NAME = ATM COLUMNS = 13 ROW_BYTES = 130 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PRIMARY_KEY = ( "SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT" ) DESCRIPTION = " The ATM table contains temperature profiles, aerosol opacities, and related elements derived from the TES calibrated data. Derived values are based on the average spectra of all six detectors measured while TES is operating in the nadir observation mode. Only data with the following quality flags are included for atmospheric evaluation: RAD.QUALITY:MAJOR_PHASE_INVERSION = 0; RAD.QUALITY:SPECTROMETER_NOISE = 0-1; RAD.QUALITY:DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM = 0. Observations that target a body other than Mars (e.g., Phobos and Deimos), or do not include Mars in the field of view, do not have correlating data in this table. The ATM:QUALITY product contains information on the quality of the calculated quantities (see DOCUMENT/QUALITY.TXT for more information). Users should also be aware of the following data quality issues: Significant problems in temperature retrieval are known to occur over topographic highs, e.g., the Tharsis volcanos. Over regions of high surface temperature, retrieved atmospheric temperatures in the lowest scale height may be inaccurate. However, large RMS radiance residuals (TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RESIDUAL) usually occur in these cases. TES collects data in either of two spectral resolution modes: 'double scan' and 'single scan' (see DATA/WAVNUMDS.TAB and DATA/WAVNUMSS.TAB for specific wavenumbers). We have observed that the RMS radiance residual values (TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RESIDUAL) associated with the double scan mode temperature profiles are higher than those associated with the single scan mode data. However, there appears to be no bias or other distortion present in the two sets of profiles that is outside of the expected temperature uncertainty of ~2K. Negative dust and water ice opacity values (NADIR_OPACITY[1:2]) are known to exist even for data with a QUALITY:ATM_OPACITY_RATING equal to zero. The estimated uncertainty for any one retrieval of aerosol optical depth is about +/- 0.05. Therefore, we have chosen to include all retrieved NADIR_OPACITY[1:2] values greater than -0.05. A retrieved optical depth in the range 0 to -0.05 is consistent with an actual optical depth of zero. Additionally, we require that the retrieved CO2 optical depth (NADIR_OPACITY[3]) be in the range -0.01 to 0.05 for QUALITY:ATM_OPACITY_RATING to be zero. A retrieved CO2 optical depth greater than 0.05 is unphysical and an optical depth in the range 0 to -0.01 is consistent with zero. No constraints or quality checks are make for the basalt surface component (NADIR_OPACITY[4]). The opacity algorithm fails when the thermal contrast between the atmosphere and the ground is too small. Experience indicates that results may be unreliable if the surface temperature drops below about 220K. We suggest that opacity users limit their searches to include only those values for which the CO2_CONTINUUM_TEMP is greater than 220K, and the quality bits QUALITY:TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RATING and QUALITY:ATMOSPHERIC_OPACITY_RATING are both equal to zero. Further discussion of the values in this table is available in DOCUMENT/PROCESS; questions about the content of the data should be directed to Michael Smith at or John Pearl at" OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = sclk_time DESCRIPTION = "The value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of the observation" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SURFACE_PRESSURE DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 5 BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = 0.001 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = srf_pressure DESCRIPTION = "Surface pressure is calculated from the altitudes given by the MGS-Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) 1/4 degree x 1/4 degree topographic map, the hydrostatic law assuming a 10 km scale height, and an adjustment for the seasonal CO2 sublimation cycle. Proper normalization is obtained by fitting the pressures observed by the Viking and Pathfinder landers. For more information, see DOCUMENT/PROCESS." UNIT = "mbar x1000" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = NADIR_TEMPERATURE_PROFILE DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 7 BYTES = 76 ITEMS = 38 ITEM_BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = 0.01 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = nadir_pt DESCRIPTION = "Array of temperatures from nadir observations corresponding to the 38 atmopsheric pressure levels, given in millibars, shown below. The fill value (NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT) is inserted when (1) the temperature retrieval fails, or (2) the pressure either exceeds the local surface pressure, or is less than 0.1 mbar. 1: 16.5815200 2: 12.9137000 3: 10.0572000 4: 