PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1996-05-08 NOTE = " This file describes the content of the DOCUMENT directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END ***** File DOCINFO.TXT ACRONYM.ASC List of acronyms and PDS terms used in archive /GALILEO/SLNIMSGD/GDINFO.TXT information about guide book update NIMSGD.LBL PDS label describing the guide book NIMSGDn.PS postscript file in n (= 0-6) sections /GALILEO/BADDATA.ASC description of the format and content of the bad data value header of the SSI REDR and EDR images NIMSREFL.ASC description file for NIMS reflectance data (Carlson) SSIREDR.ASC aareadme from GO_0016 volume for REDR data SSISL9.ASC aareadme.sl9 from GO_0016 volume UVSRDRS.ASC description of the UVS reduced data records VICAR2.ASC description of the organization and content of the SSI flight label for REDR and EDR images /IUE/IUECAL/IUECAL.ASC List of sensitiviy calibration for archive LWPL*.FIT Calibration files used for the LWP data SWPL*.FIT Calibration files used for the SWP data. /IUE/FIGURENN.TIF figure N (= 1-20) from IUE Image Proc Manual IUE.ASC Description of IUE data on this CD-ROM IUE_DOC.TEX Description of IUE data (LaTeX format) LMACRO LaTex macro needed for IUE_DOC.TEX IUEPOINT.TAB table containing IUE pointing information /VOYAGER2/FIGUREN.PS figure 1-5 in postscript POSTER.PS Poster Paper in POSTSCRIPT format POSTER.TEX Poster Paper in TEX format - Text PSFIG.TEX postscript figure definitions /OAO/OASIS.ASC text file describing the OASIS measurements