Mars Global Surveyor
Thermal Emission Spectrometer

Data Processing User's Guide

Version 1.03
May 15, 1999

Prepared by:
        Philip R. Christensen
        TES Principal Investigator
        Arizona State University
        Tempe, AZ 85287-1404

        Philip R. Christensen   Date
        TES Principal Investigator

        Thomas Thorpe           Date
        Mars Global Surveyor Science Office Manager

        Yolanda Fletcher        Date
        PDS / Mars Global Surveyor Interface Manager


The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) investigation is designed to study 
the surface and atmosphere of Mars using thermal infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 
together with broadband thermal and solar reflectance radiometry.  The 
specific objectives of the TES experiment are: (i) to determine and map the 
composition of surface minerals, rocks, and ices; (ii) to study the 
composition, particle size, and spatial and temporal distribution of 
atmospheric dust; (iii) to locate water-ice and CO2 condensate clouds and 
determine their temperature, height, and condensate abundance; (iv) to study 
the growth, retreat, and total energy balance of the polar cap deposits; (v) 
to measure the thermophysical properties of the martian surface materials; 
and (vi) to characterize the thermal structure and dynamics of the 
atmosphere.  A complete description of the TES instrument is given in 
(Christensen et al., 1992).

The TES instrument consists of three sub-sections, the primary one being a 
Michelson interferometer that produces spectra from 1700 to 200 cm-1 (~6 to  
50 microns), at a spectral sampling of either ~5 or ~10 cm-1.  The instrument
cycle time, including collection of the interferogram, mirror flyback, and 
electronic reset, is 2 sec for 10 cm-1 ("single scan") operation, and 4 sec  
for 5 cm-1 ("double scan") operation.   The interferometer includes a visible
interferometer with a monochromatic source that is used to generate fringes 
which control the linear drive servo and determine position in the 
interferogram.  This system uses two redundant neon lamps that produce an 
emission line at 703.2 nm for fringe generation and a continuum that is used 
for a quasi-white-light source for determination of zero path difference.  

The TES instrument returns 143 points in single-scan or 286 points in double
scan mode. The starting spectral sample point can be determined by ground
command. In single-scan mode the default PROM sequence for Detector 2 begins
at 148.6 cm-1 and ends at 1655 cm-1. This spectral range was used
throughout the aerobraking and Science Phasing Orbits. However, the first
five spectra samples in single-scan mode (first 10 in double-scan mode)
have very low instrument response and a very low signal-to-noise ratio.
Therefore, beginning with the mapping orbits the starting sample in
single-scan mode will be changed to 201.6 cm-1 (Det. 2) with an ending
sample of 1708.9 cm-1. The single-scan data are stored in a 148-point
array beginning at 148.6 cm-1 (Det. 2) in which either the first five
(mapping phase) or last five (aerobraking phase) samples are set to zero
or null. The double-scan data are stored in a 296-point array with
corresponding offsets and null values. The wavenumber positions for each
detector from sample 1 to 148 (single scan) or sample 1 to 296 (double
scan) are given in Table A1.

The finite size and off-axis position of the six detectors results in self-
apodization and a spectral shift that is a function of both distance from 
the axis and optical frequency.  The resulting full-width half-maximum 
(FWHM) value is ~12.5 cm-1 for 10 cm-1 sampling at 200 cm-1 and 15.4 cm-1 at 
1650 cm-1.  For the corner detectors and at the highest frequency (shortest 
wavelength) there is a significant departure from the ideal line width, 
giving a worst-case degradation of a FWHM of ~24 cm-1.  Because all of the  
response functions have the same area there is no loss in signal when viewing
a smooth continuum scene like Mars.  However, there will be a slight loss in 
contrast of narrow spectral features due to broadening of the spectral width.
Because the self-apodization is considerable, the data are used without 
further apodization.  Separate fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms are 
used for the center and edge detectors in order to partially compensate for 
the different spectral shifts introduced into these detectors. These offsets 
are discussed in Section 2.4.

A pointing mirror capable of rotating 360 degrees provides views to space, 
both limbs, and to internal, full-aperture thermal and visible calibration 
targets, as well as image motion compensation. In addition to the 
spectrometer, the instrument has bore sighted bolometric thermal radiance 
(4.5 to ~100 microns) and solar reflectance (0.3 to 2.7 microns) channels. 
Each instrument sub-section has six instantaneous fields of view (IFOV) of 
~8.5 mrad that provide a contiguous strip three elements wide with a spatial 
resolution designed to be 3 km from the final MGS mapping orbit altitude of 
350 km.  The outputs from all TES channels are digitized at 16 bits, 
processed, and formatted before being sent to the spacecraft Payload Data 
Subsystem (PDS).  The outputs of the interferometer receive the following 
processing within the instrument before transfer to the PDS: 1) selectable 
apodization; 2) Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) of data from all six 
interferometer channels; 3) correction for gain and offsets; 4) data editing 
and aggregation; 5) data compression; and 6) formatting for the PDS.

A separate 1.5 cm diameter reflecting telescope, collimated with the main 
telescope and using the same pointing mirror, is used for the thermal and 
visible bolometer channels.  These channels have similar 3x2 arrays of 
detectors, that are bore sighted with the spectrometer array. The optical 
system consists of a single off-axis paraboloidal mirror operating at f/8.  
A reflecting resonant fork chopper operating at 30 Hz is used to separate the
solar reflectance and thermal emission bands.    



The measured spectra can be characterized at each wavenumber by the equation:

Vt = ( Rt - Ri ) * IRF


    Vt is the voltage generated by the TES looking at a target
    Rt is the radiance of the target
    Ri is the radiance of the instrument
    IRF is the instrument response function

The radiance of the target can be determined from the above equation once 
the instrument radiance and the response function are known. These parameters
are determined using observations of space and the internal reference surface
at planned time intervals. These observations give two equations of the form:

Vr = ( Rr - Ri ) * IRF
Vs = ( Rs - Ri ) * IRF

where Vr and Vs are the measured voltages viewing space and reference 
respectively, Rr is derived from the measured temperature of the reference 
surface, and Rs is the radiance of space (~0 W cm-2 str-1 /cm-1). These 
equations can be solved for the two unknown values, Ri and IRF, giving:

    Ri = ( Vs*Rr - Vr*Rs ) / ( Vs - Vr )

    IRF = Vr / ( Rr - Ri )

    Or the equivalent:

    IRF = Vs / ( Rs - Ri )

These computed values are then used to compute the radiance of the planet 

    Rp = ( Vp / IRF ) + Ri


The simultaneous determination of IRF and Ri requires Space (S) and 
Reference surface (R) observations spaced closely in time. Typically these 
are acquired as consecutive or interleaved observations that are termed 
"SR-pairs".  The IRF is assumed to vary slowly, whereas Ri can vary 
throughout the orbit. Thus, the SR-pairs are only acquired several times per 
orbit to determine IRF, whereas Space observations are acquired approximately
every 3-5 minutes to determine Ri.

It is necessary for the calibration that the required subsets of all the 
parameters are also available. For example, the spectral values for the 
planet acquired from detector 5 can only be calibrated if all other 
parameters are also available for detector 5. Similarly, single-scan planet 
observations are calibrated using single-scan S and R observations, and 
double-scan planet observations require double-scan S and R observations.

During the aerobraking and Science Phasing Orbits the thermal state of the 
TES was not stable. For example, during each spacecraft roll the Sun could 
directly illuminate the reference surface.  Therefore, it was not possible 
to use long-term averages of  IRF and Ri to reduce the noise level present 
in a single determination of these parameters. In this version of the 
algorithm the bounding values of IRF and Ri are simply interpolated to 
determine Rp.  The instrument response was not averaged over multiple 
SR-pairs, nor was the Ri term smoothed to reduce noise. 

The following sequence of operations was carried out for spectral 

1)  Read the data associated with all the observations under consideration
2)  Find all of the single and double scan SR-pairs and Space observations 
(S) in the given set of observations.
3)  At each SR-pair, compute the temperature of the instrument (Ti) and IRF. 
For each detector:
        a) Average the voltage of all the Space observations having the same 
        scan length.  This is Vs.
        b) Average the voltage of all the reference observations having the 
        same scan length. This is Vr. Average the reference surface 
        thermistor temperatures (aux_temp[1-3]) to find the average 
        temperature of the reference surface for this SR-pair. This is Tr.
        c) Compute the radiance of the reference surface (Rr) at temperature 
        Tr using the Planck blackbody radiance function.
        d) Compute the radiance of space (Rs) at the temperature of space 
        (3K), using the Planck radiance function.
        e) Compute the radiance of the instrument by substituting the 
        calculated values in the equation:

                 Ri = ( Vs*Rr - Vr*Rs ) / ( Vs - Vr )

        f) Compute the instrument brightness temperature (Ti) at each 
        spectral sample by inverting the blackbody radiance function with 
        radiance Ri.
        g) Take the average of the instrument brightness temperatures from
        spectral samples 50 through 90 (single scan; samples 100-180 double 
        scan), to determine a single best-fit value of Ti.   This is the 
        temperature of this particular detector. 
        h) Compute IRF using the equation:

                 IRF = Vs / ( Rs - Ri )

        If IRF equals zero or infinity for a particular spectral sample, 
        then average the two neighboring spectral samples to compute an IRF 
        value for that spectral sample.
4)  Store the computed values of IRF, Ri, and Ti into one packet, tag it as  
an SR-pair with its starting sclk_time and pool it among other similar 
packets for SR-pairs and Space observations in ascending order of their 
sclk_time. This pool is called the IRF-pool.
5)  Replicate the first SR-pair as an additional SR-pair in the beginning of 
the given set of observations.
6)  Replicate the last SR-pair as an additional SR-pair at the end of the 
given set of observations.
7)  At each Space observation, compute Ti. For each detector:
        a) Average the voltage of all the Space spectra in a given set of 
        consecutive spectra having the same scan length. This is Vs.
        b) Compute radiance of space (Rs) at temperature of space (3K) using 
        the Planck radiance function.
        c) Search in the IRF-pool to find the closest SR-pair in each 
        direction.  Interpolate over sclk_time between the Ti of the two 
        bounding SR-pairs to compute an initial estimate of Ti at the 
        sclk_time of this Space observation.
        d) Interpolate over Ti between the IRF values at the Ti's of the two 
        bounding SR pairs to compute the IRF at the estimated Ti of this 
        Space observation.
        e) Compute the radiance of the instrument using the value of IRF in 
        the equation:

