PDS_VERSION_ID          = PDS3
RECORD_TYPE             = STREAM
OBJECT                  = TEXT
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 1999-05-14
  NOTE                  = "Information on spatial editing using detector
END_OBJECT              = TEXT

The TES onboard Data Editor aggregates the spectral data from the six
detectors, in order to reduce the total amount of data to be downlinked.
Data editing is performed according to the Detector and Spectral Masks
specified by the sequence. Detector masks are applied prior to spectral

The detector mask is applied to combine the data in the spatial domain.
Depending on the mask selected, data from different detectors are combined
(added). This computation is done in-place, with the data from higher
numbered spectral buffers being added into the lower numbered buffers.
After application of the detector mask one or more spectral buffers will
contain data, while one or more buffers will be empty.

The detectors make up an array three detectors wide by two detectors tall.
Detectors are numbered from left to right across the array, starting with
1 in the upper left, ending with 6 in the lower right. There are eight 
detector masks.

Mask 0          no data
Mask 1          all detectors co-added
Mask 2          no data detectors 1,3,4,6; detectors 2 and 5 co-added
Mask 3          no data detectors 1,3,4,6; detector 2; detector 5
Mask 4          detectors 1 and 3 co-added; detectors 2 and 5 co-added;
                        detectors 4 and 6 co-added
Mask 5          detectors 1 and 4 co-added; detectors 2 and 5 co-added;
                        detectors 3 and 6 co-added
Mask 6          detectors 1 and 4 co-added; detector 2; detector 5;
                        detectors 3 and 6 co-added
Mask 7          data from all detectors - no co-adding