PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001-07-01 NOTE = "User documentation for vanilla software." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Vanilla User Guide 1.0 Introduction The vanilla program is a command line program that reads the binary TES TSDR file format, correlates data between the various tables, and outputs the data as columns of ASCII values. Vanilla can also search the data for records that match a user specified criteria. Vanilla uses a dataset.lst file to identify the data files it is to work with, and treats those files as a set of tables constituting a relational database. Each table contains several columns of data, and records are related from table to table by having the same values in key columns. 2.0 Usage The usage for vanilla is: vanilla directory -fields "col1 col2 ..." -select "select1 select2 ..." The meaning of each of the arguments is explained below. directory This argument is required and must be the absolute or relative path to a directory containing a dataset.lst file. -fields "col1 col2 ..." This argument is required and identifies the table columns to output. The list of columns must be presented as a single string, and so, must be enclosed in quotes if more than one column is given. A brief list of the column names are given in Appendix A.1 below; detailed information for each column, including a complete description, can be found in the TES TSDR Data Archive SIS, or in the individual .fmt files located with the data. The format of a column identifier is: table.column[index] Where the 'table' and '[index]' portions are optional. Column identifiers are separated by spaces, so no spaces are allowed within a column identifier. The table prefix is only necessary when multiple tables contain columns with the same name (such as key columns). If the table prefix is not specified, the first table listed in the dataset.lst file that contains the named column is assumed. It is possible for some columns in PDS tables to be specified as containing an array of homogeneous data elements. For these array columns, the optional [index] is used to specifies which element(s) of the array to extract. The index can be a single number, indicating a single element of the array, or a range of numbers (specified by [low:high]), indicating multiple consecutive elements. If the user specifies the name of an array column and does not specify an index or leaves it blank (eg: column[]), the entire array is output. Some columns are composed of multiple bit fields. If only the bit column is specified, the entire "bit word" is output as an integer number; in most cases, this is probably not desirable. To extract a single bit field, the column should be specified by column:bit_column. All variable length arrays require at least an empty index (ie: name[]). Leaving off the index extracts the variable length data pointer, (the position of the variable length data in its file). If columns from multiple tables are specified, an inner join is performed between all the tables involved and only those records that exist in all of the tables specified are output. -select "select1 select2 ..." This argument is optional and specifies a selection criteria that a record must meet before it is output. Like the -fields argument, all the selection criteria must be presented to vanilla as a single string and so must be enclosed in quotes. The format for a selection is as follows: table.column[index] lowvalue highvalue Like the -fields options, the 'table' and '[index]' portions are optional and carry the same meaning, however with or without the '[index]' portion, the column identifier must specify only a single data element (e.g: the [low:high] format for index is not allowed, and omitting the index is not allowed for arrays). The low_value and high_value portions of the selection specify a range that the column value must lie within before a record is output. Records that don't meet all the selection criteria discarded. The ranges are inclusive; a value must satisfy the following relation for the record to be considered for output: lowvalue <= column value <= highvalue If the column contains a character value, the comparison is lexigraphical. 3.0 Examples The following command extract the derived target temperature for each detector, with the latitude and longitude of the center of the detector: vanilla . -fields "target_temperature detector latitude longitude" The '.' means the current directory. To perform the same search but limit the output to those observations with a phase angle of less than 45 degrees, and within +/- 20 degrees of isidis planitia (lon 270, lat 15): vanilla . -fields "target_temperature detector latitude longitude" \ -select "phase_angle 0 45 longitude 250 290 latitude -5 35" The TES spectra are stored in an array. You can extract a portion of the array or the whole thing by using the range operator [low:hi] after the field name. The following command extracts all the spectra in the area around isidis major, where the target temperature was above 240 degrees Kelvin: vanilla . -fields "detector latitude longitude calibrated_radiance[]" \ -select "target_temperature 240 999 longitude 250 290 latitude -5 35" The [] are necessary for fields that are variable length arrays. Otherwise you get a single value, a pointer to the array, which is probably not what you want. The following command performs the same search but limits the output to those observations where the solar panels were not moving (quality code value=1): vanilla . -fields "detector latitude longitude calibrated_radiance[]" \ -select "target_temperature 240 999 longitude 250 290 \ latitude -5 35 quality:solar_panel_motion 1 1" 4.0 System Specifics A version of vanilla has been developed for use under Windows 95/98. It is run from the command line of a MS-DOS window. The default MS-DOS command line is only 127 characters, so entering long vanilla commands may be difficult. There are 2 methods that will allow you to enter longer commands: 1) Enter the command into a .BAT file and