PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2001-07-12 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT File for Volumes NNEROS_2001 and NNEROS_2002 containing the following products: Volume NNEROS_2001 Dataset NEAR-A-NIS-5-EDR-EROS/ORBIT-V1.0 Calibration documentation and files Browse facility NEAR-NIS-BROWSE-V1.0 (Partial) Browse facility NEAR-NIS-SAMPLE-BROWSE-V1.0 Volume NNEROS_2002 Calibration documentation Browse facility NEAR-NIS-BROWSE-V1.0 (Full) " END_OBJECT = TEXT END NEAR Mission NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROMETER Calibrated Data Set ======================================================================== Introduction ============ These volumes of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) contain calibrated data from the NEAR Near Infrared Spectrograph, as well as the documentation, procedures and data files required to replicate that calibration. This document provides an overview of these volumes of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) NIS Calibrated Data Set, including a summary of the volumes' contents. The NEAR Science Data Center (SDC) archives NEAR calibrated science data to the Small Bodies Node (SBN) of the Planetary Data System (PDS). This data set is a part of the NEAR level 2 data set delivery. Volume Format ============= These volumes have been formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 2 Interchange Standard. These volumes do not contain any Extended Attribute Records (XAR). Thus, some VAX/VMS users may have problems accessing files on these volumes. File Formats ============ The data files are presented in both the PDS and FITS form. All document files and most labels contain an 80-byte fixed length record, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and line feed (ASCII 10) as the 79th and 80th byte respectively. This allows the files to be read by MS-DOS/Windows, Unix, and VMS operating systems. All the tabular files in the INDEX and DOCUMENT directory are formatted according to PDS standards. It should be noted that the index tables are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are inclosed in double quotes ("). The calibration files are ASCII tables with detached PDS labels. Volume Contents =============== Files on these volumes are organized into sets of subdirectories below the top-level directories. The following table shows the structure of these directories. See the *INFO.TXT files in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory. Volume directory structure (Volumes NNEROS_2001 and NNEROS_2002): |-AAREADME.TXT The text version of the AAREADME file. | |-BROWSE--- | |-CALIB---- ***N.B. Not present on Volume NNEROS_2002 | |-CATALOG-- | |-DATA----- | |-DOCUMENT-|-NISCALSW--- | |-NISCALTB--- | |-ERRATA.TXT Text information describing data errors/anomalies. | |-GEOMETRY- ***N.B. Not present on Volume NNEROS_2002 | |-INDEX---- | |-VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of these volumes. Directory Name Description ----------------------------- BROWSE NIS Level 3 Browse product (partial on Volume NNEROS_2001, full on NNEROS_2002; see BROWSE/BROWINFO.TXT). CALIB NIS calibration file as tables with PDS labels (Volume NNEROS_2001 only). CATALOG Templates for the mission, instrument host, instrument, and data set. See CATINFO.TXT. DATA NIS database as a FITS file NIXDB.FIT with a PDS detached label. Parameter definitions are in the PDS label file. (Data is on Volume NNEROS_2001 only). DOCUMENT Documentation of the instrument in ASCII text, MS/Word and PDF format, documentation of the NEAR mission including an overview in ASCII text and PDF format, articles from the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest for the NEAR mission in PDF format. Documentation describing the instrument and the calibration of instrument data. GEOMETRY This directory contains only a GEOMINFO.TXT file. A separate GEOMETRY volume contains all of the SPICE kernels in text transfer format for the mission phase and the supporting documentation (Volume NNEROS_2001 only). INDEX INDEX TABLES for this CD and the volume set describing times and key data file parameter values. See INDXINFO.TXT. (Usable index information is on Volume NNEROS_2001 only). Mission Phase Parameters (Planned Values; Feb. 2000) ------------------------------------------------------- 1) Phase Name 2) Segment (Phase Abbreviation) 3) Start Year, DayOf Year 4) End Year, DayOf Year, 5) Length(days) ------------------------------------------------------- CRUISE1 CRU1 1996051 1997175 491 MATHILDE MATH 1997176 1997178 3 CRUISE2 CRU2 1997179 1998022 209 EARTH ERTH 1998023 1998026 4 CRUISE3 CRU3 1998027 1998356 330 EROS/FLY/BY ERFB 1998357 1998357 1 CRUISE4 CRU4 1998358 2000010 383 EROS/ORBIT EROS 2000011 2001043 399 EROS/SURFACE ERSF 2001044 2001059 16 ------------------------------------------------------- Whom to Contact for Information =============================== NEAR Science Data Center: Douglas B. Holland The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Email: Douglas.Holland@jhuapl.edu Howard W. Taylor The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Email: Howard.Taylor@jhuapl.edu NISCAL: Noam Izenberg The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Email: Noam.Izenberg@jhuapl.edu NEAR NIS Team: James F. Bell Cornell University 402 Space Sciences Building Ithaca, NY 14853-6801 Email: jfb8@cornell.edu