                      Ri = Rs - ( Vs / IRF )

        f) Compute the instrument brightness temperature (Ti) at each 
        spectral sample by inverting the blackbody radiance function with 
        radiance Ri.
        g) Take the average of the instrument brightness temperatures from 
        spectral samples 50 through 90 (single scan; samples 100 to 180 
        double scan) to determine a new value of Ti. 
        h) Store the final computed values of Ti and Ri for this Space 
        observation into one packet. Tag this packet as an S with its 
        starting sclk_time and pool it in the IRF-pool in ascending order 
        of its sclk_time.
8)  At each planet observation, determine IRF and Ri and compute Rp.  For 
each detector:
        a) Interpolate over sclk_time between the Ti of the two bounding SR 
        observations to compute Ti at this planet observation.  
        b) Interpolate over Ti between the IRF values at the Ti's of the two 
        bounding SR observations to determine the IRF at this planet 
        c) Interpolate over sclk_time between the Ri values of the two 
        bounding SR or S points to determine Ri at this planet observation. 
        d) If this observation had a spectral mask other than full spectral 
        resolution, average the Ri and IRF corresponding to the mask.
        e) Use IRF and Ri to compute Rp using the equation:

               Rp = ( Vp / IRF ) + Ri.  

9) Write the calibrated spectra to the database.


The TES spectrometer has a noise equivalent spectral radiance near 1.2 x 10-8
W cm-2 str-1 cm-1.  This corresponds to a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 490 
at 1000 cm-1 (10 microns) viewing a 270K scene. Absolute radiometric accuracy
was estimated from pre-launch data to be better than 4 x 10-8 W cm-2 str-1 
In flight deviations are discussed in Section 6.


In an ideal interferometer with an on-axis point detector, the spectral 
samples are uniformly distributed in wavenumber, and the full-width, half 
maximum (FWHM) of each sample is simply determined by the optical 
displacement of the Michelson mirror. The TES uses a neon bulb with a line at
0.7032 microns in the visible interferometer to sample the IR interferometer.
The ideal sample spacing of the interferometer is given by:

Sample spacing =  ________1________________      (2.1)
                  (0.7032 x 10-4 cm)*Npts

where Npts is the number of points in the FFT.  

For a large detector, the two beams of the interferometer are not in phase 
over the entire areal extent of the detector, producing "self-apodization", 
or widening of the instrument line shape.  In addition, the path length of 
the rays traveling to the off-axis portion of each detector is decreased 
relative to the optical axis rays by a factor of cos theta, where theta is 
the angle of the off-axis ray. As a result, the mirror must move farther to 
produce interference of the off-axis rays, producing a shift of the center 
frequency of each spectral sample to a higher apparent wavelength (lower 
wavenumber) than its true spectral position.  All six detectors are offset 
from the optical axis, producing separate shifts in the spectral line 
position, shape, and modulation efficiency of each detector.

The TES flight software processes the interferogram data with prime factors 
FFTs that use a different number of points for the center and edge detectors 
respectively.  These FFT's were selected to produce a slightly different 
spacing that partially compensates for the different spectral offsets due to 
self-apodization between the edge and center detectors.  The number of points
and sample spacing is given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1.

                         Edge Detectors (1,3,4,6)    Center Detectors (2,5)
                         Single Scan  Double Scan    Single Scan  Double Scan
Npts in FFT                  1350          2700          1344         2688
Sample Spacing            10.53 cm-1    5.267 cm-1    10.58 cm-1   5.290 cm-1
Sample 1 Position 
   (ideal)               147.47 cm-1   147.47 cm-1   148.13 cm-1  148.13 cm-1
Sample 148 (single; 
296 double) Position 
   (ideal)              1695.95 cm-1  1701.22 cm-1   1703.52 cm-1 1708.81cm-1

 (Note: the sample spacing used to compute the sample position of the 
archived data is computed in full digital precision using 0.7032 microns in 
Eq. 2.1.)  

A numerical model has been developed by Co-Investigator Stillman Chase to 
model the self-apodization effects and to determine the true spectral 
position, FWHM, and spectral line shape of each sample. Interferogram data of
Mars were collected immediately after Mars orbit insertion, and the 
atmospheric CO2 data were used to verify Chase's model of line shape and 
position.  Because the focal plane is symmetric in the cross-track direction 
(e.g. detectors 1 and 3 are symmetrically located relative to the optical 
axis), the position and FWHM are identical for detector pairs 1 and 3 and 
detector pairs 4 and 6.  The sample position offset was calculated for each 
detector, taking into account the actual prime factor FFT used for each 
detector.  Examples of the offset and the actual sample position calculated 
with this offset and the actual prime factors FFT used for the double-scan 
samples 1 and 296 are given in Table 2-2.  The full set of sample offsets for
each detector are tabulated in Table A1 in the Appendix.  The sample 
positions are identical for single and double scans.  The modeled full-width 
half-maximum values for double scan observations are tabulated in Table A2.  
The full-width half-maximum values for single scan data are twice the double 
scan values.

Table 2-2.  Double Scan Self-Apodization

                                 Edge Detectors (1,3)     Center Detector (2)
Sample 1 Self-Apodization 
Offset                               1.19 cm-1                0.44 cm-1
Sample 296 Self-Apodization 
Offset                              14.00 cm-1                5.45 cm-1
Sample 1 (actual)                  148.66 cm-1              148.57 cm-1
Sample 296 (actual)               1715.22 cm-1             1714.26 cm-1



The in-flight calibration of the TES visible bolometer is performed for each 
detector in the following stages.
1) Use observations of the internal TES reference calibration lamp and space 
to determine the instrument response function (IRF) and the zero-level 
radiance (background).
2) Convert each target observation to calibrated radiance using the IRF and 
3) Compute the Lambert albedo using the calibrated radiance, the Sun-Mars 
distance, and the incidence angle.


1)Read the data associated with all the observations to be calibrated.  For 
each observation this includes:

sclk_time               Spacecraft Clock Time
pnt_view                Pointing Angle View
det_mask                Detector mask
scan_len                Scan length
solar_distance          Solar distance
aux_temps[1-3]          Temperature of the reference surface
temps[1]                Temperature of the detector array
detector                Detector Number
vbol                    Raw voltages from visible bolometer
incidence               Solar incidence angle at the target
latitude                Latitude of the target

2) Separate the data into single and double scan modes.  Each mode is 
calibrated separately.
3) Sort the data on ascending sclk_time.
4) Find all distinct groups of space observations (S) in the given set of 
observations. To improve on noise-reduction, only space observations with 
three or more consecutive space spectra are used; other space views with 
fewer than three space spectra are discarded.
        At each set of Space observations for each detector:
        a) Average the visible bolometer voltage (vbol) of all space 
        observations in this set. This is called the background.  
        b)Store the background value with the beginning sclk_time of this 
        set in one packet. Tag it as an S, and pool it among similar packets 
        in ascending order of its sclk_time.
5) Find all distinct groups of consecutive visible bolometer reference 
observations (REFAn) within the given set of observations, where n refers to 
the calibration lamp number 1 or 2.
At each REFAn for each detector:
        a) Compute the IRF for each internal lamp observation:
                i) Average the vbol for all consecutive observations within 
                this set of lamp observations.
                ii) Correct vbol for the background signal by subtracting the
                background from the nearest Space observation to give the 
                iii) Average the temperature of the detector array (temps[1])
                to yield detector temperature (det_temp) in degrees C.
                iv) Average the three reference surface temperatures 
                (aux_temps[1-3]) to yield lamp temperature (lamp_temp).
                v) Choose the lamp absolute radiance at 28.2 C 
                (lamp_absolute) for this lamp and scan length (single or 
                double) using the values in the TES Calibration Report.
                vi) Select the RL/T for the lamp that was observed.
                vii) Compute the actual lamp radiance (RL)(TL)cal for each 
                detector at the lamp temperature using lamp_absolute, the 
                variation in lamp radiance (RL) with temperature (dRL/dTL,) 
                from the TES Calibration Report, and the difference (TL) 
                between lamp_temp and the internal lamp absolute calibration 
                temperature (28.2 degrees).  The lamp radiance equation is:

                lamp_radiance = lamp_absolute +(dRL/dT * (lamp_temp -28.2)))

                vii) Compute IRF using the equation:
                        IRF = lamp_voltage / lamp_radiance
        b) Store the IRF, the background voltage, and the detector 
        temperature in one packet. Tag it as a REFAn packet and pool it 
        among other REFAn packets In ascending order of their beginning 
6) Replicate the first REFAn as an additional REFAn in the beginning of the 
given set.
7) Replicate the last REFAn as an additional REFAn at the end of the given 
8) At each target (planet) observation, compute the calibrated visible 
bolometer radiance (cal_vbol).  The visible bolometer response function must 
be corrected at each planet observation to account for changes in the 
detector temperature between the lamp and planet observations. In order to 
avoid discrete jumps at each lamp observation, it is necessary to interpolate
IRF and the detector temperature between successive lamp views.  This 
baseline IRF is then corrected to the actual IRF at each planet observation 
using df/dTD, and d2f/dTD2, along with the coefficients in the TES 
Calibration Report and the detector temperature difference between the 
baseline lamp observations and the planet observations.  
This is done by:
        a) Search the pool of REFAn observations to find the two bounding 
        b) Search the pool of Space observations to find the two bounding 
        For each detector:
                i) Interpolate linearly on sclk_time between this 
                observation and two bounding REFAn times to compute the 
                baseline IRF.
                ii) Interpolate linearly on sclk_time between this 
                observation and two bounding REFAn times to get the baseline 
                detector temperature and the background for this observation.
                iii) Determine dIRF/dT and d2IRF/dT2 using the calibration 
                coefficients determined pre-launch and the equations:

                dIRF/dT = 3*af*(detector_temp)2 + 2*bf*detector_temp + cf
                d2IRF/dT2 = 6*af*detector_temp + 2*bf

