PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-02-25 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the Mars Pathfinder Rover archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation files for the Mars Pathfinder Rover archive. All files ending in ".ASC" are plain ASCII text files, which are viewable on any host. The ".HTM" files are HyperText Markup Language files, viewable with most web browsers. The ".PDF" files are stored as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To read these, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free from "http://www.adobe.com". The ".PS" file is a PostScript formatted file, which may be sent directly to any PostScript printer; it is also viewable with some applications. The ".LBL" files are PDS formatted labels describing the other files of the same name. The DOCUMENT directory contains two subdirectories, IMAGES and ROVERDOC. The IMAGES subdirectory contains GIF and JPEG formatted images used in the HTML documents in the DOCUMENT directory. These image portions of the documents are described by PDS labels contained in the IMAGES directory. The ROVERDOC directory is an approximate snapshot of the Rover Team's operations web site, and contains a number of subdirectories, described below. The following files are found in the DOCUMENT directory: DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading. APXDDRDS.HTM - HyperText version of the APXDDRDS.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder APXS DDR dataset. APXDDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing the APXDDRDS.HTM file. APXEDRDS.HTM - HyperText version of the APXEDRDS.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder APXS EDR dataset. APXEDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing the APXEDRDS.HTM file. APXS_INV.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing Joy Crisp's inventory of APXS files, commands, and start/stop times. APXS_INV.HTM - HyperText version of Joy Crisp's APXS inventory. APXS_INV.LBL - PDS label describing the APXS_INV files. APXS_SIS.HTM - HyperText version of the "Mars Pathfinder Project Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer Experiment Data Record Specification". This document is a software interface specification describing the format of the APXS Experiment Data Records. APXS_SIS.LBL - PDS label describing APXS_SIS files. APXS_SIS.PDF - Adobe PDF version of the APXS EDR SIS. APXSINST.HTM - HyperText version of the APXSINST.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer. APXSINST.LBL - PDS label describing the APXSINST.HTM file. CONTACTS.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing a list of many of the people associated with the Mars Pathfinder mission. Also includes a brief description of each person's role on the mission and their contact information. CONTACTS.LBL - PDS label describing CONTACTS.ASC. INSTHOST.HTM - HyperText version of the INSTHOST.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Microrover Flight Experiment (Mars Pathfinder Rover). INSTHOST.LBL - PDS label describing the INSTHOST files. KEYWORDS.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing a list of all the PDS keywords used in the data product labels on this CD, along with the keyword definitions. KEYWORDS.HTM - HyperText version of the keyword definitions file. KEYWORDS.LBL - PDS label describing the KEYWORDS files. MISSION.HTM - HyperText version of the MISSION.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder mission. MISSION.LBL - PDS label describing the MISSION files. RCINST.HTM - HyperText version of the RCLTINST.CAT, RCRRINST.CAT, and RCRTINST.CAT files in the CATALOG directory. (The three files are essentially identical.) A high-level description of the Rover Cameras. RCINST.LBL - PDS label describing the RCINST.HTM file. REF.HTM - HyperText version of the REF.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A list of references related to the Mars Pathfinder mission. REF.LBL - PDS label describing the REF files. ROVERSIS.HTM - HyperText version of the "Mars Pathfinder Project Rover Camera Experiment Data Record" specification. This document is a software interface specification describing the format of the Rover Camera Experiment Data Records. ROVERSIS.LBL - PDS label describing ROVERSIS files. ROVERSIS.PDF - Adobe PDF version of the Rover Camera EDR SIS. ROVEVENT.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing Henry Moore's Rover events table. ROVEVENT.LBL - PDS label desribing ROVEVENT file. RVCAMCAL.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing a copy of Donald Gennery's paper entitled "Least-Squares Camera Calibration Including Lens Distortion and Automatic Editing of Calibration Points". (Please read the note in the PDS label before using the ASCII version of this document.) RVCAMCAL.HTM - HyperText version of Donald Gennery's calibration paper. RVCAMCAL.LBL - PDS label describing the RVCAMCAL files. RVCAMCAL.PS - PostScript version of Donald Gennery's calibration paper. RVCEDRDS.HTM - HyperText version of the RVCEDRDS.