PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001-09-11 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT File for Volumes NIEROS_4001 and NIEROS_4002 containing the following products: Volume NIEROS_4001: Dataset NEAR-A-MSI-5-EROS-SHAPE-MODELS-V1.0 Browse product NEAR-MSI-BROWSE-HANDLAID-V1.0 Browse product NEAR-MSI-BROWSE-SEQUENCE-V1.0 Volume NIEROS_4002: Dataset NEAR-A-MSI-5-DIM-EROS/ORBIT-V1.0 Browse product NEAR-MSI-BROWSE-DIM-V1.0 " END_OBJECT = TEXT END NEAR Mission Multi-Spectral Imager Eros Shape Model and Digital Image Map (DIM) Data Sets ======================================================================== Introduction ============ This document provides an overview of these volumes of Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shape Model Data Set, the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) Browse product, and the NEAR MSI Digital Image Map (DIM) Data set and DIM Browse product, including a summary of the volumes' contents. The shape model products are explained in the shape model catalog and label files, EROSSMDS.CAT, EROS_2001012_NNNNNN.LBL and EROSRGST_2001012.LBL in DATA/ on Volume NIEROS_4001. The DIM products are explained in the DIM catalog files DIMDS.CAT and DSMAP.CAT and in the labels on the image files in BASEMAPS/ on Volume NIEROS_4002. The details and use of the browse products are explained in detail in the browse information files, BROWSE/BROWINFO.TXT. The NEAR Science Data Center (SDC) archives NEAR science data to the Small Bodies Node (SBN) of the Planetary Data System (PDS). Although NEAR data sets typically contain data from only one instrument and one mission phase, the Browse Products may cover multiple mission phases. Mission phases for data sets are defined in the table below. The data sets may span multiple volumes. The GEOMETRY data containing the SPICE ephemerides, attitude and other files are delivered in a separate data set covering the same phase. The data sets and browse product in these volumes are a part of the NEAR level 3 data set delivery. Volume Format ============= These volumes has been formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 2 Interchange Standard. These volumes do not contain any Extended Attribute Records (XAR). Thus, some VAX/VMS users may have problems accessing files on these volumes. File Formats ============ The shape model files are in two formats: plate model format and Peter Thomas 'RGST' format, in the DATA/ directory. The interpretation of the format is described in the PDS label files which are also in the DATA/ directory, as well as in the shape model data set catalog file, CATALOG/EROSSMDS.CAT. Index files for the shape model data set are SMDSINDX.LBL and SMDSINDX.TAB in the INDEX/ directory. The shape model files are on Volume NIEROS_4001. Each DIM file is a single, PDS image format with an attached PDS label in the BASEMAPS/ directory. The interpretation of the format is described in the attached PDS labels, as well as in the catalog files CATALOG/DIMDS.CAT and DSMAP.CAT. Index files for the shape model data set are DIMINDX.LBL and DIMINDX.TAB in the INDEX/ directory. The DIM files are on Volume NIEROS_4001. Although the basemaps conform to the PDS standard, there are currently (August, 2001) no PDS-provided tools that can easily display the basemaps. The NASAview program should be able to display the basemaps by the time this data is archived. It is suggested that the user use the PDS label and a data analysis tool such as IDL, AVS, Matlab or Khoros to read, display and interpret these images. The index files are formatted in such a way that that they may be read directly into many database management systems. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are inclosed in double quotes ("). The browse data files are presented in multiple formats, suitable for browsing using a contemporary World Wide Web browser. The top level HTML file for each browse product has a detached PDS label, and a summary of each browse product is in BROWINFO.TXT in the BROWSE/ directories. All of the browse PDS label files and the files in the INDEX and DOCUMENT directories are formatted according to PDS standards. Volume Contents =============== Files on these volumes are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure of these directories. See the *INFO.TXT files in each directory in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory. Volume directory structure: |-AAREADME.TXT The text version of the AAREADME file. | |-BASEMAPS- The DIM Global Basemaps - Volume NIEROS_4002 | |-BROWSE---| The browse products | |-HANDLAID- - Volume NIEROS_4001 | |-SEQUENCE- - Volume NIEROS_4001 | |-BASEMAPS- - Volume NIEROS_4002 | |-CATALOG-- | |-DATA----- The shape model products - Volume NIEROS_4001 | |-DOCUMENT- | |-ERRATA.TXT Text information describing data errors/anomalies. | |-GEOMETRY- | |-INDEX---- | |-VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of these volumes. Directory Name Description -------------- ------------- BASEMAPS The Digital Image Map (DIM) files (Volume NIEROS_4002 only). BROWSE BROWINFO.TXT, a guide to the Browse Facilities under this directory. CATALOG Templates for the mission, instrument host, instrument, and data set. DATA This directory will contain the shape model files, .TAB and their corresponding PDS label files, .LBL; the label files' documentation is the sole source for interpreting model files (Volume NIEROS_4001 only). DOCUMENT See DOCINFO.TXT; documentation of the instrument in ASCII text, PostScript, and PDF format. Documentation of the NEAR mission including an overview in ASCII text, PostScript, MS/Word, and PDF format. Articles from the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest for the NEAR mission in PDF format. GEOMETRY This directory contains only a GEOMINFO.TXT file. A separate GEOMETRY volume contains all of the SPICE kernels in text transfer format for the mission phase and the supporting documentation (Volume NIEROS_4001 only). INDEX INDEX TABLES for each volume describing key data file parameter values for the data sets on each volume. ------------------------------------------------------- Whom to Contact for Information =============================== NEAR Science Data Center: Douglas B. Holland The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Email: Douglas.Holland@jhuapl.edu Howard W. Taylor The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Email: Howard.Taylor@jhuapl.edu