PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Comments on MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Archive Volumes (ERRATA.TXT)" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001-10-01 END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON MGS TES ARCHIVE VOLUMES MGST_0001 THROUGH MGST_0226 This document contains comments and errata concerning the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer Archive Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0226. 1. INDEX/QUALITY.TXT updated starting on MGST_0213 A minor update to the INDEX/QUALITY.TXT, Section 2.1 and Appendix A.1, is avavailable starting on MGST_0213. The description of the HGA motion quality bit includes a discussion of spacecraft operations phases that was updated to reflect current status: at TES ock 11900, the spacecraft concluded the Beta-supplement phase and resumed Nominal mapping operations. 2. New geometry calibration (V003a) starting on MGST_0213 Starting on volume MGST_0213, all geometry and position fields are calculated using improved software, GEO.GEOMETRY_CALIBRATION_ID = 003a (previous version was 002a). The new version 3a calculates latitude corresponding to the spacecraft position at the middle of the observation; version 2a calculated latitude corresponding to the spacecraft position at the start of the observation. The average difference between these two versions is 0.05 and 0.1 degrees (latitude) for single and double scan modes respectively. Data from previous volumes can be used in conjunction with this and future volumes; however, geometric products containing both versions, will show the 3a data shifted downtrack with respect to the 2a data. 3. Notice of unavailable calibrated data products on MGST_0210 The calibration products of RAD.CALIBRATED_RADIANCE and BOL.BOLOMETRIC_BRIGHTNESS_TEMP are unavailable for surface data in ocks 9623-9670, due to the absence of blackbody reference data. Any derived products dependent on these calibration products are also unavailable. 4. Modification to atmospheric data processing starting with MGST_0199 The atmospheric routine has been modified to include improved quality control of data included for processing. The following RAD.QUALITY criteria are now used in the initial selection of data for atmospheric processing: RAD.QUALITY:MAJOR_PHASE_INVERSION = 0 RAD.QUALITY:SPECTROMETER_NOISE = 0-1 RAD.QUALITY DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM = 0 To achieve the same effect with data available on previously released products (MGST_0188-189/ATM*.dat), atmospheric data can be filtered through vanllia with the above quality parameters stated as "-select" criteria. The ATM.FMT and DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.* files available on MGST_0199 and future products includes a description of the above improved quality selection. A discussion of the negative opacity values and of the increased noise observed in double scan data is also included in these files. 5. INDEX/CLASS.TXT Appendix updated starting with MGST_0199 Starting with MGST_0199, INDEX/CLASS.TXT Appendix A.1 tables, "Mosaic Latitude", "Targeted Mosaic Codes", and "EPF Latitude" have been updated to include targeting information for mapping orbits through ock 11800. 6. New visible bolometer calibration (v004a) in use starting with MGST_0199 Starting with MGST_0199, an improved visible bololmeter calibration routine (v004a) is in use. The modified routine corrects an execution error affecting the calibration of double scan mode visible bolometer data. The calibration routine in use is tracked in BOL.BOLOMETER_CALIBRATION_ID which has now been split into two fields, occupying the same 4 bytes in the table: BOL.VISUAL_BOL_VERSION_ID and BOL.THERMAL_BOL_VERSION_ID. A new BOL.FMT text is provided starting with MGST_0199 to reflect this change. Although, we reccommend that previously released bolometer data is accessed with the BOL.FMT file that accompanied the data, either BOL.FMT file can be used to access data released since MGST_0162. All of the above changes have been appropriately documented in the following texts: BOL.FMT, DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.*, DOCUMENT/PROCESS.