PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 221 FILE_RECORDS = 2756 DESCRIPTION = "SR_INDEX.TAB lists all the MET science and housekeeping reduced data record files collected during the Surface phase of the Mars Pathfinder mission, along with a few parameters describing them." ^INDEX_TABLE = "SR_INDEX.TAB" DATA_SET_ID = "MPFL-M-ASIMET-3-RDR-SURF-V1.0" MISSION_NAME = "MARS PATHFINDER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS PATHFINDER LANDER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ATMOSPHERIC STRUCTURE INSTRUMENT / METEOROLOGY PACKAGE" OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROW_BYTES = 221 ROWS = 2756 COLUMNS = 14 INDEX_TYPE = SINGLE INDEXED_FILE_NAME = "*.TAB" OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_ID DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 2 BYTES = 17 FORMAT = "A17" DESCRIPTION = "A permanent, unique identifier assigned to each data product." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = VOLUME_ID DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 22 BYTES = 9 FORMAT = "A9" DESCRIPTION = "Identifies the volume containing the named file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PATH_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 34 BYTES = 25 FORMAT = "A25" DESCRIPTION = "Path on CD volume to directory containing file." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = FILE_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 62 BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "A11" DESCRIPTION = "Name of file in archive." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SESSION_NUMBER DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 75 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = "I4" DESCRIPTION = "The identifying number of the data taking session." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 80 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.3" DESCRIPTION = "The value of the lander clock (in seconds) when the data taking session was initiated." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL START_BYTE = 95 BYTES = 14 FORMAT = "F14.3" DESCRIPTION = "The value of the lander clock (in seconds) when the data taking session was ended." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = START_TIME DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 110 BYTES = 24 FORMAT = "A24" DESCRIPTION = "Date and time at which the data taking session was initiated, recorded in UTC system format. Shown as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = STOP_TIME DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 135 BYTES = 24 FORMAT = "A24" DESCRIPTION = "Date and time at which the data taking session ended, recorded in UTC system format. Shown as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = START_PLANET_DAY_NUMBER DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 160 BYTES = 2 FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION = "The Martian day (ie., sidereal day, equal to a rotation of 360 degrees) on which the data taking session was initiated. Starts with 1 as the first day of surface operations, the day the spacecraft landed. 0 refers to pre-surface data." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = START_LOCAL_TIME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 164 BYTES = 12 FORMAT = "A12" DESCRIPTION = "Local time at the lander site on the surface of Mars when the data taking session was initiated, measured in local hours, minutes, and seconds, from midnight. Local hours are defined as one twenty-fourth of a local solar day. Local minutes are one sixtieth of a local hour, and local seconds are one sixtieth of a local minute. Format is hh:mm:ss. Based on the IAU standard for the Martian prime meridian. See [DAVIESETAL1994] for more details." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = STOP_PLANET_DAY_NUMBER DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 178 BYTES = 2 FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION = "The Martian day on which the data taking session ended." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = STOP_LOCAL_TIME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 182 BYTES = 12 FORMAT = "A12" DESCRIPTION = "Local time at the lander site on the surface of Mars when the data taking session ended." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 196 BYTES = 24 FORMAT = "A24" DESCRIPTION = "Defines the UTC time an archived product was created or last modified. Has the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ" END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = INDEX_TABLE END