                        af = 'alpha' of the visual bolometer from the TES 
                        Calibration Report.
                        bf = 'beta' of the visual bolometer from the TES 
                        Calibration Report.
                        cf = 'chi' of the visual bolometer from the TES 
                        Calibration Report.
                iv) Get the actual detector temperature (temps[1]) for this 
                v) Calculate delta T by subtracting the baseline detector 
                temperature value from the actual value.
                vi) Correct IRF for this detector temperature value by the 

                Corr_IRF = IRF + dIRF/dT *deltaT + d2IRF/dT2 * deltaT2 / 2!

                vii) Compute cal_vbol using the equation:

                cal_vbol = ( vbol - background ) / Corr_IRF

9) Compute Lambert albedo.
        a) Extract incidence angle and solar distance from the database.   
        Convert solar_distance to Astronomical Units.
        b) Compute albedo using the equation:
                lambert_alb = cal_vbol / (( Sun_absolute / solar_distance2) 
        where Sun_absolute is the solar radiance at 1 A.U. integrated over 
        the TES visible bolometer relative spectral response, and is equal to
        1.666 x 10-2 W cm-2 str-1
Note: The cos(incidence_angle) in the denominator can lead to division by 
small numbers (including zero), generating highly inaccurate values for the 
albedo. To avoid this problem, the Lambert albedo is not computed for 
incidence angles >88 degrees.
10) Write cal_vbol and lambert_alb to the database.


The precision, zero-level offset, and absolute accuracy of the in-flight 
calibration was determined using data from cruise (test tes_c2a and tes_c9a) 
and orbits P3 through P460. 

The in-flight precision (noise level) of the calibrated radiance measurements
was determined using observations of deep space acquired away from Mars 
during spacecraft rolls prior to and after periapsis..  The internal lamp was
not used because its temperature increases if left on for an extended period 
of time, which changes its brightness level. The data used were acquired on 
orbits P95 through P100 (no data were available for orbit P99) at a Mars-Sun 
distance of 2.068*10-8 km (1.382 A.U.). Only observations well away from 
Mars, selected by constraining the height of the tangent point of the 
observation to be >2000 km above the martian surface, were included. The 
sigma values of the calibrated radiance of the space observations are given 
in Table 3-1. 

Table 3-1

Detector          Sigma (Radiance)            Mean Zero-level Radiance
                (x10-6 W cm-2 str-1)            (x10-6 W cm-2 str-1)
1                       3.62                            0.914
2                       3.74                            1.03
3                       3.77                            1.07
4                       3.73                            0.676
5                       3.67                            0.942
6                       3.59                            1.00

The 1 sigma variation in the zero-level radiance is ~3.75 x10-6 W cm-2 str-1 
for all six detectors.  This value is consistent with the variation in the 
internal lamp brightness measured pre-flight (1-6 x10-6 W cm-2 str-1; Table 
4-6).  A Lambertian surface with a reflectivity of 1.0 would have a radiance 
of 8.718 x10-3 W cm-2 str-1 at the Mars-Sun distance of these observations, 
measured at normal incidence angle.  The 1 sigma precision of the visible 
bolometer calibrated radiance corresponds to a noise-equivalent delta 
reflectivity (NE_R) of 0.0004, and is equivalent to an SNR of 2100 for a 
surface with unit reflectivity. 

The zero-level radiance as a function of time is determined by the 
calibration algorithm using periodic observations of space and the internal 
lamps to correct for detector response and offset drifts. Table 3-1 gives the
mean zero-level radiance of the space observations.  This radiance is a 
factor of nearly four lower than the 1 sigma variation of the data, 
indicating that there are no measurable systematic biases introduced into the
data by incorrectly removing the variations in detector response and lamp 
brightness with time and temperature.  In addition, no systematic offsets, 
trends, or discrete changes in value at space or lamp observations were 
observed in the calibrated radiance of space. From these data it is concluded
that the calibration algorithm is accurately accounting for variations in 
detector response and lamp brightness with time and temperature at the noise 
level of the instrument.  The 3 sigma accuracy of the zero-level radiance is 
approximately +/- 1*10-5 W cm-2 str-1 for all six detectors, consistent with 
the values in Table 3-1.

The data given in Table 3-1 were acquired of a black target (space) with zero
signal and therefore do not provide a measure of the true absolute 
calibration for bright surfaces.  This can only be determined by observations
of a bright source with known radiance. No surfaces of known brightness exist
on Mars to verify the absolute radiance. In addition, because the internal 
calibration lamps are used in the calibration, they do not provide an 
independent test of the absolute radiance.  However, it is possible to 
estimate changes in the lamp output with time by comparing the measured lamp 
voltage, corrected for background, with the pre-flight measurements as a 
function of lamp and detector temperature.  

The pre-flight thermal vacuum tests (albm tests) and the in-flight data from 
cruise (tests tes_c2 and tes_c9, and orbits 12, 15, 95-98, 100, 222, and 460)
indicate a 0-~3% increase in the measured signal for detector temperatures of
~10-15 degrees C, and an increase of ~3-6% near 0 C relative to the 
pre-flight measurements.  This change can be due to a combination of: 1) a 
change in the alignment of the lamp relative to the detectors; 2) an increase
in lamp 1 brightness; 3) a change in the chopper alignment or timing; or 
4) an increase in detector response.  Of these, a change in alignment is 
least likely because no decrease in lamp signal was observed for any 
detector.  A possible change in lamp 1 brightness was investigated using the 
ratio of lamp 1 to lamp 2 for pre-flight and in-flight data.  Lamp 2 was 
observed once during cruise (test tes_c9) and once in orbit early in the 
mission (orbit P59). The lamp ratio, adjusted for lamp temperature, is 
unchanged for detectors 3 and 6, is ~1% higher for detectors 1, 4, and 5, 
and is ~1% lower for detector 2. The change in lamp 1 relative to lamp 2, 
averaged for all detectors, is ~0.7%, and is essentially constant with 
temperature.  Based on experience at SBRS on the Galileo PPR instrument, the 
stability of these lamps is estimated to be +/- 0.5% on a long-term (years) 
basis and +/- 0.15% on a short term (hours) basis.   The ratio of the two TES
lamps is consistent with these stability values. Furthermore, both lamps 
would have to have increased in brightness to account for changes in the 
lamp 1 signal levels.  It is therefore concluded that the changes in lamp 1 
signal level are not associated with changes in lamp output. 

It is more likely that either the detector response with temperature has 
varied in flight, which would account for both the variations between 
detectors and the relatively large changes over temperature, or that the 
chopper alignment or timing has changed slightly.  Neither of these cases 
will affect the absolute calibration because the detector views both Mars and
the lamps with the same chopper and detector characteristics. Indeed, the 
on-board calibration lamps are specifically intended to remove these effects.
It is concluded that the absolute calibration is most likely ~1% relative to 
the pre-flight calibration of the internal lamps. The relative accuracy from 
orbit P15 to P460 is ~0.5%.



The measured integrated radiance can be characterized by the following 

Vt = ( Rt - Ri ) * IRF


    Vt is the voltage generated by the TES looking at a target
    Rt is the integrated radiance of the target
    Ri is the integrated radiance of the instrument
    IRF is the instrument response function

The integrated radiance of the target is determined from the above equation 
once the instrument radiance and the response function are known. These 
parameters are determined using observations of space and the internal 
reference surface at planned time intervals. These observations give two 
equations of the form:

Vr = ( Rr - Ri ) * IRF
Vs = ( Rs - Ri ) * IRF

where Vr and Vs are the measured voltages viewing space and reference 
respectively, Rr is derived from the measured temperature of the reference 
surface, and Rs is the integrated radiance of space (~0 W cm-2 str-1). These 
equations can be solved for the two unknown values, Ri and IRF, giving:

    Ri = ( Vs*Rr - Vr*Rs ) / ( Vs - Vr )

    IRF = Vr / ( Rr - Ri )
    IRF = Vs / ( Rs - Ri )

These computed values then are used to compute the radiance of the planet:

    Rp = ( Vp / IRF ) + Ri


The simultaneous determination of IRF and Ri requires space (S) and reference
surface (R) observations spaced closely in time. Typically these are acquired
as consecutive or interleaved observations that are termed "SR-pairs".  The 
IRF is assumed to vary slowly, whereas Ri can vary throughout the orbit. 
Thus, the SR-pairs are only acquired several times per orbit to determine 
IRF, whereas Space observations are acquired approximately every 3-5 minutes 
to determine Ri.

Prior to calibration, the weighted integrated radiance as a function of scene
temperature is computed by convolving the instrument relative spectral 
response with the blackbody radiance at each wavenumber from 0 through 2500 
with a step of 2 wavenumbers.   The relative spectral response of the TES 
thermal bolometer was determined pre-launch and is given in the TES 
Calibration Report.  The integrated radiance is computed for temperature 
values from 60K through 400K with a step of 0.01 degrees.  A look-up table 
consisting of two columns: temperature and weighted integrated radiance, is 
stored in a separate file, and is used to convert brightness temperature (TB)
to radiance and radiance to TB.