*, and SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT. 7. Addition of atmospheric data and modification of related texts starting with MGST_0188 The derived atmospheric temperature and atmospheric opacity products are available in the ATM table on MGST_0188 and subsequent volumes. The ATM table replaces the SRF table referenced on previous volumes; data was never released in the SRF table format. A detailed description of the table contents is available in DATA/MARS/ATM.FMT. The associated ancillary data table, STDSHAPE.TAB, and the descriptive label, STDSHAPE.LBL, are available in the DATA directory. Several texts required modification to reflect the changes to the dataset due to the inclusion of the atmospheric data. The following texts contain minor edits to table name references and/or field name references: AAREADME.HTM, AAREADME.LBL, AAREADME.TXT, CATALOG/DATASET.CAT, DATA/DATAINFO.TXT, DATA/MARS/DATASET.LST, DOCUMENT/ARCHSIS.ASC, DOCUMENT/ARCHSIS.LBL, DOCUMENT/ARCHSIS.PDF, DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.ASC, DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.LBL, DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.PDF, INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT, SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT The following documents contain new sections describing the process used to produce the new data fields: DOCUMENT/PROCESS.ASC, DOCUMENT/PROCESS.LBL, DOCUMENT/PROCESS.PDF, INDEX/QUALITY.TXT 8. Modification of CATALOG/MISSION.CAT and CATALOG/REF.CAT starting with MGST_0188 A new MISSION.CAT and REF.CAT have been released by the MGS project and are available on MGST_0188 and subsequent volumes. The new catalogs document the extension of the mission plan beyond the nominal mission termination date of February 2001. Application of the extended mapping mission plan takes effect at TES orbit (ock) 10188. 9. Modification of data field QUALITY:SPECTROMETER_NOISE and related text INDEX/QUALITY.TXT starting with MGST_0188 Starting with MGST_0188 the definition of the data field QUALITY:SPECTROMETER_NOISE has been expanded to account for the nominal spectrometer noise levels observed in double scan length data. The new definition is available in INDEX/QUALITY.TXT, Appendix A.3, and it applies to all double scan length spectra collected after TES orbit (ock) 9500. 10. Modification of classification bit field and INDEX/CLASS.TXT starting with MGST_0177 Starting with MGST_0177 a new classification bit field has been defined under the existing category of CLASS.INTENDED_TARGET = 7 {"Test Data"}. The new bit field is CLASS.TES_SEQUENCE = 7, which is defined as "Other MGS Instrument Test (TES collects only bolometer and telemetry data)." The classification supporting documentation, INDEX/CLASS.TXT, available on this and subsequent TES releases, shows this modification. Note that there is no software change associated with this modification; on previously released TES data a vanilla search for CLASS.TES_SEQUENCE=7 is allowed, but it will return no positive matches. Some previously released data were incorrectly classified; all of the following data should be classified as both CLASS.INTENDED_TARGET=7 and CLASS.TES_SEQUENCE=7 : Ock Ick Ranges 2022 27:1997, 2018:2097, 2152:2217, 2272:2337, 2358:3397, 3412:3530 2332 27:397, 2406:2797, 3209:3397, 3412:3531 2334 27:797, 1209:1597, 3412:3531 2336 27:397, 1206:1469, 1477:1797, 2209:2581, 2591:2597, 3012:3393, 3412:3497, 3505:3529 2344 27:397, 1206:1797, 2209:2597, 3412:3531 2346 27:797, 1209:1597, 3412:3531 2350 612:793, 2406:2797, 3209:3397, 3412:3531 6143 2532:2538 6147 287:3527 6158 2537:2558 6162 2061:3527 6237 593:2016 6334 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3528 6335 1787:2644 6336 27:892, 907:1762 6338 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3527 6339 907:1772, 1787:2644 6340 15:892, 907:1762 6342 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3530 6343 907:1772, 1787:2644 6344 15:892, 907:1762 6346 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3528 6347 907:1772, 1787:2644 6348 27:892, 907:1762 6350 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3528 6351 907:1772, 1787:2644 6354 1787:2652, 2667:3447, 3462:3530 6355 913:1772, 1787:2644 6356 27:892, 907:1762 6378 907:1772, 1787:2644 6379 907:1772, 1787:2644 6380 907:1772, 1787:2644 6381 907:1772, 1787:2644 6383 907:1772, 1787:2644 6384 907:1772, 1787:2644 6386 907:1772, 1787:2644 6387 907:1772, 1787:2644 11. INDEX/CLASS.TXT Appendix updated starting with MGST_0177 Starting with MGST_0177, INDEX/CLASS.TXT Appendix A.1 tables, "Mosaic Latitude" and "Targeted Mosaic Codes", have been updated to include targeting information for mapping orbits through ock 9000. 12. Addition of quality bit field and modification of related text starting with volume MGST_0162 Starting with volume MGST_0162 the RAD.QUALITY field has been expanded to include the bit field "DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM" which tracks the occurrence of a severe problem with in the spectral data. More information on this problem is available in INDEX/QUALITY.TXT Section 3.6. The TES team suggests that all users avoid the erroneous data by including the following qualification to their vanilla call: ... -select "QUALITY:DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM 0 0". 