run the file. 2) Modify the parameters on your MS-DOS prompt window to run the command.com with the parameter /u:250. To do this under windows '95, right click on the title bar of a MS-DOS prompt, and select Parameters from the menu. Add /u:250 to the end of the "Cmd line" box and click on OK. Close and restart the MS-DOS window. A. Appendix A.1 Column Name Table Column Name FMT File AEROSOL_OPACITY_PROFILE_LIMB LMB.FMT AEROSOL_OPACITY_SPECTRUM_LIMB LMB.FMT AEROSOL_SNG_SCAT_ALB_SPECTRUM LMB.FMT AEROSOL_SNG_SCAT_PRES_LEVEL_IND LMB.FMT ATMOSPHERIC_CALIBRATION_ID ATM.FMT AUXILIARY_DIAGNOSTIC_TEMPS TLM.FMT BOLOMETRIC_BRIGHTNESS_TEMP BOL.FMT BOLOMETRIC_THERMAL_INERTIA BOL.FMT CALIBRATED_RADIANCE RAD.FMT CALIBRATED_VISUAL_BOLOMETER BOL.FMT CO2_DOWNWELLING_FLUX ATM.FMT CO2_CONTINUUM_TEMP ATM.FMT COMPRESSION_MODE RAD.FMT DATA_PACKET_TYPE OBS.FMT DETECTOR_MASK OBS.FMT DETECTOR_NUMBER BOL.FMT DETECTOR_NUMBER CMP.FMT DETECTOR_NUMBER GEO.FMT DETECTOR_NUMBER IFG.FMT DETECTOR_NUMBER RAD.FMT DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE RAD.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_1 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_2 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_3 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_4 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_5 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_6 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_7 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_8 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_9 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_10 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_11 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_12 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_13 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_14 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_15 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_16 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_17 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_18 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_19 TLM.FMT DIAGNOSTIC_TELEMETRY_20 TLM.FMT EMISSION_ANGLE GEO.FMT EPHEMERIS_TIME POS.FMT FFT_COMPLEX_DATA CMP.FMT FFT_START_INDEX OBS.FMT GEOMETRY_CALIBRATION_ID GEO.FMT IMC_COUNT OBS.FMT INCIDENCE_ANGLE GEO.FMT INSTRUMENT_TIME_COUNT OBS.FMT INTERFEROGRAM_DATA IFG.FMT INTERFEROGRAM_END TLM.FMT INTERFEROGRAM_MAXIMUM TLM.FMT INTERFEROGRAM_MINIMUM TLM.FMT INTERFEROGRAM_ZPD TLM.FMT LAMBERT_ALBEDO BOL.FMT LATITUDE GEO.FMT LIMB_PARAMETERS_QUALITY LMB.FMT LIMB_TEMPERATURE_PROFILE LMB.FMT LOCAL_TIME GEO.FMT LONGITUDE GEO.FMT MIRROR_POINTING_ANGLE OBS.FMT NADIR_OPACITY ATM.FMT NADIR_OPACITY_RESIDUAL ATM.FMT NADIR_TEMPERATURE_PROFILE ATM.FMT NEON_AMPLITUDE TLM.FMT NEON_GAIN TLM.FMT NEON_LAMP TLM.FMT NEON_ZPD TLM.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:CLASSIFICATION_VALUE OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:INTENDED_TARGET OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:MISSION_PHASE OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:NEON_LAMP_STATUS OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:SPARE OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TES_SEQUENCE OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TIMING_ACCURACY OBS.FMT OBSERVATION_TYPE OBS.FMT ONBOARD_PROCESSING_EVENT_LOG TLM.FMT ORBIT_COUNTER_KEEPER OBS.FMT ORBIT_NUMBER OBS.FMT PHASE_ANGLE GEO.FMT PLANETARY_ANGULAR_RADIUS GEO.FMT PLANETARY_PHASE_ANGLE GEO.FMT POSITION_SOURCE_ID POS.FMT PREPROCESSOR_DETECTOR_NUMBER OBS.FMT PRIMARY_DIAGNOSTIC_TEMPERATURES OBS.FMT QUALITY BOL.FMT QUALITY OBS.FMT QUALITY RAD.FMT QUALITY:ALGOR_PATCH OBS.FMT QUALITY:ALGOR_RISK RAD.FMT QUALITY:ATMOSPHERIC_OPACITY_RATING ATM.FMT QUALITY:BOLOMETRIC_INERTIA_RATING BOL.FMT QUALITY:CALIBRATION_QUALITY RAD.FMT QUALITY:EQUALIZATION_TABLE OBS.FMT QUALITY:DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM RAD.FMT QUALITY:HGA_MOTION OBS.FMT QUALITY:IMC_PATCH OBS.FMT QUALITY:MAJOR_PHASE_INVERSION RAD.FMT QUALITY:MOMENTUM_DESATURATION OBS.FMT QUALITY:SOLAR_PANEL_MOTION OBS.FMT QUALITY:SPECTRAL_INERTIA_RATING RAD.FMT QUALITY:SPECTROMETER_NOISE RAD.FMT QUALITY:TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RATING ATM.FMT RADIANCE_CALIBRATION_ID RAD.FMT RAW_RADIANCE RAD.FMT RAW_THERMAL_BOLOMETER BOL.FMT RAW_VISUAL_BOLOMETER BOL.FMT SCAN_LENGTH OBS.FMT SCHEDULE_TYPE OBS.FMT SOLAR_DISTANCE GEO.FMT SOLAR_LONGITUDE GEO.FMT SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE GEO.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT ATM.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT BOL.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT CMP.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT GEO.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT IFG.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT LMB.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT OBS.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT POS.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT RAD.FMT SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT TLM.FMT SPACECRAFT_POSITION POS.FMT SPACECRAFT_QUATERNION POS.FMT SPECTRAL_MASK RAD.FMT SPECTRAL_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE ATM.FMT SPECTRAL_THERMAL_INERTIA RAD.FMT SPECTROMETER_GAIN OBS.FMT SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE GEO.FMT SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE GEO.FMT SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE GEO.FMT SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE GEO.FMT SUN_POSITION POS.FMT SURFACE_PRESSURE ATM.FMT SURFACE_RADIANCE ATM.FMT SURFACE_RAD_SPECTRUM_UNCERTAINTY LMB.FMT TARGET_ALTITUDE GEO.FMT TARGET_DISTANCE GEO.FMT TARGET_TEMPERATURE RAD.FMT TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RESIDUAL ATM.FMT TEMPORAL_AVERAGE_COUNT OBS.FMT TEMPORAL_INTEGRATION_SCAN_NUMBER BOL.FMT THERMAL_BOL_CALIBRATION_ID BOL.FMT THERMAL_BOLOMETER_GAIN OBS.FMT TOTAL_DOWNWELLING_FLUX ATM.FMT VISUAL_BOL_CALIBRATION_ID BOL.FMT VISUAL_BOLOMETER_GAIN OBS.FMT