MGS Science Sampler: MOLA Data, Orbit 25

Data Products


Raw data for this orbit is in the AEDR file AA00025F.B (134 Kb).   This is a binary file with an attached PDS label. The file format is described in the MOLA AEDR SIS. The PDS label can be viewed in your Web browser, but the binary data will not be readable. You may use your browser's Save As function to save the file to disk.

Precision orbit corrected data is in PEDR file AP00025V.B (576 Kb).   This is a binary file with an attached PDS label. The file format is described in the MOLA PEDR SIS. The PDS label can be viewed in your Web browser, but the binary data will not be readable. You may use your browser's Save As function to save the file to disk.

An ASCII text table containing fields extracted from the PEDR is in AP00025V.TAB (3080 Kb). This file has a detached PDS label in AP00025V.LBL.


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