The following sequence of operations is carried out for spectral calibration:

1) Read the data associated with all the observations under consideration.
2) Find all of the single and double scan SR-pairs and Space observations (S)
in the given set of observations.
3) At each SR-pair, compute the temperature of the instrument (Ti) and IRF. 
For each detector:
        a) Average the voltage of all the Space observations having the same 
        scan length.  This is Vs.
        b) Average the voltage of all the reference observations having the 
        same scan length. This is Vr. Average the reference surface 
        thermistor temperatures (aux_temp[1-3]) to find the average 
        temperature of the reference surface for this SR-pair. This is Tr.
        c) Compute the radiance of the reference surface (Rr) at temperature 
        Tr using the TB-to-radiance look-up table.
        d) Assume the radiance of space (Rs) to be equal to zero.
        e) Compute IRF using the equation:

              IRF = Vs / ( Rs - Ri)

        f) Compute the integrated radiance of the instrument by substituting 
        the calculated values in the equation:

              Ri = ( Vs*Rr - Vr*Rs ) / ( Vs - Vr )

        g) Compute the instrument brightness temperature of the instrument 
        (Ti) from the radiance Ri using the radiance-to-brightness 
        temperature look-up table.

4)Store the computed values of IRF and Ti into one packet, tag it as an SR-
pair with its starting sclk_time and pool it among other similar packets for 
SR-pairs and Space observations in ascending order of their sclk_time. This 
pool is called the IRF-pool.
5) Replicate the first SR-pair as an additional SR-pair in the beginning of 
the given set of observations.
6) Replicate the last SR-pair as an additional SR-pair at the end of the 
given set of observations.
7) At each set of Space observations, compute Vs.  Vs is used to compute the 
radiance of the instrument (Ri) in the planet calibration using the equation:

              Ri = Rs - ( Vs / IRF )

        For each detector:
        a) Average the voltage of all the Space observations in a given set 
        of consecutive observations having the same scan length. This is Vs.
        b) Store the value of Vs for this Space observation into one packet, 
        tag this packet as an S with its starting sclk_time, and pool it in 
        ascending order of its sclk_time.
8) At each planet observation compute Rp. For each detector:
        a) Interpolate linearly over sclk_time between the IRF values at the 
        two bounding SR or S observations to determine the IRF at this planet
        b) Interpolate linearly over sclk_time between the Vs values at the 
        two bounding SR or S observations to compute Vs at this planet 
        c) Compute Rp from IRF and Vs using:

                Rp = ( Vp / IRF ) + Ri. 

                Replacing Ri in this equation with Ri = Rs - ( Vs / IRF ) 

                Rp = Rs + ( Vp - Vs ) / IRF

        d) Convert Rp to the brightness temperature of the planet (Tp) using 
        the radiance-to-brightness temperature look-up table.
9) Write the brightness temperature to the database.


A simple algorithm was performed on each TES spectrum in order to estimate 
the effective surface kinetic temperature using the TES spectrometer data.  
The primary use of this temperature is for emissivity determination where 
only a first-order estimate of the surface temperature is required.  No 
attempt is made to model mixtures of surface materials at different kinetic 
temperatures, nor to remove atmospheric effects.  

This algorithm is based on the desire to use the entire spectrum to locate 
the region with the highest emissivity, where the brightness temperature will
provide the closest approximation to the surface kinetic temperature.  In 
practice, both in laboratory measurements and in TES data, the short-
wavelength region (<8 microns) often has the highest emissivity.  
Unfortunately, at low temperatures (<~225 K), the short-wavelength region of 
the spectrum has significant noise and measurements in this spectral region 
are unreliable.  Thus, it is necessary to have a flexible algorithm that uses
the best available data to estimate surface temperature.

1) Convert the calibrated radiance to brightness temperature at each 
wavenumber assuming that: a) the emissivity is unity (temp. = TB); and b) the
emissivity is 0.97 and dividing the calibrated radiance by this value before 
determining the brightness temperature (temp. = TB').  Filter the brightness 
temperatures using a unity-weight filter 7 samples wide to reduce noise 

2) Find the maximum brightness temperature over the sample ranges from:

        a) 300 to 1350 cm-1, excluding the region from 500 cm-1 to 800 cm-1 
        where atmospheric CO2 has strong absorptions.  This range was 
        selected to include both the long and short wavelength portions of 
        the spectrum, and to include the wavenumber typically with the 
        highest brightness temperature (~1300 cm-1) as determined by both the
        Mariner 9 IRIS and the preliminary TES data. 

        b) 300 to 500 cm-1 only.  This range covers only the long wavelength 
        portion of the spectrum.

3) If TB is greater than or equal to T2 (225 K), set Tsurface to TB;  If TB' 
is less than or equal to T1 (215 K) set Tsurface to TB'. Otherwise, provide a
smooth transition between these to cases by setting Tsurface to weighted 
average of TB and TB'.  Weighting is determined by:

        Weight1 = 1 - ( (T2-TB) / (T2-T1) )

        Weight2 = 1 - ( (TB'-T1) / (T2-T1) )

        If Weight1 or Weight2 < 0, then they are set to 0.

4) Finally:

        Tsurface = ( (TB*Weight1) + (TB'*Weight2) ) / (Weight1 + Weight2)



The TES spectra occasionally exhibit a high frequency "ringing" in which the 
amplitude of the spectrum oscillates from one spectral point to the next.  
This ringing has been found to occur when there is a large change in scene 
temperature from one observation to the next.  These large temperature 
variations frequently occur during observations of Mars acquired at large 
distances where there is a significant change in position on the planet 
between successive observations.  The TES analog electronics are designed to 
keep the DC (base) level of interferogram centered at zero volts.  However, 
when the radiance of the scene changes, the base level of the interferogram 
changes and there is a finite time required for the electronics to 
compensate.  The frequency of the TES interferogram information band is 
10-100 Hz, so the electronics are designed to pass all information within 
this band to avoid filtering out signal information.  Therefore, the base 
correction electronics are designed to have a time constant >0.1 seconds to 
avoid altering the true interferogram spectral information.  There are only 
0.2 seconds between the end of one interferogram and the start of the next, 
so if the scene changes temperature rapidly between observations, then the 
electronics will not have sufficient time to fully recenter the base level of
the interferogram before the start of the next scan.  In this case the 
interferogram will still be settling (or rising) toward the base level during
the first ~0.1-0.2 seconds of the interferogram scan.  This settling results 
in a discontinuity at the beginning of the scan due to the fact that the 
first point is significantly greater (or less) than zero.  Because this spike
occurs at the beginning of the scan, it always produces a sine wave at the 
highest possible frequency in the transformed spectrum.  As a result, a sine 
wave with a point-to-point variation is superimposed on the data.  The 
interferogram base level can be increasing or decreasing if the temperature 
of the current scan is higher or lower respectively than the previous scan. 
Therefore, the phase of the superimposed sine wave can vary by 180 degrees.

An algorithm has been developed to artificially remove the spectral ringing 
by transforming the spectral data back to frequency and removing the end 
points of the interferogram.  However, this approximation lowers the spectral
resolution of the data, and has not been applied to the calibrated spectra 
on the TES CD-ROMS in this release.  A more sophisticated approach is being 
developed using the measured time constant of the TES electronics to model 
the settling of the interferogram toward the base level. This correction will
be applied in later releases of the TES data.

Up to 80% of the low resolution data acquired away from periapsis can show 
significant ringing.  Even data that do not exhibit a visible ringing can 
have higher than expected power in the highest frequency, suggesting that 
some "ringing" is present.  The ringing effect should be significantly 
reduced when the TES is operated in the planned mode during mapping. 

In-flight observations indicate that a small, systematic calibration offset 
with a magnitude of ~1x10-7 W cm-2 str-1 cm-1 is present in the TES data 
presented on this CD-ROM.  This error is primarily due to slight variations 
in the instrument background energy between observations taken of space at an
angle of -90 aft (0 degrees = nadir) for calibration and those viewing 
the planet at angle other than -90 degrees.  This error is not significant 
for surface observations at temperatures above ~240 K.  However, for 
observations of the polar caps and the atmosphere above the limbs, where the 
radiance is low, this error can be significant.

Observations have been collected to characterize the variation in the 
calibration offset with pointing mirror angle and instrument temperatures.  
Models are being developed to account for this effect. This correction will 
be applied in later releases of the TES data. 


Christensen, P.R., D.L. Anderson, J. S.C. Chase, R.N. Clark, H.H. Kieffer, 
M.C. Malin, J.C. Pearl, J. Carpenter, N. Bandiera, F.G. Brown, and S. 
Silverman, Thermal emission spectrometer experiment: Mars Observer mission, 
J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7719-7734, 1992.


Table A1.  Spectrometer Wavenumber Position - Double Scan

Sample Number   Det. 1   Det. 2   Det. 3   Det. 4   Det. 5   Det. 6
Single  Double
scan    scan