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder Rover Camera EDR dataset. RVCEDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing the RVCEDRDS.HTM file. RVCMDRDS.HTM - HyperText version of the RVCMDRDS.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder Rover Camera MIDR dataset. RVCMDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing the RVCMDRDS.HTM file. RVRENGDS.HTM - HyperText version of the RVRENGDS.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder Rover Engineering EDR/RDR dataset. RVRENGDS.LBL - PDS label describing the RVRENGDS.HTM file. RVTCHEXP.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing Jake Matijevic's description of the Rover Technology Experiments. RVTCHEXP.HTM - HyperText version of the Rover Technology Experiment desc. RVTCHEXP.LBL - PDS label describing the RVTCHEXP files. ZIPINFO.TXT - ASCII text file describing the location of UNZIP decompression software on the CD. The following subdirectories and files are found in the DOCUMENT/ROVERDOC directory: ROVERDOC.HTM - HyperText file which serves as a top-level page for the Rover Team's web site. ROVERDOC.LBL - PDS label describing the ROVERDOC.HTM file. CMDDICT/ - Directory containing the "Mars Pathfinder Rover Command Dictionary" CMDDESC.HTM - HyperText file containing the bulk of the Command Dict. CMDDICT.HTM - HyperText file containing the table of contents and introduction for the Command Dictionary CMDDICT.LBL - PDS label for the files in the CMDDICT directory. DOWNLINK/ - Directory containing the "Mars Pathfinder Rover Mission Operations Downlink Documents" RVDWNLNK.HTM - HyperText file containing the table of contents for the flight reports. RVDNLK*.HTM - HyperText files containing the flight reports. RVEXPMNT.HTM - HyperText file containing the table of contents for the experiment status reports. TABLAPXS.HTM - HyperText file containing the "APXS Experiment Status Report". TABLDNTM.HTM - HyperText file containing the downlink time table. TABLIMAG.HTM - HyperText file containing the "Rover Image Status Report". TABLMAEX.HTM - HyperText file containing the "Material Adherence Experiment Status Report". TABLSOIL.HTM - HyperText file containing the "Soil Experiment Status Report". TABLWAEX.HTM - HyperText file containing the "Wheel Abrasion Experiment Status Report". TABLWKUP.HTM - HyperText file containing the Rover wakeup songs. IMAGES/ - Directory containing images and icons used in many of the HTML documents contained in the ROVERDOC directory tree. DIVIDER.GIF - GIF formatted icons used in numerous ROVERDOC files. ROVER.GIF - GIF formatted image used in ROVERDOC files. ROVERDOC.LBL - PDS label describing the files in the IMAGES directory. SIM_SBOX.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in ROVERDOC files. SWDESIGN/ - Directory containing the "Mars Pathfinder Rover Vehicle Software Design Document" APXSPOW1.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. ROVER24.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. SW_DES.HTM - HyperText file containing the software design doc. SW_DES.LBL - PDS label describing the files in the SWDESIGN directory. SWDFIG1.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. SWDFIG2.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. SWDFIG3.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. SWDFIG4.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. SWDSTEER.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. WHEELPOS.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the software design doc. TLMDICT/ - Directory containing the "Mars Pathfinder Rover Telemetry Dictionary" TLMDESC.HTM - HyperText file containing the bulk of the telemetry dict. TLMDICT.HTM - HyperText file containing the table of contents and introduction for the telemetry dictionary. TLMDICT.LBL - PDS label describing the files in the TLMDICT directory. UPLKDOCS/ - Directory containing Rover operations documents. FLTRULES/ - Directory containing "Mars Pathfinder Rover Flight Rules". FLTRULE2.HTM - HyperText file containing flight rules. FLTRULES.HTM - HyperText file containing table of contents and flight rules. FLTRULES.LBL - PDS label describing files in FLTRULES directory. PRJRULES.HTM - HyperText files containing project flight rules. MACROS/ - Directory containing "Rover Sequence Macro Definitions". MACRO2.HTM - HyperText file containing sequence macros. MACROS.HTM - HyperText file containing sequence macros. MACROS.LBL - PDS label describing files in MACROS directory. OVERVIEW/ - Directory containing "MFEX Rover System and Operations Overview" CIMG.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. FUR2.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. GTW*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in MFEX overview. OPSPLAN.GIF - GIF formatted image used in MFEX overview. OPSVGS.HTM - HyperText file containing MFEX overview. OPSVGS.LBL - PDS label describing files in OVERVIEW directory. RCW_MAIN.