13. Addition of thermal inertia data and modification of related texts starting with volume MGST_0162 The thermal inertia derived product is available on MGST_0162 and subsequent volumes. The data is stored in the following fields (listed by "table.field_name" or "table.field_name:bit_field_name"): BOL.BOLOMETRIC_THERMAL_INERTIA BOL.QUALITY:BOLOMETRIC_INERTIA_RATING RAD.SPECTRAL_THERMAL_INERTIA RAD.QUALITY:SPECTRAL_INERTIA_RATING Some of the above fields were available, but empty, on previous volumes. The following texts have been modified as shown to reflect the changes to the dataset due to the inclusion of the thermal inertia data: -TEXT- - Modification- BOL.FMT & RAD.FMT Definition of the fields listed above DOCUMENT/PROCESS Added Section 6.0- a brief description of derivation methodology DOCUMENT/SDPSIS Edited Appendices A.2 Bol Table & A.9 Rad Table INDEX/QUALITY.TXT Added Section 4.1- a brief usage description of thermal inertia data quality ratings 14. Notice of modification to various texts starting with volume MGST_0162 Starting with MGST_0162, INDEX/CLASS.TXT includes new Appendices listing the searchable values in OBS.CLASSIFICATION:NUMERICAL_DETAILS for surface targeted mosaics and targeted EPF's. Two of the software information texts have been expanded to include improved instructions for using the available vanilla software. SOFTWARE/SOFTINFO.TXT now includes a section of notes on "Getting Started", and SOFTWARE/BIN/BININFO.TXT now includes a section of notes on "Executing Vanilla". 15. Byte error in INDEX/INDEX.LBL and INDEX/CUMINDEX.LBL on volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0161 In volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0161, both the INDEX/INDEX.LBL and INDEX/CUMINDEX.LBL incorrectly assign 9 bytes to the object "TARGET_NAME"; the tables corresponding to each label actually allocate 10 bytes to this field. These labeling errors are fixed on MGST_0162 and subsequent volumes. 16. Software update in SOFTWARE/BIN and SOFTWARE/SRC starting at volume MGST_0140 Starting with MGST_0140, SOFTWARE/BIN/SUNOS.EXE, the Vanilla program precompiled for the SunOS platform, will no longer be available; the associated source code SOFTWARE/SRC/DOS.C will also no longer be available. Vanilla Version 3.3.11 is available on MGST products starting with MGST_0140. New source code, including DOS.H, MEM.C, MEM.H, and SYSTEM.H, is available in SOFTWARE/SRC/ to support this latest version. For specific details of changes over previous versions, see SOFTWARE/SRC/VERSION.H. File descriptions listed in SOFTWARE/SRC/SRCINFO.TXT have been improved and are available on MGST_0140 and all subsequent products. 17. Notice of modification and new appendix to INDEX/SPECMASK.TXT Starting with volume MGST_0140 slight modifications have been made in the text of INDEX/SPECMASK.TXT to accommodate the new appendix. The appendix contains a detailed description of each spectral mask used and/or available on TES. 18. Clarification of RAD.CALIBRATED_RADIANCE channel entries The TES data product of calibrated spectral radiance, found in RAD.CALIBRATED_RADIANCE, contains 143 channels for all TES data products. For Aerobraking and Science Phase Orbits data, MGST_0001 through MGST_0061, RAD.CAL_RAD channels 1 to 143 contain the calibrated data for 148.1 to 1650.6 cm-1 (6.06-67.51 um). Due to a change in data collection strategy, Mapping data, starting at MGST_0100, is collected over 201.0 to 1703.5 cm-1 (5.87-49.74 um). Thus, to maintain continuity within the dataset, mapping data RAD.CAL_RAD channels 1 to 5 are filled with 0's and channels 6 to 143 contain the calibrated data for 201.0 to 1650.6 cm-1. With the first revision of data (MGST_1xxx) at the end of mission, all TES data products will extend RAD.CAL_RAD out to 148 channels, covering 148.1 to 1703.5 cm-1 (5.87-67.51 um). On Aerobraking and SPO volumes, RAD.CAL_RAD channels 144 to 148 will be filled with 0's; on Mapping volumes, RAD.CAL_RAD 144 to 148 will contain calibrated data out to 1703.5 cm-1 (49.74 um). 19. Modification to INDEX/CLASS.TXT starting at volume MGST_0124 The use of "TES Observation Type" as a descriptive term for OBS.OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION bits 4-7 has been changed to "TES Target Type" in the document INDEX/CLASS.TXT, starting at volume MGST_0124. There is no change to the column name OBS.OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:INTENDED_TARGET (alias OBS.CLASS:TYPE) in the data files, so this change should be invisible to the vanilla user. This modification has been implemented to alleviate potential confusion with the unrelated OBS.OBSERVATION_TYPE (alias OBS.PNT_VIEW). NOTE: the following change supersedes errata comment "Modification to INDEX/CLASS.TXT in volumes MGST_0100 through MGST_0111" in below text. The vanilla -select examples given in INDEX/CLASS.TXT, Section 3 of volumes MGST_0100 through MGST_0123 should be modified as shown: -select "OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:INTENDED_TARGET 1 1 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TES_SEQUENCE 3 3" returns surface periapsis nadir observations conducted in the mapping spacecraft configuration -select "OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:INTENDED_TARGET 6 6 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TES_SEQUENCE 2 2 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:CLASSIFICATION_VALUE +1 +1" returns ANS roll, Mars and space observations collected in mapping mode during the first outbound roll. 20. Software update in SOFTWARE/BIN and SOFTWARE/SRC starting at MGST_0112 Starting with MGST_0112, SOFTWARE/BIN/HPPA1.EXE, the Vanilla program precompiled for the HP 9000/755, PA-RISC 1.1, HPUX 9.07 platforms, will no longer be available. Vanilla Version 3.3.7 is available on MGST products starting with MGST_0112. For specific details of changes over previous versions, see SOFTWARE/SRC/VERSION.H. The new Vanilla version requires the following four new files to operate correctly: SOFTWARE/SRC/FAKE.H SOFTWARE/SRC/FF_IRTM.C SOFTWARE/SRC/FF_IRTM.H SOFTWARE/SRC/FF_T20.C 21. Inconsistent use of START_ORBIT_NUMBER and STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER in DATA/ENB.TXT and DATA/GEOMETRY.TXT on volumes MGST_0100 through MGST_0111 The keywords START_ORBIT_NUMBER and STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER in the DATA/ENB.TXT and DATA/GEOMETRY.TXT are given in MGS project orbit numbers rather than TES Team orbit numbers (ORBIT_COUNTER_KEEPER); this is inconsistent with the established format for TES data file labels (see comments in AAREADME.TXT, Section 1). The following are the corrected keywords for the indicated volumes and texts: MGST_0100 to MGST_0102 ENB.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1583 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1918 GEOMETRY.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1583 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1918 MGST_0103 ENB.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1816 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2331 GEOMETRY.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1811 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2331 MGST_0104 ENB.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1987 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2331 GEOMETRY.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1987 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2331 MGST_0105 ENB.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2069 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2400 GEOMETRY.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2063 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2410 MGST_0106 to MGST_0111 ENB.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2332 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2791 GEOMETRY.TXT: START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2332 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 2791 22. Keyword missing from INDEX/SPECMASK.TAB label on MGST_0001 through MGST_0111 The following keyword is missing from the INDEX/SPECMASK.TAB on volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0111: LABEL_RECORDS = 29 23. Modification to INDEX/CLASS.TXT in volumes MGST_0100 through MGST_0111 The vanilla -select examples given in INDEX/CLASS.TXT, Section 3 of volumes MGST_0100 through MGST_0111 should be modified to read: -select "OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:OBSERVATION_TYPE 1 1 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TES_SEQUENCE 3 3" returns surface periapsis nadir observations conducted in the mapping spacecraft configuration -select "OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:OBSERVATION_TYPE 6 6 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:TES_SEQUENCE 2 2 \ OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION:CLASSIFICATION_VALUE +1 +1" returns ANS roll, Mars and space observations collected in mapping mode during the first outbound roll. 24. Error in Appendix of SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT on MGST_0106 to MGST_0111 In Appendix A.1 of the SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT on MGST_0106 to MGST_0111 the following columns are incorrectly identified as being QUALITY bit columns: FFT_START_INDEX and PRIMARY_DIAGNOSTIC_TEMPERATURES. Both should be accessed using only the column name as shown. 