PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1995-07-20 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume VOMR_0001 Viking Orbiters and Mariner 9 Mars Cloud Catalog AAREADME.TXT 20 July 1995 S.W. Lee Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado ================================================================= INTRODUCTION ================================================================= This compact disc contains archival data containing a catalog of clouds observed in Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter images. Data contained here were obtained between 1972 and 1973 for Mariner 9 and 1976 and 1980 for Viking. ================================================================= VOLUME INFORMATION ================================================================= This disc contains a cloud catalog derived from Viking Orbiter and Mariner 9 imaging observations. The cloud catalog contains descriptions of clouds and the Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter images in which the clouds were observed. Cloud occurrences were compiled by examining images for specific cloud morphologies, examining the same area at different times, utilizing limb images, and consulting photomosaics to determine the spatial relations of cloud obscurations. Data are grouped into two files, with one data file containing the cloud catalog derived from Mariner 9 images and the other data file containing the cloud catalog derived from Viking Orbiter images (ordered with Viking Orbiter 1 data first followed by Viking Orbiter 2 data). This volume follows the structure outlined below: root | |- AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading. | |- ERRATA.TXT Description of known anomalies and | errors present on this volume. | |- VOLDESC.CAT A description of the contents of this | CD_ROM volume in a format readable by | both humans and computers. | |- [CATALOG] A directory containing information | | about the data set. | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | |- MR9MISS.CAT Description of the Mariner 9 mission. | | | |- VOMISS.CAT Description of the Viking Orbiter | | missions. | | | |- MR9HOST.CAT Description of the Mariner 9 | | spacecraft. | | | |- VO1HOST.CAT Description of the Viking Orbiter 1 | |- VO2HOST.CAT and 2 spacecraft. | | | |- MR9INST.CAT Description of the MR9 ISS instrument. | | | |- VO1AINST.CAT Description of the VO1 ISS instruments | |- VO1BINST.CAT (Cameras A and B). | | | |- VO2AINST.CAT Description of the VO2 ISS instruments | |- VO2BINST.CAT (Cameras A and B). | | | |- DATASET.CAT Description of the data set and | | a list of pertinent references. | | | |- PERS.CAT A listing of the people involved in the | | production of this data set and CD-ROM. | | | |- REF.CAT A list of pertinent references. | |- [DATA] A directory containing the data files | and PDS labels describing the contents | of those files. | |- MR9_CLDS.DAT The Mariner 9 cloud catalog data file. | |- MR9_CLDS.LBL The PDS label describing MR9_CLDS.DAT. | |- VO_CLDS.DAT The Viking Orbiter cloud catalog data | file. | |- VO_CLDS.LBL The PDS label describing VO_CLDS.DAT. ================================================================= DISC FORMAT ================================================================= This disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems (e.g. IBM PC, Macintosh, Sun, VAX) may access the data. Specifically, the disk is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard Document: RF# ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988. ================================================================= FILE FORMAT ================================================================= All data files on this disc are accompanied by detached PDS labels, which describe their contents. PDS TEXT objects include attached labels. All PDS labels include an SFDU label in the first record. Labels have the same file name as the primary data file but have a suffix ".LBL" appended. The data files were extracted from the Planetary Atmospheres Node Data Analysis System (PANDA) at the University of Colorado. Each file is ASCII, with the number of records and record structure documented in the associated PDS labels. ================================================================= ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ================================================================= This archiving project was initiated by Steve Lee of the Planetary Data System (PDS) Atmospheres (ATM) Discipline Node (DN) at the University of Colorado. Assistance in preparing the data set and associated documentation was provided by Sally Lasater and Andrew Weir at the University of Colorado. The archival products which result from this activity will be delivered to the PDS ATM DN. Assistance in developing the structure of this volume and format of the catalog files was provided principally by Ron Joyner of PDS at JPL. ================================================================= DISCLAIMER ================================================================= Although considerable care has gone into making this volume set, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the persons listed below. ================================================================= WHOM TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION ================================================================= For questions concerning this volume or the data sets and documentation contained herein, contact: Steven W. Lee Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Campus Box 392 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0392 Phone: 303-492-5348 Email: lee@syrtis.colorado.edu For questions concerning how to read this CD_ROM or about PDS standards, contact: Jason Hyon MS 525-389 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 Phone: 818-306-6054 Email: jhyon@jplpds.jpl.nasa.gov