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RCWMAIN2.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RPRPG*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in MFEX overview. RVRCOMM.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVREXP.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVRLMRE.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVRMOB.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVRNAV.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVRPWR.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. RVRTHERM.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in MFEX overview. UPLKLOGS/ - Directory containing "Mission Operations Uplink Reports". UPLINK.HTM - HyperText file containing table of contents for uplink reports. UPLINK.LBL - PDS label describing UPLINK.HTM. FLIGHT/ - Directory containing uplink reports. CRUISE2/ - Directory containing cruise uplink reports. SOL*/ - Directories containing surface ops uplink reports. *ASN.HTM - HyperText file containing final scenario. *BSN.HTM - HyperText file containing final scenario. *LOG.HTM - HyperText file containing experiment operations team request logs. *LRP.HTM - HyperText file containing long range rover plan. *PCN.HTM - HyperText file containing preliminary scenario. *PIO.HTM - HyperText file containing press release. *PSN.HTM - HyperText file containing preliminary scenario. *SCN.HTM - HyperText file containing rover scenario. *UP.HTM - HyperText file containing sequence planning report. P*.PEF - Standard ASCII text file containing predicted events file. RD*.AT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary by APID - full sequence. RD*.CT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary by command description - full sequence. RD*.HTM - HyperText file containing telemetry summary by command. RD*.NAT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary by APID - nominal sequence. RD*.NCT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary by command description - nominal sequence. RD*.NPT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary for PLAN-IT - nominal sequence. RD*.NRT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary, RAIF comment - nominal sequence. RD*.PT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary for PLAN-IT - full sequence. RD*.RT - Standard ASCII text file containing rover telemetry summary, RAIF comment - full sequence. SOL*.LBL - PDS label describing files in FLIGHT subdirectories. TRAV*.GIF - GIF formatted rover traverse maps used in uplink reports. IMAGES/ - Directory containing images used in uplink reports. DIVIDER.GIF - GIF formatted image used in uplink reports. ON_MARS.GIF - GIF formatted image used in uplink reports. RCW2.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in uplink reports. UPLINK.LBL - PDS label for images in IMAGES directory. The following files are found in the DOCUMENT/IMAGES directory: APXDDRDS.GIF - GIF formatted image used in the APXS DDR dataset desc. APXDDRDS.JPG - JPEG formatted image used in the APXS DDR dataset desc. APXDDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing the APXSDDRDS images. APXSINS.LBL - PDS label describing the APXSINS* images. APXSINS*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the APXS instrument desc. APXSINS*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the APXS instrument desc. APXSSIS.LBL - PDS label describing the APXSSIS images. APXSSIS*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the APXS EDR SIS. INSTHST.LBL - PDS label describing the INSTHST images. INSTHST*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the instrument host description. INSTHST*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the instrument host description. MISSION.LBL - PDS label describing the MISSION images. MISSION*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the mission description. MISSION*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the mission description. MISSION*.TIF - TIFF formatted images used in the mission description. RCINST.LBL - PDS label describing the RCINST0* images. RCINST0*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the Rover Camera inst. desc. RCINST0*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the Rover Camera inst. desc. RVCEDRDS.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the Rover EDR dataset desc. RVCEDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing RVCEDRDS.GIF. RVCM.LBL - PDS label describing the RVCM_* images. RVCM_*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the paper "Least-Squares Camera Calibration Including Lens Distortion and Automatic Editing of Calibration Points" RVCMDRDS.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the Rover MIDR dataset desc. RVCMDRDS.LBL - PDS label describing RVCMDRDS.GIF. RVRSIS.LBL - PDS label describing the RVRSIS images. RVRSIS*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the Rover EDR SIS.