25. Errors in DATA/ENB.TXT label on MGST_0100 through MGST_0105 The following keywords and associated values are missing from the label of the DATA/ENB.TXT on the volumes indicated: MGST_0100 through MGST_0102 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1583 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 244 START_TIME = 1999-059T20:08:12.259 STOP_TIME = 1999-087T07:08:49.001 MGST_0103 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 133 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 648 START_TIME = 1999-078T21:05:43.080 STOP_TIME = 1999-121T01:03:35.667 MGST_0104 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 304 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 648 START_TIME = 1999-092T20:27:36.948 STOP_TIME = 1999-121T01:03:35.667 MGST_0105 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 386 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 717 START_TIME = 1999-099T13:16:07.000 STOP_TIME = 1999-126T20:17:33.610 The DATA/ENB.TXT on these volumes is also missing the follwing note: NOTE =" This document includes the Experimenter's Notebook (ENB) entries summarizing data collection by TES during Mapping; the ENB was originally produced by the TES Mission Planner to be available online throughout the duration of the mission. This document is appropriate for orbits included in this volume, but may also include orbits from previous or later volumes. Two types of information can be found in this document: blocks of TES orbits and time entries, followed by the corresponding p*.img notes. TES data is organized by orbit which begins at the MGS descending equator crossing (times given in UTC). Orbits are labeled here with the TES orb number which is equivalent to ock (see obs.fmt OBJECT = ORBIT_COUNTER_KEEPER) except where deviations are noted. TES operations during a particular orbit are controlled by the *.img file available onboard; key information from this file is provided in the p*.img notes." 26. Errors in DATA/GEOMETRY.TXT on MGST_0100 through MGST_0105 The following keywords and associated values are missing from the label of the DATA/GEOMETRY.TXT on the volumes indicated: MGST_0100 through MGST_0102 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 1583 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 244 START_TIME = 1999-059T20:08:12.259 STOP_TIME = 1999-087T07:08:49.001 MGST_0103 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 128 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 648 START_TIME = 1999-078T11:13:45.084 STOP_TIME = 1999-121T01:03:35.667 MGST_0104 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 304 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 648 START_TIME = 1999-092T20:27:36.948 STOP_TIME = 1999-121T01:03:35.667 MGST_0105 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 380 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 727 START_TIME = 1999-099T01:30:04.000 STOP_TIME = 1999-127T11:58:37.604 Each entry in the DATA/GEOMETRY.TXT contains an "orbit" range designation; the values listed actually indicate the "ock" range of each entry. 27. Notice of new appendix to SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT Starting with Volume MGST_0106 an appendix containing a list of the Column Names and associated .fmt files has been added to the SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT for the ease of the user. These are the names used with vanilla in the specification string after -field or -select. 28. Error of omission in DATA/MARS/GEO.FMT Description All geometry data related to TES data is derived from MGS project geometry sources and is always given relative to Mars. Although this is true for all TES data volumes, it is first stated explicitly in the DATA/MARS/GEO.FMT Description on MGST_0106. 29. Notice of new data fields and corresponding software version on MGST_0100 Starting with Volume MGST_0100, the following, previously blank data fields have been filled: OBS.OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION, OBS.QUALITY, and RAD.QUALITY. These fields contain indexing values as described in INDEX/CLASS.TXT and INDEX/QUALITY.TXT. The values in these fields are stored as bit-string integer numbers which are not accessible by the software versions on Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0061. The software and corresponding *.FMT files available on MGST_0100 are required for accessing the OBSERVATION_CLASSIFICATION and QUALITY fields; see SOFTWARE/DOC/USERDOC.TXT for the command format used to call up data from these fields. The revised software can also be used to manipulate data on any previous volume. 30. Unusual entries in DATA/MARS/GEO*.TAB.LOCAL_TIME Some volumes may contain a GEO*.TAB.LOCAL_TIME entry of 65.543 hrs; this is a default value indicating that local (Martian) time was not calculated for this observation. This default is commonly applied to observations of targets other than the Martian surface. 31. Error in DATA/MARS/BOL.FMT on MGST_0001 through MGST_0061 The object CALIBRATED_VISUAL_BOLOMETER is incorrectly listed as having the units of "watt cm-2 stradian-1 micron-1"; the correct units for this measurement are "watt cm-2 stradian-1". 