NAME = OBS COLUMNS = 20 ROW_BYTES = 42 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PRIMARY_KEYS = ( "SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT" ) DESCRIPTION = " The OBS table stores the state of the instrument at the start of each observation. One OBS record is generated for each observation." OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = sclk_time DESCRIPTION = "The value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of the observation" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = ORBIT_NUMBER DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 5 BYTES = 2 ALIAS_NAME = orbit DESCRIPTION = "The project supplied orbit number." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = ORBIT_COUNTER_KEEPER DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 7 BYTES = 2 ALIAS_NAME = ock DESCRIPTION = "Sequential count of the number of orbital revolutions since orbit insertion. This number is identical to the project supplied orbit number up until the first time it is reset to zero." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = INSTRUMENT_TIME_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 9 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = ick DESCRIPTION = "The number of two-second intervals that have elapsed since the start of the orbit. The two-second interval is the smallest time unit defined by the instrument and equals the time to complete a single length scan." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TEMPORAL_AVERAGE_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 13 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = tic DESCRIPTION = "The number of two-second scans averaged into this observation. Valid values are 1, 2 and 4" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MIRROR_POINTING_ANGLE DATA_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER START_BYTE = 14 BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = .046875 ALIAS_NAME = pnt_angle DESCRIPTION = "Scan mirror pointing angle, degrees from nadir about the spacecraft's +Y axis." UNIT = "DEGREE" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = IMC_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 16 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = pnt_imc DESCRIPTION = "The number of image motion compensation steps used." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = OBSERVATION_TYPE DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 17 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = pnt_view DESCRIPTION = "The observation classification. Coarsely identifies the type of observation as one of the following: B=Internal black body reference surface, 1=Visual Bolometer calibration lamp 1, 2=Visual Bolometer calibration lamp 2, D=Planet, Day side, N=Planet, Night side, L=Planet, limb, S=Space" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCAN_LENGTH DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 18 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = scan_len DESCRIPTION = "Length of scan 1 = single length scans (~10 wavenumber spacing), 2 = double length scans (~5 wavenumber spacing)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DATA_PACKET_TYPE DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 19 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = pckt_type DESCRIPTION = "Downlink packet format S = short packets (no auxiliary telemetry) L = long packets (auxiliary telemetry included)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SCHEDULE_TYPE DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 20 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = schedule_type DESCRIPTION = "Schedule type being executed: T = Real time plan, C = Record plan, O = Overlay" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPECTROMETER_GAIN DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 21 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = spc_gain DESCRIPTION = "Spectrometer amplifier gain channel number, 1 = ~1 2 = ~2 3 = ~4 4 = ~8" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = VISUAL_BOLOMETER_GAIN DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 22 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = vbol_gain DESCRIPTION = "Visual bolometer amplifier gain setting, L = Low setting, H = High setting" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = THERMAL_BOLOMETER_GAIN DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 23 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = tbol_gain DESCRIPTION = "Thermal bolometer amplifier gain setting, L = Low setting, H = High setting" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PREPROCESSOR_DETECTOR_NUMBER DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 24 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = comp_pp DESCRIPTION = "Precompressor reference detector number. The spectrum from each detector within a single ICK is subtracted from the spectrum of this detector prior to data compression to reduce signal entropy" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = DETECTOR_MASK DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 25 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = det_mask DESCRIPTION = "Spatial detector mask number, one of eight possible combinations in which the spectra from the six TES detectors can be co-added prior to transmission to Earth. Varies from no combination (all detectors separate) to all detectors co-added into a single spectrum. See detmask.txt for more details." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 26 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = class DESCRIPTION = "Numeric classification of intended target. See ancillary Class table for specific values" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = OBSERVATION_QUALITY DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 30 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = quality DESCRIPTION = "32-bit observation quality word. Bits TBD. This field is not used in this release." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRIMARY_DIAGNOSTIC_TEMPERATURES DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 34 BYTES = 8 ITEMS = 4 ITEM_BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = 0.01 ALIAS_NAME = temps DESCRIPTION = "Primary diagnostic temperatures: temps[1] = T1 = Visual Bolometer Detector Package temps[2] = T2 = Thermal Bolometer Detector Package temps[3] = T3 = Spectrometer Detector Package temps[4] = T4 = Thermal Bolometer Black Body Reference" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FFT_START_INDEX DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 42 BYTES = 1 ALIAS_NAME = fft_start_index DESCRIPTION = "This parameter specifies the index into the FFT output array that was used as the first band of the downlinked spectral range." END_OBJECT = COLUMN