1       1       148.66   148.57   148.66   148.36   148.45   148.36
        2       153.99   153.89   153.99   153.66   153.74   153.66
2       3       159.31   159.21   159.31   158.95   159.06   158.95
        4       164.61   164.50   164.61   164.25   164.35   164.25
3       5       169.94   169.82   169.94   169.58   169.64   169.58
        6       175.23   175.11   175.23   174.87   174.96   174.87
4       7       180.56   180.43   180.56   180.17   180.25   180.17
        8       185.86   185.75   185.86   185.47   185.57   185.47
5       9       191.19   191.04   191.19   190.77   190.86   190.77
        10      196.51   196.36   196.51   196.06   196.15   196.06
6       11      201.81   201.65   201.81   201.36   201.47   201.36
        12      207.14   206.97   207.14   206.69   206.76   206.69
7       13      212.43   212.29   212.43   211.98   212.08   211.98
        14      217.76   217.58   217.76   217.28   217.37   217.28
8       15      223.06   222.90   223.06   222.58   222.66   222.58
        16      228.38   228.19   228.38   227.87   227.98   227.87
9       17      233.68   233.52   233.68   233.17   233.28   233.17
        18      239.01   238.81   239.01   238.50   238.60   238.50
10      19      244.31   244.13   244.31   243.79   243.89   243.79
        20      249.60   249.45   249.60   249.09   249.18   249.09
11      21      254.93   254.74   254.93   254.39   254.50   254.39
        22      260.23   260.06   260.23   259.69   259.79   259.69
12      23      265.55   265.35   265.55   264.98   265.11   264.98
        24      270.85   270.67   270.85   270.28   270.40   270.28
13      25      276.18   275.99   276.18   275.58   275.69   275.58
        26      281.47   281.28   281.47   280.90   281.01   280.90
14      27      286.80   286.60   286.80   286.20   286.30   286.20
        28      292.10   291.89   292.10   291.50   291.62   291.50
15      29      297.42   297.21   297.42   296.79   296.91   296.79
        30      302.72   302.50   302.72   302.09   302.20   302.09
16      31      308.02   307.82   308.02   307.39   307.52   307.39
        32      313.35   313.14   313.35   312.69   312.81   312.69
17      33      318.64   318.43   318.64   317.98   318.13   317.98
        34      323.97   323.75   323.97   323.28   323.42   323.28
18      35      329.27   329.04   329.27   328.58   328.71   328.58
        36      334.59   334.36   334.59   333.87   334.03   333.87
19      37      339.89   339.65   339.89   339.20   339.32   339.20
        38      345.19   344.97   345.19   344.50   344.64   344.50
20      39      350.51   350.30   350.51   349.79   349.93   349.79
        40      355.81   355.59   355.81   355.09   355.23   355.09
21      41      361.14   360.91   361.14   360.39   360.55   360.39
        42      366.44   366.20   366.44   365.68   365.84   365.68
22      43      371.73   371.52   371.73   370.98   371.16   370.98
        44      377.06   376.81   377.06   376.28   376.45   376.28
23      45      382.36   382.13   382.36   381.58   381.74   381.58
        46      387.68   387.45   387.68   386.87   387.06   386.87
24      47      392.98   392.74   392.98   392.17   392.35   392.17
        48      398.28   398.06   398.28   397.47   397.67   397.47
25      49      403.60   403.35   403.60   402.76   402.96   402.76
        50      408.90   408.67   408.90   408.09   408.25   408.09
26      51      414.23   413.96   414.23   413.39   413.57   413.39
        52      419.52   419.28   419.52   418.68   418.86   418.68
27      53      424.85   424.60   424.85   423.98   424.18   423.98
        54      430.15   429.89   430.15   429.28   429.47   429.28
28      55      435.45   435.21   435.45   434.57   434.76   434.57
        56      440.77   440.50   440.77   439.87   440.08   439.87
29      57      446.07   445.82   446.07   445.17   445.37   445.17
        58      451.40   451.14   451.40   450.47   450.69   450.47
30      59      456.69   456.43   456.69   455.76   455.98   455.76
        60      462.02   461.75   462.02   461.06   461.27   461.06
31      61      467.32   467.05   467.32   466.36   466.59   466.36
        62      472.64   472.37   472.64   471.65   471.89   471.65
32      63      477.94   477.66   477.94   476.95   477.21   476.95
        64      483.24   482.98   483.24   482.25   482.50   482.25
33      65      488.56   488.30   488.56   487.54   487.79   487.54
        66      493.86   493.59   493.86   492.84   493.11   492.84
34      67      499.19   498.91   499.19   498.17   498.40   498.17
        68      504.49   504.20   504.49   503.47   503.69   503.47
35      69      509.81   509.52   509.81   508.76   509.01   508.76
        70      515.11   514.84   515.11   514.06   514.30   514.06
36      71      520.41   520.13   520.41   519.36   519.62   519.36
        72      525.73   525.45   525.73   524.65   524.91   524.65
37      73      531.03   530.74   531.03   529.95   530.20   529.95
        74      536.36   536.06   536.36   535.25   535.52   535.25
38      75      541.65   541.35   541.65   540.54   540.81   540.54
        76      546.98   546.67   546.98   545.84   546.13   545.84
39      77      552.28   551.99   552.28   551.14   551.42   551.14
        78      557.61   557.28   557.61   556.43   556.71   556.43
40      79      562.90   562.60   562.90   561.73   562.03   561.73
        80      568.23   567.89   568.23   567.03   567.32   567.03
41      81      573.53   573.21   573.53   572.36   572.64   572.36
        82      578.85   578.50   578.85   577.65   577.93   577.65
42      83      584.15   583.82   584.15   582.95   583.22   582.95
        84      589.48   589.15   589.48   588.25   588.55   588.25
43      85      594.77   594.44   594.77   593.54   593.84   593.54
        86      600.07   599.76   600.07   598.84   599.16   598.84
44      87      605.40   605.05   605.40   604.14   604.45   604.14
        88      610.69   610.37   610.69   609.43   609.74   609.43
45      89      616.02   615.66   616.02   614.73   615.06   614.73
        90      621.32   620.98   621.32   620.03   620.35   620.03
46      91      626.65   626.30   626.65   625.32   625.67   625.32
        92      631.94   631.59   631.94   630.65   630.96   630.65
47      93      637.27   636.91   637.27   635.95   636.25   635.95
        94      642.57   642.20   642.57   641.25   641.57   641.25
48      95      647.86   647.52   647.86   646.54   646.86   646.54
        96      653.19   652.81   653.19   651.84   652.18   651.84
49      97      658.49   658.13   658.49   657.14   657.47   657.14
        98      663.81   663.42   663.81   662.43   662.76   662.43
50      99      669.11   668.74   669.11   667.73   668.08   667.73
        100     674.44   674.06   674.44   673.03   673.37   673.03
51      101     679.74   679.35   679.74   678.32   678.69   678.32
        102     685.06   684.67   685.06   683.62   683.98   683.62
52      103     690.36   689.96   690.36   688.95   689.27   688.95
        104     695.66   695.28   695.66   694.25   694.59   694.25
53      105     700.98   700.57   700.98   699.54   699.88   699.54
        106     706.28   705.90   706.28   704.84   705.20   704.84
54      107     711.61   711.22   711.61   710.14   710.50   710.14
        108     716.90   716.51   716.90   715.43   715.79   715.43
55      109     722.23   721.83   722.23   720.73   721.11   720.73
        110     727.53   727.12   727.53   726.03   726.40   726.03
56      111     732.82   732.44   732.82   731.32   731.72   731.32
        112     738.15   737.76   738.15   736.62   737.01   736.62
57      113     743.45   743.05   743.45   741.95   742.30   741.95
        114     748.78   748.37   748.78   747.24   747.62   747.24
58      115     754.07   753.66   754.07   752.54   752.91   752.54
        116     759.37   758.98   759.37   757.84   758.23   757.84
59      117     764.70   764.27   764.70   763.14   763.52   763.14
        118     769.99   769.59   769.99   768.43   768.81   768.43
60      119     775.32   774.91   775.32   773.73   774.13   773.73
        120     780.62   780.20   780.62   779.03   779.42   779.03
61      121     785.94   785.52   785.94   784.32   784.74   784.32
        122     791.24   790.81   791.24   789.62   790.03   789.62
62      123     796.54   796.13   796.54   794.92   795.32   794.92
        124     801.86   801.42   801.86   800.24   800.64   800.24
63      125     807.16   806.74   807.16   805.54   805.93   805.54
        126     812.49   812.06   812.49   810.84   811.25   810.84
64      127     817.79   817.35   817.79   816.13   816.54   816.13
        128     823.11   822.68   823.11   821.43   821.83   821.43
65      129     828.41   827.97   828.41   826.73   827.16   826.73
        130     833.71   833.29   833.71   832.03   832.45   832.03
66      131     839.03   838.58   839.03   837.32   837.77   837.32
        132     844.33   843.90   844.33   842.62   843.06   842.62
67      133     849.66   849.22   849.66   847.92   848.35   847.92
        134     854.95   854.51   854.95   853.21   853.67   853.21
68      135     860.25   859.83   860.25   858.51   858.96   858.51
        136     865.58   865.12   865.58   863.81   864.28   863.81
69      137     870.88   870.44   870.88   869.10   869.57   869.10
        138     876.20   875.73   876.20   874.43   874.86   874.43
70      139     881.50   881.05   881.50   879.73   880.18   879.73
        140     886.80   886.37   886.80   885.03   885.47   885.03
71      141     892.12   891.66   892.12   890.32   890.79   890.32
        142     897.42   896.98   897.42   895.62   896.08   895.62
72      143     902.75   902.27   902.75   900.92   901.37   900.92
        144     908.04   907.59   908.04   906.21   906.69   906.21
73      145     913.37   912.88   913.37   911.51   911.98   911.51
        146     918.67   918.20   918.67   916.81   917.27   916.81
74      147     923.96   923.49   923.96   922.10   922.59   922.10
        148     929.29   928.81   929.29   927.40   927.88   927.40
75      149     934.59   934.13   934.59   932.70   933.20   932.70