32. Error in DATA/MARS/IFG.FMT on MGST_0001 through MGST_0100 The column object INTERFEROGRAM_DATA in the DATA/MARS/IFG.FMT file is incorrectly listed with the DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER; in order for the software to acess the INTERFEROGRAM_DATA, the line should read: DATA_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER. 33. Order of entries in INDEX/CUMINDEX.TAB Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0061 contain data collected during the Aerobraking and Science Phasing Orbit phases of the MGS mission; these volumes were not produced sequentially in the order of data collection. The order of entries in the index/cumindex.tab file on these volumes indicates the order that the volumes were produced, i.e.: MGST_0021 MGST_0061 MGST_0041 to MGST_0044 MGST_0001 to MGST_0016 For clarity, the entries in the index/cumindex.tab file on MGST_0100 and later volumes has been reorganized by volume name. 34. Nonstandard file names in SOFTWARE directory A few files in the SOFTWARE/SRC directory do not conform to the ISO 9660 8.3 filename standard. Specifically, the file MAKEFILE does not have an extension, and the files IO_LABLIB3.C and IO_LABLIB3.H have more than 8 characters in the filename. 35. Nonstandard file sizes in DATA/MARS/ directory on Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0008 The following TES Standard Data Products contain only one orbit of size 130 to 250 Mb; this is significantly larger than the documented 100 Mb per product (see DOCUMENT/ARCHSIS.ASC section 3.2): MGST_0001: TES000101, TES000102 MGST_0002: TES000201, TES000202 MGST_0003: TES000301, TES000302 MGST_0004: TES000401, TES000402, TES000403 MGST_0005: TES000501, TES000502, TES000503 MGST_0006: TES000601, TES000602 MGST_0007: TES000701, TES000702, TES000703 MGST_0008: TES000801, TES000802, TES000803 36. Errors in DOCUMENT/PROCESS.ASC and PROCESS.PDF on Volumes MGST_0001 through MGST_0010, and MGST_0021 through MGST_0061 While converting the document text files PROCESS.ASC and PROCESS.PDF, superscript and subscript formats were lost and could potentially lead to confusion. The documents should be read with the understanding that 10-6 indicates 10, or another value, raised to the -6 power; cm-1 indicates cm, or another unit, raised to the -1 power; d2?/d?2 indicates the second derivative is taken; the equation on line 476 should read dIRF/dT = 3*af*(detector_temp)^2 + 2*bf*detector_temp + cf; and the equation on line 493 should read Corr_IRF = IRF + dIRF/dT *deltaT + d2IRF/dT2 * deltaT^2 / 2! . 37. Errors in DOCUMENT directory on Volumes MGST_0041 through MGST_0061 On Volumes MGST_0061 and MGST_0041 through MGST_0044, the files SDPSIS.PDF and SDPSIS.ASC, section 3.1 lists a sample label with the nested PDS object "PRIMARY_KEYS". It should be "PRIMARY_KEY". 38. Nonstandard keyword in DATA/MARS/*.FMT files and associated software On Volume MGST_0021, the DATA/MARS/*.FMT files contain the keyword PRIMARY_KEYS; on subsequent volumes, this keyword was modified to PRIMARY_KEY and the associated software was adjusted to accommodate the change. Therefore, the software on MGST_0021 is incompatible with the DATA/MARS/*.FMT files on any volume produced later. The revised software and corresponding *.FMT files can be used to manipulate the MGST_0021 data located in the DATA/MARS/*.TAB or DATA/MARS/*.VAR files. 39. Errors in CATALOG directory on Volume MGST_0021 On Volume MGST_0021, some files in the CATALOG directory do not conform to the PDS standard for names of catalog object files. Specifically, HOST.CAT should be INSTHOST.CAT, TESINST.CAT should be INST.CAT, TSDRDS.CAT should be DATASET.CAT, PERSONEL.CAT should be PERSON.CAT, and REFS.CAT should be REF.CAT. Also on Volume MGST_0021, the file TARGET.CAT is missing from the CATALOG directory. Also on Volume MGST_0021, the file REFS.CAT is missing the following reference: OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ASMAR&RENZETTI1993" REFERENCE_DESC = "Asmar, S.W., and N.A. Renzetti, The Deep Space Network as an Instrument for Radio Science Research, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication 80-93, Rev. 1, 15 April 1993." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE 40. Errors in DOCUMENT directory on Volume MGST_0021 On Volume MGST_0021, the files SDPSIS.PDF and SDPSIS.ASC, section 3.1 lists a sample label with the statement TABLE = "xxx". It should be ^TABLE = "xxx". On Volume MGST_0021, the PDS label files ARCHSIS.LBL, PROCESS.LBL, and SDPSIS.LBL in the DOCUMENT directory all have the keyword DESCRIPTION. It should be called NOTE to conform to PDS standards for text object labels. On Volume MGST_0021, the files ARCHSIS.ASC, PROCESS.ASC, and SDPSIS.ASC in the DOCUMENT directory are not PDS-compliant because they contain TAB characters and have some lines longer than 80 characters.