1.  Overview

     This volume contains TES-TSDR Standard Products from observations
acquired by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on Mars Global
Surveyor (MGS).  The TES instrument uses a Michelson interferometer to
make infrared spectrometric measurements, and two sets of broad-band
bolometric detectors to cover the thermal and visible bolometric
bands.  The instrument has a rotating pointing mirror that allows it
to take measurements from the nadir position up to and past the limb
in both the fore and aft directions.  Additionally, the pointing
mirror can be positioned to take measurements of space, and of the
internal reference surfaces and lamps contained within the body of the
TES instrument.

     TES-TSDR Standard Products contain raw and calibrated thermal IR
radiance spectra, visual and thermal bolometric radiance measurements,
and atmospheric and surface properties derived from this data.  Also
included are the parameters that describe each observation, some
down-linked diagnostic information, and pointing and positional
information derived from the project's SPICE kernels.

     TES-TSDR Standard Products are time sequential data records
(TSDR).  Derived data products, including gridded data sets, will be
generated and archived on separate volumes. The data products on this
volume may be reprocessed and republished at the end of the Mapping
Phase of the mission.

     Data products archived on this volume are copies of files
released by the TES team.  Errors and anomalies in the original data
and comments about the archive are noted in the ERRATA.TXT file on
this volume.  Supporting documentation and labels conform to the
Planetary Data System (PDS) Standards, Version 3.2, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) document JPL D-7669 Part 2 (7/24/1995) and the
Planetary Science Data Dictionary, JPL document JPL D-7116, Rev D

     TES data files contain binary data in a complex storage
format. For the user's convenience, software is included on this
volume that will read the binary data and output columns of ASCII
values. The software can also select records from the data that match
the user's criteria.  The software is provided in versions for several
UNIX and PC platforms.

     The attached PDS labels for TES data files include the fields
START_ORBIT_NUMBER and STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER. These fields refer to the
beginning and ending orbits during which the data were acquired, using
the TES Team orbit numbering system, also known as the Orbit Counter
Keeper (ock). During the Orbit Insertion Phase, TES ock numbers and
MGS Project orbit numbers were identical, except that the Project
counted orbits from one periapsis to the next, while TES considered an
orbit to begin at the spacecraft maneuver preceding periapsis, usually
a difference of no more than twenty minutes. However, the MGS Project
reset its orbit count to 1 at the beginning of the Mapping Phase. TES
ock numbers were not reset, in order to preserve a unique orbit
identifier. For TES data products acquired during mapping, the MGS
Project mapping orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1683
from the TES ock number. During mapping, both TES and the MGS Project
consider the beginning of an orbit to occur at the descending equator

2.  Volume Format

     This volume has been formatted so that Sun and PC users may
access the data.  Specifically, the volume has been formatted
according to the ISO-9660 level 1 Interchange Standard.  For further
information, refer to the ISO-9660 Standard Document: RF# ISO
9660-1988, April 15, 1988.

     This volume does not contain any Extended Attribute Records
(XAR).  Thus, some VAX/VMS users may have problems accessing files on
this volume.

3.  File Formats

     All text and detached PDS label files are stream format files,
with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10)
at the end of the record.  This allows the files to be read by
MS-DOS/Windows, Unix, and VMS operating systems.

     All fixed length data field files in the TES-TSDR Standard
Product Archive Volumes are binary files with PDS labels [Planetary
Science Data Dictionary, 1996; PDS Standards Reference, 1995]. These
labels are embedded at the beginning of the data files.  For examples
of PDS labels for each type of data product, see the TES-TSDR Standard
Data Product SIS [TES-TSDR SIS, 1998].

     A PDS label, whether embedded or detached from its associated
file, provides descriptive information about the associated file.  The
PDS label is an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of
'keyword = value' declarations; the object to which the label refers
is denoted by a statement of the form:

        ^object = location 

in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this
context) indicates where to find the object.  In an embedded label,
the location is an integer representing the starting record number of
the object (the first record in the file is record 1).  In a detached
label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the
object, along with the starting record or byte number, if there is
more than one object in the file. For example:

        ^HEADER = ("F01.IMG",1) 
        ^IMAGE = ("F01.IMG",1025 <BYTES>) 

indicates that the IMAGE object begins at byte 1025 of the file
F01.IMG, in the same directory as the detached label file.  Below is a
list of the possible formats for the ^object definition.

        ^object = n
        ^object = n<BYTES>
        ^object = "filename.ext"
        ^object = ("filename.ext",n)
        ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n)
        ^object = ("filename.ext",n<BYTES>)
        ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n<BYTES>)

where n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting
from the beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1), <BYTES> indicates
that the number given is in units of bytes, filename is the up to 8
character, alphanumeric upper-case file name, ext is the 3 character
upper-case file extension, and dirlist is a period-delimited path-list
of parent directories, in upper case, that specifies the object file
directory (used only when the object is not in the same directory as
the label file). The list begins at the directory level below the root
directory.  '[dirlist]' may be omitted when the object being described
is located either in the same directory as the detached label or in a
subdirectory named LABEL that is located in a higher level of the
directory tree (typically root itself).

4.  Volume Contents

     Files on this volume are organized into a series of
subdirectories below the top-level directory.  The following table
shows the structure and content of these directories.  See the
xxxxINFO.TXT files in each directory for specific information on the
files in the directory.