        150     939.92   939.43   939.92   937.99   938.49   937.99
76      151     945.21   944.75   945.21   943.32   943.79   943.32
        152     950.51   950.04   950.51   948.62   949.11   948.62
77      153     955.84   955.36   955.84   953.92   954.40   953.92
        154     961.13   960.65   961.13   959.21   959.72   959.21
78      155     966.46   965.97   966.46   964.51   965.01   964.51
        156     971.76   971.26   971.76   969.81   970.30   969.81
79      157     977.08   976.58   977.08   975.10   975.62   975.10
        158     982.38   981.90   982.38   980.40   980.91   980.40
80      159     987.68   987.19   987.68   985.70   986.23   985.70
        160     993.01   992.51   993.01   990.99   991.52   990.99
81      161     998.30   997.80   998.30   996.29   996.81   996.29
        162     1003.63  1003.12  1003.63  1001.59  1002.13  1001.59
82      163     1008.93  1008.41  1008.93  1006.88  1007.42  1006.88
        164     1014.22  1013.73  1014.22  1012.18  1012.74  1012.18
83      165     1019.55  1019.05  1019.55  1017.48  1018.03  1017.48
        166     1024.85  1024.34  1024.85  1022.78  1023.32  1022.78
84      167     1030.17  1029.66  1030.17  1028.10  1028.64  1028.10
        168     1035.47  1034.95  1035.47  1033.40  1033.93  1033.40
85      169     1040.77  1040.27  1040.77  1038.70  1039.25  1038.70
        170     1046.09  1045.56  1046.09  1043.99  1044.54  1043.99
86      171     1051.39  1050.88  1051.39  1049.29  1049.83  1049.29
        172     1056.72  1056.17  1056.72  1054.59  1055.15  1054.59
87      173     1062.01  1061.49  1062.01  1059.88  1060.44  1059.88
        174     1067.34  1066.82  1067.34  1065.18  1065.76  1065.18
88      175     1072.64  1072.11  1072.64  1070.48  1071.06  1070.48
        176     1077.94  1077.43  1077.94  1075.77  1076.35  1075.77
89      177     1083.26  1082.72  1083.26  1081.07  1081.67  1081.07
        178     1088.56  1088.04  1088.56  1086.37  1086.96  1086.37
90      179     1093.89  1093.33  1093.89  1091.67  1092.25  1091.67
        180     1099.18  1098.65  1099.18  1096.99  1097.57  1096.99
91      181     1104.48  1103.97  1104.48  1102.29  1102.86  1102.29
        182     1109.81  1109.26  1109.81  1107.59  1108.18  1107.59
92      183     1115.10  1114.58  1115.10  1112.88  1113.47  1112.88
        184     1120.40  1119.87  1120.40  1118.18  1118.76  1118.18
93      185     1125.73  1125.19  1125.73  1123.48  1124.08  1123.48
        186     1131.03  1130.48  1131.03  1128.77  1129.37  1128.77
94      187     1136.35  1135.80  1136.35  1134.07  1134.69  1134.07
        188     1141.65  1141.12  1141.65  1139.37  1139.98  1139.37
95      189     1146.95  1146.41  1146.95  1144.66  1145.27  1144.66
        190     1152.27  1151.73  1152.27  1149.96  1150.59  1149.96
96      191     1157.57  1157.02  1157.57  1155.26  1155.88  1155.26
        192     1162.90  1162.34  1162.90  1160.56  1161.20  1160.56
97      193     1168.19  1167.63  1168.19  1165.85  1166.49  1165.85
        194     1173.49  1172.95  1173.49  1171.15  1171.78  1171.15
98      195     1178.82  1178.24  1178.82  1176.48  1177.10  1176.48
        196     1184.11  1183.57  1184.11  1181.77  1182.39  1181.77
99      197     1189.44  1188.89  1189.44  1187.07  1187.72  1187.07
        198     1194.74  1194.18  1194.74  1192.37  1193.01  1192.37
100     199     1200.04  1199.50  1200.04  1197.66  1198.30  1197.66
        200     1205.36  1204.79  1205.36  1202.96  1203.62  1202.96
101     201     1210.66  1210.11  1210.66  1208.26  1208.91  1208.26
        202     1215.99  1215.40  1215.99  1213.56  1214.23  1213.56
102     203     1221.28  1220.72  1221.28  1218.85  1219.52  1218.85
        204     1226.58  1226.01  1226.58  1224.15  1224.81  1224.15
103     205     1231.91  1231.33  1231.91  1229.45  1230.13  1229.45
        206     1237.20  1236.65  1237.20  1234.74  1235.42  1234.74
104     207     1242.53  1241.94  1242.53  1240.04  1240.74  1240.04
        208     1247.83  1247.26  1247.83  1245.34  1246.03  1245.34
105     209     1253.13  1252.55  1253.13  1250.66  1251.32  1250.66
        210     1258.45  1257.87  1258.45  1255.96  1256.64  1255.96
106     211     1263.75  1263.16  1263.75  1261.26  1261.93  1261.26
        212     1269.08  1268.48  1269.08  1266.55  1267.25  1266.55
107     213     1274.37  1273.77  1274.37  1271.85  1272.54  1271.85
        214     1279.67  1279.09  1279.67  1277.15  1277.83  1277.15
108     215     1285.00  1284.38  1285.00  1282.45  1283.15  1282.45
        216     1290.29  1289.70  1290.29  1287.74  1288.44  1287.74
109     217     1295.62  1295.02  1295.62  1293.04  1293.76  1293.04
        218     1300.92  1300.32  1300.92  1298.34  1299.05  1298.34
110     219     1306.21  1305.64  1306.21  1303.63  1304.34  1303.63
        220     1311.54  1310.93  1311.54  1308.93  1309.67  1308.93
111     221     1316.84  1316.25  1316.84  1314.23  1314.96  1314.23
        222     1322.17  1321.54  1322.17  1319.52  1320.25  1319.52
112     223     1327.46  1326.86  1327.46  1324.82  1325.57  1324.82
        224     1332.76  1332.15  1332.76  1330.12  1330.86  1330.12
113     225     1338.09  1337.47  1338.09  1335.41  1336.18  1335.41
        226     1343.38  1342.79  1343.38  1340.71  1341.47  1340.71
114     227     1348.71  1348.08  1348.71  1346.01  1346.76  1346.01
        228     1354.01  1353.40  1354.01  1351.31  1352.08  1351.31
115     229     1359.30  1358.69  1359.30  1356.63  1357.37  1356.63
        230     1364.63  1364.01  1364.63  1361.93  1362.69  1361.93
116     231     1369.93  1369.30  1369.93  1367.23  1367.98  1367.23
        232     1375.25  1374.62  1375.25  1372.52  1373.27  1372.52
117     233     1380.55  1379.91  1380.55  1377.82  1378.59  1377.82
        234     1385.88  1385.23  1385.88  1383.12  1383.88  1383.12
118     235     1391.18  1390.55  1391.18  1388.41  1389.17  1388.41
        236     1396.47  1395.84  1396.47  1393.71  1394.49  1393.71
119     237     1401.80  1401.16  1401.80  1399.01  1399.78  1399.01
        238     1407.10  1406.45  1407.10  1404.31  1405.10  1404.31
120     239     1412.42  1411.77  1412.42  1409.60  1410.39  1409.60
        240     1417.72  1417.06  1417.72  1414.90  1415.68  1414.90
121     241     1423.05  1422.39  1423.05  1420.20  1421.00  1420.20
        242     1428.34  1427.68  1428.34  1425.49  1426.30  1425.49
122     243     1433.64  1433.00  1433.64  1430.79  1431.62  1430.79
        244     1438.97  1438.32  1438.97  1436.09  1436.91  1436.09
123     245     1444.27  1443.61  1444.27  1441.38  1442.20  1441.38
        246     1449.59  1448.93  1449.59  1446.68  1447.52  1446.68
124     247     1454.89  1454.22  1454.89  1451.98  1452.81  1451.98
        248     1460.22  1459.54  1460.22  1457.27  1458.13  1457.27
125     249     1465.51  1464.83  1465.51  1462.57  1463.42  1462.57
        250     1470.81  1470.15  1470.81  1467.87  1468.71  1467.87
126     251     1476.14  1475.44  1476.14  1473.17  1474.03  1473.17
        252     1481.43  1480.76  1481.43  1478.49  1479.32  1478.49
127     253     1486.76  1486.05  1486.76  1483.79  1484.61  1483.79
        254     1492.06  1491.37  1492.06  1489.09  1489.93  1489.09
128     255     1497.38  1496.69  1497.38  1494.38  1495.22  1494.38
        256     1502.68  1501.98  1502.68  1499.68  1500.54  1499.68
129     257     1508.01  1507.30  1508.01  1504.98  1505.83  1504.98
        258     1513.31  1512.59  1513.31  1510.27  1511.12  1510.27
130     259     1518.63  1517.91  1518.63  1515.57  1516.44  1515.57
        260     1523.93  1523.20  1523.93  1520.87  1521.73  1520.87
131     261     1529.26  1528.52  1529.26  1526.16  1527.05  1526.16
        262     1534.55  1533.81  1534.55  1531.46  1532.34  1531.46
132     263     1539.88  1539.14  1539.88  1536.76  1537.63  1536.76
        264     1545.18  1544.43  1545.18  1542.06  1542.96  1542.06
133     265     1550.50  1549.75  1550.50  1547.35  1548.25  1547.35
        266     1555.80  1555.07  1555.80  1552.65  1553.57  1552.65
134     267     1561.13  1560.36  1561.13  1557.95  1558.86  1557.95
        268     1566.43  1565.68  1566.43  1563.24  1564.15  1563.24
135     269     1571.75  1570.97  1571.75  1568.54  1569.47  1568.54
        270     1577.05  1576.29  1577.05  1573.84  1574.76  1573.84
136     271     1582.38  1581.58  1582.38  1579.13  1580.08  1579.13
        272     1587.67  1586.90  1587.67  1584.43  1585.37  1584.43
137     273     1593.00  1592.19  1593.00  1589.73  1590.66  1589.73
        274     1598.30  1597.51  1598.30  1595.03  1595.98  1595.03
138     275     1603.62  1602.80  1603.62  1600.32  1601.27  1600.32
        276     1608.92  1608.12  1608.92  1605.62  1606.59  1605.62
139     277     1614.25  1613.41  1614.25  1610.92  1611.88  1610.92
        278     1619.54  1618.73  1619.54  1616.21  1617.17  1616.21
140     279     1624.87  1624.05  1624.87  1621.51  1622.49  1621.51
        280     1630.17  1629.34  1630.17  1626.81  1627.78  1626.81
141     281     1635.50  1634.66  1635.50  1632.10  1633.07  1632.10
        282     1640.82  1639.95  1640.82  1637.40  1638.39  1637.40
142     283     1646.12  1645.27  1646.12  1642.70  1643.68  1642.70
        284     1651.45  1650.56  1651.45  1647.99  1649.00  1647.99
143     285     1656.74  1655.89  1656.74  1653.29  1654.29  1653.29
        286     1662.07  1661.18  1662.07  1658.59  1659.58  1658.59
144     287     1667.40  1666.50  1667.40  1663.89  1664.91  1663.89
        288     1672.69  1671.79  1672.69  1669.15  1670.20  1669.15
145     289     1678.02  1677.11  1678.02  1674.45  1675.52  1674.45
        290     1683.32  1682.40  1683.32  1679.75  1680.81  1679.75
146     291     1688.64  1687.72  1688.64  1685.04  1686.10  1685.04
        292     1693.97  1693.04  1693.97  1690.34  1691.42  1690.34
147     293     1699.27  1698.33  1699.27  1695.64  1696.71  1695.64
        294     1704.60  1703.65  1704.60  1700.93  1702.03  1700.93
148     295     1709.92  1708.94  1709.92  1706.23  1707.32  1706.23
        296     1715.22  1714.26  1715.22  1711.53  1712.61  1711.53

