N/A"
   SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID             Brief description of the input data that 
                                 were used to create the file, as a quoted
                                 string. This field may also be UNK or "N/A"
   NOTE                          Discretionary extra information, a 
                                 string contained in quotes.
   OBJECT                        SPICE_KERNEL for SPICE kernels.
   INTERCHANGE_FORMAT            Format of the file, either ASCII 
                                 or BINARY
   KERNEL_TYPE                   SPICE information type, Examples of
                                 possible values: EPHEMERIS, EVENTS,
                                 INSTRUMENT, LEAPSECONDS. etc.
   DESCRIPTION                   Brief description of the data in the file.
   END_OBJECT                    SPICE_KERNEL for SPICE kernels.