PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1996-12-01 NOTE = "Description of contents of CATALOG directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CATALOG directory contains reference, personnel, and data set PDS catalog objects for this archive volume. The files follow the 'streamlined' format adopted by the Planetary Data System (PDS) in late 1993 and documented in the Planetary Data System Standards Reference (Version 3.1, 3 August 1994; JPL D-7669, Part 2). Each catalog object is in ASCII, with a maximum of 78 characters per line. Each line is delimited with a carriage- return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The templates are: COLLECT.CAT A description of the files forming this data collection. REFS.CAT A listing of references used elsewhere in the streamlined templates and of references that might be generally useful in working with these data. PERS.CAT A listing of key people involved in analyzing the radio occultation data and in producing the archival data set. LAT.CAT LATLON.CAT LATPRS.CAT LATTIME.CAT TIME.CAT TOPOG.CAT Descriptions of the data sets contained in the archival volume. These files include information on the primary data types included in this archive. Brief discussions of the quality of the data are included where applicable. The data sets in the archive volume are: (1) LAT - This data set contains the time and zonally averaged values calculated by the Ames Mars General Circulation Model for the mean surface and sea level pressures and for several of the vertically integrated heat and angular momentum variables. The data are given as a function of latitude. (2) LATLON - This data set contains the instantaneous values for the surface temperature minimum and maximum, and for the amount of CO2 frost on the ground, calculated by the Ames Mars General Circulation Model. The data are given as a function of longitude and latitude. (3) LATPRS - This data set contains the time and zonally averaged values for several first order, heating, eddy, phase and amplitude variables, calculated by the Ames Mars General Circulation Model . The data are given as a function of latitude and vertical pressure. (4) LATTIME - This data set contains the zonally averaged values for the surface temperature mean, calculated by the Ames Mars General Circulation Model. The data are given as a function of latitude and local time. (5) TIME - This data set contains the meridionally and zonally averaged values for the CO2 mass condensation rate, calculated by the Ames Mars General Circulation Model. The data are given as a function of local time. (6) TOPOG - This data set contains the surface topography used by the Ames GCM, obtained from a combination of relevant ground-based and spacecraft data (commonly known as the "Mars Consortium" data set). The data were smoothed for compatibility with the model resolution. The model has 25 latitude bins (7.5 degree resolution) and 40 longitude bins (9.0 degree resolution).