Table A2.  Spectrometer Line Shape.  Full-width Half-maximum.  Double Scan.

       Det. 1  Det. 2  Det. 3  Det. 4  Det. 5  Det. 6
1       6.33    6.24    6.33    6.30    6.24    6.30
2       6.33    6.24    6.33    6.30    6.21    6.30
3       6.33    6.24    6.33    6.33    6.24    6.33
4       6.33    6.27    6.33    6.33    6.24    6.33
5       6.36    6.24    6.36    6.33    6.21    6.33
6       6.33    6.27    6.33    6.33    6.24    6.33
7       6.36    6.27    6.36    6.33    6.24    6.33
8       6.36    6.27    6.36    6.33    6.24    6.33
9       6.36    6.27    6.36    6.33    6.24    6.33
10      6.39    6.27    6.39    6.33    6.27    6.33
11      6.36    6.27    6.36    6.33    6.24    6.33
12      6.39    6.27    6.39    6.36    6.27    6.36
13      6.36    6.27    6.36    6.36    6.27    6.36
14      6.39    6.27    6.39    6.36    6.27    6.36
15      6.36    6.30    6.36    6.36    6.27    6.36
16      6.39    6.27    6.39    6.36    6.27    6.36
17      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.39    6.27    6.39
18      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.39    6.27    6.39
19      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.39    6.27    6.39
20      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.39    6.27    6.39
21      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.36    6.30    6.36
22      6.39    6.30    6.39    6.36    6.27    6.36
23      6.39    6.33    6.39    6.39    6.30    6.39
24      6.42    6.30    6.42    6.39    6.30    6.39
25      6.42    6.33    6.42    6.39    6.27    6.39
26      6.42    6.33    6.42    6.39    6.30    6.39
27      6.42    6.33    6.42    6.39    6.30    6.39
28      6.42    6.33    6.42    6.39    6.30    6.39
29      6.45    6.33    6.45    6.39    6.30    6.39
30      6.42    6.33    6.42    6.42    6.30    6.42
31      6.45    6.33    6.45    6.42    6.30    6.42
32      6.45    6.33    6.45    6.42    6.30    6.42
33      6.45    6.33    6.45    6.42    6.30    6.42
34      6.45    6.36    6.45    6.42    6.30    6.42
35      6.48    6.33    6.48    6.42    6.33    6.42
36      6.45    6.36    6.45    6.42    6.30    6.42
37      6.48    6.33    6.48    6.45    6.33    6.45
38      6.48    6.36    6.48    6.45    6.33    6.45
39      6.48    6.36    6.48    6.45    6.30    6.45
40      6.48    6.36    6.48    6.45    6.33    6.45
41      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.42    6.30    6.42
42      6.48    6.36    6.48    6.42    6.33    6.42
43      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.42    6.33    6.42
44      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.42    6.33    6.42
45      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.45    6.33    6.45
46      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.45    6.33    6.45
47      6.54    6.39    6.54    6.45    6.33    6.45
48      6.51    6.36    6.51    6.45    6.33    6.45
49      6.54    6.39    6.54    6.45    6.33    6.45
50      6.57    6.36    6.57    6.45    6.33    6.45
51      6.54    6.39    6.54    6.45    6.33    6.45
52      6.57    6.39    6.57    6.48    6.33    6.48
53      6.57    6.39    6.57    6.48    6.33    6.48
54      6.60    6.39    6.60    6.48    6.36    6.48
55      6.57    6.39    6.57    6.48    6.33    6.48
56      6.60    6.39    6.60    6.51    6.36    6.51
57      6.63    6.42    6.63    6.51    6.33    6.51
58      6.60    6.39    6.60    6.51    6.33    6.51
59      6.63    6.39    6.63    6.54    6.36    6.54
60      6.63    6.42    6.63    6.54    6.33    6.54
61      6.66    6.39    6.66    6.54    6.36    6.54
62      6.66    6.42    6.66    6.54    6.36    6.54
63      6.66    6.39    6.66    6.54    6.33    6.54
64      6.69    6.42    6.69    6.54    6.36    6.54
65      6.66    6.42    6.66    6.57    6.33    6.57
66      6.69    6.42    6.69    6.57    6.36    6.57
67      6.72    6.42    6.72    6.57    6.36    6.57
68      6.72    6.42    6.72    6.57    6.36    6.57
69      6.72    6.42    6.72    6.57    6.36    6.57
70      6.72    6.45    6.72    6.60    6.33    6.60
71      6.75    6.42    6.75    6.60    6.36    6.60
72      6.75    6.45    6.75    6.60    6.36    6.60
73      6.75    6.42    6.75    6.60    6.36    6.60
74      6.78    6.42    6.78    6.60    6.36    6.60
75      6.81    6.45    6.81    6.63    6.36    6.63
76      6.78    6.42    6.78    6.63    6.36    6.63
77      6.81    6.45    6.81    6.63    6.36    6.63
78      6.84    6.45    6.84    6.63    6.36    6.63
79      6.84    6.45    6.84    6.63    6.36    6.63
80      6.84    6.45    6.84    6.66    6.39    6.66
81      6.84    6.45    6.84    6.66    6.36    6.66
82      6.87    6.45    6.87    6.69    6.36    6.69
83      6.90    6.48    6.90    6.69    6.39    6.69
84      6.87    6.45    6.87    6.69    6.36    6.69
85      6.90    6.48    6.90    6.72    6.39    6.72
86      6.93    6.48    6.93    6.72    6.36    6.72
87      6.90    6.48    6.90    6.72    6.36    6.72
88      6.93    6.48    6.93    6.72    6.39    6.72
89      6.96    6.45    6.96    6.75    6.36    6.75
90      6.96    6.48    6.96    6.75    6.39    6.75
91      6.96    6.48    6.96    6.75    6.39    6.75
92      6.99    6.48    6.99    6.75    6.39    6.75
93      6.99    6.48    6.99    6.78    6.39    6.78
94      7.02    6.48    7.02    6.78    6.36    6.78
95      6.99    6.48    6.99    6.78    6.39    6.78
96      7.02    6.51    7.02    6.78    6.39    6.78
97      7.05    6.48    7.05    6.78    6.39    6.78
98      7.05    6.51    7.05    6.81    6.39    6.81
99      7.08    6.51    7.08    6.81    6.39    6.81
100     7.08    6.51    7.08    6.84    6.39    6.84
101     7.08    6.51    7.08    6.84    6.39    6.84
102     7.11    6.51    7.11    6.87    6.39    6.87
103     7.14    6.51    7.14    6.87    6.39    6.87
104     7.11    6.54    7.11    6.87    6.39    6.87
105     7.14    6.51    7.14    6.87    6.39    6.87
106     7.17    6.54    7.17    6.90    6.39    6.90
107     7.17    6.54    7.17    6.90    6.42    6.90
108     7.20    6.54    7.20    6.90    6.39    6.90
109     7.20    6.54    7.20    6.93    6.42    6.93
110     7.20    6.54    7.20    6.93    6.39    6.93
111     7.23    6.54    7.23    6.93    6.39    6.93
112     7.26    6.54    7.26    6.93    6.42    6.93
113     7.26    6.54    7.26    6.96    6.39    6.96
114     7.29    6.54    7.29    6.99    6.42    6.99
115     7.29    6.54    7.29    6.99    6.42    6.99
116     7.32    6.54    7.32    6.99    6.39    6.99
117     7.32    6.57    7.32    7.02    6.42    7.02
118     7.35    6.54    7.35    7.02    6.39    7.02
119     7.38    6.57    7.38    7.02    6.42    7.02
120     7.38    6.57    7.38    7.02    6.42    7.02
121     7.38    6.57    7.38    7.05    6.42    7.05
122     7.41    6.57    7.41    7.05    6.42    7.05
123     7.41    6.57    7.41    7.05    6.42    7.05
124     7.44    6.57    7.44    7.08    6.42    7.08
125     7.47    6.60    7.47    7.11    6.42    7.11
126     7.50    6.57    7.50    7.11    6.42    7.11
127     7.50    6.60    7.50    7.11    6.42    7.11
128     7.53    6.60    7.53    7.14    6.42    7.14
129     7.53    6.60    7.53    7.14    6.42    7.14
130     7.56    6.60    7.56    7.14    6.42    7.14
131     7.56    6.63    7.56    7.14    6.45    7.14
132     7.59    6.60    7.59    7.17    6.42    7.17
133     7.62    6.63    7.62    7.20    6.45    7.20
134     7.65    6.60    7.65    7.20    6.42    7.20
135     7.65    6.63    7.65    7.23    6.42    7.23
136     7.68    6.63    7.68    7.23    6.45    7.23
137     7.71    6.63    7.71    7.23    6.42    7.23
138     7.74    6.63    7.74    7.23    6.45    7.23
139     7.74    6.66    7.74    7.26    6.45    7.26
140     7.77    6.63    7.77    7.29    6.42    7.29
141     7.77    6.66    7.77    7.29    6.45    7.29
142     7.80    6.63    7.80    7.32    6.42    7.32
143     7.83    6.66    7.83    7.32    6.45    7.32
144     7.83    6.66    7.83    7.32    6.45    7.32
145     7.86    6.66    7.86    7.35    6.45    7.35