Top-level directory
         | ------ AAREADME.HTM
         | ------ AAREADME.LBL
         | ------ AAREADME.TXT
         | ------ ERRATA.TXT
         | ------ VOLDESC.CAT
         | ------ CATALOG
         |       | ----- CATINFO.TXT
         |       | ----- DATASET.CAT
         |       | ----- DEITGT.CAT
         |       | ----- INST.CAT
         |       | ----- INSTHOST.CAT
         |       | ----- MARTGT.CAT
         |       | ----- MISSION.CAT
         |       | ----- PERSON.CAT
         |       | ----- PHOTGT.CAT
         |       | ----- REF.CAT
         | ------ DATA
         |       | ----- DATAINFO.TXT
         |       | ----- ENB.TXT
         |       | ----- GEOMETRY.TXT
         |       | ----- WAVNUMDS.LBL
         |       | ----- WAVNUMDS.TAB
         |       | ----- WAVNUMSS.LBL
         |       | ----- WAVNUMSS.TAB
         |       | ----- MARS
         |       |       | ----- BOL.FMT
         |       |       | ----- BOLxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- CMP.FMT
         |       |       | ----- CMPxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- CMPxxxxx.VAR
         |       |       | ----- DATASET.LST
         |       |       | ----- DATASET.LBL
         |       |       | ----- GEO.FMT
         |       |       | ----- GEOxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- IFG.FMT
         |       |       | ----- IFGxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- IFGxxxxx.VAR
         |       |       | ----- LMB.FMT
         |       |       | ----- LMBxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- OBS.FMT
         |       |       | ----- OBSxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- POS.FMT
         |       |       | ----- POSxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- RAD.FMT
         |       |       | ----- RADxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- RADxxxxx.VAR
         |       |       | ----- SRF.FMT
         |       |       | ----- SRFxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- SRFxxxxx.VAR
         |       |       | ----- TLM.FMT
         |       |       | ----- TLMxxxxx.TAB
         |       |       | ----- VAR.LBL
         | ------ DOCUMENT
         |       | ----- ARCHSIS.ASC
         |       | ----- ARCHSIS.LBL
         |       | ----- ARCHSIS.PDF
         |       | ----- DOCINFO.TXT
         |       | ----- PROCESS.ASC
         |       | ----- PROCESS.LBL
         |       | ----- PROCESS.PDF
         |       | ----- SDPSIS.ASC
         |       | ----- SDPSIS.LBL
         |       | ----- SDPSIS.PDF
         | ------ INDEX
         |       | ----- CLASS.TXT
         |       | ----- CUMINDEX.LBL
         |       | ----- CUMINDEX.TAB
         |       | ----- DETMASK.TXT
         |       | ----- INDEX.LBL
         |       | ----- INDEX.TAB
         |       | ----- INDXINFO.TXT
         |       | ----- SPECMASK.TXT
         |       | ----- SPECMASK.TAB
         | ------ SOFTWARE
         |       | ----- SOFTINFO.TXT
         |       | ----- BIN
         |       |       | ----- BININFO.TXT
         |       |       | ----- HPPA1.EXE
         |       |       | ----- HPPA2.EXE
         |       |       | ----- INDIGO2.EXE
         |       |       | ----- LINUX.EXE
         |       |       | ----- RS6K.EXE
         |       |       | ----- SOLSPARC.EXE
         |       |       | ----- SUNOS.EXE
         |       |       | ----- WINTEL.EXE
         |       | ----- DOC
         |       |       | ----- DOCINFO.TXT
         |       |       | ----- USERDOC.TXT
         |       | ----- SRC
         |       |       | ----- BUFFS.C
         |       |       | ----- CONVERT.C
         |       |       | ----- DATASET.C
         |       |       | ----- DIR.C
         |       |       | ----- DOS.C
         |       |       | ----- FIELDS.C
         |       |       | ----- GENDEF.H
         |       |       | ----- HEADER.C
         |       |       | ----- HEADER.H
         |       |       | ----- IO_LABLIB3.C
         |       |       | ----- IO_LABLIB3.H
         |       |       | ----- MAKEFILE
         |       |       | ----- OUTPUT.C
         |       |       | ----- PROTO.H
         |       |       | ----- SEARCH.C
         |       |       | ----- SELECT.C
         |       |       | ----- SRCINFO.TXT
         |       |       | ----- SYSTEM.C
         |       |       | ----- TOOLBOX.H
         |       |       | ----- TOOLS.C
         |       |       | ----- TOOLS.H
         |       |       | ----- VANILLA.C
         |       |       | ----- VERSION.H


5.  Whom to Contact for Information

     For questions concerning this data set:

          PDS - Geosciences Node
          Washington University
          Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
          1 Brookings Drive
          St. Louis, MO 63130

          WWW Site:  http://wwwpds.wustl.edu
          Electronic mail address:  geosci@wunder.wustl.edu

6.  Cognizant Persons

     TES-TSDR data were provided by Philip R. Christensen, TES
Principal Investigator, with assistance from Noel Gorelick, Greg
Mehall, and Kelly Bender, Arizona State University.

     Edward A. Guinness, Susan H. Slavney, and Raymond E. Arvidson,
Planetary Data System Geosciences Node, Washington University,
St. Louis, Missouri, assisted in design of this archive volume.