7.8325550 5: 6.1000000 6: 4.7506850 7: 3.6998370 8: 2.8814360 9: 2.2440650 10: 1.7476790 11: 1.3610940 12: 1.0600210 13: 0.8255452 14: 0.6429352 15: 0.5007185 16: 0.3899599 17: 0.3037011 18: 0.2365227 19: 0.1842040 20: 0.1434582 21: 0.1117254 22: 0.0870000 23: 0.0678000 24: 0.0528000 25: 0.0411000 26: 0.0320000 27: 0.0249000 28: 0.0194000 29: 0.0151000 30: 0.0118000 31: 0.0091700 32: 0.0071400 33: 0.0055600 34: 0.0043300 35: 0.0033700 36: 0.0026300 37: 0.0020500 38: 0.0015900" UNIT = "degK x100" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CO2_CONTINUUM_TEMP DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 83 BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = 0.01 ALIAS_NAME = co2_cont_temp DESCRIPTION = "Mean of brightness temperature just outside the wings of the 667 cm-1 CO2 absorption band. For 10 cm-1 and 5 cm-1 data, all wavenumbers between 508 to 531 cm-1 and 805 to 827 cm-1 are used with a total of 6 and 10 wavenumbers used in the calculation, respectively." UNIT = "degK x100" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPECTRAL_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BYTE = 85 BYTES = 2 UNIT = "degK x100" SCALING_FACTOR = 0.01 ALIAS_NAME = srf_temp_est DESCRIPTION = "Mean of derived temperatures for each detector of the observed target." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RESIDUAL DATA_TYPE = IEEE_REAL START_BYTE = 87 BYTES = 4 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = rms_pt DESCRIPTION = "RMS difference between radiances measured within the 667 cm-1 CO2 band, and the radiances calculated within that band using the derived pressure- temperature profile." UNIT = "watts cm-2 steradian-1 wavenumber-1" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = NADIR_OPACITY DATA_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER START_BYTE = 91 BYTES = 18 ITEMS = 9 ITEM_BYTES = 2 SCALING_FACTOR = 0.001 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 22.22 ALIAS_NAME = best_fit_opacities DESCRIPTION = "Array of scaling factors that when multiplied by standard spectral shapes gives a best fit for aerosol opacities, CO2 hot and isotope bands, and a reference surface spectral emissivity. The standard spectral shapes are archived in DATA/STDSHAPES.TAB. Spectral shapes represented in array elements: 1: dust 2: water ice 3: CO2 hot and isotope bands 4: surface 5-9: not used" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = NADIR_OPACITY_RESIDUAL DATA_TYPE = IEEE_REAL START_BYTE = 109 BYTES = 4 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = rms_opacities DESCRIPTION = "RMS opacity residual between opacities retrieved point by point across the spectrum and the opacities computed using the best-fit opacity scaling factors." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CO2_DOWNWELLING_FLUX DATA_TYPE = IEEE_REAL START_BYTE = 113 BYTES = 4 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = co2_dw_flux DESCRIPTION = "Down-welling flux from 667 cm-1 CO2 band." UNIT = "watts cm-2" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TOTAL_DOWNWELLING_FLUX DATA_TYPE = IEEE_REAL START_BYTE = 117 BYTES = 4 NOT_APPLICABLE_CONSTANT = 444.4 ALIAS_NAME = total_dw_flux DESCRIPTION = "Down-welling flux from CO2 and atmospheric aerosols." UNIT = "watts cm-2" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = QUALITY DATA_TYPE = MSB_BIT_STRING START_BYTE = 121 BYTES = 2 ALIAS_NAME = quality DESCRIPTION = "16-bit atmosphere quality word. Bit column description and code definitions follow; see also quality.txt for more information" OBJECT = BIT_COLUMN NAME = TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RATING BIT_DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 1 BITS = 2 ALIAS_NAME = atm_pt_rating DESCRIPTION = "Identifies quality of nadir pressure- temperature profile values: 0 = nadir values are good 1 = nadir values are questionable 2 = nadir values are bad 3 = nadir values are not available (N/A)" END_OBJECT = BIT_COLUMN OBJECT = BIT_COLUMN NAME = ATMOSPHERIC_OPACITY_RATING BIT_DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 3 BITS = 2 ALIAS_NAME = atm_opacity_rating DESCRIPTION = "Identifies quality of opacity values: 0 = opacity values are good 1 = opacity values are questionable 2 = opacity values are bad 3 = opacity values are not available (N/A)" END_OBJECT = BIT_COLUMN END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SURFACE_RADIANCE DATA_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER START_BYTE = 123 BYTES = 4 VAR_DATA_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER VAR_ITEM_BYTES = 2 VAR_RECORD_TYPE = Q15 ALIAS_NAME = srf_radiance DESCRIPTION = "Derived surface radiance; this field is not used in this release." UNIT = "watts cm-2 steradian-1 wavenumber-1" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = ATMOSPHERIC_CALIBRATION_ID DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 127 BYTES = 4 ALIAS_NAME = version_id DESCRIPTION = "Version ID of nadir temperature and aerosol retrieval algorithm." END_OBJECT = COLUMN