146     7.89    6.66    7.89    7.38    6.45    7.38
147     7.92    6.69    7.92    7.38    6.45    7.38
148     7.95    6.66    7.95    7.41    6.45    7.41
149     7.98    6.69    7.98    7.41    6.45    7.41
150     7.98    6.69    7.98    7.41    6.45    7.41
151     8.01    6.69    8.01    7.44    6.45    7.44
152     8.04    6.69    8.04    7.47    6.45    7.47
153     8.07    6.69    8.07    7.47    6.45    7.47
154     8.10    6.69    8.10    7.50    6.45    7.50
155     8.13    6.72    8.13    7.50    6.48    7.50
156     8.13    6.69    8.13    7.50    6.45    7.50
157     8.16    6.72    8.16    7.56    6.48    7.56
158     8.19    6.72    8.19    7.56    6.45    7.56
159     8.22    6.72    8.22    7.56    6.45    7.56
160     8.25    6.72    8.25    7.59    6.48    7.59
161     8.28    6.75    8.28    7.62    6.45    7.62
162     8.31    6.72    8.31    7.65    6.48    7.65
163     8.31    6.75    8.31    7.65    6.48    7.65
164     8.34    6.72    8.34    7.65    6.48    7.65
165     8.37    6.75    8.37    7.68    6.48    7.68
166     8.40    6.75    8.40    7.71    6.48    7.71
167     8.43    6.75    8.43    7.74    6.48    7.74
168     8.46    6.75    8.46    7.74    6.48    7.74
169     8.49    6.78    8.49    7.74    6.48    7.74
170     8.52    6.78    8.52    7.80    6.48    7.80
171     8.55    6.78    8.55    7.80    6.48    7.80
172     8.55    6.81    8.55    7.83    6.48    7.83
173     8.58    6.78    8.58    7.86    6.48    7.86
174     8.61    6.81    8.61    7.86    6.51    7.86
175     8.67    6.81    8.67    7.89    6.48    7.89
176     8.70    6.81    8.70    7.89    6.51    7.89
177     8.73    6.81    8.73    7.95    6.48    7.95
178     8.76    6.81    8.76    7.95    6.48    7.95
179     8.79    6.81    8.79    7.98    6.51    7.98
180     8.82    6.84    8.82    8.01    6.48    8.01
181     8.85    6.81    8.85    8.01    6.51    8.01
182     8.88    6.84    8.88    8.04    6.51    8.04
183     8.91    6.84    8.91    8.04    6.48    8.04
184     8.94    6.84    8.94    8.10    6.51    8.10
185     9.00    6.84    9.00    8.10    6.51    8.10
186     9.03    6.87    9.03    8.13    6.51    8.13
187     9.06    6.84    9.06    8.16    6.51    8.16
188     9.09    6.87    9.09    8.19    6.51    8.19
189     9.12    6.90    9.12    8.19    6.51    8.19
190     9.15    6.87    9.15    8.25    6.51    8.25
191     9.18    6.90    9.18    8.25    6.51    8.25
192     9.21    6.90    9.21    8.28    6.51    8.28
193     9.27    6.90    9.27    8.31    6.54    8.31
194     9.30    6.90    9.30    8.34    6.51    8.34
195     9.33    6.93    9.33    8.34    6.54    8.34
196     9.36    6.90    9.36    8.40    6.54    8.40
197     9.39    6.93    9.39    8.40    6.51    8.40
198     9.42    6.93    9.42    8.46    6.54    8.46
199     9.48    6.93    9.48    8.46    6.51    8.46
200     9.51    6.93    9.51    8.49    6.54    8.49
201     9.54    6.96    9.54    8.52    6.54    8.52
202     9.57    6.96    9.57    8.55    6.51    8.55
203     9.60    6.96    9.60    8.61    6.54    8.61
204     9.66    6.99    9.66    8.61    6.54    8.61
205     9.69    6.96    9.69    8.64    6.54    8.64
206     9.72    6.99    9.72    8.67    6.54    8.67
207     9.75    6.99    9.75    8.70    6.57    8.70
208     9.78    6.99    9.78    8.73    6.54    8.73
209     9.84    6.99    9.84    8.76    6.54    8.76
210     9.87    7.02    9.87    8.82    6.54    8.82
211     9.93    6.99    9.93    8.82    6.54    8.82
212     9.96    7.02    9.96    8.85    6.57    8.85
213     10.00   7.05    10.00   8.88    6.54    8.88
214     10.06   7.02    10.06   8.91    6.57    8.91
215     10.09   7.05    10.09   8.97    6.57    8.97
216     10.12   7.05    10.12   8.97    6.54    8.97
217     10.15   7.05    10.15   9.03    6.57    9.03
218     10.21   7.05    10.21   9.06    6.57    9.06
219     10.24   7.08    10.24   9.09    6.57    9.09
220     10.30   7.08    10.30   9.12    6.57    9.12
221     10.33   7.08    10.33   9.18    6.57    9.18
222     10.39   7.11    10.39   9.18    6.57    9.18
223     10.42   7.08    10.42   9.24    6.57    9.24
224     10.45   7.11    10.45   9.27    6.57    9.27
225     10.48   7.11    10.48   9.30    6.57    9.30
226     10.54   7.11    10.54   9.33    6.60    9.33
227     10.60   7.11    10.60   9.39    6.57    9.39
228     10.63   7.14    10.63   9.42    6.60    9.42
229     10.69   7.14    10.69   9.45    6.60    9.45
230     10.72   7.14    10.72   9.51    6.57    9.51
231     10.75   7.17    10.75   9.54    6.60    9.54
232     10.78   7.14    10.78   9.57    6.60    9.57
233     10.84   7.17    10.84   9.60    6.60    9.60
234     10.90   7.20    10.90   9.66    6.60    9.66
235     10.93   7.20    10.93   9.72    6.57    9.72
236     10.96   7.20    10.96   9.72    6.60    9.72
237     11.02   7.20    11.02   9.78    6.60    9.78
238     11.05   7.23    11.05   9.84    6.60    9.84
239     11.11   7.20    11.11   9.87    6.60    9.87
240     11.17   7.23    11.17   9.93    6.63    9.93
241     11.20   7.26    11.20   9.93    6.60    9.93
242     11.23   7.23    11.23   10.00   6.60    10.00
243     11.29   7.26    11.29   10.06   6.63    10.06
244     11.32   7.26    11.32   10.09   6.60    10.09
245     11.38   7.26    11.38   10.15   6.63    10.15
246     11.41   7.29    11.41   10.18   6.63    10.18
247     11.47   7.29    11.47   10.21   6.63    10.21
248     11.50   7.32    11.50   10.27   6.63    10.27
249     11.53   7.29    11.53   10.33   6.60    10.33
250     11.62   7.32    11.62   10.39   6.63    10.39
251     11.65   7.35    11.65   10.42   6.63    10.42
252     11.68   7.32    11.68   10.48   6.63    10.48
253     11.74   7.35    11.74   10.54   6.63    10.54
254     11.77   7.35    11.77   10.54   6.66    10.54
255     11.80   7.38    11.80   10.60   6.63    10.60
256     11.89   7.38    11.89   10.66   6.63    10.66
257     11.92   7.38    11.92   10.72   6.66    10.72
258     11.95   7.41    11.95   10.75   6.63    10.75
259     12.01   7.38    12.01   10.81   6.66    10.81
260     12.04   7.41    12.04   10.87   6.66    10.87
261     12.10   7.44    12.10   10.93   6.66    10.93
262     12.13   7.41    12.13   10.99   6.66    10.99
263     12.19   7.44    12.19   11.02   6.66    11.02
264     12.22   7.44    12.22   11.08   6.66    11.08
265     12.25   7.47    12.25   11.14   6.66    11.14
266     12.31   7.47    12.31   11.20   6.69    11.20
267     12.37   7.47    12.37   11.23   6.66    11.23
268     12.40   7.50    12.40   11.29   6.69    11.29
269     12.46   7.53    12.46   11.35   6.66    11.35
270     12.49   7.50    12.49   11.41   6.66    11.41
271     12.52   7.53    12.52   11.47   6.69    11.47
272     12.58   7.53    12.58   11.53   6.66    11.53
273     12.64   7.53    12.64   11.56   6.69    11.56
274     12.67   7.56    12.67   11.62   6.69    11.62
275     12.73   7.56    12.73   11.68   6.69    11.68
276     12.76   7.59    12.76   11.74   6.69    11.74
277     12.79   7.59    12.79   11.80   6.69    11.80
278     12.85   7.59    12.85   11.86   6.69    11.86
279     12.88   7.62    12.88   11.89   6.69    11.89
280     12.94   7.62    12.94   11.95   6.72    11.95
281     13.00   7.62    13.00   12.01   6.69    12.01
282     13.03   7.65    13.03   12.07   6.72    12.07
283     13.06   7.65    13.06   12.13   6.72    12.13
284     13.12   7.68    13.12   12.19   6.72    12.19
285     13.15   7.68    13.15   12.25   6.72    12.25
286     13.18   7.68    13.18   12.28   6.72    12.28
287     13.27   7.71    13.27   12.37   6.72    12.37
288     13.30   7.74    13.30   12.43   6.72    12.43
289     13.33   7.71    13.33   12.49   6.75    12.49
290     13.39   7.74    13.39   12.55   6.72    12.55
291     13.42   7.77    13.42   12.61   6.75    12.61
292     13.45   7.77    13.45   12.67   6.72    12.67
293     13.51   7.77    13.51   12.70   6.72    12.70
294     13.54   7.80    13.54   12.76   6.75    12.76
295     13.57   7.80    13.57   12.82   6.72    12.82
296     13.63   7.83    13.63   